Frank Coutinho's UQ Wrestling Results
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Posted on 03/17/2022


Posts: 8094
Joined: 03/07/2019
Satriales Pork Store and W. Hudson Auto prsents;
Ring of Honor Wrestling (2012-14)
Pershing Arena – Jersey City, NJ Att: 2,460
Commentators; Bobby Cruise and Kevin Kelly
Referees; Brian Gorie & Tommy Dreamer
Ring; Princess Mia Yim
1. NJPW-ECWA Ryan Eagles with Madison Eagles; Screaming Eagle (450° Splash) Pin over Bulldozer Matt Tremont. Tremont never known for many legit moves, had a Hidden Foreign Object that he tried to use to smash Ryan but Madison countered the move with a stream from a Hairpray Can. Ryan followed with a Double Underhook DDT and then the flying finisher. 4:41
2. NJPW-ECWA Northern Bandits (Sylvain Grenier and Ty Dillinger) beat The Chiefs (Shane and Shannon Ballard). Dillinger; Frog Splash Pin over Shannon. The Chiefs, who see themselves as a wrestling version of the Slap Shot Hanson’s, were able to use their doubleteaming, called Double Minor, a few times but it was too little against the talented Grenier and Dillinger. Grenier caught Shane with 3 Seconds of Fame (Suplex DDT) to the OOR floor while Dillinger used a Death Valley Driver to set Shannon up for the Pin. Dillinger wrestled as Shaun Spears before entering NJPW. 7:39
3. Shimmer Match – Kellie Skater and Cherry Bomb; Double Count-Out. During OOR Action Skater slammed Bomb onto the Press Table. Cherry used B.S.E. (Best Superkick Ever) that Kellie was able to somewhat shake off. Kellie then used an International Incident (Reverse DDT) to stop Cherry in her tracks. With Cherry out cold Kellie stared back to the ring. She was interrupted by Lucy Lufisto who hit Kellie with a Vicious Forearm. Skater collapsed to the floor. (The bad feelings seem to stem from a match of Curling that was between Canada and Australia. Kellie from Australia naturally took the Austrailian side and Cherry took the Canadian side. Lucy Lufisto bleeds maple leafs so she just couldn’t stay out of the dispute. A large fine from Nigel McGuiness may make her think twice. 7:04
4. Josh Daniels; Northern Lights Suplex Pin over Timmy Danger with Eddie Diamond. During an interview in Cannoli Corner Danger and Diamond attacked with chairs. This was a serious attack that cost Josh several hundred points from his total. Taking advantage of Referee Tommy Dreamer being distracted Eddie was able to use a few Wicked Kicks to the Groin to further injure Josh. Timmy had a Foreign Object that he drooped while hotdogging. Daniels picked it up and pretended that he was going to throw it into the crowd. Timmy turned and gave Eddie a “what a sucker” look but was hit with a loaded fist by the clever Daniels who stuffed the piece of lead in his fist. Daniels followed with a Vortex Plunge that set up the pin. 4:26
5. The Fordham Road Outlaws (Homicide and Eddie Kingston) with Prince Nana beat the Brutal Burgers (Brutal Bob Evans and Cheeseburger). Homicide; Top Rope 187 Pin over Cheeseburger. Brutal Bob was able to control the match when he was in the ring and after a Falling Knee Crunch on Homicide Evans looked to have the match won. A Flying Clothesline by Eddie Kingston sent Bob tumbling from the ring. Without tagging Cheeseburger ran in the ring but was greeted with a Royal Flush DDT. Homicide finished the match with his high flyer. 10:16
6. Delirious; Bizzaro Driver Pin over Rudy Switchblade. Rudy was able to hook in the Boston Crab but Delirious was able to reach the ropes before having to submit. Delirious hit Rudy with a Torpedo Clothesline and then the Bizzaro Driver. 4:52
7. God’s Gift Q.T. Marshall with Barrister R.D. Evans; God’s Gift Driver Pin over Matt Hardy with Steve Corino. S.C.U.M. interrupted an interview that Marshall was doing for TV. For some reason Jimmy Jacobs and Steve Corino have a beef with Marshall and the Barrister. Hardy the latecomer got sucked into the feud. As Hardy was heading toward he ring Dave Taylor hit him with a Chair. Taylor came out to help his ex-manager. A Brawl erupted yet somehow the match was able to start. Referee Brian Gorie had his eyes on the OOR more than on the combatants. Hardy was able to use a Whitelight (Underhook) to gain a near Pin. The Barrister slipped Marshall a Sharp Object and Hardy got cut. God Gift used a Headrammer and then his finisher. S.C.U.M. = Suffering, Chaos, Ugliness, and Mayhem. 13:12
8. Ring of Honor Title – Mark Briscoe (Champion) and Tommaso Ciampa (Challenger) with Prince Nana; Double Count-Out. During OOR Action the wresters traded Smashes to the Steel Steps and the Guard Rail. Sheik Abdul Bashir and Sonjay Dutt ran out to help Ciampa. Jay Briscoe and Adam Page ran out to help Mark. A huge Brawl broke out and both wrestlers missed the count. Mark Briscoe retains the Ring of Honor Title. 11:13 |
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Posted on 03/17/2022


Posts: 8094
Joined: 03/07/2019
Arnold’s Drive-In and Cunningham Hardware presents;
Ring of Honor Wrestling (2012-14)
Turner hall Ballroom – Milwaukee, WI Att: 1,904
Commentators; Bobby Cruise & Vic Travagliante
Referees; Gino Colucci & Mike Sanders Ring; Maria Kanalis
"No Nonsense" Mike Sanders can also be seen at Comedy Clubs
1. NJPW-ECWA Chris Angel; Ropewalk Loaded Fist DDT Pin over The D-Line Bodysnatcher. Angel used the Hidden Object to wear The Bodysnatcher down yet the bodysmatcher was able to catch Chris with a Running Clothesline the vaulted Angel over the ropes. Barely able to beat the 20 count, Chris a Lanza angelical (Spear) that took the breath out of The Bodysnatcher. Angel used the Rope walk with a loaded Fist that KO’d The Bodysnatcher. 4:34
2. NJPW-ECWA Sha Samuels won by DQ over Asylum with Martin Stanley Fuqua. Samuels was able to get the upper hand and used a Lariat and then an Exploder Suplex that would have pinned Asylum. Fuqua and matt Burns, who had come to ringside to help his Flatliner partner, rushed into the ring. Burns had a Lead Pipe and Fuqua had his Snake Teeth Claw called Moch Fangs. Burns pushed Referee Mike Sanders who countered immediately with a smash to the chops. Burns went down to the canvas. Mike Sanders Called the match and Martin Stanley Fuqua protested as usual. 5:12
3. Madison Rayne; Push-Up Facebuster Pin over Velvet Sky. Velvet missed with a spiked DDT and was thrown into the corner. As she tried to shake off the dizziness, Madison wasted no time in using a Jump Kick to the Back of the Head. The finisher followed. 7:48
4. Lo-Ki; Ki-Crusher (Top Rope Driver) Pin over Rocco Bellagio. Rocco used a Bada Bing Brainbuster but wasted time in using a flying Kneedrop. Lo-Ki moved and Rocco smashed to the canvas. Lo-Ki was able to set Rocco up for a Warrior’s Wrath (Foot Stomp to Tree of Woe Hung Opponent). Lo-Ki used his Driver for the finish. 4:16
5. Brian Kendrick; Cobra Clutch Scissors Submission over H.C. Lock. Lock was able to show a few good moves; Flying Dropkick and then a REF (Really Effective Facebuster) but then met with disaster as paul London who was bound to wander to ringside smashed a fist to Lock’s chops while Referee Gino Colucci was distracted. Kendrick used a Backflip Dropkick and then hooked in the submission. 5:45
6. Rhett Titus; Frog Splash Pin over Jay Bradley. Bradlet used a Hidden Foreign Object from time to time to pummel Rhett but was aware the Referee Mike Sanders was looking for just such an item. Jay used Lariat that he calls Broomstick but in the process dropped the Foreign Object to the canvas. As he went to retrieve it, Rhett used a Headsmasher then a Crucifix Power Bomb. Titus finished with the Frog Splash. It is amazing that Titus at 235 lbs uses such a Flying Move as a finisher. 6:57
7. ReDRagon (Kyle O’Reilly and Bobby Fish) beat C & C Wrestling Factory (Cedric Alexander and Caprice Coleman). O’Reilly pinned Alexander. Cedric used That’s It (Top Rope Flying Forearm) to down O’Reilly that would have gotten a Pin. Alexander hooked in an Inside Cradle. Fish was trying to reach O’Reilly to break up the pin so Coleman was going to help Alexander. Referee Gino Colucci held Coleman back from entering and Fish took advantage. He entered the ring and turned the wrestlers over. Referee Colucci turned around to see O’Reilly on top of Alexander and counted the pin. 14:34
8. Adam Cole; Corona DDT Pin over Rhino with Truth Martini & The Necro Butcher. The Butcher can’t help but get involved. He waited to the wrestlers were near the corner and Mike sanders was distracted to Spray Black Flag at Adam. The spray hit Rhino who was temporarily blinded. Martini followed the spray with a Loaded book of Truth Smash. Rhino took the clubbing. Adam followed with a corona DDT onto a steel Chair that the Butcher slid into the ring. Referee sanders saw the folded chair on the canvas but went ring on with the counting. Truth was screaming; “Foul” while pointing to the chair. Sanders yelled back; “You don’t get away with it on my watch.” 12:36 |
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Posted on 03/18/2022


Posts: 8094
Joined: 03/07/2019
Roper’s Ribs and Drury Plaza presents;
WWE Wrestling (2012-14)
Scott Trade Center – St. Louis, MO Att; 13,156
Commentators; Jerry “King” Lawler and Dusty Rhodes
Referees; Chad Patton & Scott Armstrong Ring Lilian Garcia
1. NXT Match - Judas Devlin with Rick Viktor and Solomon Crowe; The Betrayal (Smash with Bag of Coins) Pin over Angelo Dawkins. Dawkins was able to use a running Power Slam to get close to a pin but Devlin was helped by Solomon while Viktor distracted Referee Chad Patton. The match went south for Dawkins from there. Viktor was able to throw a cup of Hot Coffee into Angelo’s face then another distraction gave Crowe the chance to help Judas used a Crucifix Drop to set up a Smash with the Bag of Coins. 4:54
2. Fandango with Summer Rae; Swinging Reverse (STO) Pin over Baron Corbon. Fandango and Summer danced to the ring in their best Arthur Murray impression. ChaChaLaLa is Fandango’s dance music. Corbon wasted no time in attacking The Ballroom Brawler then continued in his best fashion by Raking the Eyes and using an Eye Clever. Summer was able to reach in and trip Baron and change the direction of the match. Fandango used a Diving Leg Drop and then his finisher but the dance expert could only walk from the ring. His energy for dancing was left in the ring. 3:52
3. Erick Rowan with Bray Wyatt and Luke Harper ; Greetings from the North (Chokeslam) Pin over Leo Kruger. Bray spoke to the fans; “I don’t like this town. No one is friendly to me. Back in Snake Bight, Florida where I live everyone is friendly. He then started singing….I have the whole world in my hands……” Leo was able to gain a slight edge and used a Hangman’s Facebuster before Luke found an opening to plant an Elbow to Leo’s chops. Erick followed with a Chest hammer and then the finish. 4:45
4. Eve (Torres); Evesault (Moonsault) Pin over Audrey Marie. Audrey used a Photo Finish Facebuster to set up a pin but was countered when Eve pulled out a small hidden perfume bottle and sprayed Audrey in the eyes. Eve followed with a Neckbreaker and then the high flyer. 5:15
5. Randy Orton; RKO (Top Rope cutter) Pin over Darren Young. Darren was able to use a Gut Check (Gutbuster) and a Heat Wave (Flap-Jack) for a close pin. The clever Orton was able to avoid the 3 count. During OOR Action Randy was able to perform a Skull Smasher to the Steel Steps that took its toll on Darren. Back in the ring Orton used a O-Zone (Swinging Neckbreaker) then the light’s out finisher. 8:36
6. Internation Air Strike (Tyson Kidd and Justin Gabriel) beat Real Americans (Jack Swagger and Antonio Cesaro) with Zeb Coulter. Garbriel; 450° Splash over Cesaro. Swagger was doing well until Zeb tried to help and it was an overkill. Coulter tried to hit Garbriel with a Beer Bottle. He smashed Swagger by mistake. Cesaro jumped in the rng then Zeb slipped a Folded Steel Chair on the canvas. Jason Kidd used a DDT onto the Steel Chair and Tyson leaped for the pin. This was quick and the Real Americans and Zeb Coulter were left dumbfounded. 11:39
7. Brock Lesner with Paul Hayman and Ezekiel Jackson; Double Count-Out. The two strong wrestlers eventually took the match OOR when Jackson gained an advantage. He picked Lesner up a Slammed him through the Press Table. Unfortunately for Jackson, Axel Curtis came down to ringside help Lesner and Hayman. When Ezekiel turned around he was greeted with a Cement DDT by Axel. Neither wrestler could make the count. 9:14
8. Intercontinental Title – Big E Langston (Champion) and cody Rhodes (challenger); Double Count-Out. The OOR Action went up the ramp and to the stage front. It was obvious that neither wrestler would make the count although Cody got the best of the brawl. Eventually Cody was able to lock in for a silver Spoon DDT that put Big E out. The count had long passed the 10 count. Big E Langston retains the Intercontinental Title. 10:43 |
GV |
Posted on 03/18/2022


