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Frank Coutinho's UQ Wrestling Results
Hog Head Inn & Cal Hebner’s Pub Presents;
TNA Impact Wrestling (202-14)
Convention Center, Fort Smith, AR Att: 3,414

Commentators; Professor Mike Tenay & Taz
Referees; Brian Hebner & Barry Horowitz Ring; Lucy Lufisto

1. JPW - Tim Zbyszko with Joel Goodheart; Rolling German Suplex Pin over Chance Prophett. During the pre-match Zbyszko attacked Chance with a Trash Can smashing it over his back. Chance was able to battle back and set Tim up for a Headlock Bulldog. Goodheart reached in the ring taking advantage of a distraction and hit Chance with a Flahlight. Goodheart slid a Folded steel Chair onto the ring floor. Zbyszko Performed a Brainbuster to Prophett onto the Steel Chair. Tim followed with his finisher. 6:56

2. JPW – Andy Leavine and Notorious T.I.D.; Double Count-Out. The OOR Action became vicious after Notorious retrieved his Barbed Wire Plunger. Leavine used a chair to stop from getting hit. Andy finally smashed the chair over Notorious’ head then picked him up and slammed T.I.D. through a table. The in-ring count had more than reach 10. 4:44

3. Angelina Love with Velvet Sky; Light’s Out (Lifting STO) Pin over Brittany. Brittany climbed the ropes to perform a Shinning Star Press (Moosault). Velvet wandered to that side of the outer ring and after getting on the ring apron tripped Brittany. Brittany crashed to the canvas. Angelina wasted no time in performing a Head Rammer into the post and then finished the match. 7:36

4. Hotshot Johnny Devine with Dave Prazak; Devine Intervention (Moonsault) Pin over Vordell Walker. Vordell was able to use a Tornado Clothesline nearly gain a pin. Prazak slipped Devine a small Foreign Object that Hot Shot used to smash Vordell to the chops. After a Slingshot Clothesline Devine used his finisher to end the match. 4:54

5. Ryan Howe; Inverted DDT pin over Jack Black with Bolin Services (King Kenny & Glen “Beast” Osborne). Ryan used his speed to frustrated Black. Osborne tried to help Black by swinging his Chain to hit Howe. Unfortunately Black couldn’t get out of the way. Jack took a smash the head. Howe didn’r hesitate to smash his guitar onto Black’s skull. The DDT finished the big man. As Howe was celebrating after the match he was attacked by Glen “The Beast” Osborne and Flash Flanagan. They beat him unmercifully. Andy Leavine and Barry Horowitz ran to the ring to help Ryan. Bolin Services left the ring as the stretcher bearers came to carry Howe away. 6:16

6. Doug Williams won by Count-Out over Alex Shelly. In an Unusual Result during, Shelly who was constantly jawing with Barry Horowitz called Barry a lousy referee. Shelly had a Flying Press that was good for a one count. Alex felt it should be a three count. Shelly final threw down his arms and left the ring. Horowitz gladly counted Alex out. 6:24

7. Loser Leave Town Match – Samoa Joe; Muscle Buster Suplex Pin over Colt Cabana. Cabana seemed to be in control as he used Vicious Chokes to wear down Joe. After a Spin Kick Cabana got a few two counts. Joe was able to use a Guy Wrench to slow Cabana and then the Muscle Buster. Colt shook Joe's hand in spite of their differences. 9:46

8. X-Division Title – Kenny King (Challenger) with MVP won by Count-Out over Crimson (Champion). In an Unusuakl Result, MVP was his usual irritating self and was constantly interfering. Crimson finally had enough and left the ring and was fighting with MVP. Crimson got the best of the fight but Kenny won the match. Crimson retains the X-Division Title.
The Growling Dog & Neat Dave’s Auto presents;
TNA-Impact (2012-14)
Civic Arena – St. Joseph, MO Att: 3,210

Commentators; Jason Gentry and Jeremy Borach
Referees; Earl Hebner & Bobby Blaze Ring; Christy Hemme

1. NJPW - Murat Bosporus; Frog Splash Pin over Josef von Schmidt. Von Schmidt who seems to be lost in a time warp ‘Goose Stepped’ around the ring trying to intimidate but only wasted tome. Murat is a get down to business wrestler. When von Schmidt tried to use a Swagger Stick to hit Murat the move got reversed and Josef was cut on the forehead. Murat used a column Clothesline to get von Schmidt down before performing the high flying Frog Splash. 5:46

2. NJPW - F.E.F. (Far East Firm) (Mohammed Yone and Toru Yano) beat Irish Airborne (Dave and Jake Crist). Yano; Kagamiwari (Scoop Brainbuster) Pin over Dave Crist. During OOR Action The Airborne doubleteamed Mohammed and slammed him through a table. Yano who had been thrown into the Steel Guard Rail somehow managed to get back in the ring. When Dave, the legal man re-entered he ring he was hit with an unexpected Flying Gutbuster from the recovered Yano. Toru Yano used his finisher to end the match. 8:46

3. Tigre Uno; Sabertooth Splash (450° Splash) Pin over Façade. The arrogant Façade took the microphone insulted Christy Hemme when he said that he didn’t blame Samuel Shaw for being smitten with her. He went on to say that he was ready to show her a real man. He told Christy to wait a minute and he would dispose of Tigre. The fans were booing but Façade got what he wanted in extra points added to his total. Façade was able to show a pretty good Swing Heel Kick but fell to the speed of Tigre. After a Neckbreaker Tigre climbed the ropes for the flying finisher. 4:51

4. Wes Brisco with Garrett Bischoff; Brisco Roll Pin over King Mo. This might as well been a handicap match as Mo had to fight both Wes and Garrett. Mo paid the price when he was Doubleteamed for a Piledriver. Garrett on the outside used a Leather Belt to choke out Mo. After a Underhook DDT Mow was hit with a Falling Knee to the Throat. Wes and Garrett walked off to loud chorus’ of boos after the pin. 4:25

5. Knockout Title – Madison Rayne (Challenger) hearing cheers; Push-Up Facebuster Pin over MsChif (Champion). MsChif had a Foreign Object (Compact) that she tried to use for a Smash to the Chops. She dropped the Compact and Madison was going to retrieve it. MsChif slammed Madison in the back of the head when she bent over. The Champion then perform a Throat Slam onto the ropes. As MsChip was ‘Hiotdogging’ with a ‘It’s all Over Strut’, she was hit with a Flying Elbow Smash and then the facebuster. Madison Rayne is the NEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWW Knockout Champion. 6:44

6. The Bullett Club (Bad Luck Fale and Prince Devitt) beat Trailer Park Pride (Elvis Pridemore and Traliler Park Trash). Fale; Chokeslam Pin over Trash. DOC Gallows and Machine Gun Karl Anderson wandered to ringside giving the Club a huge advantage. Trailer Park Pride got in a few illegal moves especially with a Rusty Hubcap that left an impression in Prince McDevitt’s faorhead. During a distraction DOC was able to use a Crucifix power bomb on Elvis. Trash entered the ring and was hit with a Running Axe Handle and then the dreaded Choke Slam. The Pride claimed that Trash was not the legal man and they may have been right. It did not matter. 9:26

7. MVP with Kenny King; Drive-By Kick over James ‘Moose’ Thomas. MVP had a Foreign Object Key Chain) that he used to hit Thomas several times in the pre-match. Kenny joined to pummeling. During the match Kenny took advantage of Earl Hebner’s distraction when Madison Raynes came to the commentators table for an interview by using a Coronation DDT. MVP followed with a Guillotine Leg Drop and then used his Kick finish when Moose somehow got to his feet. 5:23

8. Bobby Roode; The Payoff (Bridging Cradle Suplex) Pin over Jeff Hardy. During OOR Action the wrestlers traded Chairshots and Smashes to the Post and then Steel Steps. Back in the ring Hardy used a Reverse of Fate (Neckbreaker). Austin Aires ran out and pulled Roode from a sure Pin. With Referee Bobby Blaze KO’d, Aires and Roode used a Backward Head Slam on Hardy and then the finisher. 12:43
Hi George, Not sure if you remember me-(Alan) its been a few years but i used to follow your UQ replays on the old board. Wow so sorry to hear about Frank's passing. I remember talking to him about UQ wrestling many times. Anyway its been a few rough years for me as well. My sister passed away about 2 years ago. Just wanted to let you know i am still around. Also is it possible if there is any way i can still see your old UQ replays from the WWWF. I used to love following them

Hi Alan !

