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GV's Other UQ Wrestling Results
Smokey Mountain Wrestling (circa early 90's) - National Guard Armory, Newport, TN. Att: 1,012.
Announcers: Bob Caudle & Jim Cornette
Ring Announcer: Phil Raney
Referee: Mac MacMurray

1. Killer Kyle defeated Gary Scott with the Rub Out (Sidewalk Slam) at 3:16.

2. Hector Guerrero over Pat Rose at 2:56. Rose pulled a roll of coins out of his tights but Hector was able to pry them from his grasp and slug him with his own weapon for the pin.

"Down & Dirty with Dutch" Interview Segment.

Dutch Mantel interviewed the Dirty White Boy and his wheelchair-bound manager Ron Wright. Dirty White Boy said that his loss to "Primetime" Brian Lee on last week's program was "a fluke". He said he'll turn things around this week against Tim Hoerner. Ron Wright said that he's disappointed with the lack of charity and compassion from "the hillbilly folk" of Tennessee. He said that he received no donations this past week to help him get his operation. He reminded the audience that a charitable contribution can be written off as a tax deduction. Wright also asked SMW's corporate sponsors "to find it in their hearts" to set aside a little something for him when they prepare their fiscal budgets.

3. Dixie Dynamite pinned "Hollywood" Bob Holly with a Small Package at 8:59.

4. Tim Hoerner beat the Dirty White Boy (w/ Ron Wright) at 8:02. Hoerner slingshotted himself into the ring from the apron with a Sunset Flip for the pin. Dirty White Boy tried to hold the ropes to keep his balance, but Referee Mac MacMurray kicked his hands off the top rope to enable Hoerner to get him over. Ron Wright has filed a protest with Commissioner "Bullet" Bob Armstrong.

5. The Batten Twins (Bart & Brad) defeated the Tennessee Stud Stable (Robert Fuller & Jimmy Golden w/ Miss Sylvia) at 7:35. Fuller literally got his bell rung by Brad Batten when he was smashed head-first onto the timekeeper's bell in OOR action. Brad then rolled Fuller into the ring for his brother Bart to pin.

6. In the Main Event, "Primetime" Brian Lee defeated the Nightstalker (Bryan Clark) by DQ at 13:45. The Nightstalker thought he had the match won after delivering his Chokeslam finisher onto Lee, however Referee Mac MacMurray was slow in getting into position to make the count. Lee subsequently kicked out. The Nightstalker was so upset that he threw MacMurray out of the ring and delivered another Chokeslam onto Lee before exiting the ring. Commissioner Bob Armstrong levied a $1,000 fine for the Nightstalker's actions.
Smokey Mountain Wrestling (circa early 90's) - Memorial Fieldhouse, Williamson, WV. Att: 1,183.
Announcers: Bob Caudle & Jim Cornette
Ring Announcer: Phil Raney
Referees: Mark Curtis & Tommy Weathers

1. "Country Boy" Cousin Junior beat Frankie "The Thumper" Lancaster with a Mule Kick off the ropes at 6:49.

2. The Black Knight and "Jumping" Joey Maggs were both DQ'd by Referee Tommy Weathers in a wild brawl around ringside at 7:43.

3. Norvell Austin held the ropes for leverage in the corner to pin Billy Joe Travis at 7:35.

4. "Ravishing" Randy Rose (w/ cousin Pat Rose) defeated Robert Gibson via Count Out at 12:12. Pat Rose constantly interferred in this bout. Gibson finally had enough and brawled with Pat all the way back to the dressing room leading to the count out.

Down 'N Dirty with Dutch Segment.

Dutch Mantel welcomes "Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff to Smokey Mountain Wrestling. Orndorff calls Williamson, WV "hillbilly heaven". He says that he didn't come all the way out here in the middle of the boondocks for nothing. He's here to throw his name in the ring for the SMW Championship. He serves notice to Tommy Rich and Brian Lee that they better not get in his way. Orndorff boasts that he will "make an example" out of his opponent "Flamboyant" Eric Embry here tonight.

5. The Nightmares (Danny Davis & Ken Wayne w/ "Mouth of the South" Jimmy Hart) defeated the Rich Cousins (Johnny "Crash" Rich & Davey Rich) via Count Out at 7:28. Davey was thrown into a concession stand by Kenny Wayne in OOR action. Johnny tried to help his cousin get back to the ring in time to make the ten count but they were both laid out by chair shots from Randy & Pat Rose enroute.

6. "Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff over "Flamboyant" Eric Embry by Count Out at 14:31. As the action spilled OOR, Embry charged at Mr. Wonderful but Orndorff was able to side-step him causing Eric to crash shoulder-first into the ring post for the count out. After the bout Orndorff gave the already hurting Embry a Piledriver on the floor. Eric had to be helped to the back by ring attendants.

Interview Segment. Bob Caudle interviews the Johnny and Davey Rich. They're banged up and furious after the attack by Randy and Pat Rose. They say the war is on. They say the Rich Cousins and the Rose Cousins are going to be like Smokey Mountain Wrestling's version of the Hatfields and the McCoys. They challenge the Roses to a tag team match next week.

A very irate Commissioner "Bullet" Bob Armstrong joins Caudle next. He says that Orndorff's actions here tonight in his SMW debut were completely uncalled for. He says that he's not going to stand for that kind of behavior and is fining "Mr. Wonderful" $1,000 for Piledriving Eric Embry on the floor. Orndorff comes back out from the locker room and smirks at Armstrong. He peels off a bunch of hundreds from a wad of cash in his hand, lets the bills fall on the ground around Armstrong's feet and walks away.
Smokey Mountain Results (circa early 90's) - "The War of the Roses" Raleigh County Armory, Beckley, WV. Att: 1,107.
Announcers: Bob Caudle & Jim Cornette
Ring Announcer: Phil Raney
Referees: Mac MacMurray & Mark Curtis

Down & Dirty With Dutch Segment

Dutch Mantell interviews Pat & Randy Rose regarding their feud with the Rich's. Mantell calls the situation a modern day "Hatfields vs McCoys". The Rose Cousins agree. They say that the bad blood between the Rich and Rose families dates all the way back to the 1800s. They call their vendetta "The War of the Roses". Randy says that he and Pat didn't start the feud but by golly they intend to finish it beginning here tonight with Davey Rich.

1. "Starfire" Derrick Dukes beat Ben Jordan in his SMW debut at 4:48. Jordan had removed the padding from a turnbuckle but his strategy backfired as his head was rammed into the exposed steel by Dukes leading to the pinfall.

2. Davey Rich pinned Pat Rose (w/ cousin "Ravishing" Randy Rose) at 4:31. With Pat Rose holding Davey Rich from behind, "Ravishing" Randy tried to bash Rich with a roll of coins but Davey was able to duck at the last second and Pat took the full brunt of the loaded punch on the chin. After the bout, The Rose cousins put the boots to Davey until Tommy Rich ran in to make the save.

3. "Jumping" Joey Maggs surprised newcomer "Wild" Bill Ash with a Victory Roll at 6:02.

4. The Nightstalker defeated Hector Guerrero with his Chokeslam finisher at 6:43.

5. The Fantastics (Bobby & Jackie Fulton) over the Tennessee Stud Stable (Robert Fuller & Jimmy Golden w/ Miss Sylvia) by DQ at 13:24. Miss Sylvia ran in to break up the pin for the disqualification after Bobby hit Golden with the Fantastic Flip (Diving Senton Splash off the top rope).

6. In the Main Event, "Loverboy" Dennis Condrey over Tommy "Wildfire" Rich via Count Out at 14:00. Condrey tossed Rich out of the ring and proceeded to distract Referee Mac MacMurray while the Rose Cousins (Pat & Randy) threw "Wildfire" into a cotton candy concession stand. The sticky Rich could not get back in the ring in time to make MacMurray's ten count. After the bout an irate Rich challenged the Roses to a six man tag match next week : Tommy, Johnny & Davey Rich vs Pat & Randy Rose along with Dennis Condrey.
TNA (Circa 2012) - The Impact Zone, Universal Studios, Orlando, FL. Att : 1,301.
Announcers: Mike Tenay & Tazz
Ring Announcer: Christy Hemme
Referees: Brian Stiffler & Mike Posey

The program begins with TNA President Dixie Carter and GM Hulk Hogan standing in the middle of the ring. Hogan is holding a gold championship belt with a big X on it.

Carter: "I'd like to welcome each and every one of you to the Impact Zone !! (Big pop from the crowd !!) If you want to see boring soap opera wrestling, muscle bound oafs and talk, talk, talk, then you need to change the channel to that other federation because we're TOTAL NONSTOP ACTION !! (More cheers from the crowd !!) We've got the greatest talent in all of wrestling, we've got the greatest GM in all of wrestling, and we've got the greatest fans in the world !! (The crowd goes wild !!) And we'd like to start things off here tonight with a little something that we call The X Division."

Hogan: "That's right, pretty lady. You know, the X Division isn't about weight limits, Brother, it's about no limits !! It doesn't matter if you weigh 100 pounds, 200 pounds or 300 pounds, Dude !! It's about doing whatever it takes, risking life and limb, and putting it all on the line to be just to be called the X Division Champion." (Another huge pop from the crowd !!)

(Hogan rubs his chin and admires the X Division Belt that he's holding.)

Hogan: "You know, Miss Dixie, I'm getting mighty tired of lugging this beautiful piece of hardware around. What do you say we have ourselves a little Triple Threat Match for this hunk of gold RIGHT NOW ?"

(Big pop from the fans !!)

Carter: "I can't think of a better way to kick off our very first TNA broadcast, Hulkster, than with a title match !! Let's do it !!"

(The fans go wild as Amazing Red, Austin Aries and Suicide come running down the ramp and jump into the ring as Christy Hemme makes the introductions.)