Posts: 8094
Joined: 03/07/2019
Schoop’s Hamburgers & Raintree Ale presents;
WWE Wrestling (2012-14) – Monday Night Raw
Civic Center – Hammond, IN Att: 9,874
Commentators; John Bradshaw Layfield & Jerry Lawler
Referees; John Cone and Bill Alphonso Ring; A.J. Lee
1. Alexander Rusev with Sylvester Lefort; Bulgarian Bash (Running Body Smash) Pin over Dante Dash. Dash was systematically working the match finally using an Elbow Drop that slammed Rusev in the chin. The match seemed over but Lefort, The French Stallion from Nice, tripped Dante and followed with a glass of wine to Dash’s face (it was Chateau Barreyres 05’). Rusev took advantage and hit Dante with a Vicious Shoulder Breaker and then finisher as Dash was getting to his feet. 5:35
2. Ryback and Bull Dempsey with Brawn Stowman; Double DQ. Referee Bill Alphonso called the match after Stowman enetered the ring. A 2 x 4 was on the canvas. Stowman had a Chair and so did Ryback. Bull Dempsey had Brass Nucks. Bull and Brawn were clearly the rulebreakers in the match but Alphonso deemed the math Out of Hand when Ryback grabbed a chair. Ryback was livid as he yelled at Alphonso; Are you blind you skinny runt?” 2:52
3. Adrian Neville and Cory Graves beat Devil’s Disciples (Rick Viktor and Solomon Crowe). Adrian Neville; Corkscrew 450° Splash Pin over Rick Viktor. The Disciples worked well together using a mixtures of legitimate moves and sneaky chokes and eye rakes. When Solomon tried to use a Chair for a smash to Graves skull the match tuke an unexpected turn. Graves got the chair from Solomon and reversed the move. Viktor too a smash that KO’d him. Neville climbed the ropes and finished the match. 7:48
4. Luke Harper with Bray Wyatt and Erick Rowan; Truck Stop (Spinning Sideout Slam) Pin over JTG (Jason A. Paul). JTG used Da Shout DDT to lay Harper on the canvas. JTG climbed the ropes for a Flying Head Smash. Erick Rowan ran over and pushed JTG off the Top Rope. JTG crashed to the canvas. Harper, who recovered, followed with a Diving Knee Smash. Then Luke used his slam finisher. 5:40
5. Women’s Title – Rosa Mendes with Primo; Hell makeover (Neckbreaker) Pin over Natalya. This was clearly Natalya’s match except for Primo. Natalya dominated from the opening bell and would have had the title after a Belly to Belly Suplex followed by a Sharp shooter. Primo saved Rosa when he threw a cup of soda into Natalya’s face. Primo then pulled Neidhart from the ring giving Rosa a chance to recover. As Natalya re-entered the ring she was hit with an Illegal Choke and then a Headcraker while she was gasping for air. Rosa finished with the Neckbreaker. Rosa Mendes retains the WWE Woman’s Title. 7:37
6. 3 MB (Drew McIntyre and Jinder Mahal) with Heath Slater won by Count-Out Team Co-Bro (Zach Ryder and Santino Marella). During OOR Action this was a 3 against 2 uneven brawl. Slater had a steel cannoli tray that he used to beat on Santino. George Vessichio, doing an interview in Cannoli Corner with Lilian Garcia, spoke to Jerry Lawler later; “I am going to charge for each tray that gets bent. This is becoming ridiculous.” Lilian; "You should also charge them for sales lost because you didn't have the tray. " $ signs were seen in George's eyes; "That's Great!!" Eventually Slater retrieved a Flood lamp and smashed it to Ryder’s back. Ryder the legal man was unable to make it to the ring. 12:23
7. Golddust; Curtain call (Lifting Falling DDT) Pin over Dolph Ziggler with Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn tried to help but Spraying Mace to Golddust but the spray can was taken by Golddust and used on Dolph. Golddust followed with a Shattered Dreama (Running Low Blow) and then the Curtain Call. The fans were on their feet cheering the controversial but very popular Golddust. 9:56
8. Big Show; Choke Slam Pin over Alberto Del Rio with Ricardo Rodriguez. Del Rio was able to used a Wicked Kick to the Groin and then a Super Kick to gain several near pins but the Big Show was able to kick out each time. Rodrigues kept trying he interfere; hit with microphone, etc. but it seemed to distract Alberto more than Show. Big Show caught Del Rio in a distraction and used a Spinning Neckbreaker. The Choke slam followed. 6:51 |
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Posted on 03/18/2022


Posts: 8094
Joined: 03/07/2019
Moerlein Lager House & WKRP Radio presents;
WWE Wrestling 2012-14
US Bank Arena – Cincinnati, OH Att: 15,668
Commentators; Matt Striker & Joey Styles
Guests; Less Nessman & Dr. Johnny Fever
Referees; Justin King & Scott Armstrong
Ring; Jennifer Marlowe
Dr. Johnny Fever on the microphone; “We are well aware at WKRP that the “Turkey’s Away” at Thanksgiving didn’t work well because someone didn’t realize that turkeys don’t fly. We are still finding traces of our mistake. To make up for the error we have a new promotion for the up & coming Father’s Day. WKRP will be releasing 50,000 chickens from helicopters hovering above the city this coming Saturday. As the chickens fly down you can freely catch them and bring them home. Good Luck”
1. Konnor and Jason Jordan; Double Count-Out. After the match went OOR the two wrestlers were more interested in showing their moves rather than getting back in the ring. Jordan used a Torpedo Launch that would normally put most opponents away but Konnor was able to shake it off. Konnor, trying to adjust without his former partner on Ascension, Kenneth Cameron who is wrestling in TNA as Bram, used a Kick to the Groin to stun Jason and then performed a Fall of Man (Flapjack Legdrop). Neither wrestler could make the bell. 3:56
2. John Morrison with Nikki Bella; Moonlight Drive (Corkscrew Neckbreaker) Pin over Drake Younger. Younger, unknown to the fans, showed some nice moves and a few rough moves to counter the sneaky Morrison. Younger’s Drake n’ Shake (Death Valley Driver) was impressive and put John down for what should have been a 3 count. Nikki distracted referee Scott Armstrong who missed the count. Drake was appealing to Armstrong when Morrison used a Flying Body smash and then the finisher to gain the tainted win. 4:11
3. The Great Khali with Hornswoggle; Vice Grip (Clawhold ) Submission over Titus O’Neil. During the pre-match Khali and Hornswoggle attacked. Khali used several Head Butts and Hornswoggle used his Shillelagh walking stick to seriously hurt Titus who was a t a huge disadvantage with the points lost. Titus fought back and after a Falling Face Wrecker he looked to finally be in control. Hornswoggle took the advantage away with another clubbing from the Shillelagh. Khali followed with a Punjab Plunge and then the Claw Hold submission that Referee Justin King, who seemed a bit lazy in this match, called to save the KO’s Titus. 6:36
4. Aksana; Billion $ Kick Pin over Paige. Paige used a Cradle DDT for a normal light’s out but Nikki Bella who was still around ringside was jawing with Referee Scott Armstrong. Scott missed the pin (again??). Paige was really angry and distracted. Aksana ran over and performed a Diva Dro and then as paige got to her feet she was hit with the Billion $ Kick. Paige was yelling at Nikki Bella demanding a “Settle the Score Match.” 6:42
5. Sin Cara; Hurricanranna Driver Pin over Curtis Axel with Paul Hayman. Curtis used several Blatant Chokes and Rope Burns to try and gain an advantage but Sin Cara’s speed countered the illegal moves. Ezekiel Jackson wandered to the ring, remembering the blindsided DDT he got during the Brock Lesner match. Paul Hayman was retreating when Ezekiel took a Trash Can and stuffed it over Hayman’s head. Jackson found a Baseball Bat and used it to hit the trash can. Ezekiel then got on the ring apron and smashed Curtis with his forearm. Sin Cara followed with a Tilt-A-Whirl DDT and then the finisher. 5:32
6. Primo and Epico with Rosa Mendes beat Trent Baretta and Yoshi Tatsu. During OOR Action Rosa smashed a bottle over Tatsu’s head. Trent was fighting with Primo and some of Rosa’s interferences; Microphone, bottle, etc. Epico threw the KO’s Yoshi into the 1st row of fans and retreated to the ring. Referee Scott Armstrong, who is having a bad day, counted Baretta out. Epico was in the ring but Primo was the legal man. 13:13
7. Edge with Vickie Guerrero and Christian; No Contest. During OOR Action both wrestlers decided that a hardcore match was in store. They threw chairs, a ladder, part of the steel steps and even the Gong Bell into the ring. David Otunga, part of Vickie’s stable came to help Edge so sin Cara came to help Christian. All four were in the ring when referee Justin King called the match threatening to fine all the wrestlers. 4:59 had elapsed
8. World Title – Antonio Cesaro (Champion) with Zeb Coulter and Jack Swagger and Rob Van Dam (Challenger); Double Count-Out. During OOR Action Zeb immediately got into the scuffle by choking out Rob with “Shoo Baby” the whip. Swagger and Cesaro pummeled Rob until Ezekiel Jackson, who has been busy, ran out and cleaned house throwing Cesaro and Swagger over the Guard Rail. Jackson got hold of Shoo Baby and chased Zeb. Neither wrestler could make the count. 12:23 |
GV |
Posted on 03/18/2022


