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GV's UQ Wrestling Results
Hi Friends,

I'll post all my UQ Wrestling results in here. I'm currently using the WWF's Attitude Era from the late 90's. Here are my champions:

WWF Champion - "Stone Cold" Steve Austin
Intercontinental Champion - The Rock
European Champion - Jeff Jarrett
Tag Team Champions - The Headbangers (Mosh & Thrasher)
Hardcore Champion - The Big Boss Man
Light Heavyweight Champion - Taka Michinoku
Ladies Champion - Sable
Edited by GV on 04/05/2019
WWF Monday Night RAW Results (Attitude Era Late 90's)


at The Baltimore Arena, Baltimore, MD

Commentators: Jim Ross & Jerry "The King" Lawler

Ring Announcer: Kevin Kelly

Referees: Tim White, Chad Patton, Teddy Long & Earl Hebner

Match #1

Blackjack Windham defeated Vader at 4:57.

Windham scored the pin with a roll up from behind after The Disciples of the Apocalypse manager "Precious" Paul Ellering came down to ringside and blinded Vader with a handful of powder to the eyes. After the bell, "Precious" Paul added insult to injury by clobbering Vader with his Hallibuton while Windham held his opponent from behind. Windham's former tag team partner Blackjack Bradshaw then raced in with a chair to make the save. Does Ellering harbor an old grudge against Vader, or is he looking to recruit Windham into his D.O.A. stable ?

Match #2

Hawk of the Legion of Doom 2000 (w/ Animal and Manageress Sunny) over 8-Ball of The Disciples of the Apocalypse (w/ Skull & Manger "Precious" Paul Ellering) by Count Out at 6:34.

Vader returned to ringside and Powerbombed 8-Ball through the Spanish announcer's table leading to the count out. After the match, Vader brawled with both members of D.O.A. Skull and 8-Ball were soon joined by Blackjack Windham while Blackjack Bradshaw raced in to help Vader.

Match #3

Chainsaw Charlie (aka Terry Funk) defeated Kaientai (Sho Funaki & Dick Togo w/ Manager Yamaguchi-San) in a Handicap Match at 3:17.

Al Snow, who is a few dozen cards short of a full deck, came down to ringside with "Head"and KO'd Togo with a loaded mannequin mug smash from the top rope leading to the pinfall for Charlie.

Match #4

WWF European Title Match. Champion Jeff Jarrett (w/ The Fargo Strut and Manager Tennessee Lee) turned back the challenge of former Nation of Domination leader Faarooq to retain the title at 5:44.

Jarrett pinned Faarooq after a smash to the chops with the European Title Belt while Tennessee Lee distracted Referee Earl Hebner.

Match #5

Hunter Hearst Helmsley of D-Generation X (w/ "The 9th Wonder of the World" Chyna) beat Owen Hart at 7:46.

Helmsley pinned Hart with the Pedigree (Double Underhook Facebuster) onto a folding Chair that Chyna had slid into the ring.

Match #6

In the Main Event, The Nation of Domination (WWF Intercontinental Champion The Rock & D'Lo Brown w/ "The Strongest Man in the World" Mark Henry) defeated WWF Champion "Stone Cold" Steve Austin & Dude Love in a Tag Team Match at 14:16.

The Rock pinned Dude Love after Mr. McMahon came down to ringside and shoved the Dude off the top rope from behind. After the match, Austin laid out McMahon with the Stone Cold Stunner.
Edited by GV on 04/02/2019
WWF Smackdown Results (Attitude Era Late 90's)


at The Kiel Center, St. Louis, MO

Commentators: Michael Cole & Shane McMahon

Ring Announcer: Tony Chimel

Referees: Jack Doan, Teddy Long, Chad Patton & Mike Sparks

Match #1

Essa Rios (w/ Lita) vs. Christian of The Brood (w/ Edge & "The Vampire Warrior" Gangrel)

Christian received a helping hand, literally, from his stablemate Edge who reached into the ring and pulled Rios' foot out from under him as the Mexican star was attempting to suplex Christian back into the ring from the apron. Christian landed on top of his opponent and scored the winning pin at 3:09. Lita protested vehemently to Referee Jack Doan but the decision stood.

Match #2

Tag Team Match - Vader & Bradshaw vs. The Disciples of the Apocalypse (8-Ball & Skull w/ "Precious" Paul Ellering)

The feud between Blackjack Windham and BlackjackBradshaw continued to escalate this evening. Vader and D.O.A. once again found themselves drawn into the mayhem. Windham interrupted a prematch backstage interview with Bradshaw & Vader to lambaste his former tag team partner regarding the dissolution of the Blackjacks. Bradshaw took the high road and walked off the set, but Windham's tirade cost he and Vader 50 points for tonight's bout. As we would soon discover, there was more interference still to come. With the match hanging in the balance, Windham snuck into the ring and tried to bash Bradshaw with "Precious" Paul Ellering's Halliburton, but ended up accidentally clobbering 8-Ball with it instead. Windham's blunder cost D.O.A. the match. Your winners by pin at 8:39 - Vader & Bradshaw.

Match #3

Val Venis (w/ Lecherous "Hello, Ladies …" Drawl and Valet Ryan Shamrock) vs. "Marvelous" Marc Mero (w/ Valet Jacqueline)

Former adult film star Val Venis found out the hard way that "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned". The trouble began when WWF Ladies Champion Sable came down to ringside to stir up some trouble for her Ex Marc Mero. The Big Valbowski flirted with Sable throughout the match which drew the ire of his valet Ryan Shamrock. Venis appeared to have the match sewn up when he scaled the top rope to deliver his Money Shot (Diving Splash) finisher, however the jealous Shamrock shoved him off before he could properly set himself. Mero capitalized on the moment and pinned Venis at 5:00.

Match #4

Hardcore Match - Droz vs. Al Snow

Of the two competitors, Al Snow appeared to be a little more adept and comfortable in this type of match. Snow employed various objects and weapons found around and beneath the ring enroute to victory, including a Kendo Stick, bowling ball and cookie sheet. Al finished Droz off with a DDT onto a steel chair at 12:53. Seeking payback on Snow for his interference in their Handicap Match against Chainsaw Charlie on Monday Night RAW, all four members of Kaientai then hit the ring. Sho Funaki, Men's Teioh, Dick Togo and WWF Light Heavyweight Champion Taka Michinoku scored successive splashes from the top rope on Al to exact their revenge.

Match #5

Tornado Tag Team Steel Cage Match - The New Age Outlaws (Road Dogg Jesse James & "Badd Ass" Billy Gunn of D-Generation X ) vs. L.O.D. 2000 (Animal & Hawk)

According to the stipulations, all four men were allowed in the ring at the same time with no count outs, time limit or disqualifications. The match is won by pinfall or submission. Both teams earned bonus points to bolster their totals before the action got underway. LOD cut a spirited backstage interview beforehand, while the New Age Outlaws brought the fans to their feet with Road Dogg's "Oh, you didn't know …. " trademark entrance. The Outlaws endured a lot of punishment, but persevered to win the bout at 15:41 after combining for a Spiked Piledriver to pin Hawk.

Match #6

Main Event - "The World's Most Dangerous Man" Ken Shamrock (w/ Fiery Temper) vs. The Godfather (w/ Entourage of "Hos" )

Faarooq interrupted a pre-match backstage interview with The Godfather to let him know that he has a vendetta against The Nation of Domination for kicking him out as their leader. The Pimp Daddy, formerly know as Kama Mustafa within the ranks of The Nation, tried to smooth things over by informing Faarooq that he had left the stable, and then offered him the services of one of his "Hos" for the evening. Faarooq said he would render his response shortly. Apparently the answer was an emphatic "No !", given that Faarooq snuck into the ring during the match and laid the Godfather out with the Dominator (Inverted Front Powerslam). Oblivious to the interference, Shamrock then applied his Anklelock finisher. The Pimp Daddy was on the verge of tapping out when Bobcat (one of his Hos) raced in and clubbed Shamrock from behind with The Godfather's cane to draw the DQ at 11:42.
Edited by GV on 04/06/2019
WWF Sunday Night Heat Results (Attitude Era Late 90's)


at The Kohl Center Arena, Madison, WI

Commentators: Michael Cole & Jim Cornette
Ring Announcer: "Jolting" Joe Bryan
Referees: Mike Sparks, Earl Hebner, Teddy Long & Tim White


I say this in bold caps, my friends ! The Boss doesn’t attend all of the WWF’s events, but when he does, you can bet the farm that anything can (and usually does) happen !

Match #1

WWF Light Heavyweight Champion Taka Michinoku of Kaientai (w/ Men's Teioh & Manager Yamaguchi-San) defeated Scorpio via Count Out at 4:33 in a non-title bout. Things took a turn for the worst when Scorpio bailed from the ring for a quick breather. Taka disrupted the time out with an Asai Moonsault to the outside which sent his opponent crashing hard to the floor. The frustrated Scorpio then attempted to bring a steel folding chair into the ring, but had it driven into his own face by a Michinoku Baseball Slide Drop Kick beneath the bottom rope. Scorpio once again found himself sprawled out on the floor. By the time he shook out the cobwebs, it was too late to make Referee Mike Sparks’ ten count.

Prior to the match, Michinoku was involved in a rather humerous skit that found his backstage interview with members of the Japanese press being crudley dubbed into English with a voiceover that suspiciously sounded like that of one Shane McMahon. Taka’s responses to their questions were rude and often made absolutely no sense whatsoever. The embarrassed Michinoku quickly covered his mouth with his hands while his manager Yamaguschi-San tried to save face and assured the offended reporters that it was not Taka who was doing the speaking. Just then, a masked man dressed somewhat like that of a colorful ninja, disrupted the interview and pleaded with Yamaguchi-San to allow him to join the Kaientai stable. In an effort to cast a good impression, the mystery man performed some intricate martial arts maneuvers, but accidentally stepped on the barefoot Michinoku in the process. Taka hopped about the set grimacing in pain while Yamaguchi-San unmasked his antagonist. The ninja turned out to be none other than Al Snow who was looking to revive his old “Avatar” gimmick. Snow has been enveloped in an ongoing tiff, albeit a comical one, with Kaientai over the past couple of weeks. All of the pre-match mayhem cost Michinoku 50 points for his match against Scorpio.

Match #2

Ivory defeated Jacqueline (w/ "Marvelous" Marc Mero) in a Ladies Match at 5:32. Joe Bryan was about to make the match introductions when Mr. McMahon’s “No Chance !” theme music boomed over the PA system. The Boss sauntered down to ringside with his lackeys Pat Patterson and Gerald Brisco in tow. Vince seemed to bask in the nasty reception that he received from the rowdy Madison, WI crowd. He snatched the house mic out of Joe’s hand and paced around the ring saying “I’m waiting for quiet !” Of course, his remark made the fans boo all the more. “When I talk,” the impatient McMahon barked, “you Cheeseheads shut up and listen, dammit !!” Brisco then quickly chimed in, "Did y’all hear what Mr. Mack-Man said ??” The jeers persisted. “This is why I hate the Packers !” the Boss sneered. More boos. Things finally settled down allowing McMahon to announce that the winner of this match would face Sable for the WWF Ladies Championship at Wrestlemania. Ivory scored the winning pinfall by sneaking up from behind and catching Jacqueline with a roll up while she was conferring with "Marvelous" Marc Mero in the corner.