1. Triple Threat Match for the X Division Championship. Amazing Red vs. Suicide vs. Austin Aries.
Action packed, high risk flying manuevers all over the place as all three competitors go at it hot and heavy. Amazing Red catches Aries with the Red Eye (Diving Tornado DDT off the top rope) but Suicide breaks up the subsequent pin attempt. Suicide goes for the DOA (Leg Trap Sunset Flip Powerbomb ) on Amazing Red but Red flips out of it only to be grabbed from behind in Aries Last Chancery (Bridging Arm Triangle Chokehold.) Suicide breaks that up with a Seated Drop Kick to Aries' mush, showboats for the crowd and walks right into Amazing Red's Infrared (Diving Reverse Corkscrew Senton from the top rope). All three men are down on the mat now as Aries slowly gets to his feet and finishes off Red with a Brainbuster at 5:53 to become the TNA X Division Champion.

2. TNA Knockouts (Divas) Challenge Match
Brooke Tessmacher over Gail Kim with an Atomic Facebuster at 7:13. (Brooke lifts her opponent up as if to deliver an Atomic Knee Drop, but instead of dropping her opponent onto her knee, she drops her face-first onto the mat).

3. Rhino over Bully Ray (Heel Bubba Ray Dudley) by DQ at 11:20. Bully Ray actually had the match won with his Bully Drop (Full Nelson Sit Out Slam), but grabbed his wallet chain and started whipping Rhino unmercifully with it. Referee Brian Stiffler immediately signaled for the disqualification. Bully Ray backed Stiffler into the corner and tried to intimidate him into reversing his decision, but Stiffler threatened to have Bully Ray suspended if he laid his hands on him. The disqualification stood.

4. The British Invasion (Brutus Magnus & Douglas Williams) defeated LAX (Latino American Exchange - Homicide & Hernandez w/ Anarquia, Rosita & Sarita) at 11:26. The Brits used their Double Team Finisher Combo (Magnus' Elevated Bear Hug and Williams' Diving European Uppercut off the top rope) on Homicide for the pin.

We cut to backstage where we see Bully Ray still fuming and pacing over his DQ loss earlier this evening to Rhino. Matt Morgan is on his way to the ring and bumps into Ray. There is an awkward, tense stare down. Bully Ray refuses to move aside and let Morgan pass. Morgan is seven feet tall and not intimidated and just smirks at him. He picks up Ray, moves him aside, and continues on his way to ringside. Bully Ray is screaming at Morgan but most of it is bleeped out.

5. Matt Morgan pinned Crimson at 10:25. Bully Ray ran down to ringside with a chair and tried to bash Matt Morgan over the head with it, but Morgan ducked at the last second and Crimson took the chair shot instead leading to the pinfall.

6. Samoa Joe over A.J. Styles via DQ at 14:13. Joe pulled some brass knucks out of his tights, but his loaded punch was blocked by Styles who then took the weapon off him. Unfortunately for A.J., Referee Mike Posey saw him holding the knucks and immediately called for the bell. Styles pleaded his case but to no avail.

7. In the Main Event, Mr. Anderson pinned "The It Factor" Bobby Roode at 17:18. A tremendous mid-ring collision laid out both wrestlers as well as Referee Brian Stiffler. Rob Van Dam ran down to ringside and delivered a huge Five Star Frog Splash off the top rope onto the prone Bobby Roode. RVD then laid Mr. Anderson's arm across Roode's chest and rolled out of the ring. Stiffler recovered, crawled over and counted the pin for Anderson.
TNA Results (Circa 2012) - The Asylum, Nashville, TN. Att: 1,394.
Announcers: Mike Tenay & Don West
Ring Announcer: Jeremy Borash
Referees: Scott James & Mark "Slick" Johnson

The program opens with TNA GM Hulk Hogan in the ring with X Division Champion Austin Aries.

Aries has the belt around his waist and the Hulkster has a mic.

Hogan: "Give it up for your X Division Champion, Austin Aries !!"

(Big pop from the crowd for Aries. Aries takes off the belt and holds it up high.)

Hogan: "Mad props to you, Dude, for takin' care of business in that wild Triple Threat Match last week !! (Another roar from the crowd). Most impressive, Brother, but you know what ? I expect you to back it up, Dude. I expect you to be a fighting champion !!"

Aries: "I'll wrestle anyone, any time, any place and any where, Hulk."

Hogan: "Well you know what, Mr. Aries, I'm glad to hear you say that, Dude, because I got a whole line of guys at my door who want a crack at that title. And two of them are coming down that aisle right now for our first match here tonight."

("Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels and Brian Kendrick enter the ring. Daniels snatches the microphone from Hogan. Hogan does not look pleased.)

Daniels: "Don't you go getting use to that gold around your waist, Austin. You're second rate in my book. As far as I'm concerned, you're just keeping my belt warm for me until I decide to take it from you."

(Hogan snatches the mic back as he keeps Aries and Daniels separated.)

Hogan: "Well you know what, Mr. Daniels, if you get by my man Brian Kendrick here tonight, Brother, then it's you and Aries next week for the gold. Same goes for you, Kendrick. If you beat Daniels then it's your title shot next week. Show me what you got, Dudes !!"

1. X Division No. 1 Contenders Challenge Match. Brian Kendrick defeated "Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels with the Sliced Bread No. 2 (Corner Climbing Flip Over Inverted DDT) at 5:46. Huge pop from the crowd as the arrogant Daniels sat in the ring stunned by the defeat.

2. TNA Knockouts (Divas) Match. Madison Rayne over Velvet Sky with the Rayne Drop at 11:41(okay, this finisher is hard to describe. Madison puts her knee up against her opponent's head and does a Swinging Neckbreaker sort of maneuver.)

The roving camera man finds Eric Young backstage watching the Knockouts match on a monitor. Eric's wife, TNA Knockout ODB (short for One Dirty Bitch), walks by and smacks Eric in the back of the head when she sees him drooling over Velvet Sky. ODB takes a swig from her flask, turns off the monitor and yells at Eric to get ready for his match against Orlando Jordan.

3. Orlando Jordan beat Eric Young at 7:12. With Referee Slick Johnson down on the mat, Eric Young had Jordan rolled up in a small package. ODB, still fuming over her hubby's ogling of Velvet Sky, ran into the ring and reversed the cradle thereby putting Jordan on top. Johnson recovered to count the pin. ODB then grabbed Eric by the ear and marched him backstage.

They walk right by Bully Ray who is in a heated confrontation with Crimson. Crimson is pissed at Bully Ray for hitting him over the head with a chair last week and costing him his match against Matt Morgan. GM Hulk Hogan is off to the side undetected and watching their argument with his arms folded. The exchange is escalating with a lot of words getting beeped out. Bully Ray challenges Crimson to step outside into the alley. The two head for the door when Hogan steps in between them.

Hogan: "You know, Bully Ray, maybe that's how you do things in Hell's Kitchen, NY, Brother, but where I come from we settle our business inside the squared circle. It's gonna be you and Crimson tonight, alright, but in the ring, Dude, and not the alley. (Hogan pauses and thinks it over.) You guys seem to have a whole boatload of hostility, so I'm thinking that a regular match just isn't gonna cut the mustard, Dudes. Let's make it a no DQs and no count outs match.... Better yet, udes. Let's make it a no DQs and no count outs match.... Better yet, you two are gonna have a Hardcore Match tonight to settle this thing for once and for all. So bring it, Brother, and leave it all in the ring !!"

4. Hardcore Match. Bully Ray defeated Crimson at 8:33. The ring was littered with various objects and weapons strewn about that came into play during the bout. The end came when Bully Ray DDT'd Crimson onto a folding chair. Bully Ray snatched the mic away from Ring Announcer Jeremy Borash and stood over his bloody opponent. "You know Crimson, you enjoyed that chair so much last week that I just had to let you experience it one more time !!"

5. Ink, Inc. (Jesse Neal & Shannon Moore, so named because of their abundance of tattoos) upset the Motor City Machine Guns (Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley) in controversial fashion at 8:18. With all four men battling in the ring, Referee Scott James lost all manner of control in this match. Jesse Neal rolled Chris Sabin up in a cradle amidst all the chaos. James counted the pin even though neither Neal nor Sabin were the legal men in the ring for their respective teams at the time. The Machine Guns pleaded their case to Scott James but he would hear none of it.

We're backstage in GM Hulk Hogan's office now. The Hulkster is texting on his cell phone when Bobby Roode suddenly bursts in.

Roode: "I want to know what you're going to do about Rob Van Dam costing me my match against Mr. Anderson last week, Hogan !! He had no business interferring in my match !!"

Hogan: "Well, you know what, Bobby Boo Hoo, that's the way the cookie crumbles sometimes. Get over it, Dude."

Roode: "First of all, my name is Booby Roode !! R-O-O-D-E !! Not Bobby Boo Hoo, dammit !! And second of all, if I'm out of the TNA Championship Tournament because of RVD, then the only cookie that's going to crumble is TNA's !! I am the "It Factor" of professional wrestling, Hogan, and I am the future of this company !!"

(A.J. Styles suddenly bursts in with Samoa Joe's Brass Knucks. He slams them down on Hogan's desk.)

Styles: "Samoa Joe brought these into our match last week, Hulk. You know why ? Because he knows that he can't beat me without them, that's why. I take them away from him and I get disqualified ?? How is that fair ??"

Hogan: "Now hang on, Brother. I gotta have my ref's back, okay ? But you know what, A.J.? I reviewed the footage and I feel your pain, Dude."

Roode: "What about my match, huh ?? Did you review the footage from my match, Hogan ?? Did you see RVD come off the top rope with that Frog Splash on me for no reason and put Mr. Anderson's arm on top of me for the pin ??

Hogan: "That's it. I've heard enough !! Here's what we're going to do. You two guys - tonight - in the Main Event - one on one, Brother. The winner moves on in the tournament and the loser's out. You better bring your A Game, Dudes, because I don't want to hear any crying from the loser."

(With that everyone leaves Hogan's office. The camera picks up Roode sneaking back in and snatching Samoa Joes' Brass Knucks off of Hogan's desk.)