Posts: 8094
Joined: 03/07/2019
Westchester Burger and Affinia Gardens presents;
WWE Wrestling (2012-14 – Westchester County Center
White Plains, NY Att: 10,556
Commentators; Michael Cole and Jerry “King” Lawler
Referees; Chad Patton & John Cone Ring; Lilian Garcia
1. Kassius Ohno and Enzo Amore; Double DQ. After OOR Action both wrestlers re-entered the ring with weapons; Chair, Trash Can, etc. Enzo even pulled out a Blackjack. Referee Chad Patton wasn’t about to try and determine who was originally at fault called the match a Double DQ. Amore, a notorious cheater, tried to argue that he was innocent and that the least should be a No Contest. Enzo on the microphone; “IO sono sempre essere ingannati.” (I am always being cheated.) 2:42
2. Knuckles Madson; Flying Legdrop Pin over Mojo Rawley. Mojo had a Hidden Foreign Object (taped piece of lead in his fist) that he used to wear Mojo down. Rawley was able to set up his 3 Point Stance finish but Knuckles was able to quickly counter by using a Folded Steel Chair to smash Mojo in the head. Knuckles followed with the Legdrop, one of the only legitimate moves he knows. 4:34
3. The British Infernos (Mason Ryan and Danny Burch) beat Bull & Braun (Bull Dempsey and Braun Stowman). Danny Burch; Tower of London (Rope Hung DDT) Pin over Braun Stowman. B & B gained an advantage by attack during the pre-match using Bull’s chain to smash the Infernos. The Infernos lost a few hundred points but were far from out of this match. Their tagging worked well to frustrate B & B. Mason Ryan was about to use a House of Pain Slam on Braun. Bull reached in the ring with his chain and swung at Mason. He missed and hit Stowman. Burch tagged in and hit Braun with the Tower and the match was over. 8:54
4. Brie Bella with Nikki; Sit-Out Facebuster Pin over Beth Phoenix. Beth used a Beth Valley Driver in an attempt to end the match. Nikki had a can of Oven Spray hat she used to spray Beth in the eyes. Nikki took advantage of a dazed distraction of Referee John Cone and followed with a Tornado DDT. Brie recovered and used a facebuster as John Cone woke. 7:13
5. NXT Title – Bo Dallas; Belly to Back Suplex over Sami Zayn. This was a hign flying crowd pleased. Sami used a Brainbuster on Bo but Dallas licked out several times. A Rake of the Eyes and then a Double Knee Thrust set Sami up for the finish. After the match Bo took the microphone; “Do you Bolieve?” Bo went over to shake Sami’s hand in what is probably an arrogant gesture. Bo Dallas is the NEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWW NXT Champion. 9:12
6. New Age Outlaws (Billy Gunn and Road Dogg beat Dead Heat (Jason Jordan and Slate Randall). Billy Gunn; Doubleteam Spike Piledriver Pin over Slate Randall. The Outlaws used a Doubleteam Flapjack on Jordan to put him down. Slate meanwhile climbed the ropes for a Top Rope Clothesline but was stopped by Road Dog who shook the ropes. Slate fell to the canvas and was immediately doubleteamed. The Spike Piledriver was light’s out. 10:59
7. Ted DiBiase Jr.; Dream St. (Clutch Slam) Pin over Bad News Wade Barrett. Barrett used a kick to the chops and several Rope Burns to get an advantage. Barrett used a Bull Hammer that downed Ted then Bad News climbed the ropes for a Suicide Leap. He landed on an empty canvas. DiBiase immediately too advantage that ened the match. 10:05
8. Bray Wyatt with Luke Harper and Erick Rowan; Sister Abigail (Swinging Reverse STO) Pin over John Cena. Cena used an Attitude Adjustment (Fireman’s Carry) to take out Bray. Like and Erick went into action even entering the ring when Referee John Cone was dazed from a collision. Erick used his Greetings from the North Chokeslam to put Cena down. Bray eventually used Sister Abigail for the pin that John Cone woke to see. After the match the Wyatt family pummeled Cena. Bray sang; “I’ve got the whole world in my arms.” While he held the KO’s Cena. 9:32 |
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Posted on 03/19/2022


Posts: 8094
Joined: 03/07/2019
Gander Mtn. & Fleming’s Steakhouse presents;
WWE Friday Night Smackdown (2012-14)
Greensboro Coliseum – Greensboro, NC Att: 12,536
Commentators; John Bradshaw Layfield, MKA Bear & A.J. Lee
Referees; Charles Robinson & Scott Armstrong
Ring; George Vessichio
1. Jinder Mahal with Drew McIntyre; Camel Clutch Submission over Mason Ryan with Danny Burch. Mason was able to use several moves to get the advantage and when he hit Jinder with a Neckbreaker the match appeared over. Burch was unable to protect Mason because Heath Slater ran to ringside and was fighting with Danny. Drew took advantage of a distraction and slammed a Steel Chair over Mason’s head. Ryan was out cold when Jinder applied the Camel Clutch. Slocum and Burch stopped fighting when they noticed the finishing hold. Danny threw in the towel. 4:54
2. International Incident Match (Similar to the Boot Camp Match with items that can used as weapons tied to the Ring Posts. This match stems from a Locker Room Brawl that broke out after Ricardo Rodriguez stuck his nose into a match that Team Co-Bro (Santino Marella and Zach Ryder) had with 3-MB (Jinder Mahal, and Drew McIntyre) with Heath Slater. Rodriguez had no business in the match but was handing weapons; Flood Lamp, Microphone, Cannoli Tray, etc to members of 3-MB. Later in the the Locker Room Marella pushed Ricardo and a Brawl broke out with several wrestlers. Rodrigues told Santino that he should go back to Italy and take his flag with him. This match is the result. The Referee Scott Armsrong is to determine when a wrestlers has had enough. Armstrong will call a Submission.
Santino Marella won by Submission over Ricardo Rodriguez. Ricardo had Brass Nucks thrown to him by a Cannoli Vendor that he used to slug Marella in the stomach several times. Heath Slater came to ringside and distracted Scott Armstrong while The Cannoi Vendor who was Alberto De Rio jumped on the Ring Apron with a Cannoli Tray wrapped in Barbed Wire. He smashed the tray to Santino’s head. Blood gushed down Marella’s face. Zach Ryder ran to ringside and started fighting with Del Rio. Santino got a combat belt that was a weapon and he tied Ricardo to the Ring Post. Marella then started Wailing on Ricardo and the beating went on. When Rodriguez had little if anything left, Referee Scott Armstrong called the match. 10:46
3. Shield Leader Dean Ambrose with Seth Rollins; Headlock Driver Pin over Evan Bourne. Bourne was able to used a few moves and nearly gain the pin. When he caught Ambrose for Air Bourne (Shooting Star Press) it looked like curtains. Roman Reigns ran to ringside and while Rollins distracted Referee Charles Robinson Reigns tripped Bourne. Ambrose followed with a Running Knee Lift and then the finisher. 4:26
4. Vickie Guerrero with David Otunga; School Girl Roll-Up Pin over Tamina Snuka. Tamina used the Superfly on a fallen Vickie but Guerroero was saved when David Otunga pulled Vickie out of the ring. Tamina crashed onto the canvas. A Cougar Splash set up the pin on the now dazed Snuka. 5:28
5. The Wyatt Family (Luke Harper and Erick Rowan) with Bray Wyatt beat The Rekking Crew (Curtis Hawkins and Tyler Reks). Erick Rowan; Greetings from the North (Chokeslam) Pin over Curtis Hawkins. Reks used a burning Hammer DDT that seemed to lead to a pin but Referee Charles robinson waved it off. A Heat Seeking Elbow by Hawkins almost was a duplicate in a possible pin. Bray took no chanes and during OOR Action he used a low Blow and then a Piledriver on the Concrete to take Reks out of the match. Hawkins was hit with a Trash Can and then choked out by Harper. Rown finished the match with the Greetings. 11:36
6. R-Truth; Dropkick Splash Pin over Roman Reigns with Seth Rollins. Reigns used a Spear that took the breath out of R-Truth. Reigns followed with a Gut Wrencher that could have been curtains but Roman wasted time talking with Seth. When Roman turned around he found a recovered R-Truth who used a Falling face Wrecker and then the Dropkick Splash. 8:12
7. Batista; Two Handed Chokeslam Pin over Mark Henry. The two powerhouses traded moves that brought oohs and ahhs from the fans. Henry used his World’s Strongest Slam showing the fans why he was once a long reigning Champion. Batista was able to kick out of the slam. He also kicked out of a Falling Hammer. Batista used a Wicked Kick to the Groin and then a skull Smasher. Batista shocked everyone when he used the Two Handed Chokeslam and lifted Henry off his feet. 9:36
8. WWE Title; Damien Sandow (Champion) and Sheamus (Challenger); Double Count-Out. This was clearly Damien bailing OOR to save his belt. He was a beaten wrestler. The happenings OOR wouldn’t matter because Sandow couldn’t lose his belt. Sandow got assistance from Alberto Del Rio who ran down to doubleteam Sheamus. The fight was moving away from the ring and the count was reaching the limit. Zach Ryder ran down to help Sheamus. The fight went into the food court and had vendors scurrying to save what was left of their products. Santino Marella with stitches in his forehead was buying some Cannolis from Lilian Garcia who was giving autographs with each dessert. MKABear ran out to make sure that his autograph picture booth was safe. The wrestlers went through the food court and out the doors. Damien Sandow retains the WWE Title. 10:15 |
GV |
Posted on 03/19/2022


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Houlihan’s and The Chocolate Ave. Grill presents;
WWE Wrestling (2012-14) 0n Universal Network
Giant Center – Hershey, PA Att: 8,176
Commentators; John Bradshaw Layfield, Mick Foley & MKABear
Referees; John Cone & Ron Zapata Ring; Lilian Garcia
Special Ref for the Jericho/Riley Match; Lord Steven Regal
1. Jake “The Great” Carter; Inverted Atomic Drop Pin over Braun Stowman with Bull Dempsey. Braun had the early advantage after Bull attacked Carter with a Chain in the pre-match. After the bell rang Braun lined Carter up and performed a Strongman’s Smash (Avalanche). Carter was able to shake off the daze and kick out of several pin attempts. When Bull Dempsey tried once again to used his chain for a smash Jake reversed the move smashing the chain to Bull’s head and sending him falling from the Ring Apron the the floor below. After using a Corkscrew Splash and a Headcracker on Braun The Great finished the match with the Atomic Drop. 5:56
2. Camacho; DDT pin over Big Sawyer Fulton. Fulton was able to nearly get a pin after a Falling Knee Smash. Camacho bailed OOR where Fulton used the Guard Rail to choke him. After re-entering the ring Camacho used a vicious Eye Rake and then a Belly to Back Suplex to set up the finish. 4:41
3. Rey Mysterio Jr. and David Otunga with Vickie Guerrero; Double Count-Out. During OOR Action Camacho ran out to help Otunga and Jake Carter ran out to help Rey Mysterio. In the scuffle, Vickie got close to a Pie display and the inevitable happened. Vickie took several pies to the face and body. The fans got more of a kick out of how funny she looked walking up the ramp back to the locker area covered in pie. The match was never going to make it back to the ring. The Hershey Pantry learned a good lesson. Never bring a pie display near a wrestling ring. 6:21
4. A.J. Lee with Hornswoggle and Summer Rae with Fandango; Double DQ. Summer and Fandango danced from the stage area to the ring to “ChaChaLaLa” by Jim Johnston It is amazing that the fans enjoy these Fred Astair/Ginger Rogers wannabees. Not to be outdone, A.J. Lee and Hornswoggle did their version of a dance from the stage to the ring to “Hes Ma Da” also by Jim Johnston. Fandango who is usually lay back and mild when accompanying Summer got irritated at the mocking. Referee Ron Zapata signaled for the bell but Fandango didn’t leave the ring. Hornswoggle climbed the turnbuckle and performed a tadpole Splash onto Fandango. A.J. Lee and summer began the match but Ron Zapata had seen enough and he called for a Double DQ. Time in the ring 5:51
George Vessichio interviews Alex “The Analyst” Riley about the up and coming match with Chris Jericho; “What brought this match around?” Riley; “During my analyzing I was asked about some of the wrestlers who may have lost a step or two or may not have their full attention paid to performing in the ring. Although I didn’t mention any wrestlers, The Miz pushed the issue and mention Chris Jericho. I simply said MAYBE. The next thing I know I am told that Chris is demanding a “Let’s settle this in the squared circle match and The Miz is in his corner. It was a set-up. I gotta go.”
5. Alex Riley; You’re Dismissed (Cutter) Pin over Chris Jericho with The Miz. Jericho was in control using his signature moves; Lionsault (Springboard Moonsault) and Diving Reverse Elbow. He probably could of gotten the pin but was distracted by The Miz. This gave Riley enough time for a Roll-Up that almost pinned Jericho. Jericho had his back to The Miz when The Miz ran in the ring with a Chair and smashed it over Jericho’s head. Everyone was shocked. Riley used his Cutter and Lord Steven Regal counted the pin. Riley and the Miz shook hands as they walked from the ring. 6:51
6. The Sheild (Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins) with Dean Ambrose won by Count-Out over Tons of Funk (Tensai and Brodus Clay) with Naomi Knight. During OOR Action Ambose slammed a Flood Lamp over Tensai’s Back. Rolling, the legal man retreated back to the ring while Clay continued fight with Reigns and Ambrose. Naomi tried her best to help Clay but the count-out was a gimmie for the Shield. 9:16
7. C.M. Punk with Paul Hayman; Fireman’s Knee Carry Lift Pin over Kofi Kingston. Kingston was at a tremendous disadvantage after Brock Lesner came to ringside. Kofi was able to get in a Boom Drop that seemed to spell curtains but Hayman and Brock went to work. Kofi was choked with a belt and then a brock Lock in the corner while Referee John Cone was distracted. C.M. Punk used a Flying Legdrop and then the finisher on Kofi. 10:51
8. WWE Tag Title – Team Hell No (Kane and Daniel Bryan) (Challengers) with A.J. Lee beat The Uso’s (Jay and Jimmy. Bryan; Yes Lock! No Lock! (Crossface) Submission over Jey. The Uso’s used their Diving Slash that should have put Bryan away. A.J. Responding quickly distracted Referee Ron Zapata. Kane enetered the ring and used a Tombstone Piledriver on Jey then threw Jimmy out of the ring. Bryan hooked in the Lebell Lock as Zapata turned around. Team Hell No is the NEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWW WWE Tag Team Champions. 12:25 |
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Posted on 03/19/2022


