Looking over the All-Time Greats Supplement and can't help but feel that A67 Reindeer Dippin' should have better numbers. He had five rides in 98 outs. He had a buck off rating of 94.9% according to Pro Bull Stats. The average score is 85 which is pretty decent. His ride of -14, I feel should be closer to minus 25 - 30 due to his athleticism. He wasn't a huge beast like Bodacious. Reindeer only went about 1,500 pounds. But he was still a handful for riders. I feel his mark should be at least a 21, maybe 22. And as far as the -1 for score, I feel is wrong. At least a 0, maybe 1.
These are just my thoughts. But I am partial To A67 Reindeer Dippin'. So.