Frank Coutinho's UQ Wrestling Results
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Posted on 03/26/2022


Posts: 8094
Joined: 03/07/2019
Jambalaya Kitchen & Slinky Ron’s presents;
WWE Wrestling (2012-14)
Hirsch Coliseum – Shreveport, LA Att: 10:152
Commentators; Josh Mathews, Michael Cole & MKABear
Referees; Chad Patton & Justin King Ring; Renee Young
1. NXT - Judas Devlin won by Count-Out over Drake Younger. Devlin gained the advantage with an attack before the match giving Judas extra points. As Drake mounted a comeback Judas guided the match OOR where his tactics had the advantage. The fight was on the ramp when Rick Viktor and Solomon Crowe came out. Crowe smashed a Trash Can over Younger’s head as Devlin headed back to the ring to beat the count. 5:52
2. NXT - Devil’s Disciples (Rick Viktor and Solomon Crowe) beat British Infernos (Mason Ryan and Danny Burch). Rick Viktor; Psycho Crusher (Flying Uppercut ) Pin over Mason Ryan. During the match Judas Devlin came out and took advantage of a distraction to slam a chair over Danny’s head pretty much eliminating him from the match. Ryan was able to use a Necbreaker on Crowe but Viktor broke up the pin with a slam Double Fist Slam to the Back. Viktor and Solomon took advantage and finished with Viktor gett8ing the pin. 8:34
3. Audrey Marie; You’re finished (DDT) Pin over Sarah Backman. Sarah had Audrey in an Arm Bar Submission hold but Audrey was able to slip out. Audrey used a Slingshot Catapult and then the DDT finisher to end the match. 4:23
4. Bad News Barrett won by Count-Out over Xavier Woods. In OOR Action Barrett used a Bull Hammer to take the breath out of a game Xavier to had held his own til then. Barrett who sports a nasty attitude kicked Woods from the romp to the Pit below. Xavier was in no condition to make the count. 4:14
5. Ezekiel Jackson and Curtis Axel with Paul Hayman; Double Count-Out. This was a feud that stemmed from the match Jackson had with Brock Lesner and Curtis interfered. This match was all Jackson with Ezekiel finally lifting Curtis into a Torture Rack. Brock Lesner ran to the ring and smashed Jackson in the back while Paul Hayman distracted referee Chad Patton. The Brawl that followed went OOR where Jackson held his own but neither wrestler could get back to the ring. 8:26
6. John Morrison with Nikki Bella; Moonlight Drive (Corkscrew Neckbreaker) Pin over Ted DiBiase Jr. Ted gained points after chasing Nikki from ringside. DiBiase caught Morrison in a Cobra Clutch but Nikki snuck back to the ring and slammed a Cannoli Tray over Ted’s head. Morrison used his Moonlight Drive finisher to gain the pin. George Vessichio to Nikki after the match; “You owe me $19.95.” 7:05
7. Kofi Kingston; Boom Drop (Knee Drop) Pin over C.M. Punk with Paul Hayman. Hayman tried a Microphone Smash to Kofi’s head when the match was going bad but missed. Brock Lesner came running to the ring to help Punk but Ezekiel Jackson stopped Lesner and used a Headlock Driver to the OOR corner Post that KO’d Lesner. Hayman was protesting to referee Chad Patton when Ezekiel jumped on the ring apron to distract Punk. As Punk turned to try and push Jackson Kingston took advantage and used an Atomic Spike then ended the match with his finisher. 11:39
8. WWE Tag Title – Team Hell-No (Kane and Daniel Bryan) Champions with A.J. Lee won by Count-Out International Air Strike (Tyson Kidd and Justin Gabriel) (Challengers). Air Strike had set up a submission then pin when Kidd caught Bryan in a Sharpshooter. Gabriel climbed the ropes for a 450° Splash. Unfortunately A.J. Lee broke up the Sharpshooter by throwing a cup of coffee into Tyson’s face. Gabriel who was on the ropes peaped but found an empty canvas. As Kidd bailed from the ring kane was waiting and performed a Tombstone Piledriver on the floor. Kidd who was the legal man failed to make the count. Team Hell-No retains the WWE Title. 14:18 |
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Posted on 03/26/2022


Posts: 8094
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Railroad Café & Homewood Suites
WWE Wrestling – 2012-14
Izod Center – E. Rutherford, NJ Att: 18,162
Commentators; Jerry “King” Lawler & Michael Cole
Referees; Mike Chioda & John Cone Ring; Lilian Garcia
1. NXT - Tyler Breeze; Implant DDT Pin over Aiden English. English seemed to have an edge and used a Director’s Cut (Falling Elbow Smash) but Breeze only pretending to be hurt. After English smashed his elbow onto the canvas, Tyler used a Head Rammer to the Post and then the finisher. 4:39
2. NXT - Dead Heat (Jason Jordan and Slate Randall) beat Bull & Braun (Dempsey and Stowman). Jordan; Texas Cloverleaf Pin over Bull. Braun had a can of 3-1 Oil that he tried to squirt into Jason’s face but hit Bull by mistake. Randall climbed the ropes and performed an OOR Clothesline on Braun. Jordan hit Bull with a falling Ax Handle and then the Cloverleaf Pin. Dead Heat continues to make a name for themselves. 8:13
3. Natalya and Kaitlyn; Double Count-Out. After the match went OOR Natalya had the advantage. Kaitlyn used a Trash Can Lid to try and ward off the punishment but Natalya got the Lid and smashed Kaitlyn over the head. Natalya caught Kaitlyn in a Sharpshooter (the family finisher) as referee Mike Chioda’s count reach 10. Natalya had to pulled from Kaitlyn to avoid a serious injury. 6:44
4. Drew McIntyre of 3 MB with Jinder Mahal; Scot Drop (Reverse STO) Pin over Evan Bourne. The boos were loud as Drew and Jinder entered the arena. Jinder didn’t disappoint as he immediately used dirty tactics to help Drew. Tripping, eye Rakes, Ropes Burns, etc were all part of beating down Evan. Mahal used a spray to Bourne’s eyes that acted a lot like Pepper Spray (because it was). Jinder calls it a “Holy Dust” Blessing. McIntyre followed with the finisher. 4:24
5. Batista won by DQ over The Great Khali (with Hornswoggle). Batista used a demon Bomb (Power Bomb ) when Hornswoggle leaped on Referee Mike Chioda to prevent the pin. Mike immediately called for the bell. Hornswoggle made a bee line for the backstage as Batista chased him I was a funny site that was a good comic relief for the fans. 6:54
6. Real Americans (Jack Swagger and Antonio Cesaro) with Zeb Coulter beat International Air Strike (Tyson Kidd and Justin Gabriel). Cesaro pinned Gabriel. Gabriel had Cesaro in an Inside cradle for the pin when Swagger entered the ring, as Coulter distracted the referee, and turned the wrestlers over. Referee John Cone turned to see Cesaro pinning Gabriel. Zeb choked Kidd with Shoo Baby (whip) keeping Tyson from breaking up the pin. 9:14
7. Kane with A.J. Lee; Chokeslam Pin over Big Show. Big Show who has been a face as of late still got a lukewarm reception. The fans are not trusting the big man. Big Show was able to set Kane up for a Chokeslam but A.J. threw a cup of beer into Show’s face. Referee Mike Chioda, who has had a busy night, was distracted by A.J. when Daniel Bryan who attacked Big Show with a Guillotine Choke. Kane used a Chokeslam to gat Show to the canvas and pin him. The fans were amazed at Kane’s strength and quite a few cheered him as he life the ring. 8:41
8. WWE Title – Damien Sandow (Champion) and R-Truth (Challenger); Double Count-Out. Sandow was putr of the defense and could only counter choking R-Truth with a Robe Tie. Things got serious for Sandow as R-Truth used a Dropkick Spash and a Lie Detector (Flying Forearm). Sandow was able to kick out of the pin attempts but took the best road when he bailed from the ring. As Damien and R-Truth fought OOR the count ran out. Damien Sandow retains the WWE Title. 9:14 |
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Posted on 03/27/2022


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Joined: 03/07/2019
Goodfellas & The Governor’s Inn presents;
WWF Wrestling (1985-86)
St. Elizabeth Seton School – Rochester, MH Att: 984
Commentators; Gorilla Monsoon & Bruno Sammartino
Referees; Fred Atkins & Mike Sparks Ring; Jackie Bradley
Special Announcer for Main Event; Sister Mary Agatha
1. Makhan Singh; Running Leg Drop Pin over Matman Robbie Ellis. During OOR Action Robbie used his Wooden Lobster Trap to smash Makhan who wouldn’t have made it back to the ring except Robbie who made it back to the ring kept interfering with Referee Fred Atkins count. This proved costly to Matman who was hit with a Running Splash by Makhan as he re-entered the ring. Singh used the Leg Drop to finish the match. 6:09
2. Pete Doherty, The Duke of Dorchester; Punch to the Groin Pin over Gino Carabello. Gino who likes to think he is tough opened the door for the Duke to used rough tactics when Gino tried to hit Duke with a chair. The Duke stopped the Chairshot and used a Vicious Eye Rake. The Duke then smashed the Chair over Gino’s Head and for Good Measure Punched Carrabello in the Groin. Gino was done. 5:32
3. Tony Garea and Moondog Rex; Double Count-Out. Tony stopped to sign autographs during the entrance. Moondog Spot ran out and attacked Tony. Moondog Rex, already introduced. Ran out to help Spot in a doubleteam. Referee Fred Atkins had already called for the bell. The Duke of Dorchester ran from the backstage to help Tony against the Moondogs who were using Big Dog Bones to smash Tony. The Duke had Robbie Ellis’ Lobster trap that he smashed over Moondog Rex’s back. Referee Fred Atkins count ran out although the ending was a bit confusing. 0:13 although the OOR Action lasted 5’16 until the wrestlers were finally pulled apart.
4. Maniac Matt Bourne; Back Breaker Slam Pin over Steve Pardee. Pardee was able to gain a near pin when he hit Bourne with a Flying Body Press. Bourne bailed from the ring and was seen slipping an object in his Elbow Pad. After re-entering the ring Matt smashed his Loaed elbow to Pardee’s chops. Bourne use his Slam finish. 4:22
5. Mr X won by Count-Out over Jim Powers. Mr X had an obect hidden in his mask and used it during the match the slug Powers and rake his eyes. Powers used his power to smash Mr X with his Forearms but was forced to bail from the ring when Mr X used the Foreign Object that opened a cut over Jim’s eye. OOR Matt Bourne, who was being interviewed by George Vessichio, took a metal chair and smashed it over Powers back. Powers fell to the floor unable to get back to the ring. George asked Matt why he hit Powers with a chair. Matt Answered; “Because that’s who I am.” 4:45
6. Jerry Brisco; Figure Four Leglock Submission over Charlie Fulton. Jerry gained points for his poularity although Fulton got a few cheers by fans who know him from Saturday Morning TV. Fulton was able to get close to a setup for a Piledriver but Jerry used his speed and agility to avoid Fulton’s finisher. Jerry used a Flying Missile Shot then the Figure Four Leg to close out the match. 6:14
7. Manifique Richard Charland with Frenchy Martin pinned Angelo Mosca Jr. This was all Mosca as he finally hit Charland with a Flying Crossbody and an Underhook DDT. The count could have reach closer to 10 but Referee Fred Atkins was dazed from a body collision with the wrestlers. Frenchy Martin entered the ring and smashed a bottle over Angelo’s head. He placed Charland on top as Referee Fred Atkins woke. Sister Mary Agatha was hitting Frenchy with a yardstick OOR but Frenchy had already done the damage. 9:43 |
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Posted on 03/27/2022