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Empire Grill and Old Port Lobster Shack presents;
WWF Wrestling (1985-86)
George I. Lewis Auditorium (Civic Center)
Portland, ME Att: 8,926
Commentators; Angelo Savoldi and Lord Alfred Hayes
Referee; Dick Kroll & Terry Yorkston Ring; Howard Finkel
1. The Assassin and Matman Robbie Ellis; Double Count-Out. Ellis was wildly cheered as he entered the arena carrying his Lobster Trap. The Assassin was all business claiming he would break The Matman in half. As the match was going in the Assassin’s direction Robbie slipped OOR where he had a chance to escape. The Assassin followed and picked up a Trash Can along the way yelling that he would put Ellis in with the garbage. As the Masked Assassin chased Robbie, Matman who had picked up his Lobster Trap turned and slammed the trap to The Assassin’s Head. Robbie followed by grabbing a Pot of Clam Chowder from a Vendor and dumping it over The fallen Assassin’s. Neither wrestler could make the count but by the sound of the cheering fans The Matman got the job done to their satisfaction. Ellis ran to the back stage are before the angry Assassin got to his feet. 5:13
2. Kerry Brown; The Piledriver Pin over Moosejaw Lumberjack Jerry Monti. Monti followed an Axe Handle Smash with a Chairshot that got reversed. Brown took charge and performed a Headrammer to the corner post. The Lumberjack didn’t have time to recover as Kerry used The Piledriver finish. 4:21
3. Ted Arcidi with Mr. Fuji; Bear Hug Submission over Barry O. Barry nearly had a pin on several occasions. The closest came after a Diving Lariat but Mr. Fuji used his cane to trip Barry and allow the slow Ted to used his power moves. Arcidi followed with a Knee to the Throat that took the breath from Barry. When Arcidi applied the Bear Hug it was curtains. 4:52
4. Les Thornton from Manchester ,England won by Count-Out over Tony Garea from Aukland, New Zealand. Tony was being interviewed at Blackjack’s (Mulligan) Bar-B-Q when Thornton interrupted slamming a chair to Tony’s back. The 200 points lost from Tony’s total would be enough to weaken Garea and alter the match. When the match went OOR Tony used smashes to the chops and a few dropkicks that would stop Les in his tracks. Unfortunately for Tony, Ted Arcidi came from the back room and blindsided Garea with a Vicious Forearm. Thornton made it back to the ring while Arcidi who had no business in this match slammed Tony Garea through a table. 5:33
5. Woman’s Title – Leilani Kai (Challenger) with Judy Martin; Neckbreaker to a Folded Steel Chair Pin over Wendi Richter (Champion). Judy Martin at ringside used a hand fan to cool herself. Wendi used a Facebuster that was going to lead to a pin. Judy matin reached in the ring and smashed her fan to Wendi’s head. The Fan was a piece of metal painted to look like a Japanese hand fan. The tide in this match changed. Leilani used a Big Boot to further weaken the Champion. Judy martin slipped the Folded Steel Chair onto the canvas and Leilani used a Neckbreaker on the stubborn Wendi who finally was down for the count. Leilani Kai is the NEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWW Woman’s Champion. 7:24
6. Uncle Elmer with Cousin Junior won by DQ over Rusty Brooks with Goldie Rogers. Early in the match Goldie held the ropes down trying to get Uncle Elmer to fall through the ropes. Rusty was whipped by Elmer who anticipated the move and rusty fell hard to the floor. After re-entering the ring Uncle Elmer used a Steam Roller that took the breath out of Brooks. Goldie trying to help again tried to hit Elmer with a Beer Bottle but the move was seen by Terry Yorkston (and everyone else). Yorkston called for the bell. Cousin Junior ran over to Goldie and hit him with a Mule Kick. Yorkston warned Junior to not go any further or the match would be a Double DQ. 6:10
7. The Brisco’s (Jack and Jerry) beat North/South Connection (Adrian Adonis and Dick Murdock). Jerry Brisco pinned Adrian. Adonis and Murdock used some rough moves to gain the advantage. Adonis hit Jack several times with a Biker Chain. Murdock who uses Brass Nucks got in several slugs. Jack was able to recover and finally hook Adrian’s neck and perform a Brainbuster. Jack tagged jaerry who hooked in a Cradle on Adonis. Murdock ran in the ring, taking advantage of Referee Dick Kroll being KO’d from a collision, and turned the wrestlers over. Jack Brisco ran in the ring and smashed Murdock, who was on the ring apron, in the chops. Murdock fell to the floor. Jack turned the wrestlers again. Kroll woke to see Jerry pinning Adonis. 12:43
8. Bob “Ace” Orton with Rowdy Roddy Piper pinned Jimmy “Superfly” Snuka. In an Unusual Result, Roddy handed Ace a sharp Object that eventually cut Jimmy and Snuka was bothered by the blinding blood yet was still able to use some Dropkicks and a Samoan Drop to stun Orton. Paul Orndorff came to ringside and Referee Terry Yorkston was distracted as he was sending Mr. Wonderful back to the locker area. The distraction was all Piper needed. Rowdy Roddy had a Frying Pan and smashed it to Jimmy’s head and just to be sure he whacked Jimmy in the skull with a Pineapple. 11:15 |
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Posted on 03/19/2022


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Joined: 03/07/2019
Maumee Bay Brewing & Tony Packo’s Café presents;
WWF (1985-6) – Sports Arena – Toledo, OH Att: 7,478
Commentators; Slick Mick Kartch & Joe Pedicino
Referees; Fred Atkins & Earl Hebner Ring; Donna Day
1. The Tiger; Tiger Strike (Top Rope Leap) Pin over Aldo Marino. During OOR Action The Tiger slammed Marino’s head to the Steel Steps. After re-entering the ring The Tiger, who many fans think is really Bob Bradley, used a Flying Dropkick and then the Top Rope Finisher to keep his unbeaten streak alive. 4:23
2. Makhan Singh; Running Splash Pin over Steve Pardee. Singh used his unwrapped Turban to choke out Steve and then applied a Face Claw. Nor satisfied that it was enough punishment he let go of the Face Claw Submission hold and set up for a Corner Squash. Pardee tried a Flying Body Press but was caught in mid-air and Body Slammed. Singh followed with a spine smasher and then the finisher. 3:31
3. Cowgirl Sue Green; Bulldog Headlock Pin over Mad Maxine with Nasty Kat Leroux. Kat and Maxine have formed a team called the Nasty Kats and they live up to their names. Maxine used Eye Rakes and illegal chokes to fight her usual nasty style. Kat trying to help tripped Maxine in an attempt to trip Sue. Then a handful of dirt from Kat hit Maxine in the eyes. Sue took advantage with a running leg Drop and then the “light’s out” Bulldog. When Cowgirl Sue locked in the Headlock and raised her arm swinging in the air the fans were on their feet cheering. 6:59
4. Maniac Matt Bourne; Backbreaker Slam Pin over Savatore Bellomo. Bourne, who has redone his persona and wears flowing robes to the ring to show his extreme value, used a thumbscrew to the Throat and Vicious Double Rope Burns to keep the advantage. He was distracted by a few fans and Salvatore took advantage with a High Standing Dropkick. Referee Earl Hebner missed the pin when he fell from the collision. Borne used a blindsided Headrammer to the Post as Bellomo was pleading with Referee Earl Hebner. Bourne then finished the match. 5:14
5. Hercules Hernandez with Classy Freddie Blassie and Rick Quickdraw McGraw; Double Count-Out. The match went OOR where Hercules certainly had an advantage with rough moves. Nikolai Volkoff, part of Blassie’s Stable, came from the backstage area to help Hercules. This would have been a slaughter but Hillbilly Jim who was in Toledo for a promotion and was being interviewed in Cannoli Corner by Young George Vessichio ran to help Quickdraw. This was a standoff with all four wrestlers ready to balttle but simply looking at each other. Hercules and Volkoff were afraid of Jim’s Horseshoe (Mudlick Pearl) that Hillbilly held in his hand. Referee Fred Atkin’s count reached 10 and the match was called. 5:45
6. Pedro Morales; Cuelbra Cannonball Pin over Tiger Chung Lee with Mr. Fuji. Chung Lee hooked in an Asian Nerve Hold that seemed like curtains. Fuji trying to help Chung Lee get a submission threw salt at Morales but the salt got Chung Lee who released the hold. Morales was shaking off the sting when Tiger grabbed a Kendo Stick during a distraction. Whe he tried to hit Pedro the move was reversed. Moprales smashed the stick to Chung Lee. After a Flying Skull Crusher Pedro used the Cannonball. 7:45
7. The Dream Team (Greg “The Hammer” Valentine & Brutus Beefcake) with Luscious Johnny V and the Killer Bees (B. Brain Blair and Jumping Jim Brunzell); Double Count-Out. During an OOR Brawl it was obvious that this match was heading for a Double C-O. The brawl went up the ramp down the hall ind into the foyer where the Vendors were selling food and souvenirs. A Pizza oven was turned over and the Popcorn Machine was smashed when Brunzell dropkicked Valentine into it. The Ticket Booth was demolished when Brutus and Brunzell took turns at throwing each other into it. Finally the brawl went out the doors into the Parking Lot. 17:16
8. “Macho Man” Randy Savage with Miss Elizabeth; Diving Elbow Drop Pin over Ricky Steamboat. During OOR Action Randy choked Ricky on the Guard Rail but Ricky was able to counter with a Dropkick to the Steel Steps. After re-entering the ring Ricky used a flying Cross Body to pin Randy but Miss Elizabeth was flirting with Earl Hebner who is very partial to the women. Macho Man had a small piece of wrapped lead hidden. He pulled out the Foreign Object and used a Jawbuster Ricky. The Diving Elbow Drop followed and earl turned to see the pin. 14:58 |
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Posted on 03/20/2022


