Hi Guys, I am sure its simple enough but someone please explain the FG range #'s. For some reason as I look at it its just confusing to me. Example using Garo Yepremian card from 1977 are the first row of #'s 18-25/26-35/36-45/46-50/51-55 the FG Range or the FAC #. And the second row of #'s example 43-37-25-12-10 are what?
Hi Guys, I am sure its simple enough but someone please explain the FG range #'s. For some reason as I look at it its just confusing to me. Example using Garo Yepremian card from 1977 are the first row of #'s 18-25/26-35/36-45/46-50/51-55 the FG Range or the FAC #. And the second row of #'s example 43-37-25-12-10 are what?
Thanks Alan
The left is the yardage range. The right is the rating.
18-25 yards 43 is the rating
26-35 yards 37 is the rating
36-45 yards 25 is the rating
46-50 yards 12 is the rating
50+ yards 10 is the rating
Thank you I figured that was the way it was just was 100% sure. Going to be posting a replay soon. The few practice games I played this seems to be a fantastic football game