It's always great to hear from you, my friend ! I'm so very sorry to learn of your sister's passing. My deepest condolences to you and your family.

I think that I may have my wrestling results from the old message board saved somewhere. If I can find the file, I will post them in a new thread.

Duke’s Rib Pit and Ewing Oil presents;
TNA-Impact (2012-14)
MPEC Center – Wichita Falls, TX Att: 4,838

Commentators; Prof. Mike Tenay, Taz & Kurt Angle
Referees; Brian Gorie & Val Venis Ring; Kelly Kelly

1. JPW - David Starr and Vince Beach; Double Count-Out. During OOR Action Vince retrieved a Music Stand and smashed Starr over the back. Both wrestlers were exhausted from the ringside brawl and both were bleeding from smashed to the Steel Steps. Starr mustered enough energy to use an Olympic Slam to Vince on the ramp. Somehow the falling momentum carried both wrestlers over the edge and they fell into the pit below. 4:12

2. Blackheart Stable (Breaker Morant and AHTU) with Joel Goodheart beat The Chiefs (Shane and Shannon Ballard. AHTU; Choke Slam Pin over Shannon. The Chiefs, doing their best impression of The Hanson’s from Slap Shot, used a Doubleteam High/Low Body Check to try and get AHTU off his feet. Joel Goodheart too advantage of a distraction and handed Morant a large solid Money Clip. TBreaker used it to smash Shane in the chops and render him useless. Morant followed with an Ice Breaker (Diving Body Smash) on Shannon. AHTU finished the match with the Choke Slam. 8:36

3. Manik; Rolling Moonsault Pin over Shiloh Jonze. Jonze gained an edge after performing a Headrammer into the Corner Post. Jonze was trying to hide a small Foreign Object from Referee Brian Gorie giving Manik enough time to shake off the daze from the Headrammer. Manik used a D.O.A. (Sunset Flip) and then climbed the ropes for his Moonsault. 4:26

4. Gail Kim won by Count-Out over Lei’D Tapa. During OOR Action Lei’D used a trash can Lid as a weapon trying to wear down Gail. Gail countered with a microphone smash to Lei’d’s head. The Giant Tapa (225 lbs) was groggy but didn’t fall. Gail used Eat Defeat (Facebreaker) to put Tapa down. Gail made it back to the ring before Val Venis’ count reach 10. Gail stopped to talk to Kurt; “You know what sounds good right now? A Vessichio Cannoli.” Kurt to Gail; “Get me one……Please.” Kurt looked at the Professor and Taz; “Better make it three.” 5:56

5. The Menagerie (Knux and The Freak) with Crazzy Steve and The Rebel beat The Beasts (Glen Beast Osborn and Flash Flanagan) with King Kenny Bolin and Jack Black. Knux; Reverse chain Shot over Flanagan. Jack Black found a tool Box under the ring. Rather than take a tool to use as a weapon, Jack took the whole box. Black tried to use the Box to hit The Freak. Jack missed and hit Osborn. Glen crashed to the canvas. Bolin got into the action with a can of Mace that he tried to use on The Freak. He missed and hit Flanagan. Black now had a chain that Knux took and smashed the blinded Flash over the head. The match ended with the 4 combatants in the ring and Knux pinning Flash. Referee Brian Gorie counted but I doubt if he knew who was legal. The whole match seemed illegal. 11:45

6. Petey Williams; Canadian Destroyer (Front Flip Piledriver) Pin over Bad Boy Bobby Dempsey. Dempsey tried his Cobra Clutch Bulldog but Petey slipped out of the move. Williams used a Underhook DDT to smash Dempsey’s head to the canvas. The devastating Destroyer finished the match. 5:29

7. Jay Lethal; Lethal Combination (STO) Pin over Austin Aires. Austin came out to a chorus of boos. The Wichita Fall fans who trusted Aires at one point were sick of his games of “Am I a Heel or a Face.” With Aires it seems like he changes more often than the weather. Aires was able to gain an advantage on the speedy Lethal. A Tornado Forearm put Jay down so Aires climbed the ropes for a Top Rope Brainbuster. Bobby Roode wandered to the ring. Aires noticing Roode yelled at him to leave. As he was distracted buy Roode Austin crashed down to the canvas. Jay lethal took immediate advantage and performed the Lethal Combination. 7:38

8. TNA Title – Magnus (Challenger) with Bram; Tormentum (Samoan Drop) Pin over Cowboy James Storm (Champion). Stom was continually having to fight off Bram who was getting into the action. At one point Storm was fighting Bram OOR trading smashed to the Steel Steps. Back in the ring Storm was able to used a Super Kick on Bram who was coming at him. Magnus taking advantage of Referee Val Venis being KO’d used a Chair to smash Storm over the head as he was distracted by Bram. Magnus is the NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW TNA Champion. 10:31
Nick’s Saloon and Ralston Grain presents;
TNA-Impact Wrestling (2012-14)
Bridge View Center – Ottumwa, Iowa Att: 3,964

Commentators; Jeremy Borash & Dixie Carter
Referees; Al Snow & Brian Stiffler Ring; Christy Hemme

1. NJPW - The Naturals (Andy Douglas and Chase Stevens) beat The Westside Playez (Boyce LaGrande and Robert Thompson). Chase; Shooting Star Press Pin over Thompson. Douglas used a Natural Selection (Underhook DDT) to pretty well eliminate Boyce so Thompson jumped in the ring. Stevens followed and used his finisher. No one saw any tags being made but Referee Al Snow must have been satisfied that everything was Legit because he counted. 8:45

2. OVW – Cliff Compton with Bolin Services (King Kenny and Jack Black); Cliff Hanger (Tornado DDT) pin over Randy Terrez. Black took advantage of a distraction by King Kenny and pulled Randy noggin 1st to the floor below the ring. Several punches later Black threw Terrez back into the ring. Compton was waiting with a Suicide Death Leap and then his finisher. 4;16

3. O.D.B.; Dirty Dozen Face Smash Pin over Alpha Female with Lei’d Tapa. O.D.B. was oversized by both Alpha and Lei’d but not out savvied. When Lei’d tried to hit O.D.B with a Trash Can Lid, O.D.B. reversed the move and smashed both Tapa and Female. A Headlock Bulldog on the dazed alpha set up the finisher. 5:26

4. Garrett Bischoff with Wes Brisco won by Count-Out over Alex Silva. Silva was able to set up a pin after a Silva Surfer (Running High Knee) but Wes countered by pulling Alex from the ring. Bischoff and Brisco used a Dirty Doubleteam and a Roundhouse Kick from Garrett to set up the finish. A Doubleteam DDT onto the floor was enough to KO Siva. Garrett slipped back in the ring. 4:23

5. Seiya Senada and Carlito Colon; Double Count-Out. The OOR Action ended in the Food Court where a Popcorn Machine and several table were overturned. Veda Scott helped save George Vessichio’s Cannoli table. Veda was signing glossies for the fans who bought a cannoli. The OOR Brawl ended when both wrestlers collapsed after crashing through the Ticket Booth. DOC Gallows and Karl Anderson who were in the Food Court buying pizza, picked up a large bucket of ice, that is used to keep soda cool, and dumped it on both wrestlers. Seiya and Carlito, though exhausted, struggled get up from the cold ice. This was a mess. 6:31

6. Bro-Manns (Jesse Godderz and Robbie E) with DJZ beat The Blu-Prints (Matt Morgan and Crimson). Crimson set Jesse up for the fisish using a Red Sky (Spinebuster). Matt was fighting with Robbie E outside the ring. DJZ (Zema ion) took advantage of a distraction and hit Crimson over the head with a beer bottle. Crimson crashed to the canvas and Jesse covered for the pin. 10:38

7. Eric Young; Young Blood Neckbreaker Pin over Abyss the Monster. Abyss should have had this match but he wasted time after performing a Black Hole Slam. Abyss went outside the ring to retrieve Janice (his Spike Club ). O.D.B. came to ringside and Smashed a Flask to Abyss’ head. As the monster got back in the ring, Eric used a Top Rope Elbow Smash and then the Neckbreaker finish. 8:43

8. TNA TV Title – Zema Ion (Champion) with Jesse Godderz and Robbie E; 630° Senton pin over Jesse Sorenson (Challenger). This was more like a 3-1 handicap match. Jesse Godderez wasted no time in hitting Sorenson with a wrench. Sorenson fought back and used a Facelock DDT that got several 2 counts. Robbie E used some of his gooey Hair spray to Sorenson’s eyes. Zema followed with a Gory Bomb then finished the match. 9:37
Moe’s Tavern and Blue Sun Corp. presents;
TNA-Impact Wrestling (2012-14)
The Venue at the Hub – Fargo, ND Att: 4,376