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Nathan’s Famous and the 44th St. Deli presents;
WWF Wrestling (1985-86)
Madison Square Garden, NYC Att: 21,868
Commentators; Gorilla Monsoon, Bruno Sammartino & Vince McMahon
Referees; Mike Chioda & Chad Patton Ring; Howard Finkel
1. Ben Bassarab; pinned Goldie Rogers with Rusty Brooks. Bassarab lined Rogers up for the finish after a diving Cross Body. Brooks trying to make a difference did exactly that. He tried to hit Bassarab with a bottle (Jack Daniels is his choice) but hit Goldie by mistake. Goldie was KO’d when Bassarab fell on for the pin. 3:23
2. Bertha Faye with Harvey Whippleman; Big Bertha Bomb Pin over Jackie Bradley. Jackie used a Top Rope Body Press to down Big Bertha and nearly get a pin. The Jackie used an Underhook DDT for a pin that was missed when Harvey distracted Referee Chad Patton. Harvey tripped Jackie and Bertha used a Falling Knee to the Throat to zap the wind from Bradley. Bertha used her finisher to end the match. Big Bertha picked up Harvey and carried him up the aisle. 6:02
3. The Head Hunters (Haku and Siva Afi) with Mr. Fuji beat Soul Train (Rocky Johnson and Tony Atlas). Siva Afi; Brainbuster Pin over Tony Atlas. After Haku missed a Savate Kick Rocky used the Johnson Schuffle (3 Jabs and a KO Punch) to daze and nearly put out Haku. Haku was able to bail out and tag Siva Afi with the help of Mr. Fuji. Tony Atlas tagged in and used a Military Press set up on Siva. Tiger Chung Lee ran to the ringside and was fighting with Rocky Johnson. Mr. Fuji threw a Fireball that blinded Tony. Siva immediately followed with the Brainbuster and ended one of the most exciting tag matches of the year. 17:34
4. Leaping Lanny Poffo won by DQ over Jesse “The Body” Ventura. The high flying Poffo shocked Jesse with a Top Rope Somersault Dive that nearly got Jesse pinned. Ventura was distracted by the fans and he blamed them after getting to his feet. He grabbed a Chair and smashed it to Lanny’s head. Jesse pushed Referee Chad Patton, who had called for the DQ, out of the way. The bell was ringing over and over as Jesse slammed the chair the Poffo again and again. Security ran to the ring and stopped the carnage. The stretcher bearers were called and Lanny was taken away heading to the hospital. Jesse took the microphone; “….You’re winner is the bum being hauled out on a stretcher.” 3:05
5. Danny Spivey; The Bulldog pin over Charley Fulton. Charley took the advantage and had Spivey in some serious trouble. Fulton used a Double Rope Burn and then a Vicious Mouth Ripper and eye Rake. Charley then went for the finish with The Piledriver. The strong Spivey was able to kick out. Danny used a Backward Head Slam and then a Guillotine Leg Drop that set Fulto up for the Bulldog finish. 5:46
6. “The Natural” Butch Reed; Double Underhook Suplex Pin over Young Stallion Jim Powers. Redd used a Leg Twist around the Post to weaken Jim in the leg. The Limping Powers countered with a Skull Smasher and a Running Powerslam but his leg caved. Jim fell to the canvas in agony. Reed performed a Falling Hammer and then the finisher. Gorilla comments; “The Plexileggas Muscle of Powers is probably pulled. It can also affect the Delsaramma and the Inkkadoo Glatius muscles too. 7:12
7. Blackjack Mulligan; Claw Hold Submission over Dr. D David Shultz with Luscious Johnny V. Blackjack got a huge ovation from the fans. Johnny V was immediately in the action. He threw a cup of beer into Mulligan’s face. Johnny V had a Monkey wrench and took a few swipes at B. J. Shultz had a Sharp Object (Cut Stone???) that he used sadistically. Mulligan was cut and bruised but not out. After using an Atomic Skullcrusher on Dr D, Mulligan smashed Johnny V to the chops with his Forearms. Johnny fell from the Ring Apron to the floor below. B. J. performed an Eagle Pass Lariat then hooked in The Claw. Johnny V was able to recover enough to see what happened in the ring and thew in the towel for Dr. D who was totally out of it. 9:02
8. WWF Title; Hulk Hogan (Challenger); Running Jumping Leg Drop Pin over Mr. Wonderful Paul Orndorff (Champion) with Roddy Piper. Roddy had a can of Right Guard that he used on Hogan. Orndorff performed a Piledriver finish but Hogan kicked out and then again. With his adrenaline flowing and the fans encouraging Hulk used a Noggin Knocker on Mr. Wonderful and Rowdy Roddy. Ace orton ran from the locker area but was tripped by Blackjack Mulligan who was still near ringside. Hogan used his Legdrop finish. The Garden Crowd was on their feet. Hulk Hogan is the NEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWW WWF Champion 15:31 |
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Posted on 03/20/2022


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Boog’s Burgers and Fell’s Point Diner presents;
WWF Wrestling (1985-86)
First Mariner Arena – Baltimore, MD Att: 13,812
Commentators; Bill Cardille and Slick Mick Kartch
Referees; Dick Woherle & Charles Robinson
Ring; Jackie Bradley
1. Steve Gatorwolf; War Dance (Knee Lifts and Chops) Pin over Ted Grizzly. Ted stared the match with a Blindsided Piledriver during the pre-match. Ted kept up the barrage (Splashand Knee Drop to Throat) using his weight advantage (320-230) to try and wear down Steve. When Grizzly felt he had completed the job and was ready for a pin he “hotdogged” for the fans who gave him a nice round of boos. Steve had too much time to recover and was on his feet for the War Dance that finished the match. 5:25
2. Manifique Richard Charland with Frenchy Martin; Heart Punch Pin over Jim Young. Prior to the match in the hall behind the curtain a Masked Wrestler attacked Young slamming a chair over his head. Young was dazed but came to the ring for this match. Young weakened still mounted an offense and after performing a Flying Dropkick he nearly got a pin. Frenchy used a leather belt to choke out Young during distractions. Charland was able to hook in a Headlock and perform a Skullcrusher. He followed with the finishing Heart Punch. (The security cameras in the hall later showed the Chairshot incident. The film was hazy but that attacker looked a lot like Luc Porrier with a mask). 4:40
3. Bull Nakano with Mr. Fuji; Diving Guillotine Legdrop Pin over Heidi Lee Morgan. Heidi used a flying Forearm Smash to stun Bull but Fiji countered with Salt to the Eyes. Nakano climbed the Ropes for a Top Rope Clothesline that was cutains and set up Bull’s finisher. 7:13
4. Alexis Smirnoff with Frenchy Martin and George Wells; Double Count-Out. During OOR Action Frenchy sprayed some mist into George’s eyes. A masked wrestler who looked a lot like “Manifique” Richard Charland came to the ring. Smirnoff was on the ring apron and the Masked Wrestler held Wells while Smirnoff performed a Siberian Sickle that put George out. Smirnoff, Frenchy and The Masked Wrestler all shook hands and walked up the aisle. It wasn’t until Referee Charles Robinson called for the bell that the wrestlers and manager realized they had been counted-out. The shock on their faces was worth the price of admission. 5:16
5. Ivan Putski; Polish Power Pin over Mercenary Luc Porrier with Frenchy Martin. Porrier and Frenchy were booed unmercifully so they gained points on their total. Frenchy took advantage of distractions and choked Ivan with a TV Cord. This gave Luc a chance to use a backbreaker Drop that normally ends matches with a pin. Frenchy tried to make sure that the match would be over and he was responsible for the ending. Frenchy swung a bottle at Ivan but missed and hit Luc. Putski wasted no time and performed a Cranium Cracker. As Luc got to his feet dazed he was hit with Polish Power. 7:58
6. Intercontinental Title – Hillbilly Jim (Challenger) won by DQ over Ken Patura (Champion) with Bobby “The Brain” Heenan. Jim had set up Patura for a pin with a Head Rammer and then used a Legdrop to get the count. The Missing Link had come to ringside and he climbed the ropes and jumped on Referee Charles Robinson. Robinson called for the bell. Uncle Elmer came to the ring and dumped a pail of slop over Bobby Heenan’s head. The Missing Ling ran for Hillbilly Jim’s Mudlick Pearl Horseshoe. Jim got to the horseshoe and slammed it to Missing Link’s head. Jim and Elmer did a hoedown in the ring. Ken Patura retains the Intercontinental Title. 8:51
7. The Rougeau’s (Jacques and Raymond) beat The Moondogs (Rex and Spot). Raymond; Neckbreaker onto a Steel chair Pin over Rex. The Moondogs attacked in the pre-match using their Dog Bones to slam Jacques and Raymond repeatedly in the head. Later during the match Spot had a chair that Jacques took and slammed Spot to the head. The Chair was on the canvas in the ring. Raymond used a Flying Elbow to down Rex. As Rex got to his feet he was greeted with the Neckbreaker that put him down for good. 12:23
8. Tito Santana; Flying Forearm Smash Pin over Rowdy Roddy Piper with Ace Orton. Orton tried everything to get Roddy an edge in this match. Ace pulled the rope down so Santana would fall though. Piper fell when the speedy Tito reversed a whip. Orton tried to smash Tito with the Forearm cast but missed and was dropkicked from the Ring Apron. Roddy was able to use a Falling Face Wrecker after Orton distracted Santana. Tito countered with a Backroll Press then a Headcracker that dazed Roddy. When piper got to his feet he was greeted with Tito’s Flying Forearm. 15:53 |
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Posted on 03/20/2022


Posts: 8094
Joined: 03/07/2019
The Warehouse Café & Birmingham City FC presents;
WWF Wrestling (1985-86)
National Indoor Arena – Birmingham, England Att: 13,924
Commentators; Mick McManus & Kent Walton
Referees; Jeff Kaye & Mick McMichael Ring Mr TV Jackie Pallo
1. Iron Mike Sharp; Loaded Forearm Smash Pin over The Duke of Dorchester Pete Doherty. During the match The Duke gave the fans a few laughs as he ran around the ring avoiding Iron Mike and frustrating Sharp. Then OOR The Duke took a holed tray of Candy Cotton and Stuffed it in Iron Mike’s face. The Duke hit Sharp with a Trash Can and then scooted back in the ring. Irion Mike re-enetered the ring with a microphone and clubbed the Duke. Mike followed with a Loaded Forearm. 5:08
2. Penny Mitchell; Throat Slam Suplex over Candice Pardue. Candice tried a Suicide Dive high risk move that found an empty canvas. Penny, never one to waste time, climbed the ropes and hit Candice with a Flying Elbow. Penny then used her finisher to end the match. 5:33
3. Cousin Junior; Mule Kick Pin over A.J. Petruzzi. A.J. had a Hidden Roll of Coins that he used in the early match to beat repeatedly on Junior. Junior finally got hold of the roll and threw it to the fans. The roll ripped open and the coins were flying everywhere over some of the fans. Junior hooked in a Head Lock and performed a Running Skull Crusher and then the finisher on the Dazed Petruzzi. 4:39
4. Sika the Wild Samoan and The Unpredictable Johnny Rodz; Double Count-Out. Both wrestlers who had earned respect after many years heard cheers from the fans. After the match went OOR Rodz used a Flying Headbutt to try and slow down the Samoan. Sika countered by smashing Johnny’s head to the steel steps. They both used the Guard Rail as a weapon to choke out and smash heads. Sika performed a Full Nelson Suplex on the ramp. Referee Mick McMichael’s count was long gone and the match had been declared a Double Count-Out. 7:43
5. Dino Bravo with Frenchy Martin and Corporal Kirshner; No Contest. In an Unusual Result, Manifique Richard (Re-shard) Charland (Sha-lund) ran out to help Frenchy with his ringside antics. Knowing the history of Frenchy’s stable, Cousin Junior came out to even the odds. Of Course it boiled over into the ring. Referee Jeff Kaye was unable to determine who started the in ring 4 man brawl so he call for a No Contest at 4:47
6. WWF TV Title – David Sammartino (Champion) won by DQ over The Executioner (Challenger). Mr. TV Jackie Pallo introduced The Masked Executioner at; a “Liberal 122 kg (271 lbs.).” The Executioner grabbed the microphone and announced; “I am 98 kg (217 lbs.)” The fans were impressed that The Executioner knew the conversion table. The Ececutioner used blatant chokes, a Hidden Piece of taped Lead and Eye Gouges to gain an advantage. David fought back with a Crushing Shoulder Smash and a Leg Drop to the Chest. The Executioner got angry and accused Referee Mick McMichael of favoring the Champion. McMichael told The Executioner to “Shut Up and continue with the match.” The Executioner pushed McMichael and then pushed him again. Sammartino grabbed The Masked Man while McMichael called for a DQ. Davis Sammartio retains the WWF TV Title. 6:23
7. British Bulldogs (Davey Boy Smith and Dynamite Kid) with the introduction of Matilda (the live Bulldog) beat Super Powers (Nikolai Volkoff and Iron Sheik) with Classy Freddy Blassie. Dynamite Kid; Top Rope Flying Headbutt Pin over Iron Sheik. The Super Powers seemed to have the match in their favor using the Ropes to choke out Davey Boy and then a Face Ripper by Iron Sheik on Dynamite Kid. OOR Volkoff tried to hit Davey with a Chain but the move got reversed and the match began to alter in favor of the Bulldogs. With Nickolai dazed from the Chain hit Freddy Blassie tried to help. He swung his cane at Dynamite in the ring but missed and hit the Sheik. Dynamite Kid climbed the ropes to perform his Flying Head Butt on the dazed Sheik. Davey Boy made sure that Nicolai stayed in place on the floor and Matilda got into the action by chasing Freddie Blassie. 16:10
8. Terrible Terry Funk with Jimmy Hart; The Piledriver Pin over Junkyard Dog. JYD used a Corkscrew Splash to down Terry. JYD followed with a Canine Headcracker the sent Funk reeling. Referee Mick McMichael was KO’s during a collision. Jimmy Hart got in the action by trying to hit JYD with a Megaphone. JYD stopped Jimmy but turned his back to Terry. Terry smashed his Branding Iron to JYD’s head then immediately used The Piledriver. Referee Mick McMichael woke to see the pin. 11:23 |
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Posted on 03/20/2022