Posts: 8094
Joined: 03/07/2019
Brass City Bistro & Crowne Plaza presents;
WWF Wrestling (1985-86)
Waterbury PAL – Waterbury, CT Att: 1,056
Commentators; Pat Patterson and Mario Savoldi
Referees; Earl Hebner & Terry Yorkston Ring; Howard Finkel
1. Iron Mike Sharp; Loaded Forearm Smash Pin over Goldie Rogers. During OOR Action Goldie tried to smash a Chair over Iron Mike’s head but was stopped a thrown into the Steel Steps. Goldie, who was bleeding from a cut on the forehead, didn’t recover after re-entering the ring. Iron Mike used a Rib Crusher and then the Loaded Forearm. The fans were on their feet cheering for who is more accustomed to the role of a heel. 4:49
2. Bertha Faye with Harvey Whippleman; Bertha Bomb Pin over Donna Day. Donna performed a Leg Drop and then a Lobster Claw (Boston Crab ) that had Bertha screaming and ready to submit. Harvey took advantage of a distraction, reached in the ring and sprayed Right Guard to Donna’s face. Bertha performed a Scoop Slam and then the Bertha Bomb finish. Bertha (260 lbs) lifted Harvey (135 lbs) and carried him from the ring in celebration. 5:32
3. Jacque Rougeau; Quebec Crab (Boston) Submission over Frenchy Martin. Frenchy had a Hidden Foreign Object (piece of lead?) that he used to smash Jacque to the ribs several times. Jacque finally fell to the canvas and Frenchy used a Falling Knee to the Throat. Rougeau was able to avoid a pin because Frenchy was trying to throw the Foreign Object from the ring to avoid being caught. Jacque hit Frenchy with a Reverse Flying Elbow. Frenchy who was dazed became the victim of the Quebec Crab. 6:10
4. George Wells; Body Splash Pin over Tony Russo. Wells received a good ovation from the fans and signed several autographs
on his way to the ring. Tony seemed irritated with the attention George was getting from the fans. In order to prove himself, Russo attacked before the bell rang but ran into the corner post. George performed a Flying Head Butt on Russo and then the Body Splash. 1:53
5. Jim Young won by Count-Out over Dr D David Shultz with Luscious Johnny V. Young was giving Dr D a good lesson in the ring and performed a Flying Dropkick that had Dr D bailing from the ring. Meanwhile Johnny V was in a heated argument with Pat Patterson and Mario Savoldi at the commentator’s table. Dr. D went to the table to help Luscious Johnny . Referee Earl Hebner stared his count that was on the quick side. When Dr. D turned to see what was happening he had been counted out. Shultz was screaming, the fans were happy, Johnny V was arguing with Pat and Mario. Wh knows where this will go? 7:29
6. Jose Luis Riviera; Falling Elbow Smash Pin over Lumberjack Jerry Monti. Monti was able to perform an Axe Handle that put Jose to the canvas. The Lumberjack tried a Thumbscrew to the Throat but was caught by Referee Terry Yorkston who started a DQ count. As the frustrated Monti was protesting that his move was legal, Jose performed a Slingshot Suplex and then the finish in this very hard fought match. 8:21
7. Corporal Kirshner; G.I. Clothesline and Backroll Press Pin over The Executioner weighing in at 271 or 217 lbs. Kirshner had points deducted when the Executioner interrupted an interview with George Vessichio. Kirshner was visibly upset at his big chance for TV to see him in Western Ct & New York City. This followed him to the ring giving The Executioner the early advantage. The Executioner had a Foreign Object hidden in his mask and his used it for several slugs to The Corporal’s body and head. After Kirshner went down The Executionaer used his 271 lbs (or 217 lbs) to perform a Guillotine Leg Drop. Somehow Kirshner was able to kick out. The Corporal performed a G.I. Clothesline and then the Backroll Press on the shocked Executioner. 9:34 |
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Posted on 03/27/2022


Posts: 8094
Joined: 03/07/2019
Nathan’s Famous & The Shake Shack presents;
WWF Wrestling (1985-86)
The Dock at Gibby’s Landing - Coney Island Att; 2,266
Commentators; Gorilla Monsoon & Bruno Sammartino
Referees; Bert LeRoy & Sky High Lee Ring; Mr. TV Jackie Pallo
1. Princess Victoria; War Dance Chops and Knee Lift Pin over Chainsaw Liz Chase with (or without Peggy Lee Leathers). Peggy Lee spent all her time at the Commentator’s table promoting herself. During OOR Action Liz grabbed a coffee cup and tried to hit Victoria but the cup was drooped when Victoria used a Forearm Smash. Back in the ring, Liz had a Rosin Bag she found under the ring. The Princess got the bag and rubbed it to Liz’s eyes. Victoria followed with the War dance and ended the match. Peggy Lee leathers was still at the Commentator’s table when the dazed Liz stormed out of the ring and up the aisle. 6:45
2. Siva Afi with Mr. Fuji all dapper in his Tux and Bolo Hat; Top Rope Dropkick Pin over Terry Gibbs. Gibbs had an advantage and may have gotten a pin after performing a Falling Knee Smash but Mr. Fuji took adbantage of a distraction and Smashed his Cane to Terry’s back. Siva used a Karate Chop to the Throat and then the finisher. 4:14
3. Alexis Smirnoff with Frenchy Martin; Siberian Sickle Pin over Bob Markus. Markus was unable to mount any offense in this match with Frenchy getting a few slugs in when Bob got close to the ropes. Alexis used a Running Skullcrusher that almost KO’d Markus. Smirnoff not satisfied kept pulling Bob up from the pin until he had recovered a little. Referee Bert LeRoy warned Alexis about this tactic so Smirnoff used the light’s out Siberian Sickle to get the pin. 3:07
4. The Tiger (Bob Bradley) and A.J. Petruzzi; Double Count-Out. During OOR Action The Tiger had Petruzzi lined up on the floor for the Pounce. The Tiger leaped from the corner turnbuckle to the floor below with Petruzzi as the target. Although The Tiger hit Pertruzzi he also hit the floor injuring himself. Neither wrestler could make the count. 4:41
5. The Moondogs (Rex and Spot) beat Diamond Edge (Al and Keith Diamond). Spot; Shoulder Breaker Pin over Al. The Moondogs, who were the popular team at Coney Island, used their usual Biting, Rope Burns, Eye Rakes and Kicks to the Groin that gave them the advantage. With Spot the legal man against Al Diamond, Rex reached in the ring and slugged Al with his Dog Bone. Referee Bert LeRoy was holding Keith back and didn’t see the incident. Spot used his Shoulder Breaker finisher on Al who was seeing stars. The Moondogs left the ring and headed toward Nathan’s so they could down a dozen or more Hot Dogs. 7:40
6. Blackjack Mulligan; Claw Hold Submission over Rusty Brooks with Goldie Rogers. Goldie insisted on introducing Rusty; “One Half of the T & T Connection here is R-r-r-u-u-u-s-s-s-ty Brooks.” (T & T is Toronto-Texas ). During OOR Action, that Rusty and Goldie wanted for the doubleteam advantage, Rusty was thrown into the Guard Rail that collapsed. Goldie getting into the action tried to hit Blackjack with a chair. Mulligan grabbed the chair and threw it out of the way. Blackjack locked in a Grinding Face Claw on Goldie. Rusty recovered enough to slam Blackjack in the back. Blackjack whipped Goldie toward the Guard Rail that had the section fallen from Rusty hitting it. Goldie went over the edge of the Dock into the water below. As the wrestlers re-entered the ring Mulligan used a Jawbuster on Rusty and then locked in the Chaw Hold. 8:25
7. Ivan Putski; Polish Power Pin over Mercenary Luc Porrier with Frenchy Martin. Luc had a chance at the pin after performing a Backbreaker Drop. Luc whose likes to show off took too long to attempt the pin. Frenchy meanwhile tore the canvas exposing the metal on the turnbuckle. As Ivan got back to his feet he whipped Porrier to the corner and then slammed Luc’s forehead to the exposed metal that was meant for Ivan. Putski used his Polish Power and it was Light’s Out. 7:28 |
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Posted on 03/27/2022