Commentators; Prof Mike Tenay & Taz
Referees; Tommy Dreamer & Lash LaRoux
Ring; Taryn Terrell

1. NJPW - Northern Outlaws (Sylvain Grenier and Ty Dillinger) beat Shaolin Wrecking Crew (Majic and Suba). Dillinger; Frog Splash Pin over Suba. The Wrecking crew attacked immediately in the pre-match using Loaded Elbow Pads to smash the Outlaws. During the match Suba climbed the ropes for a Vader Bomb on Grienier but Sylvain got out of the way as the huge Suba came crashing to the canvas. Majic ran in the ring and was greeted with a DDT. Dillinger climbed the ropes then tagged Sylvain before performing the Frog Splash. 7:33

2. OVW – Paredyse won by DQ over Joe Coleman. In an Unusual Result when the match was not going well for the arrogant Coleman, Joe found a Barbed Wire Baseball Bat under the ring. As he tried to enter the ring with the bat, Referee Lash LaRoux called for the bell. 3:21

3. Crazzy Steve with The Menagerie and Ryan Howe with his Guitar; Double Count-Out. Crazzy Steve spent too nuch time with stupid antics and Howe finally caught him in a Double Knee Backbreaker. This could have gotten a submission but The Freak broke up the hold. Howe used an Inverted DDT to set Crazzy Steve up for the pin but The Freak and Knux pulled both wrestlers out of the ring while The Rebel distracted Referee Tommy Dreamer. Crazzy Steve was pretty much out of it as The Freak and Knux used a Freakbuster (Spinebuster) on Ryan Howe. The time ran out on both wrestlers. 5:10

4. Brook Tessmaker won by DQ over the Rebel. Brook used her Tess-Shocker (Facebuster) and would have pinned The Rebel but Referee Lash LaRoux was hit with several Water Balloons from Crazzy Steve and the clowns. LaRoux call for the bell as Brook protested that lash should count even though he was wet. The Carnival Music blared as The strange Menagerie, all looking satisfied, left the arena. 4:35

5. No Remorse (Gunner and Murphy) beat Goodfellas (Eddie Kingston and Craig Steele) with Mo Green. Murphy; Gut Wrench Suplex Pin over Eddie Kingston. Gunner used a Spinebuster on Craig Steele who while trying to tag out fell from the ring apron. Mo Greene then tried to help by using his Mafia-Jack (Blackjack) but he hit Eddie in the head. Murphy finished the match wth his Gut Wrench while Mo who never shuts up was complaining to Referee Tommy Dreamer that Eddie never tagged Steele. Dreamer ignored Mo who screamed; “It because you don’t like me.” Dreamer answered; “Mo, it’s not personal, it’s strictly business.” 8:35

6. Ethan Carter III (EC-3) with Rockstar Spud; One Percenter (Headlock Driver) Pin over Christian York. York had Ethan on the defense as Christian used some aerial moves and came close to pins several times. Spud got into the act when he threw a cup of coffee into Christian’s face giving EC-3 the chance he needed. Spud threw EC-3 a leather belt that he used a choke out York while Spud did his usual distraction. Carter finished the match with his Driver. 7:53

7. Mr. ANNNNNNNDEEEEEEEERSOOOOOOON; Mic Check (STO) pin over Samuel Shaw. Shaw still in a Patrick Bateman (American Psycho) personality was showings some depression from his failure at getting Christy Hemme interested in him. Still he overcame some early match problems and eventually came close to hooking in a the Kata- Gatame (Chokehold). Anderson was able to break to hold partially because Samuel was interested in Ring Announcer Taryn Terrell. Anderson used a green bay Plunge and then his Mic Check finisher.

8. The Wolves (Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards) beat Bad Influence (Christopher Daniels and Frankie Kazarian). Richards; DR Driver (Brainbuster) Pin over Kazarian. Daniels had some Brass Nucks but lost them to Richards. Richards wasted no time in using them on Daniels and it was followed by an Eddie Edwards’ Springboard Moonsault. Edwards tagged out to Richards as Kazarian ran in the ring to help Daniels. Richards used his Driver to put Kazarian away. 15:56
Nathan’s Famous and the Shake Shack presents;
TNA Impact Wrestling (2012-14)
Gibby’s Landing on the Dock; Rain or Shine
Long Island, NY Att: 4,950 (SRO)

Commentators; Prof Mike Tenay, Tazz and Cowboy James Storm
Referees; Brian Hebner and Steven Richards Ring; Christy Hemme

1. NJPW - Shaun Tempers won by Count-Out over Marco Corleone. Tempers as usual attacked before the match. It cost Marco some valuable points from his total. Corleone was able to perform a flying Body Press that would have had the 3 count if Referee Brian Hebner hadn’t hesitated. Tempers resorted to a vicious chokehold and then after the action went OOR Shaun smashed a chair over Corleone’s head. Marco was unable to make the count. 4:13

2. NJPW - The Flatliners (Matt Burns and Asylum) with Martin Stanley Fuqua won by Count-Out over D-Line (Black Ice and Bodysnatcher). Fuqua couldn’t help but get into the match. He had the Chain that Asylum carries to the ring. With Referee Steven Richrads distracted, Fuqua swung the chain and hit Bodysnatcher seriously hurting him. The Flatliners had the advantage they needed. During OOR Brawling Fuqua took over for Asylum who slipped back in the ring. D-Line’s Black Ice was counted out. The Tape showed that Burns was the legal man for The Flatliners. 10:21

3. Velvet Sky with Angelina Love; Beauty T (Spike DDT) Pin over Kelly Kelly. Kelly seemed on her way to a win after using a K-2 (Legdrop Bulldog) but Angelina got involved. Angelina sprayed Love Potent #9 into Kelly’s eyes. Velvet reacted immediately with her Beauty T finish. 7:12

4. Bram with Magnus; Hair Pull Head Stomp Pin over Pope D’Angelo Dinero. With Referee Steven Richards distracted Magnus blindsided the Pope with a Samoan Drop. Bram folled with a Cranium Cracker and then the finisher. The Pope was carried from the ring. 4:22

5. Tommy Dreamer; Death Valley Driver Pin over Joey Ryan. Dreamer who is very popular on Long Island received extra points for the huge ovation. This irritated Joey who was screaming that he shouldn’t have to face washed up bums. Joey was able to perform a 70’s Superkick (Chris Adams’ Kick) but Joey got distracted by the booing fans. When Ryan turned around to face Tommy again Joey got a Boot to the Chops. Tommy set up the finish by using a spine Smasher. 5:51

6. Hernandez won by DQ over Anarquia. Hernandez gained the advantage in the match and was frustrating his former partner. After hit by a Corkscrew Splash Anarquia slipped OOR to catch his breath. As he re-entered he brought in a 2 x 4. Referee Steven Richards called for the bell but these two wouldn’t stop fighting. Across the Dock and to the lining of Vendors. Hernandez got the best of the fight and even poured a Large Bucket of Steamers (Steamed Clams) over Anarquia. Then Hernandez picked up Anarquia and Body Slammed him on the Hamburger Grill. George Vessichio (who ran over from his interviews) along with Veda Scott and Taeler Hendricks were able to save the Cannolis and Autographed pictures at George’s booth. 5:10

7. A.J. Styles won by Count-Out over Kid Kash. Kash got away with a Brutal Chaishot on A.J. during the pre-match. Brian Hebner (it must run in the blood) was ogling Veda Scott and was distracted. Veda had no interest in Brian and got back to business when George Vessichio let Brain have it; “Pay attention to your business and maybe you’ll catch an infraction now and then.” A.J. was bleeding but told Hebner not to stop the match. The action went OOR where Styles smammed Kash’s head into the Guard Rail several times . Both wrestlers were bleeding as they stopped the count by re-entering the ring. Kid Kash slipped back out again and A.J. went after him. Styles Dropkicked Kid Kash off the dock and into the Ocean. Styles made it back to the ring although the count was snail paced. 9:48