Posts: 8094
Joined: 03/07/2019
Sal’s Philly Cheesesteaks & C.P. O’Leary’s presents;
WWF Wrestling (1985-86)
The Spectrum – Philadelphia, PA Att: 18,136
Commentators; Gorilla Monsoon, Bruno & Vince McMahon
Referees; Johnny Kace and Danny Davis Ring; Howard Finkel
1. Steve Lombardi and Tito Senza; Double Count-Out. Lombardi who wore a NY Mets Jersey to the ring angered the Philly fans especially when he turned around and there was a Big Thumbs Down with the Phillies insignia under the thumb. Steve was in charge of the match and when he used his finishing Sidewalk Slam it look like curtains. Referee Johnny Kase totally missed the pin. The match went OOR. Senza who should have been at a disadvantage held his own as the two were fighting on the ramp. Referee Johnny Kase didn’t miss the count-out. 4:11
2. Swede Hanson; Reverse Neckbreaker pin over The Red Demon. The Demon had a piece of metal or hard substance in his mask at the forehead. He used a few Headbutts to try and slow Swede and to attempt a Demon Drop. What the Demon got for his trouble was a Punch in the Chops. The popular Swede performed a Full Nelson Mauler and then his finisher. Gorilla on the mic; “The Demon gave it his all but he still comes out on the short end of the money.” 3:54
3. Rockin Robin; The Bulldog Pin over Judy Martin with Leilani Kai. Leilani grabbed the microphone; “I am the Champion of the World. You see this belt, (pointing to the gold around her waste) it means that I am the best. I beat Wendi Richter 1-2-3 fair and square (she actually won when Judy martin slammed a Trash Can over Wendi’s head).” Judy used a combination of illegal moves and excellent legal moves. A choke with the ropes took the breath from Robin and Judy followed with a Spinning Back Kick. Leilani was showing off for the booing fans when Judy turned to yell at her. Robin wasted no time in using a falling Head Slam and then a Top Rope Dropkick to set up the Bulldog finisher. Leilani never even knew the match was over. She was still bragging. 7:43
4. Rene Goulet pinned Angelo Mosca Jr. Mosca Jr. who is very popular with the fans and received extra points used a Flying Cross Body and a Skullcracker to pretty much put this away. Unfortunately Frenchy Martin and Manifique Richard Charland came to ringside. Referee Danny Davis didn’t sent them away even after Mosca Jr. was protesting. Meanwhile Rene climbed the ropes for a Ropewalk that usually ends in an Elbow Smash. Charland shook the ropes causing Rene to fall OOR. Danny Davis appeared to be pretending that he was KO’d. Charland enetered the ring with a Chair and slammed it to Mosca;s skull while Angelo was fighting with Frenchy. Rene crawled back in the ring a saw Angelo spread eagle on the mat. Goulet covered as Danny Davis counted. 4:24
5. Magnificent Don Muraco with Mr. Fuji; Reverse Piledriver Pin over Philadelphia’s Favorite Son S.D. “Special Delivery” Jones. Jones held his own and gained an advantage after a KoKo Head Butt that sent Muraco reeling. Muraco was able to whip Jones to the ropes where Mr. Fuji made sure he pulled down at the right time and S.G. fell Head 1st to the concrete floor. As S.D. was climbing back in the ring Fuji sprayed Mist to his eyes. Muraco set up the pin with a Running Elbow Smash and the The Piledriver while he pointed at McMahon. (When question about the pointed later Muraco said that he will be Dedicating the Piledrivers from now on.) Gorilla Monsoon; “S.D. is going to be hurting in the morning. The Lepzedar Cronium muscle in his shoulder and the Goola Gonsa muscles in his back took a thrashing.” 7:53
6. Brutus Beefcake with Johnny V; Running Knee Smash Pin over Jose Luis Riviera. Brutus and Johnny V attacked Jose in the pre-match using a Blackjack to injure him. Referee Danny Davis pretended to be occupied reading OOR. During the match Jose tried to fight back and got a near pin with a Fallen Elbow Smash but was countered when Johnny V used his cigar to burn Riviera. Brutus used a Corkscrew dive and a Headrammer to set up the finish. 5:01
7. The Missing Link with Bobby “The Brain” Heenan; Back Flying Head Butt Pin over George “Animal” Steele. Steele was in control after some typical moves of his; Bites, Chewing on the Arms and Legs and would have ended it when he hooked in the Flying Hammerlock. Big John Studd came to ringside took advantage of a distraction to hit Animal over the head with a piece of 2 x 4. Heenan refrs to the 2 x 4 as Big John’s Stud. Steele was out cold as Missing Link climbed for the flying finisher. 10:43
8. WWF Tag Title – The U.S. Express (Barry Windham and Mike Rotundo) (Challengers) beat The Hart Foundation (Brett Hart and Jim “Anvil” Neidhart) with Jimmy Hart. Mike Rotundo pinned Jim Neidhart. This match had it all; Gut Wrenches, Slingshot Catapults, Torpedo Clotheslines, etc. Time and time again the pin attempts were avoided through kick outs. Terry Funk a member of Jimmy Hart’s stable came to ringside and was wheeling his Double XX Ranch Branding Iron. The fans could sense a foul ending to the match until they were brought their feet when Blackjack Mulligan ran out. The confusion really set in as Mulligan was cleaning house around the ring. Barry Windham joined him. Terry got hit with his own Branding iron. Windham shoved Jimmy Hart into a Garbage Can, Blackjack Mulligan climbed in the ring and DDT’s Jim Neidhart while Brett was fighting with Rotundo. Danny Davis who must be refreshed after laying on the canvas so many times tonight woke to see Rotundo pinning Neidhart. Davis wanted to ignore the pin but as he looked at Vince McMahon Danny knew his paycheck would be in doubt. The U.S. Express is the NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWW WWF Tag Champions. |
GV |
Posted on 03/21/2022


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Wally’s Saloon and Wilson Lumber presents;
NWA Wrestling (1982-85)
Civic Center Charleston, WV Att: 11,188
Commentators; Billy Powell & Tom Miller
Referees; Tommy Young & Lucky Roberts Ring; Susan Starr
1. Ron Shaw/Dave Barbie won by DQ over The New Zealand Militia (Rip Morgan and Jack Victory) with Lord Jonathan Boyd. Referee Tommy Young call the match after Rip Morgan attacked Bave Barbie in the ring with a Chair. Jack Victory joined the ruckus using a Trash Can to smash Shaw who had enetered the ring to try and help. Lord Jonathan Boyd entered the ring swinging the Flag Pole. Boyd was anry with the decision claiming that; “Shaw & Barbie started it.” 5:43
2. Killer Tim Brooks; Elbow Drop with Loaded Pad Pin over Wildman Mike Boyette. Boyette was up to his usual antics using a Hidden Foreign Object to smash Brooks in the chest then chops. When Bokks went down Wildman tried to use the Ropes for Leverage to gain the pin. Referee Lucky Roberts broke up the attempts when he saw the feet on the ropes. Wildman was protesting when Killer Tim used a knee Lift to the Groin then a Skullcrusher. Brooks finished with the Elbow Drop. 4:56
3. Exotic Adrian Street with Miss Linda; London Bridge Deathlock Submission over Chick Donovan. Adrian used Gring Face to mat and several Vicious Rope Burns to slow Chick down. Miss linda had a small piece of Taped Lead and used it the smash Donovan when he got close the ropes. Linda gave the piece of Lead to the Exotic One then Adrian used a Tower of London Suicide Dive (with a Loaded Fist) to KO Chick. After Adrian hooked in the Deathlock Referee Tommy Young had to declare a submission and save the KO’s Donovan. 4:59
4. Terry Gordy with Michael Hayes; Falling Cranium Crusher Pin over Bad Boy Bobby Duncum with Percy Pringle. Duncum used a Cannonball and then a Spinecrusher to gain the advantage. Pringle got a little too ambitious and tried to hit Gordy with a Cane (Loaded Handle. He missed and hit Duncum when Michael Hayes pushed Percy. Pringle threw a cup of beer into Terry’s face so Hayes threw beer into Duncum’s face. Gordy kicked Duncum in the face and then used a Cranium Crusher to end the match. 7:12
5. Nikita Koloff with Ivan win by Count-Out over Wahoo McDaniel. The two roughshods slugged it out in the ring before taking the action OOR. After trading smashed to the Steel steps they choked each other out on the Guard Rail. Ivan got into the action using a chain as a weapon. Wahoo grabbed a chair for this standoff. Nikita slipped back in the ring and Referee Tommy Young counted Wahoo out. 9:25
6. Plowboy Frazier and Dirty Dick Slater with Number 1 Paul Jones; No Contest. Only a fw minutes went by before Bobby Jaggers and Crazy Luke Graham, two members of Paul Jones’ Army, came to ringside. These two are never up to any good so it was only a matter of time. Michael Hayes and Terry Gordy also came to ringside. When Jaggers and Graham made their move to enter the ring so did Hayes and Gordy. This was a Pier 6 Brawl with The Freebirds and Frazier finlly chasing Jones’ Army off. Referee Luck Roberts called the No Contest. When asked later about helping Plowboy, Hayes said; “We don’t like the cards stacked against anyone.” 2:31
7. Road Warriors (Animal and Hawk) beat Super Destroyers (SD #1 and SD #2) with Skandor Akbar. Hawk; Doomsday Device Pin over SD #2. The Super Destroyers made good use of a Foreign Object to time and again bludgeon the Warriors and slow them down. Akbar trying to help tripped SD #2 by mistake and it cause SD #2 to hit his head hard to the canvas. SD #1 had been put out of commission after several head smashes to the steel steps. Animal helped hawl comple a Doomsday Device after Hawk used a Flying Knee Drop on SD #2. 16:59
8. NWA TV Title – Rugged Ronnie Garvin (Champion) won by DQ over Kendo Nagasaki (Challenger) with Oliver Humperdink. Kendo and Ollie set the pace when they interrupted an interview with George Vessichio in Cannoli Corner. Though Ronnie lost points from his total he seemed to have his head in this match which meant that Nagasaki would have to be very clever. Garvin controlled the match and used a Neckbreaker Vice to set up Kendo for a corner Hands of Stone. Kendo Spit Green Mist and Oliver Humperdink Threw a Fireball. Referee Lucky Roberts called the match. Ronnie Garvin retains the NWA TV Title. 11:07 |
GV |
Posted on 03/21/2022