Posts: 8094
Joined: 03/07/2019
Wunder Bar & Restaurant and Luanne’s presents;
WWF Wrestling (1985-86) on WPGH-TV Chan 53
Steel Valley YMCA – Midland, PA Att: 1,230
Commentators; Bill Cardille, Mr. TV Jackie Pallo & Norm Van Lier
(Van Lier, YMCA director, is a Midland resident & former NBA player)
Referees; Izzy Moidel & Perry Shad Ring; Howard Finkel
1. Judy Martin pinned Cowgirl Sue Green. Sue was in total control of the match and used her setup and finisher; Bulldog Headlock and Running Legdrop that would have had Judy pinned. Lailani Lai, the current champion, ran to the ring, took advantage of a distraction and used a Big Boot that Ko’d Sue. Judy was able to muster enough strength to cover for the pin. 6:34
2. Quickdraw Rick McGraw; Piledriver Pin over Keith Diamond. Keith was able to manage a Diamond Edge Elbow to momentarily daze Quickdraw but it was far from enough. McGraw caught Diamond with a Running Knee Lift and then used his Piledriver finisher. 2:36
3. Steve Lombardi and Super Mario Mancini; Double Count-Out. Most of this match was OOR with the wrestlers taking turns stopping the count by slipping back in the ring. Mario, thinking he had Steve lined up, attempted a Flying Body Press but smash into the Guard Rail. Ir was the beginning of the end. Lombardi used a Sidewalk Slam to the Floor and then a Grinding Face Claw. Referee Izzy Moidel’s count reach the limit while Lombardi was still using the Claw OOR. 3:52
4. Salvatore Bellomo; Mule Kick Pin over Rene Goulet. Bellomo made good use of his kicks in this match. During OOR Action, Goulet choked Sal on the Guard Rail. Both Wrestlers made use of the Steel Stairs slamming each other’s forehead and grinding the face to the stairs. As they re-entered the ring Bellomo performed a High Flying Dropkick. Goulet walked the Ropes and used a Smashing Elbow from the Rope Walk. Just when Goulet looked to hook in the Claw, Sal hit Rene with a Spinning Back Kick and then a Mule Kick that put the Frenchman down for the pin. 9:49
5. The Assassin; Hammerlock Submission over Tito Senza. Senza had very little luck in this match with The mask Assassin showing off his veteran ability. The Assassin also showed his cheating side when he pulled a Foreign Object from his mash and used a Jawbreaker to totally daze Tito. The Hammerlock followed. 3:16
6. Danny Spivey pinned Nikolai Volkoff with Classy Freddie Blassie. Volkoff used a Russian Sickle to down Danny but Blassie tried to help and the match went wrong for Freddie and Nikolai. In and Unusual Ending with Spivey practically pinned Freddie smashed his cane but got distracted by Van Lier who yelled something at Classie Freddie. The Cane (Probably Loaded) hit Volkoff in the back of the head KO’ing him. Danny took advantage for the pin. 9:46
7. Wild Samoan Sika; Crushing Headbutt Pin over Johnny Rodz. The two rough style wrestlers exchange some questionable advantage moves. Choking with the Ropes, Grinding Face to the Mat and Vicious Eye Rakes that seemed perfectly natural for them. Johnny was able to perform a Diving Head Butt that caught Sika by surprise and Rodz had enough to pin the Samoan. Referee Izzy Moidel was distracted by Classy Freddie who was complaining about the last match. Moidel told Freddie to complain to Referee Perry Shad. In between Johnny Rodz lost his pin. Rodz was complaining to Referee Izzy Moidel when Sika used a backward Head Slam and then a Crushing Head Butt to finish the match. 10:24 |
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Posted on 03/28/2022


Posts: 8094
Joined: 03/07/2019
Sawa Steak House & TJ’s presents;
WWF Wrestling (1985-6) on WPGH TV Chan 53
Castlo PAL – Campbell, OH Att: 1,488
Commentators; Pat Patterson & Chuck ‘Popeye’ Richards
Referees; Dick Woherlie & Tank Morgan Ring; Jill Fontaine
1. Susan Sexton; Bulldog Pin over Mad Maxine. In an Unusual Ending, Maxine resorted to her rough tactics and even tried to smash a Trash can to Susan’s head during OOR Action. Thing went wrong for Maxine at this point. She tripped and fell head 1st onto the Metal can. She recovered enough to re-enter the ring and try to use a Foreign Object she pulled from her tights. Susan avoided the attempted smash and hit Maxine with a Flying Gutbuster. Maxine was pointing at the fallen Foreign Object (small piece of metal) so that Referee Dick Woherlie cwould DQ Susan. Woherlie ignored Maxine as Susan used The Bulldog for the pin. 7:26
2. Young Stallion Paul Roma; Diving Elbow Drop Pin over Moondog Spot. Spot used a few bites to the arm and legs to gain an advantage. A Body Smash looked like it weakened roma for the pin but Spot tried to add to the damage by Smashing Paul with the Large Dog Bone. Roma blocked to smash and used a Flying Missile Shot that took Spot off his feet. Roma finished with the Diving Elbow. 5:51
3. Ben Bassarab; Diving Cross Body Pin over Aldo Marino. Aldo who has used a rougher style as of late, performed several Eye Rakes and then a Vicious Mouth Ripper. Bassarab, who has making a name for himself since coming from Stampede Wrestling, used an Atomic Skullcrusher to pretty much put Aldo away. Ben finished with the Diving Crossbody. 4:39
4. S.D. ‘Special Delivery’ Jones won by DQ over Ted Grizzly. S.D was in control after using a Jackhammer and then a Running Clothesline. Grizzly had a Sharp Metal Object that he used in attempting to cut S.D. Referee Tank Morgan saw the Object and called for the bell. Grizzly ran over and pushed Morgan and it really proved to be a mistake. Tank used a Jawbuster on Ted knocking him to the canvas. 4:56
5. Terry Gibbs is substituting for Matman Robbie Ellis in this match. Terry Gibbs won by Count-Out over Cousin Junior. The wrestlers exchange some good moves and it was a fairly clean match. Junior used a Atomic Spike that would have pinned Gibbs but Ted Grizzly OOR was causing a ruckus and Referee Dick Woherlie, who usuall sees everything missed this one. As Gibbs recovered he used a Falling Knee Smash but Grizzly was causing more distraction. The match went OOR where Grizzly who had been ordered back to the locker area, used a folded Metal Chair to smash Junior over the head. Grizzley threw the chair on Jumior and looked at Pat Patterson; “I’ve had enough of that Slop Slinger.” Gibbs re-entered the ring looking deadpanned as usual. 7:21
6. Brutus Beefcake and Leaping Lanny Poffo; Double Count-Out. After the match went OOR, Poffo used a Headrammer to the Steel Steps on Brutus. With Brutus laying on the floor Lanny climbed the Turnbuckle for a Somersault Drop. Beefacake moved and Lanny crashed to the floor. Brutus laid a floded Steel Chair on the floor and performed a Brainbuster on Lanny. Referee tank Morgan’s Count reach the limit. 10:37
7. Junkyard Dog; Skull Crusher Pin over Klondike Mike. Mike mounted an offense using his 375 LB body to an advantage. A Splash and then a Running Leg Drop gained several pin attempts. Not satisfied Mike retrieved JYD’s Chain and tried to use it. The move was reversed and Mike was smashed in the forehead. After a Corkscrew Dive, JYD finished with the Skull Crusher. 8:53 |
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Posted on 03/28/2022


Posts: 8094
Joined: 03/07/2019
Henry’s Hamburgers & Nick’s Clothing presents;
WWF Wrestling (1985-86) on WBHM-TV Chan 28
Benton Harbor PAL – Benton Harbor, MI 1,394
Commentators; Gorilla Monsoon & Lord Alfred Hays
Referees; Eddie Sullivan & Red Ryan Ring; Mitzi Mueller
1. Nasty Kat Laroux; Swinging Neckbreaker Pin over Desiree Peterson. Desiree used a Brainbuster and an Olympic Roll-Up to nearly pin Kat. Kat somehow avoided the pins but Referee Eddie Sullivan was very slow to count. Kat kicked Desiree in the mid-section and then shocked everyone when she slammed a chair over Peterson’s head. Desiree was dazed and holding herself up on the ropes when kat used the Swinging Neckbreaker to end the match. 6:25
2. Barry O; Diving Lariat Pin over Al Diamond. Barry who heard cheers (Barry has become a TV mainstay) as he entered the ring set up the pin with a Spin Kick and then followed with The Lariat. 4:02
3. Charlie Fulton and Jerry Adams; Double Count-Out. As the match went OOR, Jerry attempted a Flying Bronx Bomber from the Ropes to Fulton who was on the floor. Adams missed and crashed hard to the hard floor. Fulton followed with a Piledriver that KO’d Adams but also took too much time and both wrestlers were counted out. 2:40
4. Steve Gatorwolf; War Dance Chops and Knee Lift Pin over The Red Demon. Prior to the match the Chief of the Potawatomi Tribe presented Gatorwolf with a plaque denoting good sportsmanship and setting an example for all young boys and girls. The Red Demon walked over, grabbed the plaque and slammed it to the turnbuckle. It broke into several pieces. Then The Red Demon used a Demon Drop that came close to a pin but Steve kicked out several times. After setting up the War Dance with a Headcracker, Chief Gatorwolf finished the match with a vengeance. 4:29
5. Kerry Brown; The Piledriver Pin over Les Thornton. Thornton had a piece of wire that he used to his advantage. At one point Kerry was stuck in the eye with the wire giving Thornton, the veteran, a chance to perform a Skull Smasher and then a Flying Elbow that nearly got the pin. Brown, the up and comer, was able to recover and used a Full Nelson Mauler then The Piledriver to get the pin. 8:13
6. Announcement by Mitzi; “Moodog Rex who was scheduled to compete in the next match has been quarantined for 30 days for biting a mailman. Tiger Chung Lee accompanied by Mr. Fiji will take his place.” Jumping Jim Brunzell won by DQ over Tiger Chung Lee with Mr. Fuji. Mr. Fuji was active during the match trying every devious move he knew. After Fuji threw Salt to the Eyes of Brunzell, Tiger used a Yokohama Chop to the Throat. Brunzell fought back using a Gourdbuster and then the High Flying Dropkicks that the Killer Bee uses for light’s out. Mr. Fiji knowing the potential outcome slammed his cane to Brunzell’s head. Referee Red Ryan saw the infraction and called for the bell. 7:41
7. ‘The Natural’ Butch Reed; Double Underhook Suplex Pin over Swede Hansen. Hansen was in charge and after a Swinging Neckbreaker seemed to have the match won. Mr. Fuji still at ringside started arguing with Referee Eddie Sullivan about the last match. Reed who was pinned was able to recover without a count. Tiger Chung Lee pushed a folded steel chair into the ring. Butch used the chair as he performed a Backward Head Slam on Swede. The Natural finished the match with the Suplex. 8:54 |
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Posted on 03/28/2022