8. TNA Tag Team Title – Team 3-D (Bully Ray and Devon) (Challengers) beat “The Bullet Club’s” Judgment (DOC Gallows and Machine Gun Karl Anderson) with Prince Devitt. This was a Vicious Brawl. DOC used his chain the smash Devon while Anderson performed a Stun Gun Cutter. Time after time Team 3-D rallied with Devon eventually using a Saving Grace DDT on Anderson. Prince Devitt seeing the match going in the wrong direction tried to enter the ring. Referee Steven Richards held him back so the Prince pushed Steven. Richards countered with a Super Kick that sent Devitt to the floor below. Bully Ray used a Bully Bomb on DOC Gallows and the pin was counted. Team 3-D is the NEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWW TNA Tag Team Champions. 16:57
Max’s Taphouse and Dizzy’s Bay Tours presents;
Ring of Honor Wrestling – (2012-14) on Sinclair Networks
DuBurns Arena – Baltimore, MD Att: 1,502

Commentators; Bobby Cruise, Kevin Kelly & Eric Bischoff
Referees; Gino Colluci and Mike Sanders Ring; Princess Mia Yim

1. Sha Samuels; Exploder Suplex Pin over D.J. Hyde. D.J., never known as a scientific wrestler, tried to use a chair on the Englishman’s head but the move got revered. Samuels hit the dazed Hyde with a Skull Crusher and then the Suplex. 4:16

2. Masada with Christina VonEerie and Ryan Eagles with Madison Eagles; Double Count-Out. This wasn’t about to end in the ring. The two talented wrestlers have never liked each other and the hatred spills over between Christina and Madison. After the action went OOR all 4 were in a Brawl that was never going to allow re-entrance into the ring. They threw everything in sight at each other. 4:37

3. Allysin Kay and Rain (Payton Banks); Double Count-Out. Allysin was greeted with a nice chorus of boos. Much to the fans delight, Rain had the advantage in the match and would have had the pin after an Acid Rain Driver. Kacee Carlisle ran to the ring and was able to break up the pin and help Allysin bail from the ring. Rain should have waited but her instincts took over. OOR rain was at a disadvantage. While Rain was fighting with Allysin, Kacee smashed a Trash Can to Rain’s back. Referee Gino Colluci’s count reach 20 and the match was called with the wrestlers at the top of the ramp. Rain had to be carried to the locker area. 5:13

4. Delirious; 450° Splash Pin over Anthony Nese. Nese tried to use a Suicide Dive onto the downed Delirious but he took too long and after Delirious moved Anthony crashed onto the empty canvas. Delirious used a bizzaro Driver and the Splash to end the match. 6:24

5. Tadarius Thomas with ACH; Capoeira Kick Pin over Mafia Maff with Monsta Mack. During OOR Action Thomas slammed Mafia’s forehead to the Guard rail several times causing a gash and blood to flow. Monta mach smashed ACH with the Steel Steps and then Body Slammed him through a table. Maff and Monsta seemed to have the advantage but they stumbled getting back into the ring. Thomas saw to opening and used a Noggin Knocker that sent Monsta crashing to the floor below. Thomas hit maff with a flying rib Crusher and then the finisher. 6:52

6. Guardians of Truth (Mosh and Thrasher) with Truth Martini beat the Young Bucks (Matt and Nick Jackson). Thrasher pinned Nick. Necro Butcher came to ringside. The Bucks hit Mosh with a Doubleteam Superkick. Martini distracted Referee Mike Sanders while the Butcher hit Matt over the head with a Tire Iron. Nick failed to see the incident as he was fighting with Thrasher. The Butcher hit Nick with the Tire Iron and Thrasher pinned Nick. Neither man in the ring was the right one. Truth was his usual irritating self; “Good match boys. Too bad you had to lose.” 11:45

7. Mike Quackenbush; Déjà Vu DDT Pin over Tommaso Ciampa with Prince Nana. Nana who usually is ready with his Money Bag had a glass of wine. He tried to throw it into Mike’s face but missed and hit Ciampa. Sheik Abdul Bashir ran to the ring, git the microphone from Princess mia Yim and tried to hit Mike over the head. It backfired. Mike used the microphone on Bashir and then Ciampa. After a quackendriver, Mike used the DDT finisher. 7:54

8. ROH-TV Title – Roderick Strong (Champion) with Truth Martini; Sick Kick Pin over Johnny Gargano (Challenger). Necro Butcher was banned from ringside for this match. Strong had a hidden foreign Object that he used throughout the match. Gargano was able to catch Strong in a Crosston Crab (Boston) and it seemed like curtains. One of the Guardians of Truth wandered to ringside. When Gargano caught Roderick in the crab Martini found a way to distract the referee. The Guardian ran in the ring, broke up the hold and helped Strong with a doubleteam Gory Driver. Referee Mike Sanders turned to see the pin. As the Truth wrestlers celebrated The Guardian took off his mash to reveal that the Necro Butcher was the culprit. Roderick Strong retains the ROH TV Title. 9:23
Flat Rock Tap & Belterra presents;
Ring of Honor Wrestling (2012-14)
Civic Center – Hammond, IN Att: 1,864

Commentators; Vic Travagliante & Veda Scott
Referees; Brian Gorie & Paul Turner Ring; Hanna Blossom

1. NJPW – Chris Angel; Rope Walk DDT Pin over Mohammed Yone. Yone used a Running Guillotine to almost put Angel away but the arrogant Chris was able to recover and use his Lanza angelical (Spear) and then his finisher to end the match. 4:14

2. NJPW – Davey Boy Smith Jr.; Running Power Slam Pin over Franky the Mobster with Mo Green. Franky head cheers as he was introduced. He lost points from his total but seemed to enjoy the fact that fans followed him as an icon. The mobster gave Davey Boy all he could handle although some of the credit goes to Mo Green. Mo threw a glass of wine (Red of course) into Davey’s face. Franky followed with a Go to the Mattresses (Neckbreaker) that Davey kicked out from. Smith was able to use a Running Body Smash to set up the Power Slam finish. 6:11

3. Shimmer – Lucy Lufisto; Lucy’s Law (Rear Choke) Submission over Bayley. Bayley caught Lucy in a belly to Bayley Suplex but couldn’t get the pin on the clever veteran. Lufisto performed a Diving Star (Headbutt) that sent Bayley reeling. Lufisto followed with the Choke Hold finisher. 5:42

4. Rotten Justice (Axl Rotten and Justice Pain) and the Nigerian Nightmares (Maifu and Saifu); Double Count-Out. This almost seemed certain to end up OOR which is exactly what happened. Very litte technical moves in the match. OOR Saifu slammed Justice Pain through a Table while Axl used This is Gonna Hurt (Chairshots) on Maifu. The Nightmares were able to get a Fire Extinguisher and spray foam none too soon as Axl had retrieved his Barbed wire Baseball Bat. With both teams full of foam they were separated from several security and brave wrestlers. 13:24

5. Jigsaw and Craven Verro; No Contest. Verro savagely attacked Jigsaw during the pre-match giving Craven the advantage and edge in the match. Then in an Unusual Result both wrestlers were KO’d when a temporary wall fell on them. Referee Brian Gorie called a Double Count-Out when his count reached 20. George Vessichio looking at the damage notified Nigel McGuiness who came out looked at the two wrestlers and motioned to Gorie who changed his decision to No Contest. 4:34

6. Paul London; 450° Splash Pin over Monsta Mack with Mafia Maff. Monsta used his size to an advantage with a Thorat Drop onto the Ropes and Then a Falling Knee Drop. Mafia Maff retaliated against London who slapped him. Maff stepped in the ring and kicked London. London got the upper hand with a Legsweep DDT and then his finisher. 5:48

7. Bazooka Joe; Bazooka Bomb Pin over Homicide with Prince Nana. Nana was active on the sideline and used a trip that sent Joe into a Brainbuster Homicide climbed the ropes and preformed a Top Rope 187. Homicide got distracted and missed crashing to the canvas. Joe use a Boom Punch that laid Homicide out and then the Bomb finisher. 8:23

8. Mike Bennett with Maria Kanilis won by Count-Out over Adam Cole. Cole used a Florida Key Suplex and then a Corona DDT. Maria Kanilis sprayed perfume at Adam and then tried to his him with a microphone. Adam had enough and chased Maria up the ramp to the backstage. Bennett was laying in the ring when the decision was awarded to him. 9:49
Ring of Honor Wrestling (2-12-14)
Presented by Black Hog Bar-B-Q & Sleep INN
Frederick AC – Frederick, MD Att: 1,586

Commentators; Bobby Cruise & Dave Fit Finley
Referees; Todd Sinclair & Bobby Blaze Ring; Xandra Bale
Interviews; George Vessichio & Veda Scott