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The Golden Horn and Colbert Auto presents;
NWA Wrestling (1982-85)
Bojangles Coliseum – Charlotte, NC Att: 10,428
Commentators; Bob Caudle & Ray Reeve
Referees; Sonny Fargo & Ron West Ring; Rockin’ Robin
1. The Stud Stable (Robert Fuller and Jimmy Golden) with Brenda Britton beat The Mulkey’s (Bill and Randy). The Stud Stable heard some cheering that cost them points from their total. Jimmy Golden was waving back at the cheering group. Robert Fuller; Spike Piledriver Pin over Randy after using a Loaded Boot to the Stomach. Jimmy performed a Tennessee Headbuster on Bill but kept pulling him by the hair to stop the pin. He was having a good time until Fuller yelled at him; “Pin him or get out of there.” Golden was reluctant to tag but finally did. Randy Mulkey tagged Bill but was greeted with the Loaded boot. Fuller didn’t waste time applying the Piledriver. 6:12
2. The Spoiler; Walk the Rope Elbow Smash Pin over Intercontinental Nobleman Joe Turko. Turko immediately grabbed the microphone; “ Saluti a tutti gli onorevoli colleghi. Sono felice che sei venuto a vedere il grande nobile.” (“Greetings to all the ladies and gentlemen. I am happy you came to see the Great Nobleman.”) The crowd was booing thinking that Joe was insulting them. Turko then turned and Smashed a chair to The Spoilers Head while Referee Ron West was distracted. It was the last move of offense that Joe had in this match. The pin was set up with a slingshot Clothesline before The spoiler walked the ropes. 4:21
3. Bugsy McGraw and The Great Kabuki with Playboy Gary Hart; Double Count-Out. A few legitimate moves were made in the early goings but this was a match destined for a Brawl. When the match went OOR, Gary Hart helped doubleteam McGraw. Then The Angel of Death from the Playboy’s Stable came running to add to Bugsy’s woes. Jimmy “Boogie” Valiant who was doing a promo in Cannoli Corner in the foyer must have sen the action of the TV screen. Boogie came running to ringside carrying a baseball bat. He started swinging and it cleaned house. Gary Hart, Angel and Kabuki retreated. The two wrestlers had been counted out some time ago. 6:42
4. The Sheik with Abdullah Farouk; Camel Clutch Submission over Soul Train Jones. Jones was doing well using his speed to offset The Sheik. After a Top Rope Dropkick, Jones set the Sheik u for the KO Punch. Farouk threw a Fireball during a distraction and the Sheik used a Pencil (#2 lead of course) to stab Jones repeatedly. The Sheik hooked in an Armpit Claw before switching to the Camel Clutch. 6:46
5. Konga the Barbarian with Percy Pringle; Kick of Fear Pin over Magnum TA. Magnum used a flying Skullcrusher and a Guillotine Leg Drop to nealy get the pin. Bobby Duncum ran to the ring to help Konga and hee smashed a Bottle to Magum’s head while Percy was distracting Referee Sonny Fargo. Magum was being pummeled by Konga and Duncum. It set up the Kick of Fear Finisher. Referee Sonny Fargo turned to see the pin. Magnum was taken to the hospital. 8:39
6. The Nightmares (Danny Davis and Ken Wayne) beat The Grapplers (#1 and #2). Danny Davis; Flying Body Press Pin over Grappler #1. The Grapplers used some Blatant Chokes, Eye Rippers and Kick to the Groin. They seemed to hold a slight advantage when Wayne used a torpedo launch that toppled Grappler #2 from the Ring Apron. Grappler #2 struggled to get back to th ring with a chain he found under the apron. Ken Wayne pushe grappler #2 who was hit in the head with his own chain. He cashed to the floor KO’d. Wayne used a Flying Dropkick on Grappler #1 and Davis followed with the Body Press. 16:16
7. Ox Baker; Crucifix Power Bomb Pin over Rip “Crippler” Oliver. Oliver used a TV Cord to Choke Ox who adjusts easily to rough matches using dirty tactics. Rip tried to apply his Taped Thumb move on Ox but was countered with a whip to the ropes with Ox holding the Thumb. Rip was screaming in pain but still climbed the Turnbuckle. When he leaped with the suicide jump, Ox used a double Ax handle to the stomach. Rip was done. 7:41
8. NWA Title – Superstar Graham (Champion) and Ric Flair (Challenger); Double Count-Out. Ric is very popular in this area in spite of his heel persona. When the match went OOR both wrestlers made use of the Steel Steps, Guard Rail, Slam on the Table, Out to the Food Court where they destroyed a Popcorn machine and the Ticket Booth. The match had been called. Superstar Graham retains the NWA Heavyweight Title. 12:25 |
GV |
Posted on 03/21/2022


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Cameron Clothing and The Eagle’s Nest presents;
WWF Wrestling (1985-6)
Miami Beach Convention Center – Miami, FL Att: 9,418
Commentators; Gordie Solie & Jay Goodley
Referees; Tommy Weathers & Buddy Colt Ring Barbara Clary
1. Jesse Barr and Blond Bomber Art Crews; Double Count-Out. During OOR Action the wrestlers got tangled in TV Cords while slugging it out near the cameras. Crew was able to take advantage and use a Fallen Knee to the Throat. Jesse countered with a Underhook DDT. Unfortunately for both the cords prevented any chance of getting back to the ring. 4:14
2. The Arkansas Wrecking Crew (Moondog Moretti and Wild Bill Ash) beat The State Patrol (Lt. James Earl Wright and Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker). Moondog Moretti; The Smasher (Running Power Slam) Pin over Lt. James Earl Wright. The Smasher was the only legitimate move from The Wrecking Crew. Parker used a Full nelson Suplex on Ash but was stopped cold when Moondog smashed a Trash can to Parker’s back. Wild Bill who had an undetected Foreign Object used it to smash Parker then Wright to the chops. After hitting Wright with his Loaded fist Wild Bill revealed his Foreign Object as a Blackjack and used it to slug Wright to the skull. Wild Bill tagged out and Moondog used his finisher. 8:38
3. Flamboyant Eric Embry with Oliver Humperdink; The Piledriver Pin over Cowboy Scott Casey. The popular Casey was in control and after using a Running lariat the match seemed over. Ollie reached in the ring and smashed a Wine Bottle (Rex Goliath Cabernet) to Scott’s head. Embry used a Neckbreaker and then The Piledriver finisher. 7:08
4. Zambaui Express (Kareem Muhammed and Elijah Akeem) beat Desperados (Black Bart and Outlaw Ron Bass) with J.J. Dillon. Elijah Akeem; Falling Knee to Head Pin over Black Bart. Kareem used a Gutbuster on Bass who had his breath taken away. He counted with a Skullcrusher onto a Steel Chair the Dillon slipped in the ring. Kareen was barely able to tag Elijah but did so and slipped from the ring. JJ Dillon was head saying to Bart and bass; “End the match on the only guy left.” Dillon got his way but it wasn’r what he expected. Bass smashed the Branding Iron to Bart’s head by mistake. Akeem then finished the match. 10:51
5. Terry Taylor won by DQ over Crazy Luke Graham with Percy Pringle. Luke troed using his Bandaged Thumb which he now claims; “I invented.” (and all this time we thought it was for medical purposes). When Luke had a chair Terry was able to smash it to Luke’s face with a Flying Dropkick. Terry hooked in the Figure Four and it would have been curtains. Percy being very nonshalont by looking away tried to slip Luke some Brass Nucks. He handed them to Referee Tommy Weathers. Weathers called for the bell while Taylor protested; “I had him!!” 8:02
6. Army of Darkness (Kevin Sullivan and Purple Haze) with Luna and the Lock and Pretty Young Things (Norvell Austin and Sweet Brown Sugar); Double Count-Out. The pretty Young tings were greeted during the introductions with Chairshots that cost them several hundred points from their total. When the Action went OOR it seemed to be a huge disadvantage to the PYT but they held their own. The Brawl was up the ramp and out to the food court. Some table were turned over. The Zamboui Express came out to make sure that Buzz sawyer wasn’t going to get in the action. Buzz had wandered out to the food court to see the Brawl. Elijah stood with Buzz while Kareem helped himself to a few pies. The match? It was counted out long ago. 9:55
7. Blackjack Mulligan; Dreaded Clawhold Submission over Maddog Buzz Sawyer with Luna and the Lock. Luna tried to spray Oven Cleaner to Blackjack’s eyes and Buzz used a Foreign Object but the move got reversed. Blackjack performed a Double Knee thrust that simply put Sawyer in dire straits. Mulligan added the Claw and Luna yelled for the submission. 8:46
8. Florida Title – Billy Jack (Champion); Full Nelson Submission over Gorgeous Jimmy Garvin (Challenger) with Precious. Jimmy used a fallen Knee to the Throat to try and weaken the tough Billy jack. Precious handed Jimmy a Sharp Object that looked a lot like a Broken piece of a compact mirror. Jimmy got slashed along the eyelid in the scuffle and was bleeding. Billy used a Backward Head Slam and then applied the finisher. Billy Jack retains the Florida Title. 9:59 |
GV |
Posted on 03/21/2022


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Laurel Peach Orchids and Scrubby’s Place presents;
NWA Wrestling (1982-85)- WTBS-TV - Major Show
Augusta Arena, Augusta, GA Att: 8,532
Commentators; Stan Rhodes and Freddie Miller
Referees; Bill McMinn & Bobby Simmons Ring; Penny Mitchell
1. Pat Rose; Rose Bomb Pin over Hustler Rip Rogers with Brenda Britton. After OOR Action where Rose had his head smashed to the Steel rail, Rogers was lackadaisical after re-entering the ring. Rose was being blinded by blood from a pretty bad slash. I spire of the advantage that Rip had, Brenda used perfume spray to the eyes that hit Rip by mistake. Shocked by her miss Brenda smashed a tray that also hit Rip but in the head. Rose took advantage on the dazed Rogers with the Bomb that ended the match. 5:11
2. Killer Khan with Playboy Gary Hart; Asian Spike (Thumb to Throat) Submission over Hangman Len Kruger. Khan probably could have ended the match a little earlier when he hooked in a Mongolian Nerve Grip to the shoulder muscle. Before Kruger could submit Khan let up on the hold. Khan was in the corner sucking on his thumb when the Hangman tried a corner Splash. He was greeted with Green Mist Spit and then the finisher. 3:59
3. Buddy Landell with Missy Hyatt; Figure Four Leglock Pin over Pretty Boy Larry Sharp. Sharp was able to use a gourd Buster that almost had Landell pinned. Missy Hyatt smashed “Lady in Waiting” purse to Pretty Boy’s head. Landell shook off the daze and used a Wicked Kick to the Groin that doubled Sharp over. Buddy applied the Figure Four finisher. 5:41
4. Sgt. Slaughter won by DQ over Angel of Death with Playboy Gary Hart. The fans are not sure whether to trust Slaughter’s change of attitude. Since being a face the Sgt. enters the arenas with a Large Flag and he has small flags he hands to the fans especially kids. When the Sgt. Came from behind the curtain he was immediately greeted by Killer Khan who grabbed the large Flag and smashed it to Slaughter’s back. Khan who knows how to hide ran off. Slaughter finally made it to the ring as Gary Hart argued with Referee Bobby Simmons that the match should be called a Count-Out. After a back and forth match of about 6 minutes Slaughter hooked in the Cobra Clutch that was normally curtains and it would have been. The Playboy smashed a Loaded Boot to Slaughter’s head. Referee Bobby Simmons called for the DQ. Gary Hart was livid. He grabbed a typewriter from the Press table, entered the ring and smashed it over Bobby Simmons back. Simmons was taken off on a stretcher. 6:57
5. Lord Humongous with Downtown Bruno and steve “Do It To It” Cox; Double Count-Out. During OOR Action Steve performed a Flying Elbow smash and then a Running Knee Drop that socked and dazed Humongous. Bruno had a large Money Clip and was able to hand it the Humongous. After a Smash to the chops, the Hockey Masked Monster used a Choke Slam on the ramp and then followed with a Power Slam. Lord Humongous walked to the locker area never looking back at the ring. 4:45
6. Buddy Colt is the new referee taking Bobby Simmons place. Masked Superstar with Percy Pringle; Running Skullcrusher Pin over Mr. Wrestling II. Mr. Wrestling II used a million $ Knee Lift as a set up to a pin. The always active Percy had a Bottle of Hiram walker’s Peach Brandy that he used a slug Mr. Wrestling II over the skull. The Masked Superstar had a Smakk Forein Object in his mask (piece of lead???). The Superstar used it to add to the damage on Mr. Wrestling II who was almost KO’d. In spite of that The Superstar tried to make it look legitimate so he used the Skullcrusher for a finish. 9:31
7. NWA Tag Title – Cobra Corps (Pvt. Don Kernodle and Pvt. Jim Nelson) (Champions) with Sgt. Slaughter won by DQ over Midnight Express (Dennis Condrey and Bobby Eaton) with Jim Cornette. The Cops showed why they are champions in spite of many thinking they are a lesser tag team. Nelson hooked in a cobra Choke on Condrey that was broken up by a kick from Eaton. Kernodle used a lariat on Eaton that was broken up with a kick from Condrey. Eaton tried a Suicide Leap but found an empty canvas. Kernodle used a Swinging Neckbreaker. Cornette was panicking when he grabbed aReed Camera and smashed it to Kernodle. Referee Bill McMinn called the DQ. After the match Herman Pepper of the Augusta Chronicle was holding at phone; “Hay Cornette It’s for you. Some lady at Reed Photography that claims you owe for another camera.” The Cobra Corps retain the NWA Tag Title. 13:56
8. Nebraska Bull Rope Match – Dusty Rhodes pinned One Man Gang. General Skandor akbar was being guarded by Sgt. Slaughter who had a Swagger Stick that he was ready to use. Rhodes cut a Brilliant Promo earlier with part time announcer George Vessicho for TBS Super Station. The points carried over to his total in this match. The Cowbell was used by both wrestlers and both had gashes in their foreheads. Gang managed to bring his chain in the ring but was counted when Dusy used it to choke out Gang. OOR Dusty pummeled Gang into the Crowd, wrapped the rope around him and dragged him to the ring. No easy task especially when Dusty was exhausted and bleeding. Rhodes got the pin but collapsed next to One Man Gang who was out cold. 17:55 |
GV |
Posted on 03/22/2022