Match #3

"Lethal Weapon" Steve Blackman defeated "The Vampire Warrior" Gangrel of The Brood (w/ Edge & Christian) at 8:21. WWF Champion “Stone Cold” Steve Austin joined Michael Cole and Jim Cornette at the announcers’ table to provide guest commentary for this bout. Austin will be defending the title against Gangrel at Wrestelmania. The Vampire Warrior earned the opportunity to face Austin by winning the Royal Rumble. Gangrel seemed distracted by the Texas Rattlesnake’s presence at ringside throughout this contest. Blackman’s chances were further enhanced by his ring entrance. The fans were really into his glow-in-the dark Filipino Fighting Sticks routine and rewarded the Lethal Weapon with 125 additional points to work with. Ironically enough, the fighting sticks would also play a prominent role in the outcome of the match. Edge threw them into the ring for Gangrel to use, but Blackman got to one of the sticks first and bashed his opponent in the head with it to score the pinfall. After the bell, Austin entered the ring to raise the Lethal Weapon’s hand in victory and was attacked by both Edge and Christian. The Rattlesnake dropped them with Stone Cold Stunners after Blackman helped him fight off both members of The Brood.

Match #4

Southern Justice (Formerly known as The Godwinns - Dennis Knight & Mark Canterbury w/ Manager Tennessee Lee) defeated The Brothers of Destruction ("The Big Red Machine" Kane & "The Phenom" Undertaker w/ Manager Paul Bearer & Mysterious Urn) in a tag team match at 8:59. The match appeared to be over after Kane flattened Dennis Knight with his Chokeslam from Hell finisher, but Mr. McMahon came out to berate the Brothers of Destruction with a severe tongue lashing before Kane could make the pin. During the tirade, the Big Boss Man (McMahon’s corporate bodyguard) snuck into the ring and clubbed The Big Red Machine from behind with his nightstick. Referee Tim White turned around to find Knight covering the KO’d Kane and counted the pin. McMahon returned to the back with a sinister smile upon his face.

Match #5

The bout between X-Pac of D-Generation X and D'Lo Brown of The Nation of Domination (w/ "The Strongest Man in the World" Mark Henry) ended in a Double Disqualification. There is no love lost between Vince McMahon and the D-Generation X stable, so it came as no surprise when The Boss once again inserted himself into the proceedings. Before the match began, Vince ordered that "The 9th Wonder of the World" Chyna, who had accompanied X-Pac to the ring, return to the back. As McMahon is well aware, Chyna is notorious for interfering in matches involving DX members. Then again, the same can likewise be said of Mark Henry with Nation of Domination matches, yet the Boss allowed him to stay at ringside. When Chyna protested and demanded to know the reason, McMahon responded curtly , “Because I said so, that’s why !” Chyna then petitioned Referee Earl Hebner. The WWF’s senior official could only shrug his shoulders and say it was out of his hands. Chyna reluctantly walked to the back and gave Vince a dirty look as she passed by him on the ramp. “Don’t forget who signs your paychecks,” the Boss snapped at her. He then turned his attention back to the match and said “Ring the bell!” With that, the bout finally got under way. As expected, Mark Henry interfered frequently; so much so that X-Pac must have felt as though he were in a Handicap Match. D-Generation X could stand no more. Hunter Hearst Helmsley and Chyna stormed the ring, as did WWF Intercontinental Champion The Rock for The Nation. A free-for-all ensued between the rival factions with Hebner throwing the match out at 5:14.

Match #6

In the Main Event, Mankind (w/ Mr. Socko) over The Artist Formerly Known As Goldust (w/ Valet Luna Vachon) by disqualification at 10:37. Once again, the unpredictable Mr. McMahon weighed in with a sterling endorsement of Mankind before the match. Why ? Only the Boss knows for sure. Perhaps he is looking to add another member to his Corporate Stable ? Whatever the reason, Vince’s praise added 75 points to Mankind’s score. Undaunted, the former WWF European Champion The Artist Formerly Known As Goldust also added 75 points to his total with his flamboyant "Shattered Dreams" Hollywood production entrance. Nevertheless, Mankind dominated this match from the start and, in time, clamped on his Mandible Claw finisher (made all the more effective by the vile and putrid Mr. Socko). Trapped in the middle of the ring with no place to go, Goldust slugged Referee Mike Sparks to save himself from the submission and draw the DQ.
WWF Monday Night RAW Results (Attitude Era Late 90's)


at The MCI Center, Washington, DC

Commentators: Jim Ross & Jerry "The King" Lawler
Ring Announcer: Lilian Garcia
Referees: Jack Doan, Jim Korderas, Teddy Long & Earl Hebner

Match #1

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Edge of The Brood (w/ “The Vampire Warrior” Gangrel & Christian) defeated Savio Vega of Los Boricuas (w/ Jose Estrada Jr. & Jesus Castillo) at 3:56. Gangrel used Edge’s pre-match interview time to cut a promo regarding his upcoming title match against WWF Champion “Stone Cold” Steve Austin at WrestleMania. The Brood then made a spectacular ring entrance by emerging from a ring of fire to earn Edge 100 bonus points for his bout against Savio Vega. Edge would go on to the win the contest, but not without help from his stable mates. Vega was in the process of delivering a body slam when Christian snuck into the ring and delivered a drop kick to knock them to the mat. Referee Jack Doan, who had been distracted by Gangrel, then turned around to find Edge on top of Vega and counted the pin.

Match #2

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The non-title bout between the WWF Tag Team Champion Headbangers (Mosh & Thrasher) and the Holly Cousins (“Hardcore” Bob Holly & Crash Holly w/ Molly Holly) ended in a Double Count Out at 6:47. The Hollys may have earned themselves a title shot after a good showing against the champs tonight. Molly contributed to the cause by thwarting Mosh’s attempt to wallop Crash Holly with the Headbanger’s boombox. Both teams were counted out by Referee Jim Korderas during a four-man-free-for-all around ringside.

Match #3

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Dan “The Beast” Severn (w/ “Beauty” Terri Runnels) defeated Test (w/ Stephanie McMahon) at 7:37. Vince McMahon has made it quite clear that he does not approve of Test’s attempt to court his daughter. The Boss has even had his corporate thugs the Big Boss Man and Big Show rough up the would-be-suitor to persuade him to break off the relationship, but to no avail. McMahon continued to be a thorn in the couple’s side by assigning corporate stooge Pat Patterson to be the guest referee for this match.


In a scene eerily reminiscent to the “Montreal Screw Job”, Patterson immediately called for the bell when Severn applied his Beast Choker (Dragon Sleeper with Body Scissors) submission hold. Test and Stephanie both protested the decision and insisted that he hadn’t submitted but Patterson would have none of it. For his loyalty to Mr. McMahon, Patterson received Test’s Final Exam (Pumphandle Slam) finisher.

Match #4

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The Godfather (w/ “Ho” Train) defeated Faarooq at 6:02. The feud between The Nation of Domination members and their former leader Faarooq continued to escalate with this battle on RAW. Although the Pimp Daddy claims the he is no longer affiliated with the faction, Faarooq still holds him accountable for his role in “the treason” and contributed to the Godfather’s loss to Ken Shamrock during a recent edition of Smackdown. Unbeknownst to the Pimp Daddy, Faarooq sustained a vicious chair shot from D’Lo Brown before going down for the three count following the Godfather’s Pimp Drop (Death Valley Driver) finisher.

Match #5

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The Big Show defeated “The Big Red Machine” Kane (w/ Paul Bearer) in a Table Match at 11:27. The match is won by being the first competitor to drive their opponent through a table. There are no disqualifications, count outs nor time limit. Mr. McMahon’s corporate stable continues to get the better of Paul Bearer and the Ministry of Darkness. It should be noted that Vince’s interference helped Southern Justice defeat the Brothers of Destruction on last week’s edition of Sunday Night Heat. The Boss struck again with a pre-recorded message that interrupted Lilian Garcia’s match introductions and enabled the Big Show to attack before the bell to get the upper hand on The Big Red Machine. Kane would go on to lose this match after being driven through a table that was wedged upright against a corner turnbuckle following a Big Show Spear.

Match #6

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“HBK” Shawn Michaels of D-Generation X (w/ Hunter Hearst Helmsley & “The 9th Wonder of the World” Chyna) defeated “The World’s Most Dangerous Man” Ken Shamrock via Count Out at 7:20. Earlier in the program, Shamrock became embroiled in a backstage altercation with WWF Ladies Champion Sable after calling her a “tramp” for posing naked in Playboy magazine.


The incident would come home to roost at the conclusion of tonight’s main event. Sable came down to ringside and connected with a low blow punch from behind while Shamrock was outside of the ring leading to the count out.
WWF Smackdown! Results (Attitude Era Late 90's)
Marine Midland Arena, Syracuse, NY

Commentators: Michael Cole & Jim Cornette
Ring Announcer: "Dapper" Dave Prill
Referees: Mike Sparks, Mike Chioda, Chad Patton & Jim Korderas

Match 1

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Prince Albert (w/ Droz) over the J.O.B. Squad’s Blue Meanie (w/ Al Snow & “Head”) via Count Out at 4:16.

Al Snow: “What does everybody want ??”
Crowd: “Head !!”


Snow may be a bit of an odd duck, but the fans love him nevertheless. They were ecstatic to see the J.O.B. Squad leader emerge from behind the curtain with his beloved mannequin “Head”, however their enthusiasm quickly waned when they realized that the Blue Meanie would be facing Prince Albert tonight instead of Al. While the deflated crowd reaction cost the Meanie 50 points for this contest, a heated confrontation outside the ring would ultimately cost him the match. Sho Funaki and Dick Togo of the Kaientai stable came down to ringside and jumped Snow prompting the Blue Meanie to leave the ring and join the fracas. Referee Mike Sparks’ ten count ran out while the battle raged on the floor.

Match 2

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Crash Holly (w/ Bob “Hardcore” Holly & Molly Holly) defeated Kaientai’s Sho Funaki (w/ Manager Yamaguchi-San & Dick Togo) by DQ at 4:49. Turnabout is fair play. The J.O.B. Squad returned to ringside and made their presence felt during this match in a big way. The 323lb Blue Meanie crushed Funaki with a Meaniesault (Moonsault) from the top rope while Al Snow distracted Referee Referee Mike Chioda. Not to be outdone, Al then attempted to bash Funaki with “Head”, however he accidentally clobbered Crash Holly with it instead. Chioda saw the infraction an immediately called for the bell. Holly was awarded the match by disqualification which made Snow very happy indeed. The Hollys, however, were not happy despite the win and immediately attacked the J.O.B. Squad as did Kaientai.