1. OVW – Jamin Olivencia; O Drop (DDT) Pin over Randy Terrez. Olivemcia wasted no time in attacking. In fact the match hadn’t started yet so this gave him a huge advantage. Randy never recovered although he tried to fight off the pre-match Piledriver. Terrez came close to a pin after delivering a Falling Hammer but Jamin kicked out. Olivencia followed with a Diving Knee drop and then his finisher. 3:24

2. NJPW – R.J. Brewer; Hurricane DDT Pin over Dru Onyx. Onyx seemed to have the pin after performing a Roadkill (Spear) and a Bajan Death Drop. Brewer had a Hidden Foreign Object that he used to smash Dru in the chops. R.J. wasted no time in using a fireman carry Cutter and then the DDT. 4:41

3. Shimmer – Madison Eagles with Ryan Eagles; Soaring Eagle (Springboard Moonsault) Pin over Christina von Eerie with Masada. Bad Blood exists from the Ryan Eagles/Masada match at DuBurns Arena that ended with the two wrestlers along with Madison and Christina all brawling OOR. Masada was active trying to help Christina. He tripped Madison a few times before Ryan who was being held back could finally attack OOR and use a few solid punched to the midsection on Masada. Masada was determined to get the best of the eagles in this match and finally resorted to using a few Stacked Food Trays to smash Madison to the head. Unfortunately for von Eerie, Masada missed KO’ing his beloved. Ryan pulled Masada from the ring apron and a Huge brawl between the two started OOR. Madison climbed the ropes an performed the Soaring Eagle. 6:42

4. Lo-Ki and Adam Flash; Double Count-Out. Adam attacked before the match setting the tone for what would follow. When the match went OOR it was almost a “Gimme” that the match would never get back to the ring. The two fought all over the arena so close to the fans that many fans were trying to get handshakes. Adam at one point had a Brick but he was immediately hit with a Dropkick. The 20 count was long past but neither wrestler seemed to care. 5:12

5. Adam Page; Adam’s Apple (Necklock DDT) Pin over Mohammed Ali Vaez with Prince Nana. Adam cut a Brilliant Promo with George Vessichio that gave him extra points. Page used a Slingshot off the Turnbuckle before applying his finisher. Vaez showed a little spark but this was Page’s match. 4:48

6. Jay Bradley; Second City Slam Pin over Shawn Patrick. Bradley who has a nasty attitude as of late used an interview with Veda Scott to berate her as no talent and not even good “Eye Candy.” The points he received for his antics were the difference in the match. Patrick hit Bradley with a Super Kick that dazed him but Bradley was able to use a Clothesline with a Loaded Wristband (he was seen pulling a piece of metal from the band after the match). A Broomstick (Lariat) by Bradley was the set up to the Slam finish. 7:59

7. Rhett Titus; Frog Splash Pin over Mike Mondo with King Kenny Bolin. Titus was hit with a Chairshot by Flash Flanagan who was waiting in the wings as Rhett was introduced. Rhett limped to the ring and put up a more than good show. He was getting the best of Mondo and performed a Corkscrew Dive when Gen “Beast” Osborn ran on the scene and tried to smash Rhett with a Chain. He missed and KO’d Mondo. Referee Todd Sinclair had enough of Bolin Services at ringside and ordered them back to the locker room. Titus meanwhile climbed the rope and performed the Frog Splash on Mike Mondo. 10:32

8. Ring of Honor Tag Title – World’s Greatest Tag (Charley Haas and Sheldon Benjamin) (challengers) beat S.C.U.M. (Jimmy Jacobs and Steve Corino) (Champions). In an Unusual Result; Referee Bobby Blaze was stunned. Jimmy Jacobs used his Railroad Spike to KO Sheldon Benjamin and pin him but the Referee was unable to count the pin. Charley Hass ran over and smashed Steve Corino in the cormer, took the Spike that Jacobs threw to Corino. Ran in the ring and smashed Jacobs with the Spike. Haas rolled Benjamin on top for a pin as referee Bobby blaze woke. The World’s Greatest tag Team is the NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWW ROH Tag Champions. 15:36
Graze Pub & Magnuson Grand presents;
Ring of Honor Wrestling (2012-14)
Judge Hardy Hall – Carvel, WI Att: 1,628

Commentators; Kevin Kelly, Steven Richards & rickert
Referees; Brian Stiffler & Al Snow Ring; Maria Kanalis
Promo TV Interviews; George Vessichio

1. NJPW – Tama Tonga; Superfly Splash Pin over Brad Attitude. Tama was emotionally lifted and gained extra points when he was greeted by Jimmy Superfly Snuka during the pre-match. The fans were excited to see the former Superstar. The talented Tonga used his speed to offset Attitude’s moves. After a missed Corner Body Smash, Tonga used several devastating Karate Chops and then the Superfly Smash. Vessichio was interviewing Snuka and asked if he could still do the Splash. Jimmy answered; “Maybe from a stool but not from the cage top.” 3:36

2. OVW – Paredyse; Long Kiss Goodnight (Inverted DDT) Pin over Adam Revolver. The world’s Most Beautiful wrestler pleased his Paresytes with his flamboyant ways. Paradyse, who acts and looks a lot like Exotic Adrian who wrestled in the 1970’s & 1980’s, used a Flying Skullcrusher to set up the finisher. Paredyse was also called The Kamikaze Kid because of his High Flying techniques. 5:54

3. The Embassy (Sonjay Dutt and Sheik Abdul Bashir) with Prince Nana beat Rave On (Jimmy Rave and Ted McNalor). Sheik Bashir; Magic Carpet (Frog Splash) Pin over Jimmy. Rave on had The Embassy in serious trouble after McNalor used a spear and Jimmy followed with dis Doppler Effect (High Knee) on Sonjay. Homicide who wandered to ringside took advantage of a distraction to perform a Cutter on Jimmy and then stated fighting with McNalor OOR. Sheik Bashir climbed the ropes and used the Magic Carpet. The usually observant Brian Stiffler missed this one because Sonjay Dutt and Ted McNalor were the legal wrestlers. 7:56

4. Shimmer Title – Saraya Knight (Champion); Bridging Cradle Suplex Pin over Veda Scott (Challenger). As usual Saraya wore a Norwich Canaries English Football Jersey to the ring in honor of her hometown and beloved team. Veda, who follows the Premier League took the microphone and reminded Saraya that her Norwich team had been relegated after this past season because they came in 18th place. That set the tone for this match. Veda had the advantage after a Torpedo Dive and a crucifix DDT. Sara Del Ray who was waiting for an interview found a can of Tile Cleaner under the ring and sprayed Veda in the eyes. Saraya recovered enough to perform the Suplex and finish the match. Saraya Knight retains the Shimmer Title.

5. Axl Rotten; SST (Severe Skull Trauma) pin over Dylan Bostic. Axl attack Dylan during the pre-match using Brass Nucks to pummel him. Axl didn’t need the extra added points because Bostic was ineffective from that point. It didn’t stop Axl from using This is Gonna Hut (Chairshot) and then the finisher. The EMT’s took Dylan to the hospital. 3:13

6. Forever Hooligans (Rocky Romero and Alexander Koslov) beat the Bravado Bros. (Harlem and Lancelot). Romero; Foreign Devil (Diving Double Knee Drop) Pin over Harlem. Referee Al Snow was dazed from an unintentional double Body Smash. Harlem was set for a Top Rope Body Press with Lancelot holding Romero. Koslov ran in the ring and used a Super Kick on Lancelot then Smashed a Chain to Harlem as he came off the Rope. Rocky used the Knee Drop to end the match. 12:34

7. Matt Taven with Truth Martini; Climax (Arm Trap Headlock Driver) Pin over Jay Briscoe. The Necro Butcher, who is Martini’s shadow, used undetected blatant chokes on Briscoe. Jay fought back in the match and climbed the Ropes for a Briscoe Bomb variation. He was tripped from the top ropes and came crashing to the canvas. Jay was hit with the Loaded Book of Truth and the edge of a Crow Bar. After the pin Rhino ran out to help Taven and Buther pummel Jay. The busy EMT’s took Jay off to the hospital. 8:06

8. Michael Elgin and Q.T. Marshall with Barrister R.D. Evans; Double Count-Out. In an Unusual Result, after the match went OOR Elgin used a Spinning Sitout Powerbomb on the floor that too Q. T. out of the match. As Elgin headed back to the ring to beat the 20 count, the Barrister blindsided him with the Gong-Bell. Both wrestlers were KO’d as Referee Al Snow’s count reached 20. 9:43
Hi George, Thanks buddy. Great to hear from you again. I would love if you could post the old wwwf results if its not to much trouble

It's no trouble at all, Alan ! I'll also include the results from my other federations.