6. TNA Championship Tournament Match. "The Monster" Abyss defeated "Cowboy" James Storm at 12:03. With Referee Slick Johnson down, a masked mystery man emerged from under the ring and smashed a guitar over James Storm's head. Abyss made the cover and Johnson crawled over to count the pin. The mystery man's mask was white with black trim and on the back of his tights was the inscription "Mr. Wrestling III".

Mike Tenay and Don West speculated over the identity of the mystery man. Tenay insisted that it had to be Jeff Jarrett, while West argued that maybe it was somebody else who just wanted us to think it was Jeff Jarrett. Hmmmm..... Regardless, "Cowboy" James Storm has been eliminated and Abyss advances in the tournament.

7. In the Main Event, "The Phenomenal" A.J. Styles defeated "The It Factor" Bobby Roode at 13:42 when Rob Van Dam once again interferred. RVD ran down to ringside and tripped Bobby Roode after Roode reached down into his tights and pulled out Samoa Joe's Brass Knucks. A.J. Styles then hit his Superman Splash (Springboard 450 Splash off the top rope from the ring apron) onto the prone Roode for the winning pinfall. Styles advances in the TNA Championship Tournament while Roode is out.
TNA (Circa 2012) - The Asylum (Tennessee State Fairgrounds Arena), Nashville,TN. Att: 1,388.
Announcers: Mike Tenay, Tazz
Ring Announcer: SoCal Val
Referees: Brian Hebner & Mike Posey

The program opens with Ric Flair in the ring with a mic. The fans are rowdy and heckle the Nature Boy.

Flair: (Motions for silence) "I'm wearing a $10,000 suit, a $1,000 shirt, a $400 belt, $700 pair of shoes and a $900 Rolex watch, so you people shut your mouth when I'm talking. You hillbillies just might learn something today."

(A hush falls over the crowd. As always, Flair has the fans hanging on his every word. Some redneck pipes up again.)

Flair: "I said shut your mouth ! While you're busy living on Doritos and beer in your mother's basement, the Nature Boy has been stylin' and profilin' in the lap of luxury the world over. I've had more women than I've had birthdays, pal, so when I say zip it, you zip it, undertsand ?"

(The redneck goes silent.)

Flair: "For those of you who haven't noticed, there's a little something going on right now called the TNA Championship tournament (cheers from crowd). Believe me, the Nature Boy knows a thing or two about wearing gold around his waist. Google me. I didn't get these two Hall of Fame rings for nothing. I've been in this business a long time and I know a champion when I see one. Last week, an injustice was done to each and everyone one of you people right here in this very ring where I'm standing. Bobby Roode... (smattering of boos) ... a man worthy to be called the champion of this company (more boos)... was cheated out of his destiny by Rob Van Dam (cheers for RVD).... Hogan, if you have half a brain in that big, fat ego head of yours, and I don't think that you do, (boos from the crowd) you would realize that you're shooting yourself in the foot by allowing this to happen."

(Hogan's music suddenly hits and the fans go wild. The Hulkster makes his way down the aisle and climbs into the ring with Flair.)

Hogan: "Well, you know, Champ, the Hulkster also knows a thing or two about this business, and about wearing the gold, Brother (cheers from the crowd). Bobby Boo Hoo, er, I mean, Roode, heh, (Flair does not look amused by Hogan's quip), had his chance not once but twice to advance in this tournament, Champ, and he didn't get the job done either time, Brother !! " (more cheers)

Flair: "And he was cheated not once but twice by Van Dam !! As the GM of this company, Hogan, how can you sit back and justify that ?? Tell me ?? "

Hogan: "I'll tell you what I'm gonna do, Champ... it'll be your man Roode here tonight against RVD in the Main Event, Brother (cheers from crowd). Bobby Roode, it's time to put up or shut up, Dude !!" (more cheers !!)

1. Knockouts Tag Team Match. The Team of Gail Kim & Madison Rayne defeated T.N.T. (Brooke Tessmacher & Tara) at 4:12. Gail Kim snuck into the ring and hit the Happy Ending (Straight Jacket Neckbreaker Slam) on Tara behind Referee Brian Hebner's back while Hebner was sending Brooke Tessmacher out of the ring. Madison Rayne then covered Tara for the pin.

2. TNA X Division Title Match. Champion Austin Aries turned back challenger Brian Kendrick with a Brainbuster at 7:01. Kendrick flipped out of Aries' first Brainbuster attempt and set up the Champ for his Sliced Bread No. 2 finisher, but Aries likewise escaped the move and caught Kendrick in the mush with the IED (Running Drop Kick in the corner). The woozy Kendrick stumbled out of the corner right into Aries who made good on his second Brainbuster attempt for the pinfall.

The roving camerman picks up Hogan walking backstage and talking on his cellphone. Hogan brushes past the mysterious "Mr. Wrestling III" whom we saw lay out "Cowboy" James Storm with a guitar shot last week in a match against Abyss. The mystery man is once again wearing an exact replica of the iconic Mr. Wrestling II's mask - white with black trim. Mr. Wrestling III quickly ducks into a doorway to conceal himself in the shadows. Hogan searches around for the masked man but he is nowhere to be found. The Hulkster rubs his chin in a way that suggests he has a good suspicion of who the mystery man might be. Hogan continues walking on as Mr. Wrestling III emerges from the darkness and runs down the hallway in the opposite direction. Mike Tenay insists that Mr. Wrestling III is Jeff Jarrett. Tazz, however, is not so sure.

3. TNA TV Title Qualifying Match. Devon over Robbie E (w/ valet Cookie & his bouncer Robbie T.) at 3:42. Devon used a Flying Head Butt to score the winning pinfall. (Robbie E is a young Italian guido take off of the popular Jersey Shore reality TV show and his valet Cookie is a Snookie look-a-like).

Bobby Roode is in the ring with a mic and he cuts a promo thanking Ric Flair for his support. The fans chant "Bobby Boo-Hoo!!". Roode explains that Flair is a man of great wisdom and perception. He says that it takes a champion to recognize a fellow champion. Roode explains that Flair has his back and knows how to play backstage politics with TNA GM Hulk Hogan. The fans are now chanting "shut-the-hell-up!!" Roode promises to make Flair proud and wear the TNA belt with dignity and honor just like the Nature Boy did.

4. The Young Bucks (Jeremy & Max Buck) defeated Lethal Consequences (Jay Lethal & Consequences Creed) with "More Bang For Your Buck" at 8:21. Max caught Jay Lethal with a Rolling Fireman's Carry Slam and Jeremy finished him off with a Diving 450 Splash off the top rope for the pin.

5. TNA Championship Qualifying Match. "The Charismatic Enigma" Jeff Hardy defeated "Olympian" Kurt Angle at 17:39. With Referee Mike Posey down on the mat, Mr. Wrestling III came out of nowhere and hit Kurt Angle with a move that suspiciously resembled Jeff Jarrett's "Stroke" (Forward Leg Trip Facebuster). Mr. Wrestling III quickly exited the ring as Hardy came off the tope rope with the Swanton Bomb (Diving Senton Splash) to finish off Angle. Mike Tenay leapt out of his seat and shouted "That's Jarrett dammit !!" while Tazz insisted that Jeff Jarrett does his Stroke "a little differently".

6. In the Main Event, Rob Van Damn over Bobby Roode (w/ "Nature Boy" Ric Flair) via DQ at 17:23. Roode once again pulled Samoa's Joe's Brass Knuckles out of his tights and laid out RVD with a loaded punch. Ric Flair then entered the ring and wrapped Van Dam up in the Figure Four Leglock. Flair kept the hold on for several minutes before finally released it. The Nature Boy then held Roode's arm up high and shouted "Woooooooooooo!!!" as RVD clutched his knee and writhed on the mat in agony.
TNA Open Fight Night (Circa 2012) - The Impact Zone, Universal Studios, Orlando, FL. Att: 1,255.
Announcers: Mike Tenay & Al Snow
Ring Announcer: Christy Hemme
Referees: Brian Hebner & Bruce Gray

The program opens with TNA GM Hulk Hogan in the ring with a mic.

Hogan: "You know, Brother, tonight we're gonna do something a little different around here... something called "Open Fight Night", Dude. What that means is that I get the night off, okay, and the TNA Roster in the back books the matches."

(We cut to backstage where the entire TNA Roster is gathered around a monitor watching Hogan.)

Hogan: "Here's the way it works, Brother. If you got a beef with someone, then you come to the ring and call them out for a match. You settle all your business inside the squared circle where it belongs ! (Big pop from the crowd !) And if you're called out, then you gotta fight, Dude ! I don't care who you are.... Mr. Anderson.... RVD.... Kurt Angle.... Bobby Boo Hoo.... if you're called out then you get in this ring and fight, Dude. Champions, that goes for you, too !! You hear that, Mr. Aries ? The title won't be on the line, Brother, but you gotta fight !"

(In the back, Austin Aries says bring it on. The roster is milling about the monitor eyeing one another suspiciously. Some give each other dirty looks. They're not sure what to make of this "Open Fight Night" situation. We see Bobby Roode consult with his mentor Ric Flair off to the side. Flairs whispers something in his ear and Roode nods.)

Hogan: "Who's gonna get it started, Brother ?? Who's gonna come out here and settle their business here tonight ?? Who's got a problem with someone there in the back ?? Let's go !!"

(Bully Ray's music hits. Bully storms down to the ring and snatches the mic out of Hogan's hand.)

Bully Ray: "Yeah, I got a problem with someone, Hogan... He's someone that I carried for 15 freakin' years because he didn't have the talent to make it on his own !! Devon, get your free-loading ass out here !!"

1. Devon defeated Bully Ray by DQ at 6:18. Bully whipped Devon unmercifully with his wallet chain. Referee Brian Hebner immediately signaled for the bell.

(We come back from commercial and Hogan is back in the ring.)
Hogan: "Alright, who's next, Brother ? Who else wants a piece of somebody back there ?"