Match 3

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Blackjack Bradshaw defeated his former tag team partner Blackjack Windham in a Falls Count Anywhere match at 14:24. This bitter and brutal grudge match wound its way backstage around the Marine Midland Arena before finally concluding inside, of all places, Mr. McMahon’s empty office.


Bradshaw removed a heavy, framed portrait of McMahon from the wall and busted Windham over the head with it. Referee Chad Patton quickly scampered in to make the three count.

Match 4

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The New Age Outlaws (Road Dogg Jesse James & “Badd Ass” Billy Gunn) of Degeneration-X (w/ “The Ninth Wonder of the World” Chyna) over Cactus Jack & Chainsaw Charlie in a tag team match at 6:35. This match was interrupted by Mr. McMahon who went berserk after finding his office ransacked and his portrait destroyed. The tirade allowed Chyna to sneak into the ring and pummel Chainsaw Charlie with a Chair Shot over the head. Referee Jim Korderas turned around to find Billy Gunn making the cover on the KO’d Charlie and counted the pin.

Match 5

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Owen Hart defeated WWF Hardcore Champion The Big Boss Man via Count Out at 4:27. Seeing as how this was not a Hardcore Match, the Boss Man’s title was not on the line tonight. The former prison guard from Cobb County, GA made a flashy entrance with his championship belt, and then proceeded to cut a great promo on the Ministry of Darkness while twirling his nightstick in a menacing fashion to earn himself 125 points. Hart was neither impressed nor intimidated, and dominated the action with his speed and technical prowess. The Boss Man bailed from the ring for a much needed time-out just as “The Phenom” Undertaker was making his way down the aisle. The Brothers of Destruction (The Undertaker and “The Big Red Machine” Kane) have been taking it on the chin as of late from McMahon’s Corporate stable, and the Dead Man was no doubt looking for a little payback. He immediately got into a confrontation with the Boss Man on the floor to precipitate the Count Out.

Match 6

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What was to be a Triple Threat Match between “The Phenom” Undertaker, “The Strongest Man in the World” Mark Henry of the Nation of Domination (w/ WWF Intercontinental Champion The Rock), and Hunter Hearst Helmsley of D-Generation X (w/ “The Ninth Wonder of the World” Chyna) was not to be. The Big Show and the Big Boss Man jumped the ‘Taker backstage and inflicted heavy damage on the Dead Man. So much so, that he was unable to compete in tonight’s Main Event. Henry and Helmsley went at it instead, with the Strongest Man in the World taking the duke at 10:52. Triple H was pinned after sustaining a Rock Bottom (Falling Side Slam) from the Intercontinental Champ followed by a Running Powerslam from the 360lb Henry. It should be noted that Mr. McMahon had ordered Chyna to return to the back after the match introductions due to her interference in the New Age Outlaws victory over Cactus Jack & Chainsaw Charlie earlier in the program. The show ended with commentators Michael Cole and Jim Cornette speculating as to the condition of the Undertaker and the extent of his injuries.
Edited by GV on 05/10/2019
WWF Monday Night RAW Results (Attitude Era Late 90's)


San Diego Sports Arena, San Diego, CA

Commentators: Jim Ross & Jerry "The King" Lawler
Ring Announcer: Lilian Garcia
Referees: Chad Patton, Jack Doan, Earl Hebner & Mike Sparks

Backstage Segment

We see a delivery van entering the parking garage of the San Diego Sports Arena. The driver carefully removes a large, flat box from the back. Just as he shuts the door, “Stone Cold” Steve Austin’s pickup truck pulls up and parks right along side him.

Austin: “Whatcha got there ?”

Delivery Man: “It’s Mr. McMahon’s new portrait.”

Austin: “I’ll take it.”

Delivery Man: “I have strict orders to deliver this portrait directly to Mr. McMahon himself.”

Austin gets right up into the driver’s face. “I ain’t askin’, son.”

There’s an awkward silence. The delivery man reluctantly hands it over to the Texas Rattlesnake.

Match 1

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Los Boricuas (Jose Estrada Jr. & Miguel Perez Jr. w/ Savio Vega) defeated Too Cool (Grandmaster Sexay & Scotty 2 Hotty) in tag team action at 7:19.

The fans were really into Too Cool’s entrance music and dance routine and rewarded the duo with 150 extra points to work with in their match against Los Boricuas. The good vibe was spoiled, however, when Mark Canterbury of Southern Justice came down to ringside and shoved Grandmaster Sexay off the top rope as he was setting himself to deliver his Hip Hop Drop finisher (Diving Leg Drop) onto Miguel Perez Jr. Referee Chad Patton, who was being distracted by Canterbury’s manager Tennessee Lee, turned around to find Perez making the cover and counted the pin.

We’re shown highlights from last week’s Smackdown program including the Falls Count Anywhere Match between Blackjack Bradshaw and Blackjack Windham in which McMahon’s portrait got destroyed.


Match 2

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Vader (w/ Blackjack Bradshaw) over “Marvelous” Marc Mero (w/ Ali Shuffle & Jacqueline) by DQ at 3:01.

Mero gave up a lot in size to his opponent, but made a big entrance with his valet to offset the deficit. After Referee Jack Doan had taken a bad spill to the canvas, Jacqueline slipped a boxing glove to Mero in the corner. The former New York Golden Gloves boxing champion then laid out Vader with an uppercut to the jaw, ditched the glove and covered his KO opponent. Doan shook out the cobwebs and crawled over to count the 1-2-3. Bradshaw protested the pin and informed the woozy ref of Marvelous Marc’s shenanigans. An inspection of the glove revealed that it was loaded with a roll of quarters. Doan immediately reversed his decision and awarded the bout to Vader by disqualification.

Backstage Segment – Mr. McMahon’s Office with The Boss and his cronies Pat Patterson & Gerald Brisco

McMahon is scowling at the blank wall in front of him. He calls the studio and demands to know where his new portrait is. “I’m Vince McMahon, dammit ! You don’t keep me waiting !” The studio assures him that it will be delivered tonight. “It better be !!” McMahon shouts and he slams the phone down. He tells Brisco to go check and see if it’s arrived yet.

Brisco exits the office and runs into the New Age Outlaws outside in the hallway. “I wouldn’t go in there if I were you,” he tells Road Dogg and Billy Gunn. “Mr. Mack-man is in a real ornery mood !” “Well, we’re in an ornery mood, too !” Gunn snaps back at him. The Outlaws burst into the office and demand a Tag Team Title match against the Champion Headbangers at WrestleMania. “We’ve got to be the number one contenders,” Road Dogg shouts, “We’ve beaten everybody that you’ve put up against us !” McMahon just glares at them. He looks over at Pat Patterson, and then back to the Outlaws. His face suddenly brightens and he says, “Why wait until WrestleMania, boys ? The Headbangers will defend the titles against the Outlaws on the next Smackdown. How’s that sound ?” Gunn and Road Dogg look at each other in disbelief. “Done !” Road Dogg says. “The sooner the better !” Billy adds. “Alright then,” McMahon says and shows them the door. “You heard that, right ?” Road Dogg asks his partner as we watch the Outlaws walk down the hallway. “Yeah ! He said the next Smackdown !” Billy answers.

Match 3

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“The 9th Wonder of the World” Chyna of Degeneration-X (w/ X-Pac) beat Luna Vachon (w/ The Artist Formerly Known as Goldust) via disqualification at 6:55.

TAFKA Goldust had a big impact on this match. First, he cut a pre-match promo with Luna in the ring to help her earn bonus points for the contest, and then cost Chyna 100 points by tripping her during the match. Goldust interfered one final time by breaking up Chyna’s pin attempt after Luna sustained a Pedigree (Double Underhook Facebuster) from her opponent. Senior Referee Earl Hebner called for the bell and DQ’d Vachon.

Backstage Segment – The Parking Garage

Gerald Brisco is looking around for the delivery van from the portrait studio, but to no avail. He walks back inside the building and starts asking anyone that he sees if a package for Mr. McMahon was delivered. No one knows anything about it.

Match 4

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WWF European Champion Jeff Jarrett (w/ Tennessee Lee) successfully defended his title against “Lethal Weapon” Steve Blackman at 9:57.

Blackman’s bid to win the European Title got off to a great start with a 200 point swing in his favor. The Lethal Weapon made a flashy entrance with his glow-in-the-dark Filipino fighting sticks to earn 100 points, and then got some unexpected help from Grandmaster Sexay who bopped Jarrett with one of the fighting sticks (no doubt in retaliation for Canterbury’s interference in Too Cool’s opening bout) to cost the Champ another 100 points. The match would ultimately be decided by Jarrett’s savvy modifier. He managed to elude a diving splash from the top from his challenger to score the winning pinfall.

Backstage Segment

The Boss and Pat Patterson are walking. They share a laugh over the confrontation with the Outlaws in McMahon’s office earlier in the program and discuss the upcoming Smackdown show. They suddenly bump into an empty-handed Gerald Brisco who has the unenviable task of explaining to Vince that his portrait hasn’t arrived yet. McMahon’s levity quickly turns to rage when he hears the news. “We’ll see about this !” he barks. He heads back to his office in a huff to call the portrait studio and blast them.

Match 5

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X-Pac of Degeneration-X (w/ “The Ninth Wonder of the World” Chyna) pinned The Artist Formerly Known as Goldust (w/ Luna Vachon) at 7:07.

It was a good night for DX, and it came at both Goldust and Luna Vachon’s expense. Luna was looking for some payback after her loss to Chyna earlier in the program, which might help to explain her constant interference in this bout. Vachon proved to be an endless source of distraction, but her meddling would backfire in the end. Luna reached into the ring to trip X-Pac, but accidentally caused Goldust to stumble right into a small package for the deciding pinfall.

Backstage Segment - Mr. McMahon’s Office

Mr. McMahon returns to his office and finds the large flat box leaning up against his desk. “It’s about damn time !” he snarls. He carefully opens the box, lifts the portrait out and is absolutely livid ! He shouts something that is beeped out by the censor. The camera pans to the portrait and we see this :


Match 6

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WWF Intercontinental Champion The Rock of the Nation of Domination (w/ D’Lo Brown) and former adult film star Val Venis (w/ valet Ryan Shamrock) wrestled to a Double Disqualification in a non-title bout.

Things got off to a shaky start for the Intercontinental Champ in tonight’s Main Event. The Rock was the recipient of a slap across the face from Ryan Shamrock backstage in response to a lewd comment that he had made to the Big Valbowski’s valet during a pre-match promo.