Story of Texas Café & Pro Wrestling News presents;
Ring of Honor Wrestling (2012-14)
Recreation Hall Bullock, TX Att: 1,512

Commentators; Bobby Cruise and Billy Kidman
Referees; Brian Hebner & Val Venis Ring Princess Mia Yim

1. NJPW - Blackjack Phoenix; Reverse Neckbreaker Pin over Robbie McAlister. Phoenix was greeted with a chorus of boos. His reputation precedes him. McAlister had the early advantage and after a Scot Drop the match seemed over. Blackjack recovered enough to kick out of several pin attempts and then used a Loaded Taped Wrist to gain the advantage. Blackjack immediately ised the Neckbreaker on the now dazed McAlister. 4:15

2. OVW - Jason Wayne pinned Glen “The Beast” Osborn with Bolin Services. Flash Flanagan representing Bolin Services didn’t waste time in trying to help The Beast. Flanagan swung a chain that hit The Beast by mistake. Osborn crashed to the canvas KO’d and Jason hooked the leg for the shocking pin. Venis who saw the incident would have called the match if the chain had hit Jason. Flanagan, who was mortified at what he had done, jumped in the ring to beat on Wayne. Val Venis stepped in the way of the two wrestlers. 4:55

3. War Machine (Handsome Johnny Hanson and Raymond Rowe) beat Da Hit Squad (Mafia Mack and Monsta Mack). Hanson; Sin City Plunge Pin over Monsta Mack. The Squad worked well with Mafia using a Death Valley Driver and Monsta following with a Vanmackinator on Hanson. Raymond Rowe had a small piece of Lead pipe and used it on Mafia. Rowe took further advantage of a distraction and performed a XXX Headcrusher on Monsta. Hanson recovered and ended the match with the Plunge. 7:16

4. Shimmer – Athena; The O Face (Flying Neckbreaker ) Pin over Mercedes Martinez. Athena from Garland, TX was the local favorite. Mercedes used a Fisherman’s Buster she calls Bull Run and would have had the pin but she wasted time hotdogging to the booing fans. Mercedes who has gained a sour attitude lately used hand gestures and fist clenches. Athena took advantage as she recovered. Firsdt she used a Roll-Up and then the O Face on the shocked Mercedes. 7:02

5. The Necro Butcher with Truth Martini pinned B.J. Whitmer. Whitmer used an Adrenaline Spike and then an Exploder Suplex to put Necro down. Before he could get the pin Matt Taven smashed The Book of Truth over B.J.’s head while Truth Martini distracted Referee Brian Hebner. Taven ran in the ring and placed Necro on top of B.J. for the pin. 5:42

6. Adrenaline Rush (Tadarius Thomas and ACH) beat Danger Danger (Brian Kendrick and Paul London). ACH; Cradle DDT Pin over Paul London. Kendrick tried to Smash a Chair over ACH’s head but the move got reverse when Tadarius pushed Kendrick outside the ring. Thomas and Kendrick were brawling OOR as London reached for the Chair. ACH used the DDT to end the match. 13:07

7. Rhino with Truth Martini and Josh Daniels; Double Count-Out. OOR Action turned into a Big Brawl. Matt Taven and Roderick Strong ran to Rhino’s rescue. Tadarius Thomas and ACH ran back the ringside to help Daniels. Referee Brian Hebner’s count real 30 as the wrestlers continued to tear up the arena. 6:39

8. Kevin Steen; F-Cinq (facebuster) Pin over Matt Hardy with Steve Corino. Matt and Steve attacked before the match giving them an edge. Jimmy Jacobs wandered to ringside and that is never good news for opponents of S.C.U.M. Jimmy had a Spike and ran in the ring during a distraction to try and hit Kevin. Matt Hardy was on the Top Rope and Leaped with a Twist of Hate. Kevin pushed Jacobs in the way and Matt crashed into Jimmy. Kevin used a Crucifix Power Bomb on Corino who was trying to reach the action. Kevin performed the F-Cing om Matt for the pin. 11:35
Hudson Auto & Pizza Land presents;
Ring of Honor Wrestling (2012-14)
Richard J. Cody Arena – W. Orange, NJ Att: 1,920

Commentators; Bobby Cruise & Nigel McGuiness
Referees; Earl Hebner & Barry Horowitz Ring; Holly Blossom

1. OVW - Flash Flanagan with Glen “Beast” Osborn; Whipflash (Diving Neckbreaker Pin over Chris Silvio. Silvio who has an attitude couldn’t match Flanagan and Osborn. No sooner was Silvio in the ring he was attacked. The Bolin Services Duo kept up the onslaught with Osborn Choking Chris and using Vicious Eyes Rakes when possible. Flanagan ended the massacre with his Whipflash at 3:12

2. H.C. Lock; REF (Really Effective Facebreaker) Pin over Silas Young. Silas had the advantage and was heading toward a pin after a Shooting Star Press. H.C. had a hidden Foreign Object that he used for a Smash to the Chops and then finished the match while Young was dazed. 5:26

3. Outlaws (Homicide and Eddie Kingston) with Prince Nana beat Brutal Burgers (Brutal Bob Evans and Cheeseburger). Kingston; Dirty Doubleteam Pin over Cheeseburger. The fans hate the the Outlaws which is exactly what the Nana wants for his team. Eddie Kingston who has developed a new look by painting his face got help from Sheik Bashir OOR while Homicide was helping in the ring. Bashir took a beating from Brutal Bob OOR that ended with Bob using the Ugly Stick (Piledriver) that KO’d Bashir. Unfortunately for Cheeseburger in the ring the Doubleteam was way too much and he was pinned. 8:08

4. Shimmer – Emma won by Count-Out over Nevaeh. Both women had opportunities during the match. Emma hooked in a Muta Deathlock that Nevaeh somehow slipped out of wthen Nevaeh used a Backpack Stunner but was unable to get the pin. During OOR Action Emma whipped Nevaeh into the Guard Rail. Nevaeh was unable to recover in time to beat the count. 6:13

5. Padadon (the Greek God); Mt. Olympus (Flying Headbutt) Pin over Grizzly Redwood. Grizzley used a Rib Crusher and an Ironwood (Neckbreaker) to gain the pin. The problem was that Earl Hebner was paying more attention to Holly Blossom and missed the pin. Grizzly was protesting the missed pin when Papadon hit him with the Headbutt. Hebner saw the pin and counted. Earl may be 65 years old but he hasn’t stopped chasing the divas. First it was Madison Rayne who he helped win matches, now he wants Holly Blossom who seems disinterested. 5:28

6. Sonjay Dutt is substituting for Sheik Abdul Bashir who was taken to the hospital after being KO’s by Brutal Bob’s Ugly Stick (Piledriver). Marcus Anthony and Sonjay Dutt with Prince Nana; Double Count-Out. The Embassy Stable were all somewhere near ringside. Marcus was pulled from the ring headfirst to the floor. Eddie Kingson and Homicide helped Sonjay beat on Marcus. Homicide topped off the triple team with a Splash from the Turnbuckle onto Marcus. Neither wrestler made to 20 count but Marcus took a pummeling and was escorted from ringside. 7:39

7. reDRagon (Kyle O’Reilly and Bobby Fish) beat C & C Wrestling Factory (Cedric Alexander and Caprice Coleman). O’Reilly; Leaping Facebreaker Pin over Alexander. Cedric was in control of the match and should have had a pin after performing That’s It (Top Rope Flying Forearm). Bobby Fish found a piece of Lumber that Grizzly Redwood left near ringside. Fish used the lumber to hit Coleman in the head OOR. Earl Hebner, who was dazed from a unintentional body smash because he was making eyes at Holly Blossom, failed to see the infraction and failed to see Bobby run in the ring and Smash the Lumber over Cedric’s Skull. Kyle O’Reilly recovered and used the Facebreaker finish. 17:16

8. Ring of Honor Title – Mark Brisco (Champion); Brisco Bomb Pin over Adam Pearce (Challenger). Adam attacked before the match with a blindsided Piledriver. Mark seemed to be in trouble but fought back. Pearce used a Rack Bomb but couldn’t get the pin. Mark caught Adam with a Cut Throat Driver and showed why he is the champion by finishing with the Bomb. Mark Brisco retains the ROH Title. 9:26
Madhatter Tea Room & Markham Moor Inn presents;
WWE Wrestling (2012-14)
Capital FM Arena – Nottingham, UK Att: 12,892