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Good Time Charlie’s and Pretzel Twister presents;
NWA Mid-South Wrestling (1982-85)
Bancorp South Arena – Tupelo, MS Att: 9,962
Commentators; Joe Pedicino, Bonnie Blackxtone, & MKABear
Referees; Tom Renesto & Bobby Dee Ring; Ed Capral
1. King Cobra; Cobra Bite Cobra Clutch) Submission over Gene Ligon. Ligon made a good showing and nearly had a pin after a Falling Axe Handle until the Cobra used a Vicious Eye Rake to slow Gene down. Cobra used a Running Jackhammer and then the Cobra Bite ti end the match. 3:53
2. Hangman Bobby Jaggers with Number 1 Paul Jones; Elbow Drop Pin over Bob “Rusty” Riddle. The fans were on their feet booing Jaggers and, more likely, Jones. Jaggers reacted with some arm gestures but Jones went about his business. Points were added to Jaggers’ total. The rough Riddle got in a few Elbows to the Chops and an Eye Burn on the Ropes but it wasn’t enough. Jaggers used a Reverse Neckbreaker and then the finisher. 4:09
Loudspeaker – Would Jimmy Cornette come to the Information Booth. Your Jaguar is being hauled away in lieu of a Reed Photography Destroyed Camera. You failed to pay after breaking it. Thank You.
3. Dr. Tom Pritchard without Jim Cornette; Super Kick Pin over Chief Frank Hill. Hill was setting up The Doctor of Desire for the pin using his War dance with chops to the neck area. Jim Cornette came running to ringside huffing and puffing. He immediately tried to hit the Chief with a Tennis Racket. Chief frank turned to confront Cornette and Pritchard took advantage with a Flying Cannball. A Slingshot off the Turnbuckle dazed Hill and when he got his feet he was hit with the Super Kick. 6:24
4. Jerry “Crusher” Blackwell pinned Abdullah the Butcher with Oliver Humperdink. In an Unusual Ending, Abdullah used his usual moves to try and gain an advantage; Grinding Flash Bulbs into the Eyes, Biting, Mouth Ripper and took advantage of a distraction by bring a Spike 2 x 4 into the ring. Blackwell was able to use a dropkick that made the butcher let go of the 2 x 4. Blackwell used a Torpedo and a Flying Rib Crusher to set Abdullah up for the pin. The Butcher decided on a all or nothing move. He was able to climb the Turnbuckle for a suicide dive. It is a wonder that the Ring Floor didn’t breal when Abdullah hit the empty canvas. Abdullah was done when Jerry pinned him. Both wrestlers were helped from the ring. 9:22
Loudspeaker – Would Jimmy Cornette pleast come to the Information Booth. The Tow Truck is back to haul your Jaguar. You must pay for the destroyed Reed Camera. Thank You.
5. Rock n’ Roll Express (Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson) beat The Sheepherders (Butch Miller and Luke Williams) with Lord Jonathan Boyd. Gibson; Double Rock n’ Roll (Missile Drop Kicks with Morton) Pin over Luke Williams. Lord Jonathan Boyd was trying to help The sheepherders but was being closing watched by Referee Tom Renesto. Boyd finally had a chance to interfere and used his Flag pole to tru and smash Gibson. He hit Butch Miller by mistake. Luke Williams ran in the ring to take Miller’s place. Luke was greeted with the Rock n’ Roll and pinned. Lord Boyd was screaming that Luke wasn’t the legal man but Renesto let the decision stand. 11:24
6. Jimmy “Boogie” Valiant won by DQ over Kamala with Skador Akbar and a handler named Friday. The crowd was screaming and applauding as soon as the “Boy from NYC” music blared over the speakers. Kamala choked out Jimmy on several occasions and the used several bites to keep the match in the syle the Big man knew best. Boogie final had enough and used a Wicked Kick. Kamala keeled over an agony. Jimmy hooked on the NY Sleeper and it would have been curtains. The handler Friday ran in the ring with a Spear and Referee Bobby Dee called the match.
7. The Dream Machine with Jim Cornette won by DQ over Austin Idol with Sherri Martel. The machine had a Foreign Object in his mash (Small piece of Lead) that he tried to retrieve but the metal fell to the canvas. Austin picked it up to throw it from the ring but Referee Bobby Dee saw him. Dee called for the DQ. Dream Machine laughed calling Idol a; “Cheater.” Austin Idol pused Dream machine down and hooked in the Vegas Leglock. The Machine was screaming in pain as Cornette tried to get in the ring. Sherri sprayed perfume to Cornette’s Eyes, took his Tennis Racket and smashed it over Jimmy’s head. Jimmy “Boogie” Valiant and The Rock n’ Roll Express walked slowly to the ring to stop Austin Idol’s Leglock. Joe Pedicino; “Could they walk any slower. They are even stopping to sign autographs.” Sherri was jawing with referee Bobby Dee while MKABear was yelling from the Commentator’s Table that Dee was blind in his decision. 9:41
8. CAGE MATCH – Jake “Snake” Roberts; Pin and Escape win over Ted DiBiase. DiBiase used a Back Elbow Drop and a Face Rammer into the Cage Wall to stun Jake. Jake reached in his boot and pulled out a piece of sharp glass. DiBiase was slashed and bleeding. Roberts raked Ted’s bleeding face across the Cage Wall. DiBiase, blinded, was helpless as Jake used a DDT and then the pin. Jake climbed to the tainted Victory. 20:21 |
GV |
Posted on 03/22/2022


Posts: 8094
Joined: 03/07/2019
Dunn’s Transmission and Reed Photography presents;
NWA Mid-South Wrestling (1982-5)
Mid-South Coliseum – Memphis, TN Att: 12,946
Commentators; Lance Russell & Dave Brown
Referees; Jerry Calhoun & Tom Renesto Jr. Ring; Boyd Pierce
1. Mike Fever won by DQ over Timekeeper Mike George. Mike used a Foreign Object (Piece of Lead wrapped with cloth) to smash Fever in the Chops. The Timekeeper had to hold Fever up so he could perform his custom Backward Head Slam. The problem is that jerry Calhoun saw the infraction and called the match. Mike George was livid; “This is wrong. The guy (Fever) is out from exhaustion. This is so wring.” The timekeeper predicted a victory in 3:25 and he was right. Fever was awarded the win in 3:20.
2. ‘Every Woman’s Dream’ Eddie Gilbert with Missy Hyatt; Hotshot Flapjack Pin over Cowboy Johnny Mantel. Gilbert was OOR and got into a verbal altercation with an elderly fan. Mantel walked over to protect the fan but Eddie smashed a Trash can over Johnny’s back. Eddie had points added to his total. Back in the ring Mantel was recovering when Missy Hyatt used ‘Lady in Waiting’ (Loaded purse to smash Mantel over the head. Gilbert used his finisher to end the match. 5:02
3. Mr. Pogo with Togo Yammamoto; Throw a Fireball Pin over Dutch Mantel with Jimmy Hart. In the pre-match Pogo offered a handshake that Dutch knew was phony so Mantel kicked Pogo in the stomach. The match was going Dutch’s way and when he used a Headrammer it looked like curtains for Pogo. Yammamoto Threw the Fireball and Pogo used a wicked Kick to the Groin to down Dutch. Jimmy hart was being held out of the ring by Jerry Calhoun. Pogo made the Pin. 7:23
4. Lumberjack Joe LeDuc; Woodsman Power Smash (Double Axe Handle) Pin over Phil Hickerson with Togo Yammamoto. Hickerson tried a Vicious Eye Rake and tried to get Jos up for the Hicherson Slam but was unable to accomplish the feat. Togo threw some sand to Jos’ eyes but missed and distracted Phil. LeDuc used a Chainsaw Drop (Guillotine Drop) and then the Axe Handle when Phil got to his feet. 5:26
5. Rock n’ Roll RPM’s (maniac Mike Davis and Tommy Lane) won by DQ over Fabulous Ones (Steve Keirn and Stan Lane). The RPM’s were able to use a few Blatant Chokes and Maniac Mike was able to Smash his Metal helmet to Stan Lane’s head but The Fabs owned most of the match. Keirn used a Swinging Neckbreaker on Tommy Lane then everything went haywire. Mike George still angry walked by the ring to take a seat and wait to speak with Jerry Calhoun. The Mike George still had the Foreign Object he used in his match. He tossed it in the ring. Steve Keirn saw it and picked it up to toss it out of the ring. Referee Jerry Calhoun saw him and called the DQ. Maniac Mike Davis was so thrilled that he did a few somersaults in the ring. The Fabulous Ones protested and pointed to Mike George who had mysteriously disappeared. 13:56
6. Jerry “King” Lawler and Nick Bockwinkle; Double Count-Out. This was a totally even match with both wrestlers showing their technical abilities. When the match went OOR it seemed doomed to stay OOR. The Fight went up the ramp, down the corridor and into the Foos Court. A Pizza Oven was overturned and A Hot Dog Cart will have to be repaired. The match was long over. 10:10
7. Southern Title – Wildfire Tommy Rich (Champion) won by DQ over Superstar Bill Dundee with Jimmy Cornette (Challenger). Rich used a Double Forearm Hammer and then a Flying Knee Drop to just about put Dundee away. Bill was able to avoid the pin when Jimmy Cornette pulled Dundee from the ring. Dundee was frustrated and re-entered the ring with a Hammer. He was immediately DQ’d. Tommy Rich retains the Southern Title.
8. Cage Match – Bruiser Brody Pinned and Escaped Win over Mongolian Stomper. The Stomper had Jimmy Cornette outside the cage and Jimmy called out The Dream Machine and The Midnight Express. Everyone expected that someone in Cornette’s stable was going to find a way to help. Actually they found a way to help but the help went to Brody. Having fun in his own element Bruiser tied The Stomper into the Corner Ropes and pummeled him with Brass Nucks slipped through a hole in the cage by Dennis Condrey. Bruiser then Raked The Stompers face across the Cage Wall. Bruiser pinned the stomper who was unable to move. 17:14 |