Venis then thwarted the Rock’s sneak attack attempt during Lilian Garcia’s match introductions to knock 100 points off the Brahma Bull’s total. Things went from bad to worse after an errant clothesline by D’Lo Brown cost his Nation of Domination stable mate another 100 points. Looking to atone for his miscue, Brown snuck into the ring and delivered his Sky High Spinning Sitout Spinebuster to Venis, but Shamrock hit the Rock with a low blow from behind before he could capitalize. Senior official Earl Hebner was fed up with all the interference and DQ’d both competitors at 14:06. After the bell, Rock got into it with Ryan while D’Lo and Val battled outside the ring. The Intercontinental Champ had some harsh words for the valet and shoved her down hard to the mat. A tap on the shoulder caused him to spin around and right into a Belly to Belly Suplex from Ryan’s big brother Ken Shamrock.


There is a lot of dysfunction in the Shamrock family, and Ryan and Ken don't often get along, but as we’ve seen in the past, blood is thicker than water. Brother and sister left the Rock lying in the ring and headed backstage together as the program concluded.
Edited by GV on 05/22/2019
WWF Smackdown! Results (Attitude Era Late 90's)


Schottenstein Center, Columbus, OH

Commentators: Michael Cole & Jerry "The King" Lawler
Ring Announcer: Tony Chimel
Referees: Teddy Long, Jim Korderas, Tim White & Chad Patton

Backstage Segment – “Oh, You Didn’t Know?”

We see Road Dogg Jesse James & “Badd Ass” Billy Gunn backstage discussing their upcoming tag team title match against the Champion Headbangers tonight. They seem suspicious that something isn’t quite right. It’s clear by the tone of their conversation that neither trust Vince McMahon. Suddenly we hear the New Age Outlaws music boom over the PA System and a voice with a French Canadian accent shout, “Oh, You Didn’t Know, Eh?” Road Dogg & Billy realize that they’ve been had and scramble over to a monitor and watch Gerald Brisco and Pat Patterson strutting down the aisle toward the ring. Patterson does all of the Dogg’s catchphrases including “Ladies & Gentlemen, Boys & Girls, Children of All Ages …” Brisco then takes the mic from him and shouts “And if you’re not down with that Billy Gunn and Road Dogg, then we’ve got two words for ya !” Billy and the Dogg are fuming as they rush to ringside. Patterson & Brisco are introduced as “The Old Age Outlaws” by Ring Announcer Tony Chimel who then presents the WWF Tag Team Champion Headbangers. The bell rings and the title match is on.

Match 1

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WWF Tag Team Championship Match – The Headbangers (Mosh & Thrasher) successfully defending their titles against The Old Age Outlaws (Gerald Brisco & Pat Patterson) via pinfall at 2:36.

The New Age Outlaws did not take kindly to Mr. McMahon’s shenanigans and made a beeline down to ringside to show The Boss what they thought of his prank. Gerald Brisco was about to clobber Mosh with a folding chair when Billy Gunn snuck up from behind, grabbed the chair from Brisco’s hands, and bashed him over the head with it. Referee Teddy Long, who was being distracted by Road Dogg at the time, then turned around to find Mosh making the cover on the KO’d Brisco and counted the pin.

Backstage Segment – Mr. McMahon’s Office

The Boss is having himself a good laugh at the New Age Outlaws' expense just as Road Dogg and Billy Gunn burst into his office for an explanation. “Now hold your horses there, boys,” Vince says, “I told you that the Outlaws would get a title match against the Headbangers tonight on Smackdown and I kept my word. I just didn’t tell you which Outlaws.” The Dogg isn’t buying it and demands to know if they’re getting their title match with the Headbangers or not. McMahon rubs his chin thoughtfully and ponders the question. “I’ll tell you what I’ll do,” he says, “You’ll get your title match against the Headbangers at WrestleMania …. if ……. and only if ….. you survive The Gauntlet.” The Boss then explains that the New Age Outlaws would have to win three consecutive tag team matches tonight against opponents of his choosing. He reveals that the first team will be the Hollys. If they defeat them, then the next team would be The Disciples of the Apocalypse. If they beat them, then they will face the third team in the Main Event, but declined to name who the opponents would be. McMahon then adds the stipulation that if the Outlaws lose any of the matches in the Gauntlet, all bets are off and they would not get a title match against the Headbangers. “You’re on !” Billy shouts. With that, the Outlaws head toward the ring for their first match against the Hollys.

Match 2

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Tag Team Gauntlet Match - The New Age Outlaws of Degeneration-X (Road Dogg Jesse James & “Badd Ass” Billy Gunn w/ “The Ninth Wonder of the World” Chyna) defeated The Hollys (“Hardcore” Bob Holly & Crash Holly w/ Molly Holly) by pin at 7:53.

As always, Crash brought his trusty scale with him to ringside to prove to everyone that he did, indeed, weigh “well over 400 lbs”. The scale would backfire on the Hollys, and Crash in particular, at the conclusion of this bout. Chyna slammed the scale into Crash’s back allowing Road Dogg to score the winning pinfall and propel the New Age Outlaws into the next round of McMahon’s “Gauntlet”.

RAW Rewind Segment

Highlights from the last edition of Monday Night RAW are featured including Jeff Jarrett’s successful European Title defense against “Lethal Weapon” Steve Blackman, Chyna and X-Pac’s victories over Luna Vachon and The Artist Formerly Known as Goldust respectively, and the Double DQ Main Event featuring the Rock and Val Venis. We’re then shown the skirmish between The Big Valbowski’s valet Ryan Shamrock and the Rock with Ken Shamrock coming to his little sister’s rescue and laying out the Rock with a Belly to Belly Suplex. The segment concludes with WWF Champion “Stone Cold” Steve Austin hijacking Mr. McMahon’s portrait and replacing it with one of his own:


Match 3

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Test (w/ Stephanie McMahon) defeated Droz (w/ Prince Albert) via pin at 5:54.

Droz cut a spirited pre-match interview with Kevin Kelly backstage that went over big with the fans. The promo earned him a 150 bonus points to work with in tonight’s contest. Things took a turn for the worse, however, when WWF newcomer Trish Status suddenly appeared on the Titantron during the match. The pretty blonde grabbed everyone’s attention allowing Prince Albert to sneak into the ring and plant Droz with his Baldo Bomb (Choke Bomb ) finisher. Test immediately pounced on his stunned opponent to score the pin. Trish then provocatively pranced out onto the ramp and said “You owe me one, Test …” and returned backstage. Stephanie McMahon, who has stood by her man through thick and thin despite her father’s disapproval, demanded to know what was going on. When Test provided no answer for her, a livid Stephanie stomped toward the back in a rage. Droz was also left wondering what had just happened after his personal tattoo and piercing artist Prince Albert turned on him.

Backstage Segment – The Lethal Lottery

We’re back in Mr. McMahon’s office. The Boss has been joined by his corporate stooges Gerald Brisco and Pat Patterson. Brisco is still rubbing his head from the chair shot that he sustained earlier in the program and takes a couple of aspirin for the pain. We learn that the Rock has been summoned for an important meeting to determine who his challenger will be for the Intercontinental Title at WrestleMania. The Brahma Bull enters in street clothes with his championship belt and wants to know who his opponent will be. “That’s up to you,” Vince answers. The Rock gives him the People’s Eyebrow. “Let me get this straight … the Most Electrifying Man in Sports Entertainment Today is going to pick his own opponent ?” McMahon takes out a hat with several pieces of folder paper inside. “Well, sort of,” Vince responds, “We’re going to have us a Lethal Lottery.” He hands the hat over to the Rock. The Champ peers inside and says, “The Rock wants to know what in the blue hell a lethal lottery is?” Vince explains that the Rock will pick a name out of the hat to determine who his challenger will be. The Brahma Bull balks. “You want the Rock to stick his immaculate hand in there with all those jabroni’s names ?” he says. “If you don’t, then I’ll pick one for you,” Vince responds. The Rock reluctantly sticks his hand in the hat, makes a sour face, pulls out a slip of paper, hands it to Vince and then wipes his hand on his shirt. McMahon opens the paper and smiles, “Ken Shamrock it is !” The Rock looks horrified. “Woah ! Now wait a minute, the Rock was just warming up ! Let’s do it for real this time !” McMahon shakes his hand and laughs, “No, no … Shamrock will do just fine.” The Boss then turns to Patterson and tells him to book the match for WrestleMania while the Rock storms out in a huff.

Match 4

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Tag Team Gauntlet Match - The New Age Outlaws (Road Dogg Jesse James & “Badd Ass” Billy Gunn) of Degeneration-X (w/ “The Ninth Wonder of the World” Chyna) over The Disciples of the Apocalypse (8-Ball & Skull w/ Chainz & “Precious” Paul Ellering) by pin at 7:25.

The Gauntlet fatigue factor took a 100 point toll on Road Dogg & Billy Gunn’s score, but that was offset somewhat by a great backstage promo by the Outlaws prior to the match. Still looking to make a favorable impression upon “Precious” Paul Ellering and join the D.O.A. stable, Blackjack Windham attempted to interject himself into the action, however his attempt to interfere was thwarted by Blackjack Bradshaw. During the mayhem, Billy Gunn connected with his Fameasser finisher (Rocker Dropper/Leg Drop Bulldog) to pin 8-Ball. The New Age Outlaws advance to the final round of the Gauntlet to face McMahon’s mystery opponents.

Backstage Segment – Mr. McMahon’s Office

The Rock is still furious over having to defend his Intercontinental Title against Ken Shamrock at WrestleMania. He returns to McMahon’s office with the intention of talking the Boss out of it, but finds the room empty. The hat with the slips of paper is sitting on Vince’s desk. The Rock is about to leave, but pauses, does an abrupt about face, and grabs the hat. One by one he pulls out the folded pieces of paper and opens them. They all say “Ken Shamrock” ! The Rock’s response is bleeped out. He exits the office and slams the door behind him.

Match 5

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Mankind defeated Faarooq via pin at 5:52.

Unhappy with Road Dogg & Billy Gunn’s progress through the Gauntlet thus far, an irate Mr. McMahon interrupted Mankind’s pre-match backstage interview with Kevin Kelly to make a special announcement. The Boss snatched the microphone away and revealed the identity of the Outlaw’s final opponents to be none other than his own corporate tag team of Big Trouble. The intrusion cost Mankind 50 points for his bout against Faarooq. Nevertheless, Mankind persevered with some unexpected help from the Nation of Domination. Faarooq landed a Diving Shoulder Tackle off the 2nd rope to stun his opponent, however Referee Teddy Long was toppled to the canvas in the process. Faarooq then cradled the woozy Mankind in a Small Package. Nation member D’Lo Brown then raced in and reversed the cradle thereby putting Mankind on top. Long shook out the cobwebs and crawled over to count the pin. The war between the Nation of Domination and their former leader Faarooq continues.