Posts: 8094
Joined: 03/07/2019
Hairless Joe and Lonesome Polecat’s
Kickapoo Joy Juice Presents;
ICW-WWA Wrestling (1980-82) on WETY-TV Chan 10
National Guard Armory – Elizabethtown, KY Att: 3,024
Commentators; Angelo Poffo & Eddie Marlin
Referees; Bill McMinn & Bobby Simmons Ring; Peggy Lee Pringlel
Bellringers; From Skonk Hollow. Earthquake & Typhoon McGoon
1. Rip Tyler; Legdrop pin over Jim ‘Hoot’ Gibson. Gibson used a Hoot n’ Holler Bulldog that Rip sliped from and retaliated with a vicious Eye Rake. A Jawbreaker set up the eventual Legdrop Pin. 3:46
2. Big Boy Williams from the West Virginia Coal Mines won by Count-Out over Ox Baker. Ox was very popular and got a big ovation and extra points. Big Boy used a Foreign Object (Miner’s Helmet) to Bludgeon Ox while Referee Bobby Simmons was being distracted by The McGoon’s. As Williams ran at Ox to inflict more punishment, Baker hit Big Boy with a Heart Punch. Instead of pinning Williams Ox left the ring; “He’s done!!” Ox signed several autographs on his way out as Referee Bobby Simmons count reach 10. The KO’d Big Boy got the win. 3:37
3. Mike Doggendorf won by Count-Out (Too Much Blood) over Thunderbolt Patterson. During OOR Action Patterson used the Steel Steps to smash Mike’s head several times. Doggendorf found a metal pail and smashed Patterson to the head. Doggendorf also had a Sharp Object (Nail?) that he used to cut Patterson above the eye. Thunderbolt was bleeding profusely as Mike climbed back in the ring. Referee Bill McMinn called the match. 4:40
4. Convertible Blonds (Hustler Rip Rogers and Gorgeous Gary Royal) with Brenda Britton beat The Batten Brothers (Brad and Bart). Gary Royal; German Suplex Pin over Brad. Brad and Bart worked well together finally setting up a pin. Bart held Gary Royal while Brad performed a Top Rope Press. Brenda not to be outdone used a distraction to spray Pepper Spray to Brad’s face. Rip Rogers choked out Bart with a Robe Tie while Gary used his Suplex to finish the match. 11:15
5. Rick Rood with Angel and Tony ‘Tiger’ Falk; Double Count-Out. Rood (who will eventually be Rude) used a Diving Fist Drop and a Diving Knee Drop to lay out Tony on the Floor OOR. Rip Rogers and Gary Royal still near ringside took a liking to Angel while Brenda Britton was trying to get the Blonds to leave ringside. Royal; “Why don’t you come to our side and find out what real men are like.” Rick Rood came running to protect Angel while Referee Bill McMinn’s count reached the limit. A shoving match too plce but the wrestlers went no further. Brenda Britton was especially angry at Rip and Gary. 4:15
6. Rugged Ronnie Garvin; Hands of Stone Pin over Pistol; Pex Whatley with Brenda Britton. During OOR Action Pistol Pez choked out Ronnie on the Guard Rail. Ronnie retaliated with Slams to the Steel Steps. Both wrestlers were cut. With the McGoon’s yelling; “More, More!!” the wrestlers re-entered the ring. Pez performed a Flying Willie (Head Butt but crashed into the Corner Post. Ronnie used a double Underhook DDT to set up Pez and the Dreaded hands of Stone to finish the match. 9:46
7. Poffo/ Weingeroff (Leaping Lanny and George) won by DQ over The Zambaui Express (Elijah Akeem and Kareem Muhammed) with J.J. Dillon. Weingeroff used a backflip Dropkick while Lanny used a Somersault Drop and the speed and agility had Elijah and Kareem confused. The Express could only counter with Rope Burns and Elijah’s Thumbscew to the Throat. Referee Bill McMinn continualy warned Elijah about using the Thumb. Dillon got frustrated, entered the ring and pushed McMinn. Mcminn called for the bell. 12:46 |
GV |
Posted on 03/28/2022


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Shoe Sensation & Logan’s Roadhouse presents;
ICW-WWA Wrestling (1980-82) on WKPH-TV chan 59
Jaycee Civic Center – Paducah, KY Att: 4,112
Commentators; Jess McGrath & Dickie Steinborn
Referees; Tom Renesto and Bobby Dee Ring; Sherri Martel
1. Moose Cholak and Colonel Yan Ke’ No Contest. Colonel hit Moose with a kendo Stick before the match ever started. The Colonel threw salt to the eyes and then smashed a Chair to Cholak. Moose recovered and hit Yan Ke with the Moosehead that he (Cholak) wears. Cholak then KO’d Yan ke with the famous MMMMOOOOOSE!! Splash. Referee Tom Renesto call the match a No Contest although the fans were yelling for Yan Ke to be DQ’d. 0:00 although the action was closer to 8:00
2. Bull Bullinski and Terry Gibbs; Double Count-Out. During OOR Action Gibbs was able to hurt Bull with a Falling Knee Smash. Butt counted with a Trash Can Smash and then a Headrammer. The fight went up the ramp and to the back stage. 5:42
3. Ed “Dizzy” Hogan; Delayed Suplex Pin over Jim “The Claw” Mitchell. During OOR Action, Bull Bullinski came back to ringside. Mitchell made a comment (called Bullinski a bum who can’t beat a guy like Gibbs). Bullinski grabbed a chair and smashed it over Mitchell’s head. Bull pushe The Chaw back in the ring and Dizzy used the Delayed Suplex. 4:54
4. Roy Rogers (Johnny Rich); Top Rope Flying Elbow Pin over Sonny King. Sonny had a Hidden Foreign Object that he used to his advantage. Sonny was going to use his Showboat DDT but he waited too long. Showboating of course. Rogers was able to retaliate with a Headrammer and then the Flying Elbow. 6:06
5. The Young Lions (‘Mr Electricity’ Steve Regal and ‘Hardhat’ Spike Huber beat The Manchurians (Tio/Tapu) with Sputnik Monroe. Regal; Flying Body Press over Tapu. Monroe was active using Trips, Elbows to the Chops and a Kick to the Groin during distractions. Huber was in the ring with Tio when Tapu tried to used ‘Spit Mist’ to Huber’s face. Tapu missed and hit Tio who was temporarily blinded. The Lions immediately Doubleteamed Tapu and the match ended with Regal climbing the ropes and using the Flying Body Press. Tapes showed later that neither man was legal. 13:34
6. Ratamyus, the Mysterious won by Submission Cowboy Bob Ellis. Ratamyus used a Chairshot to Ellis’ beach and then attacked with what looked like a Nail. The Mysterious One shocked the fans when he pulled out a Brillo Pad and was scrapping Ellis’ face. Cowboy Bob was covered with blood so Referee Bobby Dee called the match awarding the win to Ratamyus. 6:51.
7. Randy Savage, now calling himself ‘Macho Man’ with Brenda Britton won by Count-Out over Paul Christy. Christy had Savage pinned using a Sunset Flip but Referee Tom Renesto was ditracted by Brenda and missed what could have been a 7 or 8 count. The match went OOR where Brenda used bathroom Spray to Christy’s eyes. Savage climbed the Turnbuckle, set his Loaded Pad and used a Diving Elboe Smash to the helpless Christy. Macho Man slipped back in the ring. 9:53 |
GV |
Posted on 03/29/2022


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Lawler’s Barbecue & Richland Inn presents;
Mid-South Wrestling (1980-82) on WMC-TV Chan 5
Marshall Outreach Center – Lewisburg, TN Att: 1,608
Commentators; Lance Russell & Sputnik Monroe
Referees; Jerry Calhoun and Charlie Rentrop Ring; Candi Malloy
1. Sexy Ron Sexton won by Count-Out over Art Crews. This was a mid-carder feud. Crews laid it on the line by saying that if he didn’t win the match by pinfall he would leave the Mid-South Federation. The match went OOR where the brawl got vicious. Sexton used a Brain basher to the Steel Steps that left a gash on Crews head. Sexton slipped back in the ring to stop the count. Crews used an Atomic Spike that should have KO’d Ron but somehow he recovered. Sexton threw Sawdust into Crews eyes and then used a Swinging Neckbreaker. Sexton slipped back in the ring and beat Referee Jerry Calhoun’s count. The fans started singing; “So-Long its been good to know ya, So-Long its been good to know ya……….” Crews made a figure gesture as he walked up the aisle for the last time in Mid-South. 6:06
2. Jerry Barber won by Count-Out over Randy Colley. The fans booed loudly as Colley was introduced. Randy has made a habit of arguing with the fans even threatening them with objects he carries; Chain, Bucket, etc. Colley had the early advantage using his weight to push Barber around. Jerry caught Randy by surprise with a Roll-Up that was a flicker away from a pin. Colley bailed from the ring to catch nis breath and the fans goy on him. Randy responded by yelling back and pumping his fist at the fans. Colley kept getting response from the fans as Referee Charlie Rentrop’s count reached 10. Randy argued that the fans were at fault but it didn’t matter. The decision stood. 5:16
3. Dizzy Bill Smithson and The Enforcer; Double Count-Out. This match was almost all OOR. The Enforcer was able to Reverse a Chairshot that left Smithson dazed. The Rnforcer followed with a Flying Missile that put Dizzy down but not out. As The Enforcer tried to get to the ring, Smithson gabbed his leg and stared biting. The Enforcer tried desperately to get away but was bitten on the arms. Meanwhile Referee jerry Calhoun’s count reach 10. 4:23
4. Bobby Fulton; Senton Bomb Pin over Chick Donovan. Chick who is a bodyguard to Jimmy Hart announced before the match that Jimmy would not be in his corner because Chick is more than capable of taking care of business against Fulton. In the early going things looked good for Donovan and after he performed a Falling, Jumping Knee to the Throat it looked like lights out. Fulton was able to avoid a pin at several 2 counts. Bobby’s spped took over and after a Flying Forearm Bobby used a Flying Gutbuster to set up his Senton Bomb. Jimmy Hart scrambled to get a few of his Hart First Family to get to the ring but they were too late. The fans were thrilled. 5:04
5. Crusher Broomfield with Jimmy Hart and Jerry Jarrett; Double Count-Out. The local Jerry from Henderson, was pumped by the crowd’s reaction. He had points added to his total. The Nasty Broomfield too charge in the ring using a Cranium Cracker. Jarrett responded with a Crucifix Armbar that came close to a Submission but Hart was able to take advantage of a distraction to slam his megaphone over Jerry’s head. Crusher used a Guillotine Leg Drop that should have been light’s out. Jerry slipped from the ring to catch his breath. Crusher followed; grabbed his chain and smashed Jarrett. The count reached 10 and the match was over. Jerry was taken away on a stretcher. Jimmy hart being interviewed; “Broomfield is a One Man Gang and he will heading to the top of the Rankings.” 6:49
6. The Assassins (Iranian and Cuban) with Jimmy Hart beat The Heartbreakers (Joey Cagle and Rocky Sorter). Iranian; Running Powerslam Pin over Rocky Sorter. The Heartbreakes had a good offense going and looked to be ready to end the match when Rocky held The Cuban and Joey performed a Top Rope Press. Hart who is always busy smashed his megaphone to Joey’s head. The Assassins immediately Dirty Doubleteamed Rocky. The Cuban used a Guillotine Leg Drop to Joey while The Iranian finished the match with the Running Powerslam. 10:34
7. Lord Humongous with Downtown Bruno; Falling Fist to Throat Pin over Bugsy McGraw. In an Unusual Ending, Bugsy used a Flying Headbutt to stun Humongous. Bruno distracted Referee Jerry Calhoun after slipping Humongous a Wrench. The Lord used a Piledriver to get Bugsy down and followed with the Loaded fist (Wrench) to the Throat. 9:14 |
GV |
Posted on 03/29/2022