Commentators; John Bradshaw Layfield & Jerry ‘King’ Lawler
Referees; Steve Linski & Shane Sewell Ring; Lilian Garcia

1. NXT - Bull Dempsey with Braun Stowman; Power Slam Pin over Oliver Grey. Grey had Bull in serious trouble after a Twisting Brainbuster and a Kneebar but Braun found a moment of distraction and used a Chair Smash on Oliver’s skull. Bull recovered enough to use the Power Slam finisher. 5:12

2. Tensai with Brodus Clay; Ichiban (Choke Bomb ) Pin over Danny Burch. Tensai (Sweet T) set up the finish with a Running Corner Slash and then a Spinal Crack in a match that was totally on sided. 2:25

3. NXT Women - Rebecca Knox of Dublin, Ireland; Hard Knox Suplex Pin over Sasha Banks of Boston, MA. Sasha performed a wheelbarrow Bulldog but Rebecca slipped out and used a Running Knee Lift to daze Sasha. Rebecca followed with her Hard Knox Suplex. 5:59

4. Heath Slater with Drew McIntyre and Leo Kruger; Double Count-Out. Kruger, the South African, had the advantage and would have gotten the pin except for Drew who took advantage of a distraction just as Leo used a Hangman’s Facebuster. McIntyre pulled Kruger from the ring. OOR Leo had to fight Drew and Heath and though he was holding his own preventing Slater from re-entering the ring Krugaer was also counted out. 5:46

5. Bray Wyatt with Luke Harper and Erick Rowan and Brodus clay with Tensai; No Contest. Erick had a Lead Lined Loaded Sheep Mask that he used to smash Brodus. Tensai was quick to retaliate from the outside to not allow further interference. The bad blood led to Brodus getting hold of the mask and beating on Erick then Like. Before long all 5 combatants were in the ring. Referee Steve Linski found the mask and though it belonged to Erick Rowan, Tensai had used it too. Referee Linski call for a No Contest. 9:56

6. Team Co-Bro (Santino Marella and Zach Ryder) beat Primo and Epico with Rosa Mendes. Santino; Cobra Strike (Thrust) Pin over Epico. Rosa did her usual best to help Primo and Epico get an advantage but Co-Bro was ready for the infractions. Finally the frustrated Rosa threw a cup of Madhatter Tea at Zack but hit Primo in the face. Ryder used a Zack Attack (Neckbreaker) then tagged Santino. Epico ran in the ring but was greeted by a Calabria Stunner and then the Cobra Strike. Rosa complained after the match that Epico hadn’t tagged in so the pin shouldn’t count. Referee Shane Sewell didn’t feel like listening. 14:11

7. Brock Lesner with Paul Hayman; F-5 (Facebuster) Pin over Mark Henry. Haymas was quick to make his presence known by throwing Brock some Brass Nucks. Brock used the Nucks for several slugs to the mid-section. During OOR Action Lesner took advantage of the injured Henry by slamming the Steel Steps over Mark’s back. Hayman was able to use a Chair over Mark’s Head. Amazingly Henry was able to re-enter the ring and try to perform a Slam but his legs collapsed. As he tried to get up lesner used a Sledgehammer move and then the finisher. 7:43

8. World/International Title – Golddust (Challenger); Shattered Dreams (Low Blow) Pin over Antonio Cesario (Champion) with Zeb Coulter. The fans hated Cesario and Coulter booing loudly but for Real American stable it was music to their ears as points were added to their total. Cesario had a Foreign Object that he used whenever he wasn’t seen. Golddust was able to avoid a European Uppercut and perform a Flying Knee Drop. Coulter sensing disaster tried desperately to get to the action and he had ‘Shoo Baby’ in hand. Golddust lifed a forearm to Antonio’s chops that made Cesario drop the Foreign Object then Golddust used Shattered Dreams to gain the pin. Coulter was pointing to the Piece of Taped Lead claiming Golddust had it but Referee Shane Sewell told Coulter to leave. The fans were thrilled. Golddust is the NEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWW World International Champion. 12:16
Alt Buschhausen & Residenz Uhlenhorst presents;
WWE Wrestling (2012-14)
Koenig-Pilsner Arena – Oberhausen, Germany Att: 15,862

Commentators; Josh Mathews and Michael Cole
Referees; Otto Wanz & William Regal Ring; Gunther Zapf

1. NXT – Sami Zayn won by DQ over Knuckles Madson. Knuckles tried to hit Sami with a Chair but was Dropkicked to the face. Madson lived up to his name when a pair of Brass Nucks fell to the canvas. Referee Otto Wanz called for the bell. Knuckles bleeding from the nose jumped to his feet and push Otto. Wanz Smashed Knuckles with a Forearm KO’ing Madson and finishing the protest. 4:34

2. NXT - Big Sawyer Fulton won by Count-Out over Alexander Rusev with Sylvester Lefort. During OOR Action Lefort tried to hit Fulton with Rusev’s chain but only managed to get tangled and draw attion enough for the fans to laugh. Rusex trying to gain the advantage used a his Bulgarian Bash but missed and smashed into the concrete post. Fulton crawled back into the ring to beat the count. 4:16

3. Seth Rollins with Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns; Springboard Knee Smash Pin over Camacho. Camacho was about to use his Belly to Back Suplex when Reigns entered the ring and hit Camacho with a spear. Dean Ambrose kept Referee Otto Wanz distracted Trying to keep Dean from entering the ring. The Spear was enough to daze Camacho who was then hit with a Spinning Back Kick by Seth. The Finisher followed. 5:29

4. A.J. Lee with Hornswoggle won by Count-Out over Summer Rae with Fandango. Summer and Fandango danced to the ring to the music “ChaChaLaLa.” A.J. and Hornswoggle imitated the dance and the fans got a big kick out of it. During OOR Action Summer tried a Bulldog that A.J. slipped from. Hornswoggle threw beer into summer’s face and then ran as Fandango chased him. A.J. used a Shining Wizard (Running Knee Enzuigari) in the aisle. Summer was done. A.J. beat the count but on;lt because MKABear was talking to William Regal who kept stopping the legal count and starting over again. As soon as A.J. was safely in the ring MKABear stopped talking to Referee William Regal. 6:34

5. The Uso’s (Jay and Jimmy) won by Count-Out over Team 3-MB (Drew McIntyre and Jinder Mahal) with Heath Slater. The Uso’s gained points by upsetting Team 3-MB while they were being interviewed by George Vessichio for a TV promotion. The Uso’s gained points. When the match went OOR the Uso’s seemed at a disadvantage but Tensai and Brodus Clay ran out to help. As the fighting went up the ramp Tensai motioned for Jimmy Uso to slip back in the ring. Jay, Tensai and Brodus took the brawl to the Food and Concession Area. The Pop Corn Machine was smashed and a few Concession tables. As the combatants left from opposite sides of the Court Tensai and Brodus were seen carrying a deep tray of Bratwurst. 10:45

6. NXT Title – Bo Dallas (Champion) and Jake “Great” Carter (Challenger); Double Count-Out. Carter looked to be heading the gaining the Gold after using a Inverted Atomic Drop. Bo somehow avoided a pin and took the action OOR. The Brawl went up the ramp and to the Food Court that had just gotten cleaned up and back to normal. Bo and Jake went through the foyer and out the doors. Some of the shrubs were harmed with Body Slams as the two wound down from exhaustion. 7:28

7. Sheamus; Brogue Kick Pin over The Miz with Nikki Bella. Nikki panicked and tried to hit Sheamus with a Beer Bottle. She managed to smash it the The Miz’s skull just grazing him. Sheamus took care of the rest with a Spinning Neckbreaker and then the Brogue Kick . Nikki was beside herself as she bent over the KO’d Miz. 10:21

8. Christian and Sin Cara beat Edge and David Otunga with Vickie Guerrero. This continues a Vicious Feud between these two teams. Edge didn’t waste time as he Smashed a Chair over Christian’s head during the entrance. Sin Cara was left to do a lot of the early fighting in ring. As Cristian gained his strength he faced off with Edge who tried some Eye Rakes, Rope Burns and Rubbing Face to Mat. As the wrestlers got to their feet Otunga had a Trash Can and Vickie had a Microphone. As they tried to smash Christian in the head he turned quickly and whipped Edge to the Ropes. Edge was a Sandwich between the Trash Can and the Microphone and he was probably hearing bells. Sin Cara tagged in and used the Tilt-A-Whirl DDT to finish Edge. 15:23
Augie’s Front Burner & Carpenter St. Hotel presents;
WWE Wrestling (2-12-14)
Prairie Capital Convention Center – Springfield, IL Att: 12,416