In Ring Segment

Mr. McMahon’s “No chance in hell” theme music plays and the “Boos!” begin. The Boss strolls to the ring with Pat Patterson and Gerald Brisco in tow. The two stooges hold the ropes for Vince and he enters the ring. McMahon addresses WWF Champion “Stone Cold” Steve Austin. With every statement that the Boss makes, the crowd shouts, “What ?!” Vince is getting angry and impatient and threatens to have security remove each and every heckler. “What ?!” they shout again. He instructs Brisco and Patterson to take down all their names and addresses. McMahon says that he wants his portrait back, but he says that he knows Austin won’t give it to him willingly, so ….. seeing as how Austin has two bum knees and wears braces when he wrestles, he’s decided to make the Texas Rattlesnake’s WWF title match against “The Vampire Warrior” Gangrel at WrestleMania be a “Portrait on a Pole” Match ! The Boss explains that his portrait will dangle from a pole in one of the corner’s of the ring. The first competitor to retrieve the portrait will be declared the winner and ….. the WWF Champion. “Simply stated,” McMahon concludes, “Austin will lose the title without the benefit of pinfall or submission if Gangrel gets the portrait first.” Knowing that Stone Cold will be at a disadvantage due to his knees, the crowd “Boo’s!” all the louder. Vince mocks them by cupping his ear ala Hulk Hogan and shouting “What ?!” The Boss returns to the back with his cronies as “No chance in hell” blares over the PA system once more.

Match 6

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Tag Team Gauntlet Match - The New Age Outlaws (Road Dogg Jesse James & “Badd Ass” Billy Gunn) of Degeneration-X (w/ “The Ninth Wonder of the World” Chyna) over Big Trouble (WWF Hardcore Champion The Big Boss Man & The Big Show) by Count Out at 7:35.

Things looked bleak for the Outlaws in the final round of the Gauntlet. For starters, they lost 200 points due to fatigue. To compound that, Big Trouble made a Big Entrance to add 100 points to their score. And to top it off, McMahon’s team rolled “Size” on their Match Modifier to add an additional 250 points to their total. Lady Luck was riding with Road Dogg and Billy Gunn this night, though, and victory was in the cards for the DX members thanks in large part to the Undertaker.


Injured at the hands of Big Trouble a few weeks past, the Dead Man returned to active duty with a vengeance (literally). The ‘Taker cracked the Boss Man in the noggin with his own nightstick during action outside of the ring. The former prison guard from Cobb County, GA was dazed and unable to make Referee Jim Korderas’ ten count to give the Outlaws the victory. In an ironic twist, this match initially ended as a Double Count Out at 6:20 with all four team members battling on the floor, however Mr. McMahon came out, over-ruled Korderas’ decision and then ordered the match to continue until there was a definitive winner.
WWF Shotgun Saturday Night Results (Attitude Era Late 90's)


Metro Centre, Rockford, IL

Commentators: Jim Ross & Sunny
Ring Announcer: “Dapper” Dave Prill
Referees: Chad Patton, Earl Hebner, Jack Doan & Teddy Long

Match 1

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Prince Albert defeated Essa Rios (w/ Lita) via pinfall at 5:08.

Rios gave up a lot in size to his opponent, but made up for it by rolling on his Speed Modifier to pick up 50 points. He was also well received by the crowd in Rockford to earn another 100 points. The turning point of the match came when Trish Stratus came down to ringside and got into it with Essa’s valet Lita. The cat fight distracted Rios just long enough for the Mexican star to let his guard down. Prince Albert capitalized by catching the preoccupied Rios with his Baldo Bomb (Choke Bomb ) finisher. After the match, Droz came out to confront his former piercing and tattoo artist. (Albert had turned on him during a match against Test on the last edition of Smackdown.) While the two jawed at one another, Test snuck into the ring and laid out Droz with his Final Exam (Pumphandle Slam). Test, Albert and Trish then left the ring together.

Backstage Segment – “Don’t Mind That Man Behind the Curtain!”

Kaientai’s backstage interview with Kevin Kelly was interrupted by a phantom voice who overdubbed their Japanese into English. Taka Michinoku and Sho Funaki looked at one another perplexed and emphatically denied that the words being articulated were an accurate translation of their speech. Some quick investigating by Funaki revealed that the mystery voice belonged to none other than Al Snow who was hiding behind a curtain with a microphone. Al apologized profusely for the prank and then respectfully bowed to both Funaki and Michinoku. In a scene reminiscent of a Three Stooges skit, all three men bowed simultaneously and butted heads together in a painfull triple noggin knocker. The botched interview cost Kaientai 50 points for their upcoming match against The J.O.B. Squad.

Match 2

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Tag Team Match – WWF Light Heavyweight Champion Taka Michinoku & Sho Funaki of Kaientai (w/ Manager Yamaguchi-San & Dick Togo) defeated Al Snow (w/ “Head”) & The Blue Meanie of the J.O.B. Squad by pin at 8:13.

Al Snow and his merry band of misfits (aka The J.O.B. Squad) have had an interesting, albeit amusing, history with Kaientai. Al’s attempt to join the Japanese contingent while disguised in his old Avatar ninja costume met with disastrous results a while back when he accidentally stepped on the barefoot Michinoku’s toes during an interview. Undeterred by the gaff, Snow is intent upon impressing the members of Kaientai one way or another. Al’s J.O.B. Squad made a good showing in their tag match tonight. They seemed poised for victory when the Blue Meanie scaled the top rope to deliver his Meaniesault finisher (Moonsault) to Michinoku, but fate intervened when Christian of the Brood raced down to ringside and gave the resident of Pepperland a shove from behind to send him toppling to the canvas. Taka recovered to hook a leg and Senior Official Earl Hebner, who was arguing with Yamaguchi-San and oblivious to Christian’s mischief, turned around to count the pin.

The Road to WrestleMania

The promo focused on the upcoming WWF Ladies Title Match at WrestleMania pitting challenger Ivory against the reigning champion Sable. The vignette featured footage from a rigorous workout by Ivory in the gym. In contrast, we’re then shown Sable sunbathing on a beach in a skimpy bikini during a photo shoot for WWF Magazine.

Match 3

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Chainsaw Charlie (w/ Cactus Jack) defeated Edge of The Brood (w/ Christian) via Count Out at 7:35.

The Mr. McMahon Factor reared it’s ugly head once more ! “Dapper” Dave Prill’s match introductions were suddenly interrupted by McMahon’s “No chance in hell” theme music. The Boss lumbered down to the ring (as only Vince can) to grace us with a special announcement. The Boss reminded us that the WWF Title Match at WrestleMania between champion “Stone Cold” Steve Austin and his challenger “The Vampire Warrior” Gangrel of The Brood would be a “Portrait on a Pole” Match. The match (and title) would not be determined by pinfall, submission, DQ or count out, but by being the first competitor to retrieve the Vince McMahon portrait tethered atop a pole in one of the corners of the ring. The Boss knows full well that Austin’s knees are not conducive to any sort of a match in which climbing is required. In an attempt to further stack the deck in Gangrel’s favor, Vince declared that the winner of this match would be the Special Guest Referee for the WWF Championship match at WrestleMania. The Boss was no doubt banking on an Edge victory, but it was not to be. Edge was counted out by Referee Jack Doan after being laid out on the Spanish announcers’ table and driven through it by a Moonsault off the ring apron from Chainsaw Charlie. Christian’s attempt to help Edge get back into the ring and beat the count was thwarted when Al Snow raced down to ringside and bashed him from behind with “Head”. Thus, Chainsaw Charlie, who is eleven cards short of a dozen, will be the Special Guest Referee for the WWF Title match at WrestleMania. Who knows what impact, if any, this lunatic will have on the outcome of the championship match.

Backstage Segment – The Scowl

They say that a picture is worth a thousand words. So what was Mr. McMahon’s reaction when his plans didn’t work out and Chainsaw Charlie, rather than Edge, was named the Special Guest Referee for the WWF Championship Match at WrestleMania ? The Answer - An incensed phone call to Pat Patterson who got an earful!


Match 4

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The match between “The Big Red Machine” Kane (w/ Paul Bearer & Mysterious Urn) and Blackjack Windham never took place.

We’re told by Jim Ross that Blackjack Windham has been injured in a skirmish backstage. Cameras quickly cut to the locker room where Windham is being attended to by the ringside physician. We’re then shown video of the incident and watch Blackjack Bradshaw clobber his former tag team partner in the back of the head with a cowbell. Bradshaw then commences to whip Windham with a bull rope until several other wrestlers jump in to separate the two.

Backstage Segment – “Enough is enough !!”

It may be Owen Hart’s catchphrase, but an irate Mr. McMahon used it as well tonight after witnessing footage of the Bradshaw ambush on Windham. The Blackjacks from Texas have been engaged in a bitter feud ever since the dissolution of their tag team. The Boss already bears a grudge against these two after his portrait was destroyed during a Falls Count Anywhere match between them a few weeks back. Vince summons Pat Patterson to his office and orders him to book a Texas Death Match between Windham and Bradshaw at WresteMania with a “Loser Leaves Town” stipulation.

Match 5

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Dan “The Beast” Severn (w/ "Beauty” Terri Runnels defeated Owen Hart by Submission at 8:11.

This bout got off to an inauspicious start for Hart after Severn landed a chair shot to Owen’s shoulder before the contest officially got under way. The attack cost Hart 100 points, and more significantly, caused him to favor his arm throughout the match. The Beast showed no mercy and centered his attack squarely on the injured limb. Owen could not be faulted for tapping out once Severn applied his devastating Waki Gatame Judo/ Ju-Jutsu Armlock.
Edited by GV on 06/17/2019
WWF Monday Night RAW Results (Attitude Era Late 90's)


Molson Centre, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Commentators: Jim Ross & Jerry "The King" Lawler


Ring Announcer: Lilian Garcia
Referees: Mike Sparks, Tim White, Chad Patton & Mike Chioda

Opening Pyrotechnics

Backstage Segment

Bob “Hardcore” Holly challenges the WWF’s reigning Hardcore Champion The Big Boss Man to a title match during an interview with Michael Cole. Holly calls out the Boss Man for rarely defending his title, and said that if he were the champion, he would put the belt on the line every night if Vince McMahon asked him to. Holly ends the promo by vowing to bring “Hardcore” back into the Hardcore Division.

Match 1

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Bob “Hardcore” Holly (w/ Crash Holly & Molly Holly) defeated Jesus Castillo of Los Boricuas (w/ Savio Vega) by pinfall at 4:29.

Holly’s pre-match promo went over big time with the fans ! The crowd rewarded him with 150 bonus points for his bout against Castillo. Savio Vega tried his best to be a nuisance and distract Holly by constantly waving the flag of Puerto Rico outside the ring, but he only succeeded in raising the ire of Referee Mike Sparks who ordered him to return to the back. While this was going on, the Big Bossman raced down the aisle and tried to toss his Hardcore Title Belt into the ring for Castillo to use, but overshot his reach. Holly intercepted the belt and walloped Castillo in the head with it to score the winning pin.