(Eric Young's trailer park white trash wife ODB (One Dirty Bitch) comes to the ring and motions for the mic. Hogan looks surprised that a woman has come out and hands her the mic not knowing what to expect.)

Hogan: "Be my guest, Mrs. Young."

ODB: "Velvet Sky, I'm calling you out you skank !! You tried to seduce my husband with those slutty outfits that you wear. Well, he's MY MAN and you'll have to go through me if you want him !!"

(Velvet Sky comes down to the ring with a mic of her own.)

Velvet: "What makes you think that I would ever want that looney tunes screwball husband of yours, huh ??"

(ODB explodes in a rage and attacks Velvet Sky !)

2. Velvet Sky pinned ODB at 6:33. The dimwitted Eric Young ran down to ringside to assist his wife by handing her a folding chair to use. ODB turned around with chair-in-hand and Velvet Sky superkicked it right into her face for the pinfall. Once ODB recovered, she chased Eric backstage with the chair.

(The camera pans over the audience and we see Jeff and Karen Jarrett sitting in the crowd watching the action. "That's Jeff Jarrett !!" Mike Tenay shouts. "What's Jarrett doing here, Al ??" Tenay immediately accuses Jarrett of being the mysterious Mr. Wrestling III who's been interfering in matches recently. Al Snow plays the devil's advocate. "We have no conclusive proof, Mike ! Maybe it's Jarrett, and maybe it isn't." )

("Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels is out next.)

Daniels: "Austin Aries, I'm calling you out !! Brian Kendrick stole my title shot for that X Division belt around your waist two weeks ago, chump... I mean, champ !! Well, I'm gonna prove to you that I'm the number one contender for your title by beating you here tonight on national TV !! Get down here, Aries !!"

3. X Division Non-Title Match. Challenger Christopher Daniels over Champion Austin Aries by DQ at 12:24. Daniels tried to flee the ring with Aries' championship belt but Aries would have none of it. The Champ pried the belt away and bashed Daniels in the head with it for good measure. Unfortunately for Aries, Referee Bruce Gray saw the whole incident and disqualified him for the belt shot.

(Samoa Joe comes down to ringside. He says that he believes the winner of the TNA Championship tournament must go through two men - Rob Van Dam and Samoa Joe. He said we might as well get this over with now and calls out RVD to face him here tonight. RVD says "You're on !"

4. TNA Championship Qualifying Match. Samoa Joe defeated Rob Van Dam at 10:33. Mr. Wrestling III, wearing the iconic white mask with black trim again, ran into the ring and KO'd RVD with Brass Knucks behind Referee Brian Hebner's back. Samoa Joe looked bewildered but made the cover anyway for the pin. The camera quickly pans to the Jarretts in the audience but Karen Jarrett is sitting there all by herself with an empty seat beside her. "Where's Jeff Jarrett !! Where's Jeff Jarrett dammit !!" Tenay is screaming. The camera quickly cuts back to the ring and we see Mr. Wrestling III lay out Samoa Joe from behind with the Brass Knucks. "He's eliminating all the contenders one by one !!" Al Snow shouts. Mr. Wrestling III lays the Knucks on Samoa Joe's chest and quickly escapes the ring before TNA security can apprehend him.

(We come back from commercial to find Kurt Angle in the ring with the mic this time.)

Angle: "I guess it's my turn now... Last week, I was eliminated from the TNA Championship Tournament by someone calling himself "Mr. Wrestling III". He hit me with a move that Jeff Jarrett likes to call "The Stroke" and Jeff Hardy made the pin."

(There's a huge pop from the crowd and "Cowboy" James Storm walks down the ramp and gets in the ring. Storm also has a mic.)

Storm: "I heard what y'all said, Kurt, and that's a mighty funny coincidence because I was also eliminated from the tournament by "Mr. Wrestling III". It wasn't the Stroke, though, no sir. He smashed a guitar over my dang head."

(Angle leans on the top rope and looks into the audience at his ex-wife, Karen Jarrett and smiles at her.)

Angle: "So where's Jeff at, Karen ?"

(Karen Jarrett shrugs her shoulders as if to say "How should I know?" and smiles back at Angle.)

Angle: "You know, you never were good at lying, Karen."

(Karen Jarrett has a good laugh at that. Suddenly we see Jeff Jarrett returning from the concession stand with a tray of food and drinks. He takes his seat beside Karen. She whispers something in his ear and laughs again.)

Angle: "Jeff, as you know, this is "Open Fight Night" here at TNA.... and I'm calling you out." (Huge pop from the crowd !!)

("Cowboy" James Storm holds the ropes open and motions for Jarrett to get in the ring. Jeff bites into his hotdog and sips on a cup of cold beer. He ignores both Angle and Storm and chats with his wife.)

Angle: "Uh, Jeff... we're waiting ?"

(A ring attendant runs over to where the Jarretts are sitting and hands Jeff a mic. Jeff takes another bite out of his hotdog. He pauses thoughtfully for a moment.)

Jeff Jarrett: "I'm just a spectator here, Kurt. Hell, I'm not even on the TNA Roster right now so you best call out someone else. Now if you don't mind, my wife and I would like our privacy please."

(Angle and Storm look at one another perplexed.)

Storm: "Well, if you don't mind, Kurt, I do have someone else that I'd like to call out."

(Angle exits the ring, takes one more look at the Jarretts and walks backstage shaking his head.)

Storm: "You know, I use to have me a partner in a fairly successful tag team called "Beer Money". Y'all familiar with that name ? (Hug pop from the crowd!!) I kind of thought so. Bobby Roode, there's a right way and a wrong way to end things. You don't want to tag with "Cowboy" James Storm no more ? Well, that's fine, buddy. Cracking a beer bottle over my head not only ends the tag team, son, but it ends our friendship, too. If you'ld be so kind as to come out here, Bobby, I'd like to return the favor."

5. "The It Factor" Bobby Roode (w/ "Nature Boy" Ric Flair) pinned "Cowboy" James Storm at 18:59 after Flair tripped Storm coming off the ropes causing him to stumble right into the Payoff (Cradle Suplex ala Curt Hennig's Perfect-Plex).

(Closing Segment with Hulk Hogan back in the ring.)

Hogan : "It's been quite the night hasn't it ? (Loud pop from the crowd) Well, you know, Brother, there's just one more bit of unfinished business. I'd like to call somebody out myself. (Another huge pop from the crowd). Mr. Wrestling III, I'm calling you out, Dude !!"

(Everyone stands (including the Jarretts) and look toward the top of the ramp. No one comes out. Hogan smiles and shakes his head.)

Hogan: "Somehow, that doesn't surprise me, Brother. Then again, you probably wouldn't want to come out here without this."

(Hogan holds up Mr. Wrestling III's white mask with black trim.)

Hogan: "I found this backstage, Brother. Seems like you dropped something on your way out, Dude ! So, what I'd really like to do now is return this where it belongs."

(The fans go wild as Mr. Wrestling II Johnny Walker walks down to the ring. Everyone gives him a standing ovation except for the Jarretts who remain quietly seated. The Hulkster shakes Johnny's hand and raises his arm as the fans continue to clap. Hulk hands him the mask and Walker takes it as he looks over at Jeff Jarrett and shoots him a dirty look. Jeff laughs as he and Karen get up and leave.)

Mike Tenay: "There goes, Jeff Jarrett .... or should I say Mr. Wrestling III ?"

Al Snow: "We still don't know, Mike !!"
AWA (Circa Mid 80's) - Sioux Falls Arena, Sioux Falls, SD. Att: 6,488
Announcers: Roger Kent & Verne Gagne
Referee: "Benchwarmer" Bob Lurtsema

1. D.J. Peterson pinned Chris Curtis at 4:13 after Curtis missed a high risk leap off the top rope and found nothing but canvas.

Interview - Larry Nelson & Stan "The Lariat" Hansen

(Nelson is very reluctant to be there. His hand shakes as he holds the microphone from a distance and winces as Hansen shouts)

Hansen: "You know Nick Bockwinkel, you and I ain't got a lot in common !! You come out here in your expensive suits, Rolex watches and what not, running your mouth with them long fancy words !! Well, you may be a walking dictionary but that don't impress me none !! And neither does that Mercedes Benz I see you driving 'round town !! You know what I drive ?? I got me a Chevy pickup that's held together with barbed wire wire and duct tape and that's fine by me !!"

Hansen (To Larry Nelson): "Will you hold that damn microphone steady when I'm talkin, boy ?!!"

(Nelson apologizes and is anxious for the interview to be over.)

Hansen: "But one thing you and I do got in common, Bockwinkel, is that we both want that damn AWA Title !! You come out here issuing challenges to everybody ?? Well, I'm rough and I'm tough and I don't back up or back down to nobody !! I got a big fat wife and nine screamin' kids at home and I gotta feed 'em !! You get in the ring with me, boy, and I'll show you what for !!"

(Nelson's hand is shaking like a leaf by now and Hansen swats at him with his cowboy hat as he chases him off the set.)

2. "The Z-Man" Tom Zenk over "Mr. Electricity" Steve Regal at 6:04. Regal was showboating in the ring for the fans and turned around right into a Missile Drop Kick off the top rope from Zenk for the pin.

3. Candi Devine defeated the Magnificent Mimi with a High Flying Cross Body Press at 10:17.

Interview - Larry Nelson & Greg Gagne

(Gagne is in street clothes. He has his hands on his hips and he looks very concerned.)

Nelson: "Fans, joining me now is Greg Gagne of the High Flyers, and Greg, the big question that's on everyone's mind is "What in the world is going on with your partner "Jumping" Jim Brunzell ???"

(Gagne shakes his head.)

Gagne: "Larry, I wish I knew. I've left several messages for Jimmy but he hasn't called me back. If I may, I'd liked to say a few words to him directly?"

Nelson: "Go right ahead."

(Nelson hands the microphone to Gagne. Gagne looks deep into the camera.)