Commentators; Jerry ‘King’ Lawler & Jim Ross
Referees; Chad Patton & Ron Zapata Ring; Tony Chimel

1. NXT - Baron Corbin; Power Slam Pin over Angelo Dawkins. Dawkins showed some good moves and tried to set up the finish with a Slingshot off the Turnbuckle. Corbin was able to take advantage of the distraction and slam a Chair to Dawkin’s head. After a Cannonball to the dazed Angelo, Corbin used his Power Slam finisher. 4:46

2. NXT - Kassius Ohno and Braun Stowman with Bull Dempsey; Double Count-Out. Braun and Bull gained points by interrupting Ohno’s interview with George Vessichio in Cannoli Corner. Ohno, the former Chris Hero is, well respected and George was pointing out to the TV audience that whether Ohno was a face or heel he carried the respect because he always gave 100% in the ring. Braun & Bull got sick of the interview. After the match started the action was soon OOR. Bull & Braun beat on Ohno unmercifully. Several wrestlers came from the locker area the break up the mess. 2:31

3. Santino Marella won by DQ over Mickey Keegan from Lynn, The City of Sin. Keegan who showed a new nasty attitude attacked Santino before the match. Marella fought back after the match stared and gained the advantage using a Cobra Thrust that sent Keegan bailing from the ring. Mikkey re-entered the ring with a hammer he found under the ring apron. Keegan pushed Referee Chad Patton to the canvas. Patton called for the bell. Santino hit Keegan with a Flying Forearm knocking the hammer OOR. 3:26

4. WWE Woman’s Title – Layla El (Challenger); Lay Out (Neckbreaker) Pin over Rosa Mendes (Champion) with Primo. Rosa and Primo gained points as the fans booed loudly. Primo tried his best to help by tripping Layla. When he tried it again, Santino Marella who was near ringside pulled Primo from the corner. Rosa was distracted by the OOR action and became a victim of Layla’s Bombshell (Spin Kick). Layla followed with the Lay Out for the pin. Layla El is the NEEEEEWWWWWWWWWW WWE Woman’s Champion. 6:36

5. Real Americans (Jack Swagger and Antonio Cesaro) with Zeb Coulter beat Baretta and Tatsu (Trent and Yoshi). Cesaro; Neutralizer (Mat Slam) Pin over Baretta. Yoshi used a Buzzsaw Kick to daze Swagger. Cesaro was able to tag Swagger and use a whip to the ropes on Yoshi. Zeb pulled the ropes down and Tatsu fell head first to the floor below. Baretta jumped in the ring but was greeted by Brass Nucks that the recovered Swagger threw to Cesaro. Antonio use the Mat Slam to finish the match on Trent who was not the legal man. 11:41

6. Roman Reigns with Dean Ambrose and Dolph Ziggler with Kaitlyn; Double Count-Out. Reigns was able to avoid a pin after Ziggler ised a Zig Zag Bulldog. As the match went OOR Kaitlyn wrapped a leather belt around Reign’s neck to ckoke him out. Meanwhile Ambrose used a Metal Tray to smash Ziggler in the skull. Ambrose picked up Kaitlyn and stuffed her in a trash can. Both wrestlers were counted out. 7:24

7. The Wyatt Family (Luke Harper and Erick Rowan) with Bray Wyatt beat Prime Time Players (Titus O’Neil and Darren Young). Luke; Truck Stop (Spinning Side Slam) Pin over Titus. Darren used a Gut Check (Gut Buster) move on Erick that left him breathless. Bray smashed a chair over Darren’s head. Titus and Luke entered the ring but the advantage was Harper’s as ae had a Hidden Foreign Object. He used the object in his fist to smash Titus in the chops and then used his finisher for the pin. 14:41

8. John Cena and Randy Orton; Double Count-Out. Orton use a RKO (Cutter) to get a near pin. Cena had a pin after an Attitude Adjustment (Fireman’s Carry) but a distraction occurred when Stephanie and HHH came to ringside. Cena protested to Referee Ron Zapata and Orton smashed Cena in the back while John’s had turned. Orton bailed from the ring and Cena followed. They battled OOR as the count ran out. 12:13
Silverado Smokehouse & JB’s Bakery presents
WWE Wrestling (2012-14)
American Bank Center – Corpus Christi, TX Att: 12,674

Commentators; Brad Maddox & John Bradshaw Layfield
Referees; Scott Armstrong & Lash Laroux Ring; Tracy Brooks

1. NXT - Adrian Neville; Corkscrew 450° Splash Pin over Enzo Amore. Enzo tried to get cute with the fans but was booed as he spoke; “AMO tutte le belle donne” (I love all the beautiful women). Enzo then rushed Adrian and clubbed him with the microphone. Amore used some Eye Rakes and kicks to the body before Neville recovered enough to make a comeback. He set up the ending with a shooting Star Press and then the flying finisher.

2. NXT - Konnor; Fall of Man (Flapjack Legdrop) Pin over Dante Dash. Dante seemed to have Konnor in trouble but as Dash was about to use his Elbow Drop Konner was able to counter with a Kick to the Groin. Konnor then finishe the match while Dante was keeled over. 3:36

3. Fandango with Summer Rae pinned JTG (Jayson A. Paul). Fandango and Summer danced to the ring as usual. After the match started JTG had the advantage. Fandango, the ballroom dancer was countered with every move as the speedy JTG took care of business. JTG should have kept an eye on Summer who used a Hair Spray to blind JTG and then smashed a microphone over his skull. Referee Scott Armstrong who is usually all business was flirting with Tracy Brooks and missed the infractions. 4:19

4. Feud - stemming from Nikki Bella interfering in a match that cost Paige the win vs Aksana. Paige; RamPaige (Sidekick) Pin over Nikki Bella with Brie Bella. The fans were booing The Bella’s as they entered the arena. Brie tried to help her sister by tripping at one point but she was warned by Referee Lash Laroux. Brie frinall got an opportunity and threw a cup of soda to Paige’s face but missed and hit Nikki. Paige hit Nikki with the Sidekick and then pinned her. The Bella’s started beating on Paige after the match until Tracy Brooks and summer rae ran out to stop the melee. 6:38

5. Alex Riley pinned Cody Rhodes. Rhodes had Riley lined up for the pin but was trying to impress the fans and it cost him. After a Silver Spoon DDT, Cody started bouncing off the ropes so that he could perform a dazzling finish on the downed Riley. Unfortunately Cody collided with Referee Scott Armstrong who couldn’t keep his eyes off Tracy Brooks. As Rhodes crashed tripped to the canvas Riley covered for the pin. Armstrong who didn’t trip during the collision counted the pin. Cody’s protests were ignored. 6:16

6. New Age Outlaws (Billy Gunn and Road Dogg) and Tons of Funk (Tensai and Brodius Clay); Double Count-Out. Tensai had Billy set for a Ichiban (Choke Bomb ) when Road Dogg ran into the ring and smashed a wrench to Tensai’s forehead. Referee Lash Laroux was holding Brodius from entering the ring and was distracted. Billy had a pin on Tensai but Lash was still holding Brodius back and missed the pin. Tensai recovered and both team went OOR. There was no way they would re-enter and they fought up the ramp and to the back stage. 12:51

7. Rob Van Dam; Five-Star Frog Splash Pin over Chris Jericho. Chris had points deducted when Referee Scott Armstrong found a Foreign Object. Being caught didn’t seem to slow Jericho down as he used several dirty tricks; Rope Burn, Eye Rakes, etc. He used a Code Breaker (Double Knee Facebreaker) but failed to get the pin. As he pulled another Foreign Object from his boot, Referee Scott Armstrong was about to call the match but Van Dam hit Jericho with a Vandaminator (Kick). Armstrong who has a dislike of Jericho over the years could sense the finish so he let the match continue. Van Dam climbed for the Frog Splash that was curtains for Jericho. Interview later Chis Jericho said the either the WWE take care of Scott Armstrong or he will do it himself. 11:47

8. Intercontinental Title – Dean Ambrose (Challenger) with Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins; pinned Big E Langston (Champion). Big E used his power to smash and push Ambrose around the ring. Big E was finally able to catch Ambrose in a Single Leg Boston Crab that would have neded the match. Roman Reigns distracted Lash LeRoux while Seth Rollins ran in the ring and used a wrench to smash Big E to the chops. Rollins and Ambrose used a Headlock Driver and Dean covered for the win. Dean Ambrose is the NEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWW Intercontinental Champion. 10:22
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