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GV's Other UQ Wrestling Results
TNT Impact Results (Circa 2012) - The Asylum, Tennessee State Fairgrounds Arena, Nashville, TN. Att: 1,379.
Announcers: Mike Tenay & Don West
Ring Announcer: Jeremy Borash
Referees: Brian Stifler & Rudy Charles

1. TNA Knockouts Championship Qualifying Match. Tara pinned Rosita (w/ Sarita) with a Backslide at 8:28.

We come back from commercial break and X Division Champion Austin Aries is in the ring with a mic. Aries says he wants to be a fighting champion exept there's no one to fight. He says that he suits up week after week, ready to answer the call and defend his title but no one will get in the ring with him. He says that something's got to give. Impact GM Hulk Hogan's music hits. The fans stand up and go wild as the Hulkster makes his way down to ringside.

Hogan: "You know, Champ, I couldn't help but overhear your comments from backstage. And it just so happens that I have a whole line of guys outside my office that want a crack at that belt of yours, Brother. The only problem is, which one do I give the title shot to ? They're all worthy in my eyes, Dude, but no one has stood out to grab that number one contender's slot. So, why don't we let them all battle it out here tonight to earn that title shot against you next week ?" The fans cheer as the ring fills with X Division competitors.

2. X Division Fatal Fourway Number One Contenders Match. "Prince of Punk" Shannon Moore vs. Zema Ion vs. Alex Shelley vs. Homicide. Shelley pins Moore with a High Flying Cross Body Press at 9:29 to become the number one contender.

3. TNA Tag Team Championship Qualifying Match. The team of "Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels and Frankie Kazarian defeated the Jersey Shore (Robbie E & bouncer Robbie T w/ Cookie) at 6:32. Kazarian pinned Robbie T with the Wave of the Future (Twisting STO). Cookie and Robbie E tried to make the save but were intercepted and given a Noggin Knocker by Daniels.

4. Crimson over Devon at 7:40. Crimson barely kicked out after Devon hit the Saving Grace (Inverted DDT Slam). Devon thought that he had won the match and was rolled up from behind as he celebrated in the ring prematurely.

5. "Olympic Gold Medalist" Kurt Angle defeated Bully Ray at 8:18. Kurt slipped out of the Bully Bomb (Full Nelson Sit Out Slam), got behind Bully Ray and slapped on the Ankle Lock right in the middle of the ring. Bully desperately tried to crawl over to the ropes to break the hold but came up a foot short as he finally tapped out.

6. TNA Championship Semi Final Match. "The Charismatic Enigma" Jeff Hardy defeated "The Monster" Abyss at 11:36. Mr. Wrestling III, disguised as a popcorn vemdor, came out of the the crowd and pulled Abyss' foot our from under him as he was hoisting Jeff up for the Shock Treatment (Torture Rack Sit Out). Hardy quickly sprang to the top rope and finished off Abyss with the Swanton Bomb for the pin.
TNA Impact Results (Circa 2012) - Impact Zone, Universal Studios, Orlando, FL. Att: 1,478.
Announcers: Mike Tenay & Al Snow
Ring Announcer: Jeremy Borash
Referees: Brian Stiffler & Earl Hebner

The program opens with Impact GM Hulk Hogan's music as the Hulkster makes his way to ringside with a mic. The fans go wild !!

Hogan: "You know, Impact Zone, my tenure here as your GM has been a pretty smooth one (cheers from the crowd) except for one thing..... there's been a thorn in my side, Brother, and that thorn goes by the name of Mr. Wrestling III. (loud "Boos!" from the crowd) It might be Jeff Jarrett or it might not be, but at this point I don't care who you are, Dude. You've been hell-bent on ruining our TNA Championship Tournament right from the start, Brother, and that doesn't sit well with the Hulkster. Well, if you plan on interferring in our Semi-Final match here tonight, Dude, then I hope you brought about a dozen of those guitars with you. (Hogan smiles as the TNA Security Staff comes out and encircles the ring.) You see, Brother, you're going to have to go through all these guys because they're going to be at ringside just like they are right now ! (More cheers from the crowd) What cha' gonna do ??" Hogan striked his poses and cups his ear as the fans go wild !!

1. Shark Boy pinned the Amazing Red with a Victory Roll at 4:14.

2. Semi-Final Knockouts Championship Qualifying Match. Madison Rayne (w/ Gail Kim) over Miss Tessmacher (w/ Tara) at 6:43. Gail Kim and Tara got into a tussle OOR. The confrontation distracted Miss Tessmacher just long enough for Madison Rayne to apply her Rayne Drop finisher (Neckbreaker with a knee against her opponent's head) for the winning pin. Madison Rayne advances to the Knockouts finals to face the winner of next week's Tara vs. Mickey James match.

3. TNA Tag Team Championship Semi-Final Match. The British Invasion (Doug Williams & Brutus Magnus) defeated the Young Bucks (Max & Jeremy) at 9:24. Magnus rolled through Jeremy's Diving Cross Body Press from the top rope to gain the pinfall. The Brits will face the winner of next week's Christopher Daniels & Frankie Kazarian vs. Ink, Inc. match for the Tag Team Titles.

4. TNA X Division Title Match. Champion Austin Aries beat Challenger Alex Shelley (w/ Chris Sabin) at 7:01 to successfully retain his championship. Aries was able to slip out of Shelley's Shell Shock finisher (Twisting STO) and cradle him in a Small Package for the pin. (Shelley had defeated Zema Ion, Shannon Moore and Homicide in a Fatal Fourway last week to earn the No. 1 Contender's spot in the X Division.)

5. Rob Van Dam defeated "The Pope" D'Angelo Dinero at 9:27. The Pope turned his back on RVD in the corner to pull a hidden foreign object out of his tights, but Van Dam seized the moment and rolled up Dinero from behind for the pin before he could use the object.

6. TNA Championship Semi-Final Match. "The Samoan Submission Machine" Samoa Joe beat Miiiiissstaaaa Andersonnnah by submission with the Coquina Clutch (Rear Naked Choke) at 11:45. Per GM Hulk Hogan's orders, TNA Security Staff encircled the outside of the ring like lumberjacks to prevent any outside interference from Mr. Wrestling III but even that strategy didn't work. As the match got under way, several shill's in the crowd suddenly donned the iconic Mr. Wrestling II white mask with black trim. Cameras panned the audience and detected no less than seventeen Mr. Wrestling III's !! TNA Security scrambled into the crowd to forcibly remove anyone wearing the mask. In the confusion, the real Mr. Wrestling III emerged at ringside and tripped Mr. Anderson coming off the ropes. Anderson spun around to confront him which allowed Samoa Joe to slap on the Coquina Clutch from behind for the submission victory. Samoa Joe will face "The Charismatic Enigma" Jeff Hardy for the TNA Championship.
TNA Results (Circa 2012) - Impact Zone, Universal Studios, Orlando, FL. Att: 1,488.
Announcers: Mike Tenay & Tazz
Ring Announcer: Christy Hemme
Referees: Bruce Gray & Brian Hebner

The program opens with GM Hulk Hogan's music blaring as the Hulkster and President Dixie Carter make their way down to ringside to a thunderous ovation from the crowd.

Dixie: "Welcome, everyone !! This is a huge night for all of us here at TNA because we'll be crowning a Champion right here tonight in the Impact Zone !!" (Big pop from the crowd !!)

Hogan: "That's right, Pretty Lady !! And don't you dare worry about that Mr. Wrestling III dude interferring this time, either. (Boos from the crowd) We've doubled the security backstage and at ringside and ..... tonight's Championship Match between Samoa Joe and Jeff Hardy will take place inside a Steel Cage !! (Huge pop from the fans !!) And that's not all, Impact Zone..... your's truly, the Hulkster himself, will be the Special Guest Referee !!! (The crowd goes wild !!) Mr. Wrestling III, whatcha gonna do, Brother ?!!!"

1. Suicide over Brian Kendrick by DQ at 5:05. Kendrick swung a chair at Suicide but accidently clipped Referee Bruce Gray with it instead resulting in the disqualification.

2. TNA Knockouts Championship Semi-Final Match. Mickey James pinned Tara at 7:02 when the momentum of Tara's Flying Cross Body Press put Mickey on top for the pin. Mickey James will face Madison Rayne next week in the finals for the Knockout's Championship.

3. Eric Young (w/ ODB ) beat Robbie E (w/ Cookie & Robbie T) by DQ at 10:27. This was one wild match !! Chaos outside the ring with ODB and Cookie going at it after looney Eric Young inexplicably dropped his pants mid-match and began wrestling in his underwear. Robbie T removed his Cardigan sweater and choked out Young with it right in front of Referee Brian Hebner leading to the disqualification. After the bout, a cross ODB took her husband Eric by the ear and marched him backstage.

4. TNA Tag Team Championship Semi-Final Match. Ink, Inc. (Jesse Neal & Shannon Moore w/ Daffney) defeated "Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels & Frankie Kazarian at 7:21. With Frankie Kazarian climbing to the top turnbuckle to deliver a high risk maneuver, Daffney gave him a shove from behind causing him to lose his balance and crotch himself on the top rope. Shannon Moore seized the moment and covered the writhing Kaz for the pin. Ink, Inc. advances to the finals of the Tag Team Championship to face the British Invasion (Douglas Williams & Brutus Magnus) next week.

5. Hernandez (w/ Anarquia, Rosita & Sarita) defeated "Cowboy" James Storm via Count Out at 12:54. Fed up with Anarquia's constant interference throughout the match, Storm left the ring and put a beating on the Mexican America team member on the floor, however Rosita and Sarita each grabbed a leg and prevented the Cowboy from getting back inside the ring in time to make Referee Bruce Gray's ten count.

6. TNA Championship Steel Cage Match. With security encircling the cage and posted throughout the building, "The Charismatic Enigma" Jeff Hardy defeated "The Samoan Submission Machine" Samoa Joe at 13:56. Hardy rammed Joe face-first into all four cage walls and then climbed to the top of the cage and delivered a devastating Super Swanton Bomb off the top for the winning pinfall. Hardy wins the TNA Championship !!

The program ends with Guest Referee Hogan holding Hardy's arm up high in victory as President Dixie Carter presents "The Charismatic Enigma" with the TNA Championship Belt to a standing ovation from the fans. Ominous music suddenly hits as Mr. Wrestling III's image appears on the jumbotron screen. He is laughing and nodding in approval at the festivities as a hush falls over the crowd. Hardy, Dixie and the Hulkster all seem stunned and perplexed as the program goes off the air.
WWWF Results (Circa Mid to Late 70's) - Piscataway High School Gymnasium, Newark, NJ. Att: 937.

Announcers: Dick Graham & Assistant Principal Walter E. Callahan
Special Guest Ring Announcer: Senior Class President Chad Davis
Referee: Mario Savoldi

1. "Continental Nobleman" Joe Turko pinned Frankie Williams with a handful of tights at 5:01. After the bout, Turko shouted "obscenities" in Italian at the spectators and made several rude hand gestures as he returned to the locker room.

2. "Quick Draw" Rick McGraw defeated Davey O'Hannon at 5:39 with a High Flying Drop Kick to the mush off the ropes.

3. "Bad News" Allen Coage over "Jumping" Johnny Defazio via Count Out at 5:30. Coage choked out DeFazio on the floor with the house microphone cord during OOR action. DeFazio could not make Referee Mario Savoldi's subsequent ten count.

4. The Cross Bronx Expressway ("The Unpredictable" Johnny Rodz & Jose Estrada) upset Tony Garea & Larry Zbyszko at 9:59. Garea was counted out after Rodz and Estrada dropped him throat-first onto the barricade railing in OOR action.

5. Professor Toru Tanaka (w/ tag partner Mr. Fuji) defeated "High Chief" Peter Maivia by Count Out at 13:21. Mr. Fuji was a menace at ringside and constantly interferred during the match. Maivia finally had enough of Fuji's shenanigans and chased him out of the gymnasium and down a corridor leading into the student cafeteria where he rammed Fuji head-first into a stack of lunch trays. In the meantime, Referee Mario Savoldi put the ten count on the missing Maivia and awarded the match to Tanaka.
WWWF Results (Circa Mid to Late 70's) - Madison Square Garden, New York City, NY. Att: 14,307.

Announcers: Vince McMahon & Bruno Sammartino
Ring Announcer: Buddy Wagner
Referees: Billy Caputo, Jack Lotz & Dusty Feldbaumer

1. "Polish Power" Ivan Putski defeated Tony Russo with the Polish Hammer off the ropes at 6:14.

2. Stan "The Man" Stasiak (w/ The Grand Wizard of Wrestling) over Pinky Larsen by DQ at 6:11. Stasiak continually used a hidden foreign object on Pinky throughout this bout, but concealed the cheating from Referee Billy Caputo's detection. Larsen was finally able to pry the weapon away from him and slugged Stasiak much to the delight of the fans. Unfortunately for Pinky, Caputo saw the loaded punch and signaled for the disqualification.

3. "Man of a Thousand Masks" Mil Mascaras pinned "Fabulous" Frank Monte with a Diving Cross Body Press off the top rope at 4:22.

4. "The Big Cat" Ernie Ladd (w/ suspiciously taped thumb and the Grand Wizard) over Steve Travis at 8:58. The controversial thumb came into play as "The Big Cat" jabbed it into his opponent's throat while holding Travis is a side headlock. Travis crumbled to the canvas gasping for breath as Ladd made the pin.

In a ringside interview after the bout with Vince McMahon, Ladd insisted that the thumb was taped due to "an old football injury" and that he had clearance from WWWF physician Dr. George Zahorian to wrestle with it in this fashion. When McMahon asked to examine the thumb more closely, the Grand Wizard quickly whisked "The Big Cat" away to the dressing room.

5. Tag Team Tournament Match. Captain Louis Albano's Valiant Brothers ("Handsome" Jimmy & "Luscious" Johnny) defeated the team of Louis Cerdan and Tony Parisi at 11:36. Referee Dusty Feldbaumer struggled to maintain control of this bout. With all four men battling in the ring, "Luscious" Johnny hit a Neckbreaker on Parisi and pinned him despite the fact that he was not the legal man in the ring at the time.

6. The popular Bobo Brazil pinned "The Iron Greek" Spiros Arion (w/ Hollywood Fashion Plate Classy Freddie Blassie) at 12:25 after Arion was knocked off the turnbuckle and crotched on the top rope on the way down.

7. WWWF Title Tournament. In the Main Event, "Superstar" Billy Graham (w/ the Grand Wizard) defeated Bob Backlund via Count Out at 30:32. The "Superstar" sent Backlund over the barricade railing and into the front row of spectators as the two men battled on the floor. Backlund could not recover in time to make Referee Billy Caputo's ten count.
WWWF Results (Circa Mid to Late 70's) - Our Lady of Perpetual Help High School Gymnasium, Brooklyn, NY. Att: 855.

Announcers: Buddy Wagner
Special Guest Ring Announcer: Father Patrick Muldoon
Referee: "Tough" Tony Altimore

1. "Chief" Jay Strongbow over Sylvana Sousa with the Sleeper Hold at 2:00.

2. The bout between "Quick Draw" Rick McGraw and Rocky Tamayo was declared a "No Contest" by Referee Tony Altimore after neither man could get to their feet by the ref's ten count following a violent mid-ring collision.

3. Strong Kobyashi pinned Jose Gonzalez after a Reverse Chop to the throat off the ropes at 7:46.

4. The team of Johnny Rivera & Steve King defeated "Pretty Boy" Larry Sharpe & "Dynamite" Jack Evans by DQ at 5:20. A frustrated Jack Evans lost his temper and slugged Referee Tony Altimore after a near pinfall on Johnny Rivera to draw the disqualification. "Tough" Tony retaliated with a haymaker of his own and decked Evans much to the delight of the fans : )

5. Dominic Denucci over Baron Mikel Scicluna from the Isle of Malta at 9:27. The Baron used every dirty trick in the book including a hidden foreign object to gain an advantage but it was not enough to defeat his opponent. Denucci pinned Scicluna with an Airplane Spin.

6. Gorilla Monsoon was able to induce a submission from Hans Shroeder in the Main Event with his Manchurian Bear Hug at 10:19.
WWWF Results (Circa mid to Late 70's) - Boston Garden, Boston, MA. Att: 12,880.

Announcers: Vince McMahon & Antonino Rocca
Ring Announcer: Buddy Wagner
Referees: Dick Kroll, John Stanley & Gilberto Roman

1. Mr. Fuji (w/ "Hollywood Fashion Plate" Classy Freddie Blassie) defeated Lee Wong from Hong Kong with the Kamikaze Clothesline off the ropes at 3:18.

2. Gypsy Rodriguez submitted to Pedro Morales' Boston Crab at 4:54.

3. Tor Kamata (w/ Classy Freddie Blassie) pinned "Quick Draw" Rick McGraw with both bare feet on the ropes for leverage after McGraw missed a charge and ran full steam into the corner turnbuckle at 4:14.

4. "The Big Cat" Ernie Ladd (w/ taped thumb and the Grand Wizard of Wrestling) over "Irish" Pat Barrett at 8:32. Ladd grabbed Pat Barrett in a side headlock, turned away from Referee Gilberto Roman, and quickly jabbed the taped thumb into his opponent's throat. Barrett crumpled to the canvas clutching his throat as Ladd covered him for the three count. After the bout, Barrett insisted that Roman examine the Big Cat's controversial thumb but Ladd fled the ring.

5. Tag Team Tournament Match. Captain Louis Albano's Wild Samoans (Afa & Sika) defeated the team of Dino Bravo & Dominic Denucci by Count Out at 10:32. Sika was able to side step Dominic Denucci's charge OOR. Denucci crashed shoulder-first into the ring post and could not recover in time to make Referee Dick Kroll's ten count.

6. "Polish Power" Ivan Putski defeated Killer Kowalski (w/ the Grand Wizard) by DQ at 11:16. The Wizard was caught slipping a money clip into Kowalski's hand by Referee John Stanley to draw the disqualification. Kowalski laid out his opponent with a loaded punch and then swiped a ring of Polish Kielbasa that Putski had brought to the ring with him from Nick Varano's Famous Deli on Cross Street in Boston.

7. WWWF Tournament Match. Bruno Sammartino eliminated "Russian Bear" Ivan Koloff (w/ Captain Louis Albano) at 21:34. Sammartino was able to induce a submission from Koloff after catching his opponent in a Bear Hug off the ropes.
AWA Results (Circa Late 70's) - All-Star Wrestling TV Program, Minneapolis, MN. Att: 846

Announcer: Rodger Kent
Ring Announcer: Al DeRusha
Referees: Merv Unger & George "Scrap Iron" Gadaski

1. Bob Orton Jr. (w/ Bobby "The Brain" Heenan) over Caesar Pabon with a Piledriver at 4:21.

2. Larry Hennig defeated Rodeo Jones with the Axe (Forearm to the head off the ropes) at 3:35.

Interview Segment with "Mean" Gene Okerlund and Wally Karbo

Wally revealed that Nick Bockwinkel had won the recent World Title Tournament held at the St. Paul Civic Center and was officially named AWA Champion by President Stanley Blackburn immediately afterward. Bockwinkel defeated Verne Gagne in the finals after eliminating Billy Robinson the night before. Gagne had defeated Super Destroyer Mark II in his Semi-Final bout to advance to the Championship Match.

3. Pat Patterson & Ray "The Crippler" Stevens defeated the team of Dave Kochen & Puppy Dog Peloquin at 3:31. Kochen submitted to Patterson's Boston Crab.

4. Angelo "King Kong" Mosca (w/ Lord Alfred Hayes) beat Frank Hill with a Backbreaker across the knee at 3:02.

Interview Segment with "Mean" Gene Okerlund and Wally Karbo

"Mean" Gene & Wally next focused on the Tag Team Tournament where the High Flyers (Greg Gagne & "Jumping" Jim Brunzell) won the Titles after defeating Pat Patterson and Ray Stevens in St. Paul. This announcement was warmly received by the fans in the studio but brought out a bitter Stevens and Patterson who demanded a rematch. Karbo said that the decision was in the hands of the AWA Championship Committee. The High Flyers defeated the East-West Connection ("Golden Boy" Adrian Adonis & Jesse "The Body" Ventura) while Patterson & Stevens beat Heenan Family members Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum enroute to the Finals of the tournament.

5. The Crusher defeated Max Blue with his Bolo Punch off the ropes at 2:32 to close the show.
AWA Results (Circa Late 70's) - Brown County Veterans Memorial Arena, Green Bay, WI. Att: 5,203.

Announcers: Rodger Kent & Gene Okerlund
Ring Announcer: Al DeRusha
Referees: Jack Pesek & George "Scrap Iron" Gadaski

1. Big, Bad Bobby Duncum (w/ Bobby "The Brain" Heenan) over Evan Johnson with a Bulldog out of the corner at 5:03.

2. Buddy Wolffe submitted to Mighty Igor Vodik's Polish Bear Hug off the ropes at 4:47.

3. Mad Dog Vachon beat the masked Super Destroyer Mark II (w/ Lord Alfred Hayes) at 7:51. Vachon pinned the Destroyer with his Piledriver. After the bout, Vachon removed the Super Destroyer's mask however Lord Alfred Hayes quickly covered the Destroyer's head with his tuxedo jacket to conceal his identity.

4. AWA Tag Team Title Match. The challengers, Ray "The Crippler" Stevens & Pat Patterson defeated the champs, The High Flyers (Greg Gagne & "Jumping" Jim Brunzell) via Count Out at 9:13. Patterson ran Gagne's head into the ring post OOR (an automatic DQ in the AWA Rulebook however Referee Jack Pesek was distracted by Stevens and did not see the infraction.) Greg was down and out for the ten count but the High Flyers retain the belts despite the loss.

Interview segment with Rodger Kent & AWA World Champion Nick Bockwinkel.

Kent: "Champ, I see that you're taken a seat here at ringside for the upcoming Battle Royal ."

Bockwinkel: "That is correct, Mr. Kent. The AWA Championship Committee has seen it fit to grant the winner of this Battle Royal a title match against myself in St. Paul next week, so it is in my best interest to have firsthand knowledge of who my opponent will be. I find this method of determining a number one contender extremely unconventional."

Kent: "Can you give us a prediction as to the winner of the contest ? Surely, Andre must be considered the favorite ? Does it matter to you who your opponent will be ?"

Bockwinkel: "I will not speculate in regards to the winner, Mr. Kent, but allow me to assure you as well as all the humanoids at home that I am prepared to defend my title against any of the men you see assembled before you in the ring."

Kent: "Alrighty, there you have it from AWA World Champion Nick Bockwinkel himself, fans. Let's go down to ringside for the Main Event !"

Special Bonus Attraction

16 Man Over The Top Rope Battle Royal

(Winner to receive $20,000 plus a title shot at AWA World Champion Nick Bockwinkel next week at the St. Paul Civic Center.)

Participants: Mad Dog Vachon, Angelo Mosca, Evan Johnson, Greg Gagne, Bobby Duncum, Andre the Giant, Wilbur Snyder, Super Destroyer Mark II, Ray "The Crippler" Stevens, Buddy Wolffe, Mighty Igor Vodik, Red Bastien, The Crusher, Pat Patterson, "Jumping" Jim Brunzell & Bob Orton Jr.

Order of Elimination: Patterson by a Brunzell & Gagne Double Drop Kick, Johnson by Crusher, Wolffe by Stevens, Bastien by Andre, Super Destroyer Mark II by Duncum, Gagne by Mosca, Orton by Igor, Vachon by a Crusher & Snyder Double Team, Brunzell by Mosca, Duncum by Crusher, Stevens by Andre, Snyder by Igor, Igor by Andre, Mosca by Crusher, Crusher by Andre.

Your Winner at 24:36: Andre the Giant
AWA Results (Circa Late 70's) - All-Star Wrestling TV Program, Minneapolis, MN. Att: 792.

Announcers: Rodger Kent & Wally Karbo
Ring Announcer: Rod Trongard
Referees: Marty Miller & Joe Fiorino

1. Rufus R. Jones flattened Herman Schafer with his Freight Train Body Block off the ropes at 4:23.

Interview with Gene Okerlund & AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel

Okerlund hypes the upcoming AWA Title match in St. Paul between Bockwinkel and Andre the Giant.

Okerlund: "Alright, let's bring him in here... the AWA World Champion... here he is, wrestling fans... Nick Bockwinkel accompanied by his manager Bobby "The Brain" Heenan."

Bockwinkel comes out beaming a big smile and rubbing his hands together. Heenan drapes a towel around the Champ's neck and gives him a little back rub.

Okerlund: "Nick Bockwinkel, how in the world does one prepare for a match against "The 8th Wonder of the World" Andre the Giant ? The man stands well over seven feet tall and weighs in excess of 400 lbs."

Bockwinkel chuckles to himself.

Okerlund: "You don't seem the least bit concerned ?"

Heenan: "We're not afraid of that carnival freak show are we Champ ?"

Okerlund: "Carnival freak show ! Oh my word !"

Bockwinkel: "While it is true that Andre the Giant is bigger than me, and heavier than me, and stronger than me, the name of the game is wrestling, Mr. Okerlund, wrestling. When I look up on the marquee, it says "wrestling" and that is what I do best. And do you know what else it says on that marquee, Mr. Okerlund ? It says, "Nick Bockwinkel, AWA World Champion". That means that I am the best there is in this sport, and I will show Andre the Giant and all the humanoids at home exactly why I am the best."

2. The Super Destroyer Mark II (w/ Lord Alfred Hayes) pinned Peter Sandor Szabo with the Guillotine Clothesline off the ropes at 5:18.

3. Blackie Guzman submitted to "Jumping" Jim Brunzell's Figure Four Leglock at 3:09.

Gene Okerlund interviews "Jumping" Jim Brunzell regarding the upcoming AWA Tag Team Title rematch between the High Flyers and the team of Ray "The Crippler" Stevens and Pat Patterson in St. Paul. Brunzell's partner Greg Gagne comes out in street clothes and joins the discussion. Gagne reveals that he suffered a mild concussion after having his head rammed into the ring post by Patterson in Green Bay last week. Gagne says that he has not yet been cleared to wrestle by the doctors. Gagne asks AWA President Stanley Blackburn to join them and pitches the idea of having his father Verne replace him for this match. The fans go wild over Greg's suggestion ! Blackburn agrees, but with the stipulation that the tag belts are still on the line should Patterson and Stevens win.

4. The Heenan Family (Blackjack Lanza & Big, Bad Bobby Duncum) destroyed "Sodbuster" Kenny Jay and his partner "The Master of Savate" Peter Lee. Lanza pinned Lee with a Brainbuster at 4:33.

Gene Okerlund brings out Andre the Giant to discuss his Battle Royal win and subsequent championship match against Nick Bockwinkel. Andre receives a huge ovation and waves to the fans at ringside. Okerlund has to strain to hold the microphone up for Andre to speak. (We see in the background that Lanza and Duncum have not yet left the ring following their tag team match. They are huddled together in a corner and conferring with Bobby "The Brain" Heenan.) Andre says that he's ready but before he can continue the Heenan Family suddenly attacks him from behind. Lanza and Duncum take Andre off his feet and go after the Giant's right knee. Heenan has a chair and bashes it repeatedly on the knee. Andre growls in pain. Help finally comes from the back as the Crusher runs in with a chair of his own to clean house of the heels. Ironically enough, Crusher was the last man eliminated in the Battle Royal by Andre to earn the $20,000 prize and the title shot against Bockwinkel.

5. Billy Robinson put away Jan Nelson with a Double Underhook Suplex at 5:09.

Rodger Kent and Gene Okerlund close the show with a somber progress report on Andre's condition. They say that Andre has been taken to the hospital for x-rays on his knee and speculate as to the extent of the injury.
AWA Results (Circa Late 70's) - St. Paul Civic Center, St. Paul, MN. Att: 14,880.

Announcers: Rodger Kent & grounded "High Flyer" Greg Gagne
Ring Announcer: Al DeRusha
Referees: Larry Lisowski & Jack Pesek

1. Buck Zumhoffe fell for the ol' fake handshake/kick to the midsection ploy from Steve Regal to begin the bout but made a spirited comeback. Both men took the action OOR where they were counted out by Referee Larry Lisowski at 6:09.

2. Special Midget Tag Team Attraction. The duo of Lord Littlebrook and Sonny Boy Hayes defeated the Haiti Kid and his partner Sky Low Low at 5:02. At one point all four of the little people piled on top of Referee Jack Pesek. The flustered ref gave them all a stern warning before allowing the match to continue. Lord Littlebrook pinned the Haiti Kid with a Running Senton Splash for the victory.

3. Super Destroyer Mark II (w/ Lord Alfred Hayes) beat Ron Ritchie with a Guillotine (Clothesline) off the ropes at 5:43.

4. Big Bad Bobby Duncum (w/ Blackjack Lanza & Bobby "The Brain" Heenan) was DQ'd for smashing Larry "The Axe" Hennig across the back with a folding chair at 8:43.

5. Angelo "King Kong" Mosca (w/ Lord Alfred Hayes) over Mighty Igor Vodik via Count Out at 7:23. The Mighty Igor was baited into a confrontation on the floor with Mosca's pompous manager. Igor put the squeeze on Lord Alfred with his Polish Bear Hug but Mosca leapt off the apron with a Double Axe Handle to Vodik's back to break the hold. Igor was down and out for the ten count after having his head smashed onto the timekeeper's bell by Mosca.

6. AWA World Tag Team Title Match. The challengers Pat Patterson & Ray "The Crippler" Stevens defeated the Champs, the High Flyers ("Jumping" Jim Brunzell and Verne Gagne who was allowed to substitute for his injured son Greg by AWA President Stanley Blackburn.) Jim Brunzell was counted out at 9:47 after being bashed in the head with one of the Tag Team championship belts by Ray Stevens. Despite the loss, the High Flyers retain the titles.

7. AWA World Championship Main Event. Champion Nick Bockwinkel (w/ Monogrammed Towel draped around his neck and Bobby "The Brain" Heenan) vs. the Challenger, Andre the Giant (w/ Noticable Limp and a Giant-Sized Chip on his shoulder from a Heenan Family ambush on his right knee last week). Andre was granted this title shot by the AWA Championship Committee for winning a Battle Royal in Green Bay a few weeks back.

Q: What's worse than having to defend your title against Andre the Giant ?

A: Having to defend your title against an ANGRY Andre the Giant !

Perhaps it was a diabolical strategy concocted in the devious minds of Bobby Heenan and Nick Bockwinkel to retain the AWA belt, but Andre the Giant's temper got the better of him in this championship match and the challenger was DQ'd by Referee Larry Lisowski at 15:24 for sending Nick Bockwinkel over the top rope and crashing on top of his manager Bobby Heenan on the floor. The disqualification only seemed to enrage the Giant all the more as Andre lumbered out after the Champ and sent Bockwinkel reeling back to the dressing room with a crushing Head Butt. Bobby Heenan, back-peddling and begging for mercy from the Giant, somehow managed to allude Andre's grasp and ran for his life. Nick Bockwinkel retains the AWA Title.
NWA (Circa Early to Mid 80's) - Ashville Civic Center, Ashville, SC. Att: 7,508.
Announcers: Gordon Solie & Buddy Colt
Ring Announcer: Gary Michael Cappetta
Referee: Teddy Long

1. "Lumberjack" Jos LeDuc (w/ Sonny King) over Tim "Powerhouse" Parker with the One Arm Backbreaker at 2:01.

2. Mighty Wilbur pinned Snake Watson after a crushing Corner Avalanche at 3:22.

3. The Great Muta (w/ "Playboy" Gary Hart) defeated "Wildcat" Wendell Cooley at 4:30. The action was fast and furious in this bout with both men flying around the ring. Muta pinned the Wildcat with a Moonsault off the top rope.

4. "Avalanche" Buzz Tyler over "Ragin' Bull" Manny Fernandez (w/ No. 1 Paul Jones) by Count Out at 12:10. Tyler rammed Manny's head into the wooden ring steps in OOR action. Paul Jones tried to roll the dazed Fernandez back into the ring before Referee Teddy Long's count reached ten but was too late.

5. The Tag Match between the Von Erichs (David & Kevin) and the Army of Darkness (Kevin Sullivan & Purple Haze) was ruled a No Contest at 12:06 when the Four Horsemen (Ric Flair, Tully Blanchard, Arn & Ole Anderson) charged the ring and attacked both tag teams. The Horsemen retreated after Flair narrowly escaped the steel grip of David Von Erich's Claw Hold.

6. "The Boogie Woogie Man" Jimmy Valiant defeated "The Big Cat" Ernie Ladd at 12:07. Valiant connected with the Boogie Woogie Elbow Smash / Elbow Drop Combo for the winning pinfall much to the fans' delight.

7. In the Main Event, Jerry "The King" Lawler pinned "The Total Package" Lex Luger with both feet on the ropes for leverage at 15:01. Luger vehemently protested the infraction to Referee Teddy Long but to no avail. The crowd showed their displeasure with the pin by littering the ring with cups and debris.
NWA (Circa Mid 80's) - Dortan Arena, Raleigh, NC. Att: 7,316.
Announcers: Bob Caudle & Johnny Weaver
Ring Announcer: Doyle King
Referee: Sam "Lucky" Roberts

1. "Freight Train" Rufus R. Jones over "Wild" Bill White by DQ at 3:25. "Wild" Bill got into a heated argument with Referee Lucky Roberts over a choking front facelock and slugged him for the DQ.

2. The Great Kabuki (w/ "Playboy" Gary Hart) pinned the Italian Stallion with a handful of tights at 1:00 after blinding the Stallion with the mysterious Green Mist.

3. Mike Graham defeated "Hustler" Rip Rogers (w/ Miss Brenda Britton) by DQ at 3:11. Referee Lucky Roberts caught Miss Brenda hitting Graham with a Low Blow.

4. "Hands of Stone" Ronnie Garvin over Konga the Barbarian (w/ No. 1 Paul Jones) at 4:57. Garvin Drop Kicked Konga into his manager Paul Jones who was up on the apron trying to interfere in the match. Garvin then finished off the Barbarian with a Piledriver for the pin.

5. The Road Warriors (w/ "Precious" Paul Ellering) beat the Windham Brothers (Barry & Kendall) with the Doomsday Device on Barry at 5:28.

6. "Terrible" Terry Funk defeated Tommy "Wildfire" Rich at 14:18. With Referee Lucky Roberts down, Funk bashed Rich in the head with his fake NWA Championship Belt. Roberts recovered in time to count the pin.

7. In the Main Event, "Chief" Wahoo McDaniel over Tully Blanchard (w/ Baby Doll) at 18:14. Baby Doll tried to throw Tully some Brass Knucks but Wahoo intercepted them and KO'd Tully with a loaded punch for the pin. The Four Horsemen then hit the ring and beat down The Chief as the program went off the air.
NWA (Circa Mid 80's) - Mississippi Coliseum, Jackson, MS. Att: 9,894.
Announcers: Bill Caudle & Les Thatcher
Ring Announcer: Gary Michael Cappetta
Referees: Steve Gregory, Stu Schwartz & Tommy Young

1. Pak Song (w/ Sonny King) over Stoney Burke via Count Out at 4:34. in OOR action, Song set up a folding chair and dropped Stoney ribs-first onto it. Burke writhed in agony on the concrete floor and could not make it back into the ring by Referee Steve Gregory's ten count.

2. American Starship Eagle (Young Dan Spivey) pinned Zan Panzer with a Flying Bulldog at 3:27.

3. The Mulkey Brothers (Bill & Randy) over the Kansas Jay Hawks ("Dirty" Dutch Mantel and "Hangman" Bobby Jaggers) by DQ at 2:00. The Jay Hawks didn't come to wrestle tonight but rather to make an example of the Mulkeys and send a message to the rest of the NWA. Mantel wrapped Shoo Baby around Bill Mulkey's throat and hung him over the top rope while Jaggers did the same to Randy with his Hangman's Noose. The Rock & Roll Express finally ran in to make the save with Double Drop Kicks on both Jay Hawks.

4. Nelson Royal defeated Ron Slinker (w/ "Playboy" Gary Hart) at 5:41. Royal caught Slinker with his head down setting up for a Back Body Drop and cradled him with an Oklahoma Side Roll for the pinfall.

5. "All-American" Ron Simmons and Don Kernodle were both KO'd in a mid-ring collision at 5:16. Neither man could get to their feet by Referee Tommy Young's ten count.

6. The Rock & Roll Express (Ricky Morton & Robert Gibson) defeated the Russians ("Russian Bear" Ivan Koloff & Krusher Khruschev w/ Nikita Koloff) by DQ at 11:35. Nikita ran into the ring to break up Morton's pin attempt after the Rock & Rollers hit their patented Double Drop Kick on Khruschev.

7. In the Main Event, the Masked Superstar (w/ No. 1 Paul Jones) over Magnum T.A. at 18:43. With the Masked Superstar distracting Referee Stu Schwartz, Paul Jones snuck into the ring and bashed Magnum T.A. in the back of the head with a loaded boot. The Superstar quickly covered Magnum for the dirty pin.
NWA Mid Atlantic (Circa Mid 80's) - Charleston Civic Center, Charleston, WV. Att: 13,287.
Announcers: David Crockett & Tony Schiavone
Ring Announcer: Rick Stewart
Referees: Tommy Young & Greg Peterson

1. Konga the Barbarian (w/ No. 1 Paul Jones) defeated Vinnie Valentino at 2:19. Konga came off the top rope with a Diving Swan Dive Head Butt to pin Valentino.

2. "All-American" Ron Simmons and "Gorgeous" George South were both Counted Out in OOR action at 5:27.

3. The New Breed (Chris Champion & Sean Royal) over the Mulkey Brothers (Bill & Randy) at 5:35. Bill Mulkey missed a high-risk top rope leap and found nothing but canvas as Chris Champion rolled out of the way. Champion then covered him for the pin.

4. Krusher Khruschev (w/ Ivan Koloff) defeated Flyin' Brian Pillman via Count Out at 9:12. In OOR action, Khruschev threw Pillman into the camera crew. Brian could not untangle himself from the wires and cables in time to make Referee Tommy Young's ten count.

5. "Chief" Wahoo McDaniel over "Ragin' Bull" Manny Fernandez (w/ No. 1 Paul Jones) at 4:29. Paul Jones reached into the ring and accidently tripped Fernandez coming off the ropes. Wahoo then finished off Manny with a Falling Back Hand Chop to the head for the pin.

6. The Rock & Roll Express (Ricky Morton & Robert Gibson) defeated the Minnesota Wrecking Crew (Arn & Ole Anderson w/ J.J. Dillon) at 14:01. With all four men battling in the ring, Morton reversed Arn Anderson's Chair Shot and bashed "The Enforcer" of the Four Horsemen over the head with it for the pin.

7. Nikita Koloff (w/ Uncle Ivan Koloff) over Magnum T.A. by Count Out at 20:23. Nikita threw Magnum OOR and distracted Referee Greg Peterson while Uncle Ivan beat on Magnum and sent over the barricade railing into the crowd with a running Russian Sickle. Magnum could not recover in time to make the ten count.
WCW Monday Night Nitro (Circa Mid to Late 90's) - United Center, Chicago, IL. Att: 12,369
Announcers: Tony Schiavone & Dusty Rhodes
Referee: Johnny Boone

1. Silver King pinned Blitzkreig with a Sommersault Leg Drop at 6:28.

2. Brad Armstrong got by Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker with an Inside Cradle at 6:45.

3. Tank Abbott pinned the Kiss Demon (Dale Torborg) after a Knockout Punch at 4:15.

4. Juventud Guerrera & Psicosis defeated the West Texas Rednecks (Bobby Duncom Jr. & Kendall Windham). Guerrera pinned Windham with the Juvi 450 Splash at 8:10.

5. Terry Funk and Brian Knobbs Double Count Out in a wild brawl OOR at 6:11.

6. "Rowdy" Roddy Piper and Curt Hennig wrestled to a No Contest when both combatants were KO'd by a violent in-ring collision at 7:24. Neither wrestler could get to their feet by Referee Johnny Boone's ten count.

7. Diamond Dallas Page over "The Chosen One" Jeff Jarrett by DQ in the Main Event at 13:24. Boone took a bad bump during the action but recovered in time to catch Jarrett about to clobber DDP with his acoustic guitar and immediately called for the bell.
WCW Thursday Thunder (Circa Mid to Late 90's) - O'Connell Center, Gainesville, FL. Att: 8,452
Announcers: Mike Tenay & Scott Hudson
Referee: Nick Patrick

1. Disco Inferno and Scott Putski were both DQ'd. Big Vito LoGrasso snuck Disco a roll of coins, but Putski saw it and grabbed a chair to defend himself. With both combatants threatening each other with their foreign objects in the ring, Referee Nick Patrick called for the bell at 8:31.

2. A cruiserweight battle between Billy Kidman and "Sugar" Shane Helms was ruled a "No Contest" by Patrick. Prior to the bout, the boy band Three Count (Helms, Shannon Moore & Evan Karagias) performed their new single "Can't Get You Outta My Heart" in the ring. Kidman protested loudly to Patrick and then took matters into his own hands by drop kicking Moore out of the ring and then double clothesling Helms and Karagias over the top rope much to the fans' delight. As Kidman celebrated in the ring, Moore snuck up on him from behind and nailed Kidman over the head with his green dancing circle. Karagias and Helms followed suit with their dancing circles. Three Count then put the boots to Kidman until Rey Mysterio and Konnan made the save. Since the bell never rang to officially start the match, Patrick had no choice but to call it a "No Contest".

3. A ladies bout between Major Gunns and Miss Hancock (Stacy Kiebler) never took place. Gunns pre-match interview with "Mean" Gene Okerlund was interrupted by Hancock who sprayed perfume in her opponent's eyes. The perfume also got Okerlund. Both he and Gunns were temporarily blinded.

4. Hardcore Hak (The Sandman) defeated Bam Bam Bigelow in a Hardcore Match with a DDT onto a trash can lid at 8:12.

5. High Voltage (Kenny Kaos & Robbie Rage) upset the Harris Brothers with the Voltmeter (Rage Powerbomb lift and Kaos Diving Cross Body off the top rope) on Heavy D Don Harris at 7:04.

6. Dean Malenko was scheduled to face Buff Bagwell but was jumped backstage by the n.W.o. in retaliation for Ric Flair's victory over Scott Hall during last week's Thunder Main Event. Hall zapped Malenko for good measure and Kevin Nash spray-painted "n.W.o." on the helpless Malenko's back. Arn Anderson and "Crippler" Chris Benoit finally made the save but the damage was already done.

7. "Big Sexy" Kevin Nash defeated "The Dog-Faced Gremlin" Rick Steiner with the Jackknife Powerbomb at 9:34.

8. In the Main Event, Randy "Macho Madness" Savage pinned Goldberg with a handful of tights at 11:12. Savage had his entourage of women (Gorgeous George, Madusa Miceli and Miss Madness Molly Holly) with him at ringside. The ladies were a constant distraction to both Goldberg and Referee Patrick. Scott Hall also came to ringside midway through the bout to threaten Goldberg with his taser stick.

After the show, "Mean" Gene Okerlund (wearing sunglasses after being sprayed with Miss Hancock's perfume earlier in the evening) interviewed a seething Dean Malenko and Chris Benoit who swore revenge on The Outsiders and challenged them to a Tag Match on next week's Thunder. Afterward, Scott Hudson interviewed The Outsiders for their response. Hall and Nash had a good laugh and accepted the challenge calling Benoit & Malenko "a couple of Vanilla Midgets".
WCW Monday Night Nitro (Circa Mid to Late 90's) - Wings Center, Kalamazoo, MI. Att: 5,291.
Announcers: Tony Schiavone & Bobby "The Brain" Heenan
Referee: Charles Robinson

1. Mortis (Chris Kanyon) and "Hard Work" Bobby Walker were both counted out in OOR action at 5:23.

2. Chavo Guerrero Jr. and Jimmy "Juice" Powers never took place. Prior to the bout, Chavo rode his stick pony "Pepe" over to "Mean" Gene Okerlund for a pre-match promo. The interview was interrupted by "The Franchise" Shane Douglas and his valet Torrie Wilson. Douglas asked Chavo to give his Uncle Eddie "a message" and proceded to plant Guerrero with the Franchiser (Shoulder Jawbreaker). Torrie held "Pepe" triumphantly overhead as she and Douglas walked off the set. Douglas is scheduled to meet Eddie Guerrero later on the card.

3. Yuji Nagata defeated Ultimo Dragon. Nagata's manager Sonny Onoo slipped him a foreign object and Nagata used it to KO Ultimo at 5:48.

4. Perfect Event (Chuck Palumbo & Shawn Stasiak) beat the Armstrong Brothers (Scott & Steve) by Count Out at 8:13. Stasiak threw Scott out of the ring. As Stasiak distracted Referee Charles Robinson, Palumbo set up a folding chair on the floor and dropped Scott on it. Scott writhed in agony and could not make the count. X-rays later revealed that he had sustained a cracked rib. Scott Armstrong is expected to be out six to eight weeks.

5. "The Dark Angel" Vampiro defeated Perry Saturn by DQ at 6:16. Saturn became frustrated with Charles Robinson's slow counts and slugged him for the disqualification.

6. "The Franchise" Shane Douglas over Eddie Guerrero by Count Out at 10:52. Torrie Wilson taunted Guerrero by riding around the ring on "Pepe". Eddie gave chase but was intercepted by Douglas who scooped him up and dropped Guerrero throat-first onto the barricade railing. Eddie could not recover in time to make the count. It was a rough night for Los Guerreros.

7. "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner defeated Bret "The Hitman Hart" in the Main Event with help from Buff Bagwell at 16:11. Steiner threw The Hitman out of the ring and distracted Charles Robinson as Bagwell DDT'd Hart on the concrete floor. Bagwell then rolled The Hitman back into the ring for Steiner to make the pin. Despite the cheating, "Big Poppa Pump" received a huge pop for his victory from the hometown Michigan fans.
WCW Thursday Thunder (Circa Mid to Late 90's) - Marine Midland Arena, Buffalo, NY. Att: 11,944.
Announcers: Mike Tenay & "The Living Legend" Larry Zbyzsko
Referee: Mickey Jay

1. Bobby Blaze upset Bobby Duncom Jr. with a Northern Lights Suplex at 6:03. Duncom was attacked by Harlem Heat during his ring entrance as payback for the West Texas Rednecks beatdown on Booker T & Stevie Ray a couple of weeks ago. The assault clearly took it's toll on Duncom.

2. Shannon Moore defeated Billy Kidman in a cruiserweight battle at 8:31. Moore was accompanied to the ring by his 3 Count boy band partners Evan Karagias and "Sugar" Shane Helms. While Karagias distracted Referee Mickey Jay, Helms handed Moore a green dancing circle which Moore used to whack Kidman over the head with for the pinfall.

3. Rey Mysterio Jr. beat "Lionheart" Chris Jericho via Count Out at 8:27. As both wrestlers battled OOR, Jericho's dimwitted Head of Security Ralphus swung a chair at Mysterio but missed and clobbered Jericho instead. "Lionheart" could not recover in time to make the count.

4. Harlem Heat (Booker T & Stevie Ray) made quick work of the West Hollywood Blondes (Lenny Lane & Lodi). Harlem Heat used the Heat Seeker (Stevie Electric Chair lift and Booker Missile Drop Kick) on Lane for the pin at 1:50.

5. Ernest "The Cat" Miller pinned "The Chairman of WCW" La Parka with the Feliner (Spin Kick) at 10:04.

6. Konnan over "The Total Package" Lex Luger at 9:25. Luger appeared to have the match all but won as he attempted to apply his Torture Rack, but Konnan slipped out and pinned him with an Inside Cradle.

7. "Crippler" Chris Benoit & "Iceman" Dean Malenko (representing the Four Horsemen) fought the Outsiders ("Big Sexy" Kevin Nash & Scott Hall) to a Double Count Out in OOR at 13:59. After the bell, "Nature Boy" Ric Flair, "The Enforcer" Arn Anderson, "Hollywood" Hulk Hogan and the newest member of the n.W.o. Syxx (X-Pac) also got in on the action. The Horseman were looking for revenge after the n.W.o.'s beatdown on Malenko during last week's Thunder, but nothing has been settled.

Starrcade Promo

Hello wrestling fans, this is Gene Okerlund with your Starrcade Spectacular Preview. Now, Ladies and Gentlemen, Starrcade is the granddaddy of all WCW pay-per-views. Don't waste another minute !!! Call your cable company provider right this instant if you haven't done so already and demand Starrcade !! Top to bottom, a card that is second to none !! Nine tremendous matches, each and every one a Main Event in any arena around the world !!! Lets get to the lineup:

Match 1 features a Tag Team battle between Billy Kidman and his partner Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. two members of the boy band 3 Count : "Sugar" Shane Helms and Shannon Moore. As we all know, Billy Kidman has had his problems with 3 Count these past few weeks including a controversial defeat to Shannon Moore on yesterday's Thunder thanks to interference from both Helms and 3 Count's third member Evan Karagias. Karagias will no doubt be in his bandmates' corner at Starrcade and we will have to keep an eye on him.

Match 2 is for the Championship of the newly formed WCW Hardcore Division. "Middle-Aged Crazy" Terry Funk will meet Hardcore Hak (Sandman) for all the marbles.

Match 3 will pit "Iceman" Dean Malenko of the Four Horsemen against the n.W.o. 's newest member Syxx (X-Pac). Malenko is still seething from a beatdown at the hands of the n.W.o. several weeks ago and has swore revenge.

Match 4 sees Harlem Heat (Booker T & Stevie Ray) try to settle their feud with the West Texas Rednecks (Bobby Duncom Jr. & Kendall Windham). Both teams have been sticking their noses in each others' business as of late as they climb the ladder in the Tag Team standings.

Match 5 is yet another grudge match. This one features Chavo Guerrero Jr. with his uncle Eddie Guerrero in his corner going up against "The Franchise" Shane Douglas who will be accompanied to the ring by his lovely valet Torrie Wilson. You'll recall that Douglas and Wilson recently stole Chavo's beloved stick pony "Pepe" during last Monday night's Nitro program. Douglas has stated that if Chavo defeats him 1-2-3 in the middle of the ring, he will return the stick horse to him. Uncle Eddie will be on hand to see to it that Douglas keeps his word.

Match 6 has bitter rivals Konnan and "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner locked inside a Steel Cage to settle their differences. Steiner has repeatedly bad-mouthed the contingent of Luchador wrestlers brought into WCW by Commissioner Eric Bischoff. Konnan has taken it upon himself to defend their honor and Mexican heritage and shut Big Poppa Pump's big mouth for once and for all.

Match 7 is a special challenge match issued by "Nature Boy" Ric Flair to the n.W.o.'s "Big Sexy" Kevin Nash to determine the dominant stable in WCW : The Four Horsemen or the n.W.o.

Match 8 features Goldberg vs. Scott Hall in a "Taser On A Pole" contest. Hall has terrorized WCW's roster of wrestlers with his taser stick. His recent victims include both Dean Malenko and Goldberg himself. Hall's taser will be suspended from the rafters. The wrestler who is able to climb and retrieve the weapon first will be declared the winner of the match and will be allowed to zap the loser with the taser.

Match 9. The Main Event in a card of Main Events !! World Champion Sting will put his title on the line against Number 1 Contender "Hollywood" Hulk Hogan with Special Guest Referee "Rowdy" Roddy Piper maintaining order and doing the officiating !!

Starrcade live from the MCI Center in Washington, DC !!! Don't you dare miss it !!!
WWF Superstars Program Results (Circa Early to Mid 90's) - The Palace, Auburn Hills, MI. Att: 7,007.
Announcers: Vince McMahon, Rob Bartlett & Mr. Perfect Curt Hennig
Ring Announcer: Manny Garcia
Referees: Dave Hebner & Mike Chioda

1. Mantaur over Bob Cook via Count Out at 1:36. Cook was counted out after a blatant low blow by Mantaur in OOR action.

2. The 1-2-3 Kid defeated Rad Radford at 6:16. The Kid beat Rad with a Sunset Flip from the apron into the ring. Radford grabbed the top rope in desperation to keep his balance but Referee Mike Chioda kicked his hands off enabling the Kid to get him over for the pin.

3. Hakushi (w/ Shinja) beat Bob "Spark Plugg" Holly at 5:23. Hakushi with a Diving Senton Splash off the top rope for the pinfall after Shinja tripped Holly coming off the ropes. (Note: Hakushi's manager Shinja is Mr. Sato)

The Report Card Segment hosted by Dean Douglas

Douglas reviews footage from the 1-2-3 Kid's victory over Rad Radford. He critiques Kid's execution of a Verticle Suplex during the bout and suggests that the Kid spend more time bulking up in the gymnasium rather than smoking pot in the men's bathroom. Douglas also makes note of the Kid's footwork and martial arts kicks. He says this is wrestling and not karate.

Overall Grade: C-

4. Savio Vega over Bam Bam Bigelow by DQ at 8:42. Bam Bam clobbered Savio with a chair shot from behind for the disqualification.

5. The Quebecers (Jacques & Pierre w/ Johnny Polo) defeated Men On A Mission (Mo & Mabel w/ Oscar) via Count Out at 11:55. Pierre dumped big Mabel over the top rope while Referee Dave Hebner was sending Mo back to his corner. Mabel took a bad fall OOR and could not recover in time to make the referee's ten count.

6. "Native American" Tatanka over "Double J" Jeff Jarrett (w/ guitar, blinking sunglasses, the Fargo Strut & The Roadie) by DQ at 13:46. Tatanka caught Jarrett with the Renegade Drop/End of the Trail (Fallaway Slam), but the Roadie pulled Referee Mike Chioda out of the ring before he could finish the three count. Jarrett and the Roadie then joined in on a double team beatdown of Tatanka until the retired "Chief" Jay Strongbow ran in from the back and cleaned house with a series of Tomahawk Chops and Running Knee Lifts. Huge pop from the crowd for Strongbow !!

7. "HBK" Shawn Michaels (w/ neither Diesel nor Psycho Sid) defeated "British Bulldog" Davey Boy Smith at 12:27. "Big Daddy Cool" Diesel came down to ringside toward the end of the bout to distract Michaels, however the strategy backfired as it was Davey Boy Smith who ended up being more distracted by Diesel's presence. The British Bulldog walked right into HBK's "Sweet Chin Music" for the pinfall.
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