After the bell, Holly fastened the championship belt around his waist and told the Boss Man that if he wanted it back, he would have to get in the ring and take it off him. The challenge went unanswered.

Outside Segment

We see Mr. McMahon’s limo pull up outside the Molson Centre. There is a mob of hostile fans with angry signs to greet him. The limo is pelted with a couple of rotten tomatoes and eggs as the Boss cautiously exits the vehicle. A security staff surrounds McMahon and briskly escorts him into the building.

Match 2

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Tag Team Match – Too Cool (Grandmaster Sexay & Scotty 2 Hotty) and Southern Justice (Mark Canterbury & Dennis Knight w/ Manager Tennessee Lee) were both DQ’d at 8:28.

Southern Justice (formerly known as the Godwinns) cashed in on a great promo from their manager Tennessee Lee to pad their score by 100 points. Too Cool’s fortunes went from bad to worse when Grandmaster Sexay’s Hip Hop Drop (Flying Leg Drop off the top rope) missed it’s mark due to his goggles being askew. All heck broke loose in the ring soon after with all four men battling it out. Unable to restore order, Referee Tim White called for the bell and disqualified both teams.

Survivor Series Rewind Segment

We’re shown footage of the infamous “Montreal Screwjob” incident from the WWF’s 1997 Survivor Series Pay-Per-View in which “HBK” Shawn Michaels “defeated” Bret “The Hitman” Hart with the Sharpshooter to become the WWF World Champion.


We see Bret spit at Mr. McMahon after the match, followed by the commotion backstage with Hart storming out of Vince’s office. The segment ends with an image of McMahon sporting a shiner.


Match 3

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Vader over “Marvelous” Marc Mero (w/ Ali Shuffle & Jacqueline) via disqualification at 5:44.

These two grapplers are no doubt familiar with each other from their days in WCW when Mero was known as “Johnny B. Badd”. Mero struggled mightily in this contest and seemed destined for defeat when Vader set himself to deliver his Corner Slingshot Splash, however Jacqueline came to her man’s rescue and blinded Vader with a handful of powder to the eyes before the finishing move could be executed. Referee Chad Patton caught the infraction and DQ’d Mero for Jacqueline’s interference.

Backstage Segment – Mr. McMahon’s Office

In a scene reminiscent of two kids being called into the principal’s office at school, Mr. McMahon is lecturing Shawn Michaels and Hunter Hearst Helmsley of D-Generation. The Boss tells them that the Molson Centre is a powder keg that’s ready to blow, and to be on their best behavior. McMahon says that this is the first time that the WWF has been invited back since “The Incident”, and he wants things to go smoothly. “Tread lightly … Don’t do anything to rile up the fans,” he warns, “Be respectful. The past is the past. Let’s leave it there and move forward.” HBK gives the Boss the “OK” sign and says, “Sure thing, Chief ! You can count on us !” Mr. McMahon glares at them apprehensively. “I mean it, Shawn !” he growls. “Best behavior !” Helmsley chimes in. “Scout’s honor !” Michaels adds trying to reassure the Boss as the two get up and leave. “I didn’t know that you were a Boy Scout,” Helmsley says to his partner. “I wasn’t,” HBK quips.

Match 4

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The Artist Formerly Known as Goldust (w/ “A Shattered Dreams Production” Entrance & Luna Vachon) beat former adult film star Val Venis (w/ Lecherous “Hello Ladies” Drawl & Ryan Shamrock) at 5:47.

This nip and tuck contest was ultimately decided by a roll on Goldust’s Cheating Modifier and some timely interference from his ruthless valet Luna Vachon. The Big Valbowski was crotched on the top rope thanks to a shove from behind by Vachon as Venis was attempting to deliver his Money Shot (Diving Splash) finisher. Ryan Shamrock immediately got into it with Luna on the floor much to the delight of the fans. In the meantime, Goldust capitalized on the moment by following up with a Superplex to put Val away for the three count.

In Ring Segment – The Homecoming

Everyone at the Molson Centre was wondering what was going on when “Oh, Canada” began to boom over the PA system. The sound of a phonograph needle scratching across a record album quickly brought an end to both the anthem and the mystery. D-Generation X’s music then hit the airwaves. “Are you ready ? Break it down !” This is not going to be good, folks. Hunter Hearst Helmsley & Shawn Michaels emerge from behind the curtain and make their way down to the ring with “The 9th Wonder of the World” Chyna. Triple H is wearing a DX T-Shirt, but HBK has on a Montreal Canadiens’ hockey jersey. The “Boos !” are deafening. We get the DX pyrotechnics and crotch chops and Michaels grabs a mic. He tries to speak but is drowned out. HBK smirks and milk’s the crowd’s hostility with a “Raise the Roof” gesture.

Jim Ross: “I can’t hear myself think, King ! This is in extreme bad taste by DX!”

Jerry Lawler: “Quiet, J.R. ! I want to hear what Shawn has to say !”

Jim Ross: “Hear what he has to say ?? You can’t hear anything !”

Michaels: “That’s alright. Get it off your chest, people. I’ve got all night.”

The camera cuts to a sign in the crowd that says “VINCE SCREWED VINCE !” followed by another sign that reads “RING THE DAMN BELL !” Another sign says “A BLACK EYE FOR VINCE AND THE WWF!”

The din finally abates somewhat.

Michaels: “Thank you for that warm reception. You know, I can’t complain, though. Montreal has always been very good to me. I’ve had many victories during my career in this city …. and ….

Jerry Lawler: “Don’t go there, Shawn ! Don’t do it ! Remember what Mr. McMahon said ! ”

Michaels: “… Dare I say … I’ve even won the World Championship here before !”

The place erupts. Debris is being tossed into the ring. Security personnel come down to ringside for everyone’s protection. Michaels calmly kicks the cups and wrappers out of the ring with his cowboy boot.

Michaels: “I really can't blame you people for being upset. I mean, I beat Bret Hart fair and square in this very ring at the Survivor Series for the title … and did you know that he didn’t even have the class to shake my hand and congratulate me ?”

Helmsley shakes his head in disappointment.

Jerry Lawler: “That’s right ! He didn’t, Shawn ! Bret’s a sore loser ! ”

Jim Ross: “Are you kidding me, King ??”

The Molson Centre crowd is seething. Debris continues to rain down on the ring.

Michaels: “You see, that’s why they call me The Heartbreak Kid, folks. What do you want from me, an apology ? Well how’s this, then. I’m sorry that Bret Hart doesn’t measure up to Shawn Michaels. I’m sorry that I had to beat your idol right before your very eyes in your very own building and send him packing with his tail between his legs.”

Crowd: “We want Bret ! We want Bret !”

Michaels: “Well, I don’t think that he can hear you all the way down there in Atlanta, but go ahead and knock yourselves out.”

The “Boos!” abruptly turn to cheers when Owen Hart emerges on the ramp with a microphone ! Helmsley has some choice words for him, but HBK intervenes.

Michaels: “Let the nugget talk, Hunter, before he goes crying to Vince in the back. What do you want to say, Little Owen ? Go ahead. Let’s hear it.”

Owen: “If I come down to that ring, Michaels, it won’t be to shake your hand, either ! On your best day and Bret’s worst, you couldn’t beat my brother !”

The fans cheer on Owen !

Michaels: “Check the record books, kid ! Not only did I beat him, but I beat with his own damn hold !”

Owen: ‘”He never submitted and you know it !”

Michaels: “Well, I was in the ring with him and I heard him quit ! And more importantly, Earl Hebner heard him quit !”

More "Boos !" from the fans.

Helmsley: “You rode on your brother’s coat tails, Owen ! He carried you ! You might have made it a while on his rep, but he’s gone now and you’re on your own and you’re nothing !”

Jim Ross: “That’s not true ! Owen’s his own man ! He can stand on his own two feet !”

As if the scene couldn’t get any worse, Vince McMahon then comes out and the “Boos !” pick up again at a fever pitch ! The Boss is livid !

Jerry Lawler: “Now what ??”

McMahon: “That’s enough, Michaels !! Take off that damn shirt !”

Apparently Vince is trying to win himself a few friends here in Montreal. HBK just ignores him.

McMahon: “I said, take it off dammit !”

Michaels takes off the Canadiens’ jersey and throws it into the crowd to reveal that he’s been wearing a Bret “The Hitman” Hart T-Shirt underneath it the whole time. HBK and Triple H are having a good laugh in the ring.

McMahon: “We’ll see if you’re still laughing, Mr. Michaels, after you face Owen Hart at WrestleMania in a Sharpshooter Match ! The first man to put their opponent in the Sharpshooter will be declared the winner !”

The fans like the announcement and cheer some more !

McMahon: “Oh, and by the way, Michaels – you and Helmsley will be facing The Undertaker and “Stone Cold” Steve Austin in tonight’s Main Event !”

The fans roar in approval ! HBK and Triple H look concerned as Owen and Mr. McMahon return to the back together.

Match 5

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“The World’s Most Dangerous Man” Ken Shamrock defeated D’Lo Brown of The Nation of Domination (w/ Controversial Chest Protector & WWF Intercontinental Champion The Rock) at 7:21.

D’Lo benefited from the Rock’s company in more ways than one. The crowd cheered (and gave Brown 75 bonus points to work with) when the Intercontinental Champ grabbed the house mic away from Lilian Garcia during the match introductions and shouted, “Finally …. The Rock has come back to Montreal !” There is no love lost between the Brahma Bull and Ken Shamrock. The two are bitter rivals and will face one another for the IC Title Match at WrestleMania. Perhaps The Rock was looking to send a message to his challenger when he snuck into the ring and caught Shamrock in a Floatover DDT while Brown distracted Referee Mike Sparks. Despite losing 100 points of damage from the maneuver, Shamrock rebounded and went on to victory when D’Lo tapped out to the Ankle Lock. It should be noted that The Rock’s attempt to break up the submission hold was thwarted by a low blow from behind courtesy of Shamrock’s little sister Ryan who had raced down to ringside.

Backstage Segment – Mr. McMahon’s Office

Stephanie McMahon is walking ! The camera follows as she approaches the door to her father’s office. She’s about to knock when she hears whispering and giggling coming from inside. Stephanie presses her ear to the door to eaves drop on the conversation. We can faintly hear a woman’s voice. Stephanie’s face looks puzzled as she tries to determine the person’s identity. Suddenly the door bursts open and we see WWF diva newcomer Trish Stratus.


She blows a kiss to Vince, then turns to leave and nearly collides with Stephanie. “What the hell is going on in here ??” Stephanie asks her father. “Nothing that concerns you,” Vince answers. “I think it does !” she responds. Stephanie then turns her attention to Trish. “And what are you up to with Test ??” she asks. Trish smiles slyly and says, “You’ll find out soon enough,” and walks away. Stephanie turns to her father again and crosses her arms with a pout. Vince merely shrugs his shoulders and denies knowing anything about it, but the guilty look upon his face suggests otherwise.