Gagne: "Jimmy, I don't know if you're watching but I have something to say to you. It's no secret that another promotion wants your services very badly. They're wining and dining you and they're probably waving a big wad of cash under your nose to sign up with them. All I ask is that you think about this very carefully. We've been together a long, long time and we've had a great deal of success together as a team. More than that, you're a close personal friend of mine and more like a brother to me than just a Tag Team partner. Well, there's a value to that no money can buy. Think it over. I'm sure that you'll make the right decision."

(Gagne hands the microphone back to Nelson, thanks him and walks off the set.)

Nelson: "There you have it, fans. A heart-felt appeal to Jim Brunzell from his partner Greg Gagne. We'll be right back with more great AWA wrestling action."

4. "Yukon" John Nord pinned Soldad Ustinov at 7:40 in controversial fashion. Nord rolled up the big Russian and Referee "Benchwarmer" Bob Lurtsema applied an extremely fast three count for the pin. Ustinov and his manager Sheik Adnan El-Kaisee threw a fit in the ring and accused Lurtsema of being bias.

Kent: "Verne, Lurtsema has a reputation of being a "Fan's Ref". As we look at the replay it would seem that Ustinov has a legitimate gripe here."

Gagne: "I would agree with you, Roger. There should always be a deliberate cadence to the referee's count. It looks like Soldad Ustinov got a raw deal there. Lurtsema is a new ref so it might just be a case of inexperience on his part. I'm sure Sheik Adnan El-Kaisee is going to protest the outcome of this match with Commissioner Stanley Blackburn."

5. The Fabulous Ones (Steve Keirn & Stan Lane) defeated "Playboy" Buddy Rose & "Pretty Boy" Doug Somers at 7:04 when "Sensational" Sherri Martel's interference backfired. As Somer's held Keirn from behind, Martel attempted to spray the Fabulous One in the face with her perfume. Keirn moved at the last second and Somers got a faceful of the perfume instead. Keirn then rolled up the blinded Somers for the pin. The Fabulous Ones advance to the next round of the AWA Tag Team Tournament.

Interview - Larry Nelson with Sheik Adnan El-Kaisee and King Kong Brody

(Nelson rolls his eyes as Kaisee spouts a long line of Arabic jibberish.)

Nelson: "Alright, I know you can speak English, Sheik Adnan El-Kaisee. You have a big match coming up here between your man King Kong Brody and Chief Wahoo McDaniel. What is it that you want to say ??"
El-Kaisee: "Larry Nelson, I have a message for you and for all the American peoples out there !! We have a big surprise for you, Wahoo McDaniel !! We have a great big surprise for you !!"

Brody: "Huss !! Huss !! Huss !!"

El-Kaisee: "My King Kong Brody and I, we're going to send you back to the Reservation where you belong, Wahoo McDaniel !!"

Nelson: "Well, what's the "big surprise" then ??"

El-Kaisee: "Tell him, Brody !!"

Brody: "Huss !! Huss !! Huss !!"

Nelson: "I guess we're just going to have to wait and see, fans. Let's go up to the ring for this all important match - King Kong Brody taking on Chief Wahoo McDaniel."

6. King Kong Brody pinned Chief Wahoo McDaniel with help from Sheik Adnan El-Kaisee's "Big Surprise" at 11:53.

Here's the call from Roger Kent & Verne Gagne:

Kent: "Brody coming off the ropes... and a violent collision in the middle of the ring with Wahoo McDaniel !! Referee Bob Lurtsema was sandwiched in between the two of them !! All three men are down, Verne Gagne !! The fans are on their feet and screaming !!

Gagne: "Sheik Adnan El-Kaisee is on the apron motioning wildly to the back !! He's waving for someone ?? Is he calling for medical attention ??"

Kent: "Here come's somebody now - I can't make out who it is... but he's huge and wearing an Arabic robe and headdress !!"

Gagne: "That looks like Jerry Blackwell, Roger !! What's he doing with the Sheik !! They hate one another !!"

Kent: "It is indeed Jerry Blackwell and... Oh my goodness !! He's jast flattened Chief Wahoo McDaniel with that Big Splash !! They're going to have to scrape Wahoo off the canvas after that !!! Blackwell throws Brody on top of McDaniel and climbs out of the ring... Lurtsema crawling over.... one... two... THREE !! That's it !! It's all over !!!"

7. Steel Cage Match - "Cool" Curt Hennig defeated Nick Bockwinkel at 16:33. Bockwinkel bloodied Hennig to a pulp, grinding his face into the cage wall like he was grating cheese, but Hennig prevailed in the end after landing several consecutive Cradle Suplexes. Bockwinkel was able to get to his feet, but could not prevent Hennig from climbing out of the cage to victory.
AWA (Circa Mid 80's) - St. Paul Civic Center, St. Paul, MN. Att: 12,352
Announcers: Al DeRusha & Larry "The Axe" Hennig
Ring Announcer: “Slick” Mick Karch
Referee: Larry Lisowski

DeRusha: "Hello everyone and welcome to AWA Championship Wrestling ! We are live from St. Paul, Minnesota, and joining me this evening to bring you all the action is all-time great Larry "The Axe" Hennig !"

Hennig: "Thank you, Al. As you know, the AWA is the major league of professional wrestling and we have some great matchups for the fans here tonight."

DeRusha: "That's right, Larry. A man who is no stranger to you, Ray "The Crippler" Stevens will be in action tonight, as well as, Leon "The Baby Bull" White and not one but two main event caliber matches ! We'll see Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka take on the vile "Mercenary from South Africa" Colonel Debeers, plus "America's Hero" Sergeant Slaughter will be going up against "The Living Legend" Larry Zbyzsko ! In addition to that, High Flyer Greg Gagne will have a special announcement later in the program. Trust me, fans, you won't want to miss it ! But right now, let's go to Larry Nelson who is standing by with Chief Wahoo McDaniel."

Nelson: "Thank you, Al. Joining me is Chief Wahoo McDaniel who is looking none to happy about recent events involving himself and one "Crusher" Jerry Blackwell."

McDaniel: "Jerry Blackwell, you done me wrong, brother. I considered you a friend. Someone I could depend on to watch my back, and what did you do ? You betrayed me and took sides with that Sheik Adnan El-Kaisee. You may have crushed my body with that Big Splash of yours, Blackwell, but you can't crush my spirit. You're going to have to pay for that, brother. Somewhere, someday, some place down the road you're going to have to get in the ring with me and answer for what you done."

Nelson: "There you have it fans, now let's go to ringside for our opening match."

1. "Sheik" Jerry Blackwell pinned "Beach Boy" Sonny Rogers with the Big Splash at 5:11.

2. Ray "The Crippler" Stevens over Tony Leone with the Piledriver at 2:43.

3. "Sensei" Pat Tanaka held the ropes for leverage to pin Johnny "Crash" Rich at 7:31.

Interview with Larry Nelson & Colonel Debeers.

Nelson: "Colonel, you have a big match coming up shortly with Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka."

Debeers: "Sir, I am apalled at having to be made to wrestle a man of Snuka's race against my will. Where I come from, it is considered a travesty for a man of my stature to compete with a "lesser caliber" individual. Let it be none that I am wrestling this match under protest."

Nelson: "There you go again, Colonel Debeers !! Why do you always have to bring Apartheid into the conversation ?? If you're so "appalled" at having to wrestle Jimmy Snuka, then why don't you just forfeit ??"

Debeers: "Sir, that may be "The American Way" of doing things - to give up and go home when things don't go your way (Nelson rolls his eyes), but we South Africans are not quitters ! I will wrestle the man, though it degrades me to do so."

Nelson: "That's it. I've had enough of your politics, Colonel Debeers. Let's go back down to ringside for our next match."

4. The Top Guns (Ricky Rice & Jon Paul Demans) defeated The Destruction Crew (Wayne "The Train" Bloom & "Mean" Mike Enos) by DQ at 8:17 when Bloom brought one of the Crew's sledgehammers into the ring. Referee Larry Lisowski immediately called for the bell.

5. Leon "The Baby Bull" White pinned "Dr. D" David Schultz at 6:32 when interference by Schultz's valet "Sensational" Sherri Martel backfired. Sherri slid a chair into the ring for Schultz to use, but White saw it first and DDT'd "Dr. D" onto it for the pin.

6. Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka shocked Colonel Debeers by defeating him at 9:36 with his Superfly Splash off the top rope after Snuka had backdropped out of the Colonel's South African Facebuster attempt. Debeers immediately attacked Snuka with his swagger stick after the bout. The Top Guns raced into the ring to make the save.

Interview with Larry Nelson & Larry Zbyzsko.

Nelson: "Fans, were being joined now by Larry Zbyzsko who will be meeting Sergeant Slaughter in a matter of moments. Mr. Zbyzsko, will you kindly identify the gentleman standing to your left and his purpose for being here?"

Zbyzsko: "That's my training partner "Go" the Ninja, and for the benefit of all you Spudheads out there, he is a martial arts expert from the Orient. "Go" is here for one purpose tonight, Nelson: to watch my back and make sure that I don't get cheated out of my destiny. ("Go" nods in approval). I'm sick and tired of the AWA conspiracy against Larry Zbyzsko !! Verne Gagne and Stanley Blackburn are always stacking the deck against me !! Well, it ends here tonight !!"

Nelson: "Does he speak any English ?"

("Go" whips his nunchucks around in a threatening fashion. Larry Nelson cowers behind Zbyzsko.)

Zbyzsko: "Never mind if he speaks English or not !! That's none of your business !! Sarge, this is my night !! This is my ring and this is my destiny !! I'm kicking you out of Larryland !!"

7. "The Living Legend" Larry Zbyzsko defeated "America's Hero" Sgt. Slaughter at 16:12 with help from "Go" the Ninja. With Zbyzsko distracting Referee Larry Lisowski, "Go" whacked the Sarge from behind with his nunchucks. Zbyzsko then hit the Piledriver on Slaughter for the pin.

Interview with Larry Nelson & Greg Gagne.