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Varner General Store and Varner Sporting Goods presents;
Memphis Mid-South Wrestling (1980-82) on WMC-TV Chan 22
Varner Grove – Frenchman Bend, MS Att; 1.534
Commentators; Joe Pedicino and Bonnie Blackstone
Referees; Lee Fields & Johnny Weaver Ring; Laura Del Rio
1. Outlaw Ron Bass; Gourdbuster Pin over Pat “Scorpion” Hutchinson. Hutchinson used a Falling Cranium Crusher to gain the advantage but didn’t follow up for a pin. Instead he tried to hook in the Scorpion Lock but was unable to seal the deal. Bass used an Inverted Suplex Slam and then finished the match with the light’s out Gourdbuster. 7:54
2. ‘Hardhat’ Spike Huber and ‘Pretty Boy’ Carl Fergie; Double Count-Out. During OOR Action Card used a Matal pail to smash Spike and followed up with a trash can smash. The tough Huber used the Trash can top to crown Fergie and a reverse piledriver on the floor to put carl out. Referee Johnny Weaver’s count had long passed 10. 4:28
3. Leaping Lanny Poffo and Mongolian Tapu with Sputnik Monroe; Double Count-Out. During OOR Action the wrestlers exchange chokes on the Guard Rail. As Lanny threw Tapu into the Steel Steps with a skull Smasher that too Tapu out of action, Sputnik used a Loaded Fist (piece of metal) for a Jawbreaker on Lanny KO’ing him. Referee Lee Fields count reached the limit befor Sputnik could help Tapu back in the ring. 5:03
4. Sabu, the Wildman; Superfly Smash Pin over Rocky Sorter. Sabu had a Foreign Object that he used freely when ever Referee Johnny Weaver couldn’t see the infractions. Sabu, who also used the name Cocoa Samoa, was in control of the match pummeling Rocky with the Object. Sabu used a Cocoa Headbutt that put Sorter down and the Wildman climed the ropes for the Splash. 4:10
5. Jacque Rougeau; Quebec Crab (Boston) Submission over Apocalypse. Apocalypse used his usual non-standard move; Kick to the Groin and RunFace to mat. When he attempted a Chairshot it got reversed putting Apocalypse in dire straits. Rougeau followed with a diving Elbow smash and then hooked in the Crab. 6:55
6. Stan ‘Plowboy’ Frazier; Jumping Legdrop Pin over ‘Nature Boy’ Roger Kirby. Kirby attack Playbow before the match and though Frazier was able to get the better of the blindside, he got cut with a sharp object. Frazier fell to the canvas after a Running Body Smash. Kirby decided to try a suicide Leap from the Turnbuckle but he did some Hotdogging first. As the fans booed Kirby’s strutting, Frazier was recovering. Kirby leaped to an empty canvas. The Plowboy used a Running Skullcrusher and a Legdrop tpo put Kirby away. 6:46
7. Bobby Eaton and Koko B. Ware beat Ricky Morton and Steve Travis. Koko; Bombs Away Pin over Travis. Actually Travis had the advantage after a Morton Flying Body Press and Steve’s Top Rope Knee drop on Eaton. Koko slipped in the ring and used a Running Body Splash on Travis while Morton and Eaton were fight OOR. Koko finished with the Bomb’s away and though he got the pin Koko was not the legal man. 14:35 |
GV |
Posted on 03/29/2022


Posts: 8094
Joined: 03/07/2019
Felta’s Whatta Burger & Fat Daddy’s presents;
Memphis-Mid South Wrestling (1980-82)
Russelville, AR WMC-TV Chan 5 Att: 2,668
Commentators; Rich Landrum & Charlie Pratt
Referees; Tom Renesto & Bobby Dee Ring; Boyd Pierce
1. Animal Hamagucci; Neckbreaker Drop Pin over Vinnie Romero. Animal took charge in the pre-match by attacking with a Chair. Vinnie had very little offense from that point. Hamagucci used an Animal Elbow Drop to set up the eventual finisher. 3:07
2. The Angel (Frank Morrell) billed from This Side of Heaven; Brain Claw submission over The Hollywood Hippie. The fans loved The Hippie’s gimmick so he was awarded extra points. The Hippie was able to mount a small offense and almost had a pin when he used his feet on the ropes for leverage. The Angel recovered and used a Power Slam before hooking in the light’s out Brain Claw. 5:53
3. Gorgeous Gary Royal with Brenda Britton pinned George Weingeroff. This was a matter of too much Convertible Blonds as Hustler Rip Rogers and Pistol Pez Whatley came to ringside after attacking Leaping Lanny Poffo (Weingeroff’s partner) in the hall and locking him in a closet. When the match went OOR Brenda distracted Referee Tom Renesto while The three blonds beat on Weingeroff at ringside. Royal used a German Suplex to George on the floor and Rogers and Whatley threw George back in the ring. Gary Royal rolled Geotge up for the pin as Referee Renesto turned to see the action. (Note; Pistol Pez wore a blond wig to show his connection to an odd named team.) 6:08
4. Killer Karl Krupp; Eye Claw Hold Submission over Heartbreaker Joey Cagle. Cagle displayed speed and climbed the ropes for a Top Rope Jump. Unfortunately for Joey, Krupp had a chair and smashed it to Cagle as his came off the ropes. Krupp used a Big Boot on the dazed Heartbreaker and then the Claw Hold finisher. 3:16
5. House of the Orient (Masa Fuchi and Mr. Onita) with Togo Yammamoto beat David Oswald and Don Anderson. Mr. Onita; Flowing Snap DDT Pin over David Oswald. Fuchi performed a Bridging Back Drop on Anderson and Onita hit Oswald with a Karate Chop to the Throat. Mr. Onita used his finisher to end the match. 7:56
6. Andy Kaufman was in the ring amid a chorus of boos. Kaufman had tormented to Memphis fans about how to wash up and brush their teeth. He even would show toilet paper and tell the locals to try it out in the Out-House rather that newspaper or magazine pages. Kaufman taked over th e corus of boos and then invited a female challenger to get in the ring and fight him for his Intergender Title. If the woman won she would recieve $1,000. Bobbie Jane Bishop of Pottsville, AR accepted the challenge.
Andy Kaufman; Pin using Ropes Pin over Bobbie Jane Bishop. Bobbie Jane was able to get the fans cheering when she grabbed Kaufman in the Groin. He was able to poke her in the eyes and then used a Power Slam. He pinned her using the Ropes for Leverage. 7:25
7. Terry Taylor and Tojo Yammamoto; Double Count-Out. Taylor used a Sunset Flip to Pin Tojo but Referee Tom Renesto missed the pin as he was sending Masa Fuchi and Mr. Onita back to the locker area. Referee Renesto was KO’d in a collision as the match went OOR. Fuchi and Onita ran back to ringside to beat on Taylor. Leaping lanny Poffo ran from the backstage (he was free from the closet) and helped Terry fight off Yammamoto’s Orient House. Referee Bobby Dee ran to the ring and counted. Not sure of what to do he Counted both wrestlers out. Yammamoto, Fuchi and Onita ran to the backstage as Taylor and Poffo enereed the ring and put thumbs up the the cheering fans. 10:48 |
GV |
Posted on 03/29/2022