Match 6

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Tag Team Match - WWF Champion “Stone Cold” Steve Austin & “The Phenom” Undertaker over “HBK” Shawn Michaels & Hunter Hearst Helmsley of D-Generation X (w/ “The 9th Wonder of the World” Chyna) at 13:14.

DX drew serious heat during their entrance to tack on 75 points to their total, but it would not be enough to propel them to victory in tonight’s Main Event. Although they had never teamed up as partners before and are rivals in their own regard, The Undertaker and Austin worked effectively together to give Michaels and Helmsley their long overdue comeuppance. As an extra treat for the fans, Owen Hart ran down the aisle and battered Michaels around ringside after HBK had been tossed out of the ring by the Deadman. During the mayhem, the Texas Rattlesnake connected with the Stone Cold Stunner on Helmsley to decide the contest. The capacity crowd counted the 1-2-3 right along with Referee Tim White. After the bell, Austin tossed his partner a beer. For one brief moment, the two stood as allies in the ring and drank together as the program drew to an end.
Edited by GV on 06/25/2019


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Challenger Al Snow of the J.O.B. Squad vs. Champion Taka Michinoku of Kaientai


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Challenger Ivory vs. Champion Sable


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Blackjack Bradshaw vs. Blackjack Windham


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Challengers The New Age Outlaws of D-Generation X (Road Dogg Jesse James & “Badd Ass” Billy Gunn) vs. Champions The Headbangers (Mosh & Thrasher)


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Challenger D’Lo Brown of The Nation of Domination vs. Challenger X Pac of D-Generation X vs. Challenger Val Venis vs. Champion “Double J” Jeff Jarrett


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The Brothers of Destruction (“The Big Red Machine” Kane & “The Phenom” Undertaker) vs. Big Trouble (The Big Show & WWF Hardcore Champion The Big Boss Man)

????????????????????? MATCH

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Mankind vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley of D-Generation X


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Challenger “The World’s Most Dangerous Man” Ken Shamrock vs. Champion The Rock of The Nation of Domination


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Challenger “The Vampire Warrior” Gangrel of The Brood vs. Champion “Stone Cold” Steve Austin with Special Guest Referee Chainsaw Charlie


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Owen Hart vs. “The Heart Break Kid” Shawn Michaels of D-Generation X

“Fans, you may have noticed the uncertainty regarding the Mankind vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley match at WrestleMania. Mr. McMahon has informed me that he will address that situation with you directly. Stay tuned for an important announcement from the Chairman & CEO of the World Wrestling Federation.”
And now a word from Mr. McMahon:


“Although it is against my better judgement, I have decided to allow you, the fans, to choose the stipulations for the Mankind vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley match at WrestleMania. Select from those listed below and post your choice in this topic no later than July 4th at which point the votes will be tabulated. The match type receiving the most votes will be enforced. Here are the choices:

Falls Count Anywhere

First Blood



Buried Alive

Hell In A Cell

I Quit


Best 2-Out-Of-3-Falls



The winner of the match will receive a title shot against the WWF Champion at the Backlash Pay-Per-View.”

~ Vincent K. McMahon

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My vote goes to a "Falls Count Anywhere" match.

Delighted you carried this on from the old site GV. Always loved the attitude era (as many do).
Thank you kindly, Steven ! Whether you followed the WWF, WCW/nWo and/or ECW, it was a great time to be a wrestling fan !!

WWF Sunday Night Heat Results (Attitude Era Late 90's)


Marine Midland Arena, Syracuse, NY

Commentators: Jim Ross & Jerry "The King" Lawler


Ring Announcer: Kevin Kelly

Referees: Tim White, Mike Chioda, Jack Doan & Jim Korderas

Match 1

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Dick Togo of Kaientai (w/ Taka Michinoku & Manager Yamaguchi-San) defeated Gillberg of The J.O.B. Squad (w/ Al Snow & “Head”) by pinfall at 4:53.

Al Snow, who has a date with destiny when he challenges Taka Michinoku for the WWF Light Heavyweight Championship at WrestleMania, made a huge impact on this contest.


Perhaps looking to send a message to both Taka and his Kaientai stable, Al snuck into the ring and delivered his trademark series of trapping head butts to Dick Togo while Gillberg distracted Referee Tim White. Snow’s interference inflicted 100 points worth of damage to Togo. Al may have meddled in this match one time too often, though, when he tossed “Head” into the ring for Gillberg to use. Togo intercepted the loaded mannequin head and walloped his opponent with the object to score the winning pinfall.

Backstage Segment – “Falls Count Anywhere”

D-Generation X members Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Billy Gunn, X-Pac, Road Dogg and Chyna are holding a meeting backstage.


The group discuss Triple H’s upcoming match against Mankind at WrestleMania. There is a lot riding on the outcome of this contest. The winner of the bout will get a title match against the WWF Champion at the Backlash Pay-Per-View. Helmsley says that he wants everyone “strategically placed” throughout the arena during the match. Just then Michael Cole butts in for an interview. Cole wants to know DX’s opinion of StevenW’s choice of the Falls Count Anywhere stipulation and says that he believes that such a match would give Mankind the edge. Helmsley is incensed with him and yells “Nobody cares what you think about anything, Cole!” Triple H says that the Falls Count Anywhere conditions play right into DX’s hands. He even goes so far as to make StevenW an honorary member of the DX stable. He then tells Cole to hit the road and instructs Chyna to “get this clown out of here”. With that, Chyna reaches behind Cole and pulls his tighty-whities up his back and escorts him away on tippy-toes with an atomic wedgie.

Match 2

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“Lethal Weapon” Steve Blackman (w/ Duffel Bag of Weapons) over Dan “The Beast” Severn (w/ “Beauty” Terri Runnels) via DQ at 5:50.

Both of these competitors are well-versed in the martial arts and employed them throughout this bout. Blackman got an additional boost to his points total thanks to a great pre-match promo that he cut with Michael Cole backstage. Looking to offset the advantage, Terri stole some nunchucks from Blackman’s bag and snuck them into the ring to Severn. The Beast wasted no time in using them on his foe, however Referee Mike Chioda was right on top of the action and caught him in the act. Chioda immediately called for the bell and disqualified Severn.

Backstage Segment – Trish’s T & A

The WWF’s newest diva Trish Stratus revealed that she was now representing both Prince Albert and Test. She disclosed that the tag team combination would be referred to as “T & A” much to the delight of Jerry “The King” Lawler who was hitting on her throughout the segment. Trish also announced that Prince Albert would hereby be known as Albert. Stephanie McMahon suddenly burst upon the scene and immediately got into an altercation with Trish. Test quickly stepped in to separate the ladies. When confronted by Stephanie, Test acknowledged that he was dumping her because The Boss told him that he was “simply not good enough for his daughter.” Stephanie slapped him across the face and stormed off the set. Her interruption cost Albert 50 points for his upcoming match with Droz.

Match 3

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Droz beat Albert (w/ Trish Stratus) by disqualification at 3:11.

It would be an understatement to say that there is bad blood between Darren Drozdov and his former piercing and tattoo artist Albert. The two have been engaged in a feud ever since Albert turned on him during a match between Droz and Test on an edition of Smackdown! a few of weeks ago. Drozdov gained some measure of revenge by planting Albert with his New Jersey Naptime (Sitout Powerbomb ) finisher, but was cheated from the subsequent pin when Test raced into the ring to break up Referee Jack Doan’s three count. Droz had to settle for the DQ victory instead.

Backstage Segment – Mr. McMahon’s Office

Stephanie McMahon bursts into her father’s office without knocking. She’s fuming over Trish Stratus stealing Test away from her and accuses him of masterminding the whole plot. She says that she doesn’t know who she’s more upset with – him or Test. Vince denies any wrong doing. He says that like any father, he wants only the best for his daughter. Stephanie isn’t buying it and thinks there’s more to the story than he’s letting on. She tells him to stay out of her life and let her make her own choices. Stephanie tells her dad that he’ll be sorry if she finds out he’s involved and slams the door on the way out.

Match 4

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The Godfather (w/ “Ho” Train) over Chainz of the Disciples of the Apocalypse (w/ Skull, 8-Ball & Manager “Precious” Paul Ellering) by Count Out at 5:34.

Prior to the bell, the Godfather offered the services of one of his, shall we say, “Ladies of the Evening” to Chainz if he agreed to forfeit the match. Chainz (aka Brian Lee) declined the offer and probably wished that he hadn’t. Nothing went right for the Disciples of the Apocalypse member this evening. First of all, Blackjack Bradshaw, who isn’t even on tonight’s card, interrupted D.O.A.‘s backstage interview with Michael Cole to cost Chainz 50 points before the match even started. Things didn’t get any better once the contest got under way. Chainz stable mate Skull accidentally clocked him with a chair when the Godfather wisely ducked in the nick of time. That miscue cost Chainz another 100 points. Paul Ellering’s botched interference was the icing on the proverbial cake. D.O.A.’s manager errantly bashed Chainz over the back with his steel Haliburton briefcase during action on the floor to give the Pimp Daddy the Count Out victory.

In Ring Segment – “Know Your Role !”


Finally, The Rock has come back to Syracuse ! The Rock cuts a promo on his WrestleMania opponent “The World’s Most Dangerous Man” Ken Shamrock. The Rock says it doesn’t matter what your name is ! The Rock says that he’s going to walk down the People’s Ramp, get in the People’s Ring and lay the ever-loving smackdown on Shamrock’s roody-poo monkey ass ! The Rock then turns his attention to Shamrock’s sister Ryan who has been a thorn in his side. The Rock tells Ryan to know her role ! The Rock says that she belongs in the Godfather’s “Ho Train” and concludes with his trademark “If you smell ……. what The Rock …… is cookin’ !!”

Match 5

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Tag Team Match – L.O.D. 2000 (Hawk & Animal w/ Sunny) defeated Edge & Christian of The Brood (w/ “The Vampire Warrior” Gangrel and Ring of Fire Entrance) at 7:18.

The Brood got the early jump on their opponents with a sneak attack on L.O.D. during Ring Announcer Kevin Kelly’s match introductions. Sunny was able to offset the damage by stripping down to her skivvies to give Christian an eyeful (and who wouldn’t be distracted by that??). The diversion enabled L.O.D. to hit their Doomsday Device finisher (Animal Electric Chair Lift & Hawk Diving Clothesline) to put Christian away for the three count. Gangrel’s attempt to break up the pin was thwarted by “Stone Cold” Steve Austin who pulled him out of the ring by the ankle and delivered the Stone Cold Stunner on the floor. Gangrel will be challening Austin for the WWF Championship in a “Portrait on a Pole” Title Match at WrestleMania.

Backstage Segment – “In The Zone !”