(Gagne is pacing back and forth. He is obviously upset.)

Nelson: "Greg, I know this is difficult for you. Do you have something that you want to share with us ?"

(Gagne takes a few minutes to compose himself.)

Gagne: "Larry, my partner and close personal friend of many, many years Jim Brunzell has walked out on me. He's walked out on me. He's walked out on this great organization. And most importantly, he's walked out on all the AWA fans."

Nelson: "Do you think that there's any chance that he will have a change of heart, Greg ?"

Gagne: "I spoke with him earlier today and it's a done deal, Larry. He's already signed the contract to wrestle for another federation. I still can't believe it. I'm just beside myself. I'll have to search for a new partner to team up with, but in the meantime I'll be flying solo."

(Gagne quietly thanks Nelson and walks off the set.)

Nelson: "There you have it, fans. A very distraught Greg Gagne. Join us again next time for more great AWA action."
AWA (Circa Mid 80's) - Cobo Arena, Detroit, MI. Att: 11,891
Announcers: Lee Marshall & "Ringside" Ralph Strangis
Ring Announcer: Dale Gagner
Referee: Scott Ledoux

Interview : Eric Bischoff and Stan "The Lariat" Hansen

Bischoff: "Fans, in an unusual Main Event later on this evening, Stan Hansen will be battling a 'mystery opponent'. Do you have any idea who it might be ?"

Hansen: "I don't know and I don't give a damn !!"

Bischoff: "Please !! This is a family program, Stan Hansen !! Children may be watching !!"

Hansen: "Those brats should be in bed by now !! It's past their bedtime !!"

Bischoff: "Let's get back to the mystery opponent please."

Hansen: "Maybe it's you for all I care, Bischoff !! It don't matter to me !! I'm a big ol' ornery Texan and I'm gonna put a whuppin' on whoever it is something fierce !!"

1. "Jammin" Mitch Snow pinned Teijo Khan with the Jam Slam (Hip Toss Powerslam) at 8:37.

2. Madusa Micelli over "Cowgirl" Wendi Richter with help from Nick Kiniski at 7:18. Kiniski grabbed Richter's boot as she was coming off the ropes. When she spun around to confront him, Madusa snuck up from behind, grabbed the "Cowgirl" around the waist and pinned Richter with a Bridging German Suplex.

Interview : Eric Bischoff and D.J. Peterson

Bischoff: "D.J., you have a golden opportunity here tonight in Detroit. You'll be wrestling Nick Kiniski for the AWA World TV Title !"

Peterson: "That's right, Eric. You don't get chances like this too often, so when they come your way you have to make the most of them. You know, Kiniski and Madusa got this thing going on. They like to interfere in each others matches to help the other win. You saw it here already tonight with Wendi Richter being cheated. Kiniski, I know that you'll have Madusa in your corner, but you know what ? I'm gonna have somebody, too."

Bischoff: "Can you tell us who it is, D.J. ?"

Peterson: "It's a surprise, Eric, so you'll just have to wait and see. Kiniski, get ready, boy, because TNT is coming for your title tonight !"

3. "Gentleman" Ken Timbs beat "High Flyer" Greg Gagne by Count Out at 7:01. In OOR action, Timbs tossed Gagne into the camera crew. Greg got tangled up in the cables and couldn't make Referee Scott Ledoux's ten count.

Introductions are made for the AWA World TV Title Match. Madusa accompanies her man Nick Kiniski to the ring but the challenger D. J. Peterson is all by himself. Kiniski looks around, has a good laugh, and grabs the mic from Dale Gagner.

Kiniski: "I'm looking around here, Peterson, but I don't see anybody in your corner. Looks like your big "surprise" is a no-show. I can't say that I blame them, though. A loser like you ? I wouldn't want to be in your corner, either."

4. AWA World TV Title Match. Challenger D.J. Peterson defeated Champion Nick Kiniski at 9:45.

Here's the call :

Marshall: "Madusa Micelli is up on the apron. It looks like she's got something in her left hand !! She's trying to get Kiniski's attention - Wait a minute, there's a commotion to our left, fans !! What is it, Ralph ?? Can you see?? "

Strangis: "It's... it's... Blackjack Lanza, Lee !! It's Blackjack Lanza and he's running down the aisle to ringside !!!"

Marshall: "What ?? Blackjack Lanza's here ??!! He's got Madusa !!! Blackjack Lanza's pulling Madusa down off the apron !!! Kiniski's furious !!! He's threatening Lanza !! He better watch out !!! Kiniski turns around and... TNT !!! TNT from Peterson !!! 1 ... 2 ... 3 !!! It's Over !!! Kiniski sitting up on his knees with his hands up in the air in disbelief !!!"

Dale Gagner: "The winner and newwwww AWA World TV Champion, D.J. Peterson !!!"

(Huge pop from the crowd !!!)

5. Baron Von Rashke over Boris Zhukov with the Iron Clawhold submission at 6:39.

6. The Long Riders ("Wild" Bill & Scott "Hog" Irwin) defeated the Texas Hangmen (Killer & Psycho) with a Double Big Boot off the ropes on Psycho at 12:20. The Long Riders advance to the finals of the AWA Tag Team Tournament to face the winner of the upcoming Fabulous Ones/Original Midnight Express match.

7. In the wild Main Event, Stan "The Lariat" Hansen defeated his mystery opponent Blackjack Lanza by Count Out. With both men battling OOR, Nick Kiniski came out of no where and held Lanza's boot while Hansen rolled back into the ring. Referee Scott Ledoux counted Blackjack out at 12:58. Lanza and Kiniski continued to battle all the way back to the locker room.
AWA (Circa Mid 80's) - LaCrosse Center, Lacrosse, WI. Att: 7,989
Announcers: Roger Kent & Verne Gagne
Ring Announcer: "Slick" Mick Karch
Referee: Gary DeRusha

1. Pete Sanchez upset Anthony "Earthquake" Ferris with help from "Sheik" Jerry Blackwell at 2:25. Blackwell came to ringside with his manager Sheik Adnan El-Kaisee claiming to be the "one and only true big man in the AWA". Distracted by Blackwell's presence, Ferris attempted a corner avalanche on Sanchez but found only turnbuckle. Sanchez then pinned him with both feet on the ropes for leverage.

Interview - Larry Nelson and Nick Kiniski

Nelson: "Alright, Nick Kiniski, you've wanted a piece of Blackjack Lanza ever since losing the AWA TV Title to D. J. Peterson. It looks like you'll get your chance in tonight's main event."

Kiniski: "You're yesterday's news, Blackjack Lanza !! You should have retired eons ago but you just keep hanging around and sticking your nose in others people's business where it don't belong !! Well, I'll do you and everybody else here in the AWA a favor and retire you here tonight !! I'm putting you out to pasture, Lanza !!!"

2. "Mr. 1st Class" Jerry Gray over "The California Kid" Tommy Jammer via Count Out at 7:23. Jammer got into a confrontation with "Gorgeous" Jimmy Garvin and his valet Precious who were at ringside scouting Jammer. Tommy lost track of the referee's count during the altercation.

3. Buck "Rock & Roll" Zumhoffe defeated "Playboy' Buddy Rose at 7:12. Rose turned his back on Zumhoffe to confer with his valet "Sensational" Sherri Martel who had climbed up onto the apron. Zumhoffe then drop kicked Rose from behind and sent him crashing into Martel leading to the pinfall. Buck had been looking forward to this contest ever since Rose interferred in a match that cost the Rock & Roller a loss to "Gentleman" Ken Timbs earlier this month.

Interview: Larry Nelson and Blackjack Lanza.

Nelson: "Ladies and Gentlemen, joining me now is Blackjack Lanza who will be facing a very bitter Nick Kiniski in the Main Event. Blackjack, you sure returned to the AWA with a bang !"

Lanza: "Thank you, Larry, it's great to be back in the AWA, the major league of professional wrestling."

Nelson: "Blackjack, Nick Kiniski blames you for losing the AWA TV Title to D.J. Peterson and he's looking for revenge on you here tonight."

Lanza: "Let me tell you something, Nick Kiniski, I done wrestled your daddy many a time all over this great country and I got nothin' but respect for him. But how he come to raise a yella, crybaby punk of a son like you is a damn shame. You got that tramp Madusa with you always helpin' you to win. Well, son, a real man don't need a woman to do his work for 'em. All I done was stop that hussy from interferrin' and let you and Peterson settle things proper, but you don't like them odds do ya, son ?"

(Nick Kiniski comes out of nowhere and attacks Lanza with a pair of taped-up Brass Knucks !!!)

Nelson: "What the ?? Look Out !!! Kiniski from behind !!! He's got Brass Knuckles and he's just pummeling Blackjack Lanza !!! Somebody Please !!! We need help in here !!!!"

(The Fabulous Ones and Rick Martel rush in and pull Kiniski off of a bloody and battered Blackjack Lanza !! Kiniski finally retreats as doctors and medical personnel tend to Lanza.)

4. Steve "O" Olsonoski beat "Gorgeous" Jimmy Garvin at 4:43 with help from Tommy Jammer. Still fuming over his loss to Jerry Gray thanks to Garvin's interference, The California Kid came down to ringside and "returned the favor". The distraction was all Steve O needed to cradle Garvin for the suprise pin.

5. Rick Martel over "Mr. Magnificent" Kevin Kelly by DQ at 10:23. With Kelly locked in the Quebec Crab (Boston Crab ) and about to tap out, his valet Madusa Micelli rushed into the ring and jumped on Martel's back leading to the disqualification. Martel had several scratches on his face from Madusa's finger nails.

Roger Kent: "Verne, I understand that you've just been handed a special announcement?"

Gagne: "That's right, Roger. Apparently Blackjack Lanza has demanded that tonight's main event be changed to a Brass Knuckles Match and Commissioner Stanley Blackburn has agreed to that stipulation. Fans, these Brass Knuckles Matches are among the most brutal that you'll ever witness and, let me tell you, they are not for the faint of heart."

Roger Kent: "Verne, do you really think Lanza is in any condition to compete in a Brass Knuckles Match after that vicious assault by Nick Kiniski earlier this evening??"

Gagne: "He'll be ready, Roger, believe me, he'll be ready. Blackjack Lanza is one tough hombre and it's going to take a lot more than that to keep a man like him down !! This is going to be one heck of a match !!"

6. The Fabulous Ones (Steve Keirn & "Sweet" Stan Lane) defeated Paul E. Dangerously's Original Midnight Express ("Loverboy" Dennis Condrey & "Ravishing" Randy Rose) at 10:27. Dangerously tried to hit "Sweet" Stan with his phone but missed and accidently bashed Condrey in the head with it instead leading to the pin. The Fabulous Ones advance to the finals of the AWA Tag Team Tournament to face the Long Riders.

7. Brass Knuckles Match. Blackjack Lanza, wearing two pairs of knucks, KO'd Nick Kiniski with a double punch at 14:11. A bloody Kiniski had to be helped backstage and required several stitches to close a deep gash on his forehead.
WCW Thursday Thunder (Circa Mid to Late 90's) , Convocation Center, Cleveland, OH. Attn: 11,439.
Announcers: Tony Schiavone & Bobby Heenan.
Ring Announcer: Dave Penzer.
Referee: Charles Robinson.

Match 1
Billy Kidman pinned Lenny Lane after Lane missed a top rope leap and found nothing but canvas. 5:12

Match 2
Disco Inferno defeated El Dandy via count out. While Disco distracted Referee Charles Robinson, the Mamalukes worked over El Dandy outside the ring. Big Vito planted the luchador with a DDT on the concrete and Dandy could not make the count. 4:09

Match 3
David Flair and Prince Iaukea were both counted out as they brawled outside the ring. Iaukea had his hands full not only with Flair, but also Crowbar and Daffney who were at ringside. 7:31

Match 4
The Mamalukes defeated Juventud Guerrera and Psicosis. Johnny the Bull with a diving turbo leg drop on Juvi for the pin. 6:25

Match 5
Fit Finlay and "The Dark Angel" Vampiro never took place. The Belfast Bruiser was jumped backstage by Vampiro and the Insane Clown Posse prior to the bout and was too injured to compete.

Match 6
"The Chosen One" Jeff Jarrett over Booker T via count out. Booker took a nasty fall from the ramp into the pit below and could not recover in time to make the count. 6:44

Match 7
Sting over "Big Sexy" Kevin Nash in the Main Event with the Scorpion Deathlock submission at 12:00. The n.W.o. run-in was too late to save Nash.
WCW Monday Night Nitro (Circa Mid to Late 90's) - Student Activities Center, Chapel Hill, NC. Att: 17,801.
Announcers: Mike Tenay & Larry Zbyzsko
Referee: Scott Dickinson

Match 1
Chavo Guerrero Jr. over Evan Karagias with a Tornado DDT at 9:44. Chavo took a victory lap around the ring riding on his stick horse "Pepe".

Match 2
Glacier defeated "The Ragin' Cajun" Lash Leroux via Count Out. Lash failed to make the count during outside the ring action. 5:11

Match 3
Chris Benoit & Dean Malenko (representing the Four Horsemen) defeated Jimmy Hart's Faces of Fear (The Barbarian & Meng). Malenko with the Texas Cloverleaf submission on Meng at 5:43.

"Mean" Gene Okerlund backstage interview with "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner and his valet Midajah. Steiner cut a scathing promo belittling the contingent of luchadors in WCW. Konnan came out to defend their honor and got into a heated exchange with Steiner. "The Chairman of WCW" La Parka lived up to his name by clobbering "Big Poppa Pump" with a vicious chairshot from behind during the altercation. Konnan shouted "Arriba La Raza !!" as he and La Parka stormed off triumphantly. Scott will be -250 for this match.

Match 4
Scott Steiner over La Parka via count out at 7:20. Steiner battered La Parka from pillar to post outside the ring and took out his revenge on the luchador for his chairshot moments earlier. "Big Poppa Pump" did pushups in the ring much to Midajah's delight as Referee Scott Dickinson put the ten count on La Parka.

Match 5
Buff Bagwell over Konnan by pinfall at 14:16. With the match rapidly nearing the 15 minute time limit, Scott Steiner came to ringside and immediately caught Konnan's attention. Bagwell took advantage of the distraction by rolling up Konnan from behind for the quick 3 count.

Match 6
Goldberg over Bam Bam Bigelow by DQ. With Goldberg dominating the match, the n.W.o.'s Scott Hall came to ringside with his taser and tried to sneak the weapon to Bigelow. Referee Scott Dickinson caught the chicanery and called for the bell. Goldberg pointed a menacing finger at Hall and shouted "You're next !!"

Match 7
"Hollywood" Hulk Hogan defeated "Nature Boy" Ric Flair in the Main Event while holding the ropes for leverage at 15:12.
Flair came out to a huge pop from the Chapel Hill crowd, however his spectacular entrance was cut short by a n.W.o. sneak attack from behind by both Hall and Hogan. After the match, the irate fans littered the ring with debris as Hogan cupped his ear and posed for them.
WCW Mayhem (Circa Mid to Late 90's) from the Georgia Dome, in Atlanta, GA. Att: 33,740.
Announcers: Tony Schiavone, Bobby "The Brain" Heenan and Scott Hudson.
Referee: Mickey Jay.

Match 1 Curtain-Jerker
Disco Inferno pinned Billy Kidman at 13:03 after interference from the Mamalukes. With Disco prone on the canvas, Kidman headed for the corner to deliver his patented Shooting Star Press from the top rope. Johnny Stamboli then distracted referee Mickey Jay as Big Vito LoGrasso jumped up to the apron and threw a cup of beer in Kidman's face. Disco took advantage of the interference and rolled up Kidman from behind. Mickey Jay turned around in time to count the pinfall.

The side story to this bout is that Disco is delinquent in paying off his gambling debts to Tony Marinara (Mamaluke). Marinara has assigned the Mamalukes (Big Vito and Johnny "The Bull" Stamboli) the task of assisting Disco in securing the winner's share of the purse to pay off the remaining balance on the debt. (Marinara has also publicly stated that the Mamalukes presence in WCW is to also insure that Disco doesn't skip town before the debt is paid in full.)

Match 2
Six Man Luchador Tag Team Match. El Dandy, Silver King and Super Calo defeated Damien, Ciclope and Blitzkrieg at 10:01. "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner, who seems to have a vendetta against the high-flying mexican luchadors as of late, came to ringside in street clothes and pushed Ciclope off the top rope. Silver King then made the pin on Ciclope. After the match, Steiner cleared the ring of the luchadors and kissed his bicep as the fans boo'd.

Match 3
"The Iceman" Dean Malenko over "Lionheart" Chris Jericho by submission to the Texas Cloverleaf at 4:46 after Jericho's Head-Of-Security Ralphus threw in the towel. A furious Jericho claimed that he would have never submitted to the hold had Ralphus not intervened.

Match 4
Vampiro pinned "The Juice" Juventud Guerrera after a blatant low blow at 12:47.

Match 5
Harlem Heat (Booker T and Stevie Ray) and James Vandenberg's team of Wrath (Bryan Clark) and Mortis (Kanyon) were counted out in a brawl outside of the ring at 5:57. Sister Sherri and Vandenberg also got caught up in the melee.

Match 6
Goldberg pinned the n.W.o.'s Scott Hall at 6:03. Both Hall and Referee Mickey Jay were taken out by a Goldberg Spear in the corner. Hall reached for his taser stick hanging from the ring post and zapped Goldberg before he could set up for the Jackhammer. Hall then tried to pin Goldberg but Mickey Jay was slow to recover from his bump in the ring. As Hall tried to revive the referee, he was rolled up from behind by Goldberg for the pin. After the match, Goldberg tried to zap Hall with the taser but Hall fled the ring and escaped to the locker room.

Match 7
A triple threat match for the vacant WCW World Title. Sting vs. "Hollywood" Hulk Hogan of the n.W.o. vs. Diamond Dallas Page. Hogan appeared to have things wrapped up after landing his running Leg Drop of Doom on Sting, but the pin attempt was broken up by a double axe handle from behind by Page. Page then gestured to the crowd for the Diamond Cutter on the Hulkster, but he was caught from behind by Sting who delivered the Scorpion Death Drop (Inverted DDT) to win the title at 13:24. Sting is the new WCW World Champion.
WCW (Circa Mid to Late 90's) - Dane County Coliseum, Madison, WI. Att: 4,491.
Announcers: Mike Tenay & Dusty Rhodes
Referee: Nick Patrick

Match 1
"Beautiful" Bobby Eaton and Crowbar was ruled a "No Contest". Both wrestlers were busted open in outside the ring action. Nick Patrick called for the bell at 4:43.

Match 2
Lenny Lane over "Screamin" Norman Smiley via count out at 9:22. Lane barely beat the count back in.

Match 3
The Armstrongs (Scott & Steve) over the Bluebloods ("Lord" Steven Regal & "Squire" David Taylor) in a mild upset at 11:14. The Armstrong brothers combined for double suplex on Taylor for the pinfall.

Match 4
Ernest "The Cat" Miller pinned "Thunderfoot" Jerry Flynn at 6:34. Flynn was jawing with Miller's manager Sonny Onoo at ringside and walked right into the Feliner (Spin Kick).

Match 5
The match of the night. "The Chosen One" Jeff Jarrett over "Crippler" Chris Benoit with a low blow for the pin at 7:01.

Match 6
Bret "The Hitman"Hart defeated "The Total Package" Lex Luger in the Main Event by submission with the Sharpshooter at 12:04.
Championship Wrestling From Florida
(Circa Late 70's) - Jai Alai Fronton, Ocala, FL. Att: 2,017.
Announcers: Gordon Solie & Barbara Clary
Ring Announcer: Jay Goodley
Referees: Scrappy McGowan & Buddy Colt

1. Tiger Conway Jr. over Herb Calvert at 10:06. The fiesty Calvert gave Tiger a run for his money before being pinned by a Flying Head Butt.

2. The Missouri Mauler defeated Raul Mata via Count Out at 3:56. The Mauler pulled a roll of coins out of his tights and KO'd Mata with a loaded punch in OOR action leading to the count out.

3. The Spoiler (w/ "Playboy" Gary Hart) made quick work of "Big" Bill Dromo by defeating him with his Super Claw Hold at 1:15.

4. Mike Graham over the big Korean Pak Song (w/ "Playboy" Gary Hart) by submission with the Figure Four Leglock at 7:35.

5. Mr. Sato & Mr. Saito defeated the Briscos (Jack & brother Jerry) via Count Out at 12:54. Mr. Saito threw a handful of ceremonial salt into Jerry Brisco's eyes during OOR action. Jerry was blinded and could not find his way back into the ring to make Referee Scrappy McGowan's ten count.

6. In the Main Event, King Curtis Iaukea (w/ Sonny King) over Steve Keirn at 16:24. King reached into the ring and tripped Keirn coming off the ropes. Iaukea then pounced on the prone Keirn with his big Hawaiian Splash for the winning pinfall.
Championship Wrestling from Florida (Circa Late 70's) - Eddie Graham Sports Stadium, Orlando, FL. Att: 1,218.
Announcers: Gordon Solie & Barbara Clary
Ring Announcer: Jay Goodley
Referees: Stu Schwartz & Charley Laye

1. Thor the Viking (w/ Sonny King) defeated Prince Tonga with a Shoulderbreaker at 1:08. (Thor the Viking is a young Scott Irwin)

2. Sweet Brown Sugar pinned Ali Bey with a high Flying Cross Body Press off the ropes at 2:28.

3. The Spoiler (w/ "Playboy" Gary Hart) over "The Unofficial Mayor of Lake City" Bubba Douglas by submission with the Super Claw Hold at 8:58.

4. Lumberjack Jos LeDuc & King Curtis Iaukea (w/ Sonny King) defeated the team of Steve Keirn & Mike Graham via Count Out at 10:43. Sonny King baited Steve Keirn into a confrontation OOR while Referee Stu Schwartz put the ten count on Keirn.

5. Florida Championship Qualifying Match. Terry Funk pinned Jimmy Garvin with a handful of tights at 22:31 to advance in the tournament. Funk will meet Jack Brisco in the semi-finals
Championship Wrestling from Florida (Circa Late 70's) - Bayfront Center, St. Petersburg, FL. Att: 7,418.
Announcers: Gordon Solie & Buddy Colt
Ring Announcer: Jay Goodley
Referees: Frenchy Bernard & Bill Alfonso

1. Sweet Brown Sugar over Sir Winston with a Diving Cross Body Press off the top rope at 2:24.

2. The Missouri Mauler pinned Pete Austin at 4:38 by holding the ropes for leverage after Austin ran full steam into the Mauler's knee on a corner charge.

3. Paul Ellering defeated Thor the Viking (w/ Sonny Rogers) with a Neckbreaker at 8:47.

4. Killer Karl Kox pinned Tiger Conway Jr. with a handful of tights at 7:37 after Tiger missed a high risk maneuver.

5. Mr. Sato & Mr. Saito beat Steve Keirn & Mike Graham via Count Out at 8:10. In OOR action, Mr. Sato rammed Mike Graham head-first into the steel ring post while Mr. Saito distracted Referee Bill Alfonso. Graham was busted open could not find his way back into the ring in time to make Alfonso's ten count.

6. Florida Championship Semi-Final Match. "American Dream" Dusty Rhodes defeated the Spoiler at 26:09 with a Small Package. After the bout, the bitter Spoiler applied his dreaded Super Claw Hold on the "American Dream" until Steve Keirn made the save. The Spoiler had choice words for Keirn as he finally retreated to the locker room. Rhodes will face the winner of next week's Terry Funk/Jack Brisco Semi-Final Match for the Florida Championship.
Championship Wrestling from Florida (Circa Late 70s) - Miami Beach Convention Center, Miami Beach, FL. Att: 9,177.
Announcers: Gordon Solie & Barbara Clary
Ring Announcer: Jay Goodley
Referees: Buddy Colt & Sonny Myers

1. King Curis Iaukea (w/ Sonny King) crushed El Rayo with his Hawaiian Splash at 7:22.

2. Ray Candy over Butch Cassidy by DQ at 6:56. Referee Sonny Myers caught Cassidy pulling Brass Knucks out of his tights and immediately signaled for the bell.

3. "All-American" Bob Roop pinned Ali Bey with a Backslide at 6:42.

4. The Spoilers (I & II) defeated Steve Keirn & Mike Graham at 8:57. The Spoilers combined for a Double Team Spiked Piledriver on Graham while Referee Buddy Colt was sending Keirn back to his corner. Spoiler I quickly made the cover for the pinfall on Graham.

An interview segment with Gordon Solie and Jimmy Garvin regarding his upcoming bout with Killer Karl Kox abruptly ended when Garvin was attacked from behind by Kox. Kox bashed Garvin repeatedly with a money pouch that he claims was given to him by his friend Lars Anderson. When Kox was asked by Gordon Solie what would possess him to commit such a heinous act, Kox responded that it was "the voices in his head" who told him to do it. Jimmy Garvin will be -250 points going into his match with Kox.

5. Killer Karl Kox over Jimmy Garvin via Count Out at 11:12. Kox whipped Garvin into the ring post in OOR action. Jimmy could not recover in time to make Referee Sonny Myers' ten count.

6. Florida Championship Semi-Final Match. Terry Funk defeated Jack Brisco at 26:46 in the sweltering Miami heat as the air conditioning in the Convention Center inexplicably cut off just as the match was getting under way. The conditions took a toll on both competitors. With both men nearing exhaustion, Brisco finally submitted to Funk's Spinning Toe Hold. Terry Funk will meet "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes next week for the Florida Championship.
WCCW (Circa Mid 80's) Results - Gilley's Club, Pasadena, TX. Att: 5,719.

Announcers: Dan Coats & Johnny Weaver
Ring Announcer: Marc Lowrance
Referees: Bronco Lubich & "Reliable" Ralph Pulley

1. "Cowboy" Scott Casey (w/ Sunshine and sporting a new Stetson hat) defeated "Lone Star" Rusty Brooks at 3:48. Big Rusty taunted Casey by swiping his hat off the announcers' table and strutting around the ring with it on his head. "The Cowboy" did not take kindly to that and planted Brooks with a running Bulldog for the pin.

2. Johnny Mantel over "Gentleman" Chris Adams (w/ a bad attitude and Nicola Roberts) by DQ at 5:07. Adams did not come to wrestle tonight but rather to embarass an injure Johnny Mantel instead. After pulling his opponent up on several two counts, Adams connected with his patented Superkick to the jaw but once again refused to pin Mantel. Adams grabbed his ring robe instead, wrapped it around Mantel's throat and choked him out on the mat. Mike Von Erich ran in to make the save as Referee Ralph Pulley signaled for the disqualification on Adams.

3. TV Tournament Match. The Grappler (Len Denton under a mask) was DQ'd by Referee Bronco Lubich for smashing Al Madril with a loaded boot at 8:18. This bout was a rematch from last week's card at the Sportatorium when the Grappler jumped Madril in the locker room prior to their match.

4. Mike Von Erich over "The Latin Heartthrob" Alex Perez (w/ General Skandor Akbar) by DQ at 8:33. Perez was trapped in Von Erich's Iron Claw Hold in the middle of the ring when "Gentleman" Chris Adams suddenly ran in and bashed Von Erich over the head with a folding chair. Referee Ralph Pulley immediately called for the bell. Adams was apparently upset with Von Erich for coming to Johnny Mantel's rescue earlier in the show.

As medical personnel attended to Mike Von Erich in the ring, Marc Lowrance interviewed Chris Adams at ringside.

Adams: "Von Erich, this is what happens when you stick your bloody nose in my business, eh? How did that chair feel over your skull, mate ? You Von Erichs think you run the whole bloody state of Texas ! Well, Gino Hernandez, Jake Roberts and I have something to say about that ! You blokes best stay out of our way then !!"

5. Tag Team Tournament Match. Jim Cornette's Midnight Express ("Beautiful" Bobby Eaton & "Loverboy" Dennis Condrey) and the Simpsons (Steve & Shaun) were both Counted Out at 10:12. Referee Bronco Lubich put the ten count on both Steve Simpson and Bobby Eaton during a four man free-for-all on the floor that saw Jim Cornette take one in the chops much to the fans' delight.

In an interview with Marc Lowrance, a somber Kerry Von Erich dressed in street clothes disclosed that his brother Mike has been diagnosed with a mild concussion courtesy of Chris Adams' chair shot. Kerry had choice words for Adams and told him that he best watch his back.

6. Red River Jack (Bruiser Brody under a mask) defeated Killer Khan (w/ taped thumb and "Playboy" Gary Hart) at 10:12. This was a brutal back street brawl with both men going toe-to-toe and slugging it out in the middle of the ring. Gary Hart tried to get in on the action and inadvertently hit his own man with a shoe. The dazed Khan walked right into Red River Jack's Big Boot for the winning pinfall.

7. Texas Title Tournament Match. The Dingo Warrior defeated "The Handsome Half-Breed from Highland Park" Gorgeous Gino Hernandez (w/ Nicola Roberts & "Gentleman" Chris Adams) via Count Out at 16:33. During OOR action, Adams helped Gino double team the Warrior until Kerry Von Erich joined the fray to even the odds. Von Erich gave Adams and Hernandez a Noggin Knocker on the floor as the Warrior rolled himself back inside the ring. Referee Ralph Pulley put the ten count on the dazed Hernandez. Von Erich had Adams in the Iron Claw Hold as the program went off the air.
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