Posts: 8094
Joined: 03/07/2019
The Corner Café & Reed Photography presents;
Memphis/Mid-South Wrestling (1980-82 on WMC-TV Chan 5
National Guard Armory – Morristown, TN Att: 1,746
Commentators; Lance Russell and Dave Brown
Referees; Jerry Calhoun & Charlie Rentrop Ring; Boyd Pierce
1. Dennis Condrey; Facebuster Pin over Ric McCord. McCord used a Diving Elbow Smash to try and end the match but it turned into an Elbow Crash when Dennis moved and the canvas was empty. Condrey who is 1/3 of the Midnight Express used a Cranium Cracker to set up the finisher. 3:16
2. Jackie Fargo; Atomic Drop Pin over Gypsy Joe. Fargo strutted around the ring in the pre-match and the fans loved the show. Jackie was awarded extra points for his effort and his connection with the fans. Gypsy Joe who always has a trick up his sleeve used Gypsy Dust to try and temporarily blind Jackie. The Dust missed but Jackie pretended to get hit in the eyes. Joe thinking he had accomplished the deed took his time and when he turned, Fargo hit Gypsy with a Diving Splash. Jackie followed with a Falling Knee to the Head and then finished with the Atomic Drop. 4:47
3. King Cobra and Bart Barren; Double Count-Out. Cobra ambushed Bart with a Vicious Chair Shot during the entrance. Referee Jerry Calhoun missed the ambush and when he turned after the intros he called for the bell to start the match. Bart was KO’s but Cobra didn’t get a chance to get to the ring because Brad ran out and hit Cobra with a Flying Body Smash. Cobra fell from the ramp. Referee Jerry Calhoun made the count and neither wrestler was able to get to the ring. 0:10
4. Young Lion Steve Regal; Flying Body Press Pin over Manchurian Tio with Sputnik Monroe. Sputnik tried to hit Regal with a Trash Can but Steve was able to reverse the move. Sputnik fell from the Ring Apron along with the Trash Can. Not to be discouraged in evil doings Sputnik got hold of a pie from the pie sale on the far wall. He returned to the ring and picked his moment to throw the pie into Regal’s face. Steve ducked and Tio got hit. Regal used a Backward Head Slam and then his finisher. 4:51
5. Maniac Mark Lewin; Package Piledriver Pin over Chief Thundercloud. During OOR Action The Chief used the Steel Sreps to smash Lewin’s Head. Mark mustered enough energy to hit Thundercloud with a Rib Crusher that took The Chief’s breath away. After re-entering the ring The Chief was able to perform his War Chops to set up his Death Lock. Lewin appeared to be done but he was able to pull out a Hidden Foreign Object (small piece of lead) and smash Thundercloud. The Chief released the hold and was almost KO’d when Lewin used the Piledriver to end the match. 6:48
6. Lumberjack Jos LeDuc; One Arm Backbreaker Submission over Jesse Barr with Jimmy Hart and VP Chick Donovan. Jesse was able to use a Bulldog but Jos slipped out of it. Jimmy Hart tried to hit LeDuc with the Megaphone but Jos used an Elbow that sent Hart flying from the Ring Apron to the hard floor. Chick Donovan who is VP of the Hart family had a Sharp Object and jumped on the Ring Apron to help Jesse. Unfortunately Jesse was cut with the object. LeDuc performed a Chainsaw Stomp on the bloody Jesse and then finished the match with his Dreaded Backbreaker. 7:14
7. The Gibson’s (Ricky and Robert) beat Devil’s Duo (Doug Vines and Jeff Sword) with Izzy Slapowitz. Ricky pinned Doug. Izzy peeled the cover from the Turnbuckle and the Duo took turns using the exposed metal for head smashes to the Gibson’s. The match ended in a UNUSUAL roll. The match went OOR where Izzy is more comfortable but this was not to be the the Duo nor the manager’s day. The Gibson’s were gaining the advantage even though Robert was thrown into the steel Steps and had his face ground into the metal. Ricky threw Doug into the Barricade Railing flipping Jeff into the 1st row. Robert slammed Jeff onto the Press Table. After the wrestlers re-entered the ring the frustrated Izzy tried to hit Ricky with the Gong-Bell. He smashed it to Doug by mistake and Ricky rolled up Doug for the pin. 15:56 |
GV |
Posted on 03/30/2022


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Joined: 03/07/2019
Georgie Porgie’s & Knight’s Inn presents;
TNA Impact (2012-14) on Spike TV Network
Memorial Hall – Racine, WI Att: 3,316
Commentators; Professor Mike Tenay & Taz
Referees; Earl Hebner & Steven Richards
Ring; Christy Hemme
1. JPW – D.J. Hyde; Shadow Driver (Pumphandle Piledriver) Pin over Dave Crist. The fans knew the reputation of D.J. Hyde and they greeted him with loud boos. When Crist caught D.J. in a Chickenwing it looked like light’s out but Hyde somehow wiggled out and used a piece of metal to scratch Dave’s eyes. Hyde used a skull Smasher to set up the finisher. 3:12
2. JPW - Blackheart Stables (Breaker Morant and AHTU) with Joel Goodheart beat Shaolin Wrecking Crew (Majic and Suba). Joel was introduced as bBackheart but immediately grabbed the mic from Christy and corrected her that it was Goodheart. This was not unlike Playboy Buddy Rose years before when he would correct the Ring Announcer about his weight. Back to the match; AHTU; Doubleteam Piledriver over Majic (Magic). Joel showed his worth immediately when he threw Salt into Suba’s eyes. Morant followed with a Chairshot while Referee Steven Richards was distracted. With Suba sidelined Morant used an Illegal choke on Majic and then choked him out with a wire. AHTU tagged in and the Stable used the Doubleteam to get the big man up for the Piledriver. 7:53
3. OVW – Rich and Famous (Eddie Diamond and Timmy Danger) beat Trailer Park Pride (Elvis Pridemore and Trailer Park Trash). Eddie; Double DDT Pin over Elvis. During OOR Action the Pride used some junk; Hubcaps, Tailpipe, etc. to smash Eddie and Timmy. Diamond and Danger were able to dump a large bucket of ice and soda bottles over Pride’s head. Back in the ring Diamond and Danger used the Double DDT to KO Elvis before Pride could get back to the ring. 10:35
4. Christopher Daniels with Kazarian; Best Moonsault Ever Pin over Jesse Sorenson. Sorenson got the upper hand when he interrupted Daniel’s interview on Spike TV in Cannoli Corner with George Vessichio. Points were added to Jesse’s total and he was able to keep Daniels off balance with this advantage. Jesse caught Christopher with a Facelock DDT but the pin was broken up by Kazarian. Jesse was fighting off Kazarian when Daniels used an Angel Facebuster to down Jesse. The hig flying finisher followed. 4:47
5. O.D.B.; BAM (Cutter) Pin over Lei’d Tapa. Tapa used the only moves she had; Boot to the Face, Grind Face to Mat and Rope Burns. O.D.B. recovered and used Dirty Dozen Smashes to set up the Cutter finish. 6:33
6. Christian York; Flying Kneedrop Pin over Kenny King with M.V.P. The match was fairly even when Bobby Lashley came to ringside. York bounced of the ropes and hit M.V.P from the Ring apron and he fell into Lashley. Kenny King got distracted by the commotion on the floor. Christian immediately hit Kenny with the Flying Knee and got the Pin. M.V.P., Lashley and Kenny started beating on Christian pummeling him unmercifully until several of Security ran in the ring to stop the carnage. 6:13
7. Jesse Godderz with Tara and Robbie E; pinned Samoa Joe. There was constant interference by Robbie E and Tara during this match. Earl Hebner was distracted by the presence of Veda Scott who was doing interviews and the Blossom Twins who were selling programs. Tara took full advantage by scratching Joe in the eyes while Robbie used a Thumbscrew to the Throat. In spite of the interference Joe was able to hook Jesse in a Coquina Clutch. Jesse tried to Submit but Referee Earl Hebner didn’t hear him scream. Tara had a Fire Extinguisher that she used to Smash joe over the head. Robbie E placed the hurting Jesse on top of Joe and tapped Referee Earl Hebner on the shoulder. Earl turned around and counted the pin. 8:58
8. TNA TV Title – Zema Ion (DJZ) (Champion) with Robbie E; 630° Senton Pin over Showtime Eric Young (Challenger) with O.D.B. Eric looked as though he would be the new champion as he climbed the ropes to leap on the downed Zema. Tara ran out and started fighting with O.D.B. for a distraction. Robbie E shook the ropes and Eric fell to the canvas. Robbie E used Right Guard spray to Eric’s eyes and slipped a Folded steel Chair into the ring. Zema performed a Brainbuster to Eric on the Folded chair then used his finisher. Zema Ion retains the TNA TV Title. 10:35 |
GV |
Posted on 03/30/2022


Posts: 8094
Joined: 03/07/2019
Christy’s Pizza & Cherry Valley Lodge presents;
TNA Impact Wrestling (2012-14)
National Guard Armory – Newark, OH Att: 3,614
Commentators; Jason Gentry & Jeremy Borash
Referees; Brian Hebner & Bobby Blaze Ring: Holly Blossom
1. JPW - Murat Bosporus and Brad Attitude; Double Count-Out. Brad is disliked by the fans who continually booed as Brad strutted around the ring during the pre-match. The extra points added to his total would help Brad in the eventual outcome. During OOR Action Attitude used a Trash Can to smash Murat the popular German. Murat responded with a Column Clothesline that laid out Brad in the aisle. Referee Brian Hebner’s count reached 10 and neither wrestler could come close to getting back in the ring. 4:26
2. JPW - The Renegades (Sylvain Grenier and Ty Dillinger) beat the Flatliners (Matt Burns and Asylum) with Stanley Martin Fuqua. The Flatliners attacked brfore the match throwing Grenier from the ring and performing a Doubleteam Piledriver on Dillinger. The Flatliners had the upper hand until Asylum used a Lunatic Elbow Drop from the turnbuckle towrd Sylvain. He missed falling hard to the canvas. Dillinger reverse a Chairshot on Fuqua OOR. Grenier set up Burns with a Flying Dropkick and then ended the match by pinning Burns after Three Seconds of Fame (Suplex DDT). 11:25
3. OVW – The Assassin and Randy Royal; No Contest. During the entrance a Brawl broke out not only with Royal and The Assassin but with Brad Attitude and Murat Bosporus who were still beefing with each other. To make it worse, Ty Dillinger and Asylum were fighting in this mess. Referee Brian hebner had no chice but to call the match before it ever started 0:00/9:43
4. Jigsaw won by DQ over Garrett Bischoff with Wes Brisco. Brisco gained points for Bischoff by berating Holly Blossom and chasing her from the ring. During the match Jigsaw used his Jig n’ Tonic (Back to Belly Piledriver) that would have pinned Garrett. Wes knowing the potential outcome leaped on referee Bobby Blaze. Blaze called the match a DQ in favor of Jigsaw who was less that happy with the result. 4:31
5. Knockout Match – Madison Rayne; Push-Up Facebuster Pin over Velvet Sky. Velvet performed a Flying Elbow (with a loaded elbow Pad) and then a Beauty-T DDT that pinned Madison but Earl Hebner at ringside distracted his brother Brian who missed the pin. Earl was saving his lady love while Brian was disappointed because his attentions are saved for Velvet. Madison gained the upper hand using a diving Spear and then the facebuster finisher. Brian wasreluctant to count the pin so Earl, the head referee, jumped in the ring and quickly slammed his hands to the canvas 3 tmes. 6:23
6. The Menagerie (Knux and The Freak) with Rebel and Crazzy Steve won by DQ over Goodfellas (Eddie Kingston and Craig Steel) with Mo Green. The Carnival music blared through the speakers while Rebel and Crazzy Steve were distracting by jumping all over the place. Mo Green tried to protest but it did no good. Eddie Kingston was slammed to the floor OOR then Knux and The Freak used a Doubleteam Flapjack on Craig Steel. Mo Green quickly ran in the ring and pulled Craig from pinning danger. Referee Bobby Blaze called for the bell. 9:47
7. Abyss and Bram with Magnus; Double Count-Out. During OOR Action Magnus tried to help by throwing some sawdust into Abyss’ eyes the move backfired and Bram was hit the eyes. Abyss used a Black Hole slam to Magnus on the ramp and then a Skullcrusher on Bram. Abyss grabbed Janice (his Spike Club ) and headed backstage. 9:04
8. Gunner; Belly to Back Suplex Pin over Cowboy James Storm. The fans had very little reaction the The Cowboy who has a rougher style and is clearly the heel in this match. Storm was able to use his Eight Second Bulldog to nearly gain a pin. Abyss who forgot to re-enter the ring in the last math came back to ringside with Janice. When Abyss got up on the ring apron, the Cowboy jumped up to defend himself from danger. Referee Bobby Blaze pointed to the backstage instructing Abyss to go there. Gunner took advantage of the distraction and performed a backward Head Slam then the finisher. When referee Bobby Blaze turned around gunner was pinning Storm. 10:49 |
GV |
Posted on 03/30/2022


Posts: 8094
Joined: 03/07/2019
Country Rooster & Anna Mary’s Cakes presents;
TNA Impact (2012-14) on Spike TV Network
Fairgrounds – Harrison, AR Att: 2,966
Commentators; Prof. Mike Tenay & Taz
Referees; Brian Stifler & Al Snow Ring; Taryn Terrell
1. JPW – Tama Tonga; Superfly Dive Pin over Notorious T.I.D. During OOR Action Notorious used his Barbed Wire wrapped Plunger to cause a serious cut on Tama leg. In spite of the injury Tonga was able to avoid a smash with a chair and after getting back in the ring Tama reversed an attempt at Pepper spray by T.I.D. Tonga used several karate Chops to down Notorious then climbed the ropes for the Superfly. Tonga was taken to the hospital. 4:51
2. OVW – Elvis Pridemore with Trailer Park Trash and Adam Revolver with Joey Ryan; Double Count-Out. The fans greeted Revolver and Ryan with a chorus of boos. The arrogant Joey accepted the boos as though they were a love call by holding his arms up and prancing around the ring. The match went OOR almost immediately where all of these wrestlers are in their comfort zone. Pride more and Trash used junk to pummel Revolver and Ryan. This took the feel of a tag match. Several throws into the Steel Steps and hits with the Gong Bell KO’d both Revolver and Pridemore. Referee Al Snow could have DQ’d both wrestlers but decided on the Count-Out. 3:42
3. Brittany; Shining Star Press (Handspring Moonsault) Pin over The Rebel with the Menagerie. The Menagerie used various tricks to gain the edge. Brittany took a balloon full of water to the face then had a large cone of Cotton Candy smooched in her face. When Crazzt Steve tried to hand The Rebel a Roll of Poker Chips, Referee Al Snow at ringside jumped in the ring to help Referee Brian Stifler. Brittany hit The Rebel with a Running Knee and then used her finisher for the pin while the Referees kept The Menagerie from any more interfering. 6:46
4. Chris Sabin with Alpha Female; Cradle Shock (Driver) Pin over Doug Williams. Doug had the advantage and then performed a Revolution DDT that left Chris sprawled on the mat. Doug climbed the ropes for a Bombs Away finish. Alpha Female ran over and pushed Doug who crashed head first to the mat. Sabin recoved and used a Kneedropto the Throat and then the Diver finish. 5:59
5. Bobby Lashley with MVP and Kenny King; Dominator Slam Pin over King Mo. Lashley and Kenny savagely attacked Mo before the match slowing Mo down but not out. King Mo fought back with a Flying Elbow Smash and a Garvin Stomp. MVP jumped in the ring while Kenny King distracted Referee Brian Stifler. MVP smashed King Mo in the back. As King staggered in the ring Bobby lashley his him with a Spear and then the Dominator Slam. 7:56
6. Crazzy Steve with The Menagerie; 450° Splash Pin over Rockstar Spud with EC-3 (Ethan Carter III). EC-3 hit Steve with a Chair serious ly slowing him down. The Freak took the chair from EC-3 and reversed a smash. EC-3 was lying helpless on the floor. The Rebel distracted referee Al Snow while Knux threw Spud from the ring. Spud should have stayed OOR but thought that he still had help from EC-3 who took another smash with the chair by The Freak. After re-entering the ring Rockstar Spud was shocked to see The Menagerie surrounding him. Crazzy Steve was on the top Rope. Spud fell trying to get away and Steve hit him with the Splash. 6:26
7. Tommy Dreamer and ‘Machine Gun’ Karl Anderson with Prince Fergal Devitt; Double Count-Out. Devitt was up to his usual antics as he kicked Tommy to the head with his, obviously, Loaded Boot. Dreamer had the advantage using Elbow and Knee Smashes. The Prince hit Tommy with a microphone and then threw a cup of beer at Dreamer. Dreamer had enough and went OOR to confront Devitt. Anderson followed. Anderson slammed a wrench he found on the floor to Tommy’s head. Dreamer was cut but not down. As Tommy whipped Karl into the steps Prince Devill tried to hit Dreamer with a Trash can. The Menagerie was still near ringside as Knux was being interviewed by George Vessichio. The Prince hit The Freak. The Freak then cleaned house on the Bullet Club throwing The Prince into the 2nd row and Piledriving Machine Gun Karl. By the way, the count of 10 had long passed. 10:23
8. TNA Tag Team Title – Team 3-D (Bully Ray and Brother Devon) (Champions) and the Bro-Manns (Jesse Godderz and Robby E) (Challengers) with DJZ and Tara; Double Count-Out During OOR Action Team 3-D crashed Jesse through the Press Table. Devon through DJZ (Zema Ion) over the Guard rail. Robbie E trying to help leaped from the Turnbuckle with a Flying Breaker. He landed on an empty floor. Team 3-D didn’t make an effort to get back in the ring as they preferred to pummel the Bro-Manns. Tara was pleading with Al Snow to stop the carnage. Team 3-D retains the TNA Tag Title. 14:48 |
GV |
Posted on 03/30/2022


Posts: 8094
Joined: 03/07/2019
Nana’s Kountry Kupboard & Best Value Inn presents;
TNA Impact (2012-14) on Spike TV Network
Civic Center - McMinnville, TN Att: 3,752
Commentators; Jason Gentry & Jeff Jarrett
Referees; Earl Hebner & Val Venis Ring; Veda Scott
1. JPW - David Starr and Chainsaw Joe Gacy; Double Count-Out. Joe was continually warned about using an Illegal Choke that he calls a Slaughter Choke. After the match went OOR Chainsaw Joe opened a gash on Starr’s head when he hit him with a lead pipe. Somehow David recovered and performed a Flying Cannonball and the momentum threw Joe into the Guard rail Head First KO’ing him. As David struggled to get back to the ring he was tripped by a Hockey Stick held by Shannon Ballard who was with his brother waiting for their match. 5:04
2. JPW - F.E.F. (Far East Firm) (Mohammed Yone and Toru Yanu beat The Chiefs (Shane and Shannon Ballard). The Chiefs were up to their usual antics. They began by interrupting F.E.F.’s interview with George Vessichio. The extra points they received was appreciated by the two goons but didn’t alter the match ending as F.E.F. used their skills to confuse The Ballard’s. Toru Yanu; Kagamiwari (Scoop Brainbuster) pin over Shannon. The Chiefs used a Double Major Dirty Doubleteam to try and gain the advantage. When Toru had Shannon set for the pin Shane tried to run in and help. Yone performed a Running Guillotine on Shane and Toru pinned Shannon. 8:38
3. OVW – Jamin Olivencia won by Count-Out over Ryan Howe. Olivencia used a Grinding Face Claw to hurt Howe who bailed from the ring to recover. Jamin followed OOR and had a hidden spray bottle that he took from the janitors cart. He sprayed Howe in the eyes and then performed a O-Drop (DDT) to the floor. Olivencia slipped back into the ring. 4:21
4. Robbie E with Jesse Godderz; Jersey Shore Breaker Pin over Seyia Senada. In and Unusual Result Jesse threw sand into Seyia’s eyes just as he was about to perform a Bridging Tiger Suplex. Robbie too advantage immediately and used the Breaker to gain the pin. The Bro-Manns jumped around the ring hailing their victory as the fans booed. 5:57
5. Tara with Jesse Godderz and Brook Tessmaker; Double Count-Out. Jesse was trying to help by pulling the rope down during a whip. Unfortunately Tara fell to the floor. Jesse was able to help her get back in the ring only to have Brook hit her with a Tess-Shocker (Belly to Back Facebuster. Jesse pulled Tara from the ring. Robbie E ran out to help Godderz as Jesse pulled Brook from the ring. Senada ran out to counter Robbie E and david Starr ran out to stop Jesse from holding Brook. The Brawl was on and the count would be long gone by the time this was over. 6:45
6. Gunner/Samoa Joe and The Bullet Club (Bad Luck Fale and Prince Devitt); Double Count-Out. During OOR Action Gunner used a Gun Rack Backbreaker on Prince Devitt. Machine Gun Karl Andrson ran out to help his fellow members of The Bullet Club and break up the painful Gun Rack. Another huge brawl OOR that resulted in a Count-Out. 9:09
7. EC-3 (Ethan Carter III) with Rockstar Spud; On Percenter (Headlock Driver) Pin over Hernandez. Hernandez seemed to have EC-3 in trouble after a Diving Splash. Spud, the irritating imp. Climbed the ropes and performed a 5-Stone Frog Splash onto Hernandez. EC-3 used this distraction to perforn the One Percenter. 7:33
8. X-Division Title – Austin Aires (Challenger) won by Count-Out over Crimson (Champion). Crimson caught Aires with a Red Sky Spinebuster so Aires who was dazed bailed from the ring. Crimson followed but was hit by Aires with a monkey wrench from under the ring. Austin then used a Head Rammer to the Steel Steps, climbed the ropes and performed a 2nd Rope Brainbuster to the floor. Crimson failed to make the count. Crimson retains the X-Division Title. 12:21 |
GV |
Posted on 03/31/2022


Posts: 8094
Joined: 03/07/2019
The Blue Plate & Gilland Ford presents;
TNA-Impact Wrestling – (2012-14) - Spike TV Network
Doug Tew C.C. – Dothan, AL Att: 4.360
Commentators; Prof. Mike tenay & Scott Steiner
Referees; Brian Hebner & Barry Horowitz Ring; Kelly Kelly
1. OVW - Paredyse and Raul LaMotta; Double Count-Out. Paredyse was introduced as “The World’s Most Beautiful Professional Wrestler” Drawing cheers from his Paresyte fans. During OOR Action Raul had a Foreign Object that looked like a Screwdriver wrapped in his hand. He tried to hit Paredyse in the chops but missed and hit the corner post. As Raul was screaming in pain holding his hand Paradyse climbed the Turnbuckle and performed a Swan Song Dive then followed with a Kiss Goodnight DDT. Referee Brian Hebner’s count had long past 10 but Paredyse and his Paresyte fans consider this a triumph. 4:32
2. JPW – Cody Deaner; Flying Clothesline Pin over Vince Beach. Vince who refers to himself as “The Big Kahuna” was angry that Kelly Kelly announced his home as Rochester, NY. He grabbed the microphone and yelled “I am from Hawaii.” The fans didn’t care when Cody was announced being from Muscle Shoals, Alabama. In spite of Cody’s rough style he became the immediate favorite. During the match Vince did his best to irritate the fans by using slaps to the Cody’s face several times and then strutting around the ring. Vince tried a Cannonball Splash that missed and the match turned in Cody’s favor. Deaner playing it straight performed a running Ax Handle and then the Flying finisher. 4:49
3. M.V.P with Kenny King won by Count-Out over Tigre-Uno. Tigre used his speed to frustrate M.V.P. finally having the big man down on the canvas. Tigre used a Sabertooth Splash that would have put M.V.P. away but Kenny King was able to pull Tigre away while Bobby Lashly who ran to ringside distracted Referee Brian Hebner. Tigre started fighting with Kenny OOR. M.V.P. seeing the count stayed in the ring and accepted the Count-Out win. 6:35
4. Jay Lethal; Lethal Combo (STO) Pin over Ironman Rob Conway with King Kenny Bolin. Conway and Bolin tried their usual moves; Slamming a chair to Jay’s head while OOR. The problem was that Jay got the chair and slammed it over King Kenny’s skull. Conway tred to end the match with his Loaded Fist Move. He dropped the Piece of Lead from his fist. After re-entering the ring Lethal performed a Slingshot off the Turnbuckle and then his finisher. 6:09
5. Mickie James; Long Kiss (Spin Kick) Pin over Alpha Female with Chris Sabin. Chris has a can of Mist that he used to spray Mickie in the eyes. Alpha Female took advantage of the blinded Mickie by choking her with the Ropes. Before Chris could add further interference Doug Williams ran to ringside and started fighting with Chris. Williams was still angry about their last match when Alpha Female pushed him from the ropes so that Sabin could get the pin. Alpha Female got distracted and Mickie took advantage by performing a Backward Head Slam. Mickie followed with her Kick finisher. 4:54
6. Samuel Shaw; Kata-Gatame (Arm Triangle Choke) Submission over Mr. Anderson. Mr. Anderson had the advantage using several Mic Checks (STO) but Shaw, who does his best impression of Patrick Bateman of American Psycho, countered with a Can of Pepper Spray. Mr. Anderson was blinded and helpless so Referee Brian Hebner called the match. 9:16
7. Jeff Hardy; Twist of Fate (Cutter) Pin over Bobby Roode. Roode got no reaction from the crowd as he sauntered to the ring with a chip on his shoulder. The match went OOR quickly ans each wrestler traded Slams to the Steel Steps. Back in the ring, Roode caught Jeff in The Payoff (Bridging Cradle Suplex). This is usually light’s out but Austin Aires came to ringside and pulled at Roode during a distraction. Roode was angry and stood to confront Aires. Hardy hit Roode with a Rib Crusher and then the Twist of Fate. Aires, smirking, ran back to the Locker Area. 11:48
8. The Wolves (Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards) beat Bad Influence (Christopher Daniels and Kazarian). Richards; Brainbuster Pin over Daniels. Kazarian tried a Flux Moonsault on Edwards but Frankie crashed to the canvas. Edwards climbed the ropes and performed a Moonsault on Kazarian. Daniels ran in the ring to break up the pin. Daniels slipped on a wet spot on the canvas where he tried to throw a cup of soda at Edwards. Davey Richard jumped in the ring and used a Brainbuster on Daniels. Referee Barry Horowitz counted the pin on Daniels although Edwards was pinning Kazarian. Actually Edwards and Kazarian were the legal wrestlers. 15:36 |
GV |
Posted on 03/31/2022


Posts: 8094
Joined: 03/07/2019
Mill House Brewing & The Crooked Rooster presents;
TNA-Impact (2012-14) on Spike TV Network
Mid-Hudson CC – Poughkeepsie, NY Att: 3,688
Commentators; Taz and Mick Foley
Referees; Brian Stiffler & Mike Sanders Ring; Taryn Terrell
1. JPW - R.J. Brewer; Hurricane DDT Pin over Chance Prophett. The egotistical Brewer attacked Prophett prior to the match. A Wicked Kick to the groin and then a Double Fist the the back took its toll and the points deducted from prophet made the difference in the match. Chance was able to attempt his Doomsayer (Bulldog) but Brewer slipped out and used a Swinging Neckbreaker that set up the finisher. 6:11
2. JPW - D-Line (Black Ice and The Bodysnatcher) beat The Westside Playaz (Boyce LeGrande and Robert Thompson). The Bodysnatcher; Running Clothesline Pin over Thompson. Thompson had a Foreign Object that he kept hidden from Referee Mike sanders but used to wear down Black Ice. LeGrande thought he had Ice lined up so he performed a Flying Body Press only to crash into a Folded Steel Chair. Thomson ran back in the ring but was hit with a Flying Shoulder Block by Black Ice and then the finisher by The Bodysnatcher. 10.36
3. OVW – Trailer Park Trash with Elvis Pridemore won by Count-Out over Shiloh Jonze. Elvis taunted Shiloh waving pieces of junk at him (Rusty bike pedal, broken reflectors, etc). Elvis mocked Shiloh knowing that sooner or later Jonze’s temper would get the best of him. With the match about even Jonze had enough of Elvis and ran OOR after Pridemore. Halfway down the ramp Elvis turned, holding some rusty handlebars and smashed Shiloh in the head KO’ing him. Jonze was carried from the ramp. 5:11
4. Prince Devitt with DOC and Pope D’Angelo Dinero; Double Count-Out. This match didn’t stay in the ring very long. With both wrestlers OOR, The Pope was at a disadvantage. He held his own for a short time using a Running Knee facebreaker that hurt Devitt. DOC meanwhile put The Pope down with a Choke Slam. The Prince followed with a Bloody Sunday DDT to the floor. Referee Mike Sanders count ran to 10 with neither wrestler able to get back to the ring. 4:09
5. Angelina Love with Velvet Sky pinned Gail Kim. Love and Sky (Beautiful People) attacked Kim before the match to gain an advantage. Kim was ablo fight back eventually hitting Love with Eat Defeat (Facebreaker). Velvet had a can of Hair Spray and used it in Gail’s eye’s. Kim was still able to put her foot on the ropes but Velvet pushe the foot off before Referee Brian Stiffler could notice. 7:26
6. Petey Williams and Wes Brisco with Garrett Bischoff; Double Count-Out. Bischoff was determined to get Petey OOR where Brisco and Garrett had the advantage. With Referee Mike Sanders distracted by Brisco who was being warned about cheating, Bischoff wrapped a leather belt around William’s neck. And pulled him from the ring. Williams had to fight off a Chair from Bischoff and a Chain from Brisco. Petey finally caught Brisco with a Canadian Destroyer (Front Flip Piledriver) on the ramp. Brisco was out cold but time had run out to get back to the ring. Petey walked off as Garrett tried to revive Brisco. The EMT’s were called. 5:12
7. The BluPrints (Matt Morgan and Crimson) beat Judgement (DOC and Machine-Gun Karl Anderson) with Bad Luck Fale. Crimson; Red Alert (STO) Pin over Anderson. Fale, who was taking Prince Devitt’s role as the corner man tried to help but as he pulled a rope down DOC fell head first injuring himself. Bad Luck tried to hit Matt Margan with Chain but the move got reverse and fale was KO’d. Morgan used a Carbon Footprint on the recovering DOC and then Crimson finish the match with his STO on Anderson. 14:48.
8. TNA Title – Magnus (Champion) with Bram; King’s Lynn Driver Pin over A.J.Styles (Challenger). Styles who has been very moody heard some boos as he enetered the ring. The small deduction of points eventually cost A.J. the match and the title. Styles hooked in The Clash (Belly to Back Suplex) but Bram was able to reach in a smash a beer bottle Skull Smasher over A.J.’s head. Magnus finished with his Driver named after his hometown. Magnus retains the TNA Title. 13:18 |