Ken Shamrock was “In the Zone !” (as he calls it) and was in full “loose cannon” mode during a backstage interview with Michael Cole following The Rock’s comments regarding both he and his sister Ryan earlier in the program. “The World’s Most Dangerous Man” had that wild look in his eyes and beat his chest like King Kong while letting out a primal roar. Shamrock is an intense competitor with a trigger-hair temper that often gets him into trouble. He vowed to take the Intercontinental Title off The Rock at WrestleMania and warned the Brahma Bull that he would not be held accountable for his actions.

Match 6

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WWF Intercontinental Champion The Rock of The Nation of Domination and Vader wrestled to a No Contest in a non-title match.

Ah ! The Mr. McMahon factor strikes yet again, friends ! No one knows exactly when The Boss will assert (and insert) himself into the proceedings. Such was the case in this evening’s Main Event. Kevin Kelly had just completed the ring introductions when McMahon’s “No chance in hell” theme music began blaring and we all know what that means. Vince came out on the ramp with a mic and announced, for reasons only known to him, that he was changing the stipulations to a Hardcore Match. The grapplers had to change their respective strategies accordingly. McMahon’s intentions all went for naught when Ken Shamrock became completely unhinged and raced down to ringside in a fury. The World’s Most Dangerous Man laid out both competitors with chair shots and then inexplicably applied his Anklelock finisher to Referee Mike Chioda. The ring quickly filled with WWF officials and personnel who were finally able to subdue Shamrock and rescue the beleaguered Chioda from his grasp.
Edited by GV on 07/12/2019
WWF WrestleMania Pay-Per-View Results (Attitude Era Late 90's)


FleetCenter, Boston, MA

Commentators: Jim Ross & Jerry "The King" Lawler


Ring Announcer: Howard Finkel

Referees: Teddy Long, Tim White, Jack Doan, Chad Patton & Jim Korderas

*Opening Pyrotechnics *

Jim Ross & Jerry "The King" Lawler welcome us to WrestleMania – “The Super Bowl of Professional Wrestling” featuring no less than six championship matches ! Let’s get to it !

Backstage Segment – “Watch Where You’re Going !”

We see Blackjack Windham psyching himself up for his Texas Death Match against Blackjack Bradshaw which will take place later in the program. There is a lot riding on the outcome of the bout given the “Loser Leaves Town” stipulations that were added by Mr. McMahon. In the meantime, Al Snow is getting some last minute advice from “Head” regarding his Light Heavyweight Title Match against Champion Taka Michinoku. Snow is listening so intently to the mannequin head that he inadvertently bumps into Windham. The ornery Texan takes exception to the jolt and gives Snow a shove. A scuffle ensues between the two and spills over onto a set in which Michael Cole is attempting to interview Michinoku. Order is finally restored, however Taka will lose 50 points for the disrupted promo.

Match 1

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WWF Light Heavyweight Championship Match – Challenger Al Snow of The J.O.B. Squad (w/ “Head”) vs. Champion
Taka Michinoku of Kaientai (w/ Sho Funaki & Manager Yamaguchi-San)

A fortuitous roll of “Technical” on his match modifier allowed Michinoku to add 50 points to his score and completely offset the damage done by the ruined interview. The backstage encounter with Blackjack Windham had a much more detrimental impact on Al Snow. The leader of The J.O.B. Squad was setting himself to deliver a Moonsault when Windham raced down to ringside and shook the top rope. Snow last his balance and crashed awkwardly to the canvas allowing Michinoku to score the pinfall. Your winner at 5:14 and still WWF Light Heavyweight Champion – Taka Michinoku !

Backstage Segment – “Pay Me, You Dead Beat !”

Sable has been less-than focused on the task of defending her Ladies Championship. She revealed in a backstage interview with Kevin Kelly that her divorce from “Marvelous” Marc Mero has been contentious at best. Although the judge ordered Mero to begin making alimony payments, she has yet to receive “one dime” ! Rather than use the TV time to address her upcoming title match against Ivory, she chose instead to lambaste her ex-husband and let the world know just what kind of a “cheap, inconsiderate lowlife” he really is.

Match 2

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WWF Ladies Championship Match – Challenger Ivory vs. Champion Sable

The crowd sympathized with Sable’s pre-match remarks and rewarded her with 100 points for her title defense. The bonus clearly made her the favorite to take the match. Things were looking very good indeed for the champion when she delivered her Sable Bomb (Release Powerbomb ) finisher to Ivory, however Referee Tim White had been toppled to the mat moments earlier and was unable to count the pin. In the meantime, dastardly Marc Mero snuck into the ring and gave his ex the TKO (Fireman’s Carry Cutter) and then proceeded to drag Ivory on top of her. Oblivious to the treachery, White recovered and crawled over to count the 1-2-3. Your winner at 6:57 and new WWF Ladies Champion – Ivory !

Backstage Segment – “Where’s the Gold ??”

Decked out in their Marilyn Manson shirts and carrying a boom box blaring grunge tunes, the Tag Team Champion Headbangers cut a promo with Kevin Kelly that went over huge with the fans. The camera then cut away to Michael Cole who was interviewing the New Age Outlaws on another set. Cole, who is frequently bullied by D-Generation and forced to endure their harassment, got a little retribution by noting that for all of their bragging, no members of the group actually have any championship belts to show for their big talk. As one might expect, the Outlaws did not take kindly to the remark and vowed to bring home the gold in tonight’s Tag Team Championship Match.

Match 3

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“Loser Leaves Town” Texas Death Match – Blackjack Bradshaw vs. Blackjack Windham

There are no DQ’s, Count Outs, Submissions or Time Limit. The match is won when one of the competitors is pinned and is then unable to get to their feet before the referee’s count of 10 which begins immediately after the pinfall. The loser of the match must leave the WWF.

Jim Ross may have described it best when he labeled this bout a “slobberknocker !” Wrestling holds and counter-holds were virtually non-existent. This was a bar room brawl from start to finish with several objects coming into play during the action. Both men took full advantage of the “No DQ” conditions and took turns trying to choke one another out with a bull rope that Bradshaw had brought with him to the ring. When that didn’t work, they bashed each other with a cow bell that was attached to the rope. Windham went so far as to take off his cowboy boot and clobber his foe in the forehead with it. Oddly enough, Al Snow played a significant role in the final outcome of the contest. Looking for a little payback from Windham’s interference in tonight’s opening match, Snow tossed “Head” into the ring for Blackjack Bradshaw to use. Bradshaw immediately landed a low blow on his adversary with the loaded mannequin head. Blackjack Windham collapsed to the mat and was pinned thereby precipitating the commencement of Referee Jack Doan’s ten count. Windham gamely tried to get back to his feet but was unsuccessful. After the bell, Snow led the crowd in a sing-a-long serenade of “Na Na Hey Hey” for Windham who now has to leave the WWF. The banished Blackjack flipped the bird to the fans as he made his exit.
Your winner at 10:51 – Blackjack Bradshaw !

Backstage Segment – “A Blackjack No More”

Kevin Kelly congratulated Blackjack Bradshaw on his victory only to be corrected by the big Texan. “With this win, I’m putting the New Blackjacks out to pasture for once and for all. It’s done and over with. Just call me Bradshaw from now on.” Kelly then asked him if he would become a singles wrestler going forward. “I guess so,” Bradshaw responded, “But I wouldn’t mind teaming up again if the right partner came along.” Former Nation of Domination leader Faarooq could be seen in the background listening to the interview intently.

Match 4

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WWF Tag Team Championship Match – Challengers The New Age Outlaws of D-Generation X (Road Dogg Jesse James & “Badd Ass” Billy Gunn w/ “The 9th Wonder of the World” Chyna) vs. the Champion Headbangers (Mosh & Thrasher)

The Headbangers title defense could not have gotten off to a better start. Their promo earlier in the show, along with Cole’s DX snub in the Outlaw’s interview, gave Mosh & Thrasher 125 extra points to work with. The champs added an additional 115 points for a roll on their Tag Team Bonus Match Modifier. Sensing trouble, Chyna immediately interjected herself into the proceedings once the action got under way. A chair shot meant for Thrasher ended up laying out Billy Gunn instead, however, when the Headbanger ducked at the last instant. Road Dogg saved the day by breaking up the subsequent pin attempt, but Chyna’s miscue still cost the Outlaws 100 points. Looking to atone for her blunder, The 9th Wonder of the World interfered once more by tossing one of the tag team championship belts into the ring to Road Dogg. Chyna then distracted Referee Chad Patton allowing the Dogg to bash Mosh in the head with the belt. Patton finally turned around to find Road Dogg making the cover on the KO’d Headbanger and counted the pin. Your winner at 8:05 and new WWF Tag Team Champions - The New Age Outlaws !

Backstage Segment – “The Bigger The Better”

Big Trouble (The Big Boss Man & The Big Show) were being interviewed by Kevin Kelly regarding their match later this evening against The Brothers of Destruction (Kane & The Undertaker) when they were abruptly interrupted by D’Lo Brown of The Nation of Domination. Brown, who is one of the challengers for the Four Corners European Championship Match coming up next, made some disparaging comments about the Big Show’s monicker and insisted that the only true “Big Show” in the WWF was his stablemate Mark Henry who is known as “The Strongest Man in the World”. Big Show just laughed and insisted that he was bigger than Henry “where it counts”. D’Lo was about to comment when he heard Ring Announcer Howard Finkel beginning to make the introductions for the Four Corners Match and headed for ringside.

Match 5

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Four Corners WWF European Championship Match – Challenger D’Lo Brown of The Nation of Domination vs. Challenger X-Pac of D-Generation X vs. Challenger Val Venis (w/ Valet Ryan Shamrock) vs Champion Jeff Jarrett

A Four Corners Match is an elimination match that begins with two men in the ring and two men on the outside of the ring. The two on the outside can only enter when they are tagged in. Despite there being four competitors, there are only two in the ring at any given time. Participants can be eliminated by pinfall, submission, DQ or count out. The remaining man left is the winner. The match never reached that point. Big Trouble stormed the ring and attacked D’Lo Brown before any of the competitors had even been eliminated. Brown was stunned by a smash with the Big Boss Man’s nightstick and stumbled right into a Chokeslam from the Big Show. At this point, X-Pac, Venis and Jarrett all attacked Big Trouble and eventually ran them off. Referee Jim Korderas officially declared the bout a No Contest at 13:38. Jeff Jarrett retains the WWF European Title. It should be noted that D’Lo Brown had received 100 bonus points for disrupting Big Trouble’s promo, but he paid for it dearly. Brown had to be assisted to the back for medical attention following damage sustained from The Big Boss Man and The Big Show’s ambush.

Backstage Segment – “Lo Down & Out”

We see D’Lo Brown being attended to by the ringside physician. It is obvious that Brown is in a great deal of pain and distress. Nation of Domination stablemates The Rock and Mark Henry are by his side to lend support. After a preliminary examination, the doctor orders that Brown be transported to a nearby hospital for precautionary x-rays. After he is carted off by EMTs on a gurney, Mark Henry pushes the cameraman aside and heads toward ringside with conviction.

Match 6

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Texas Tornado Steel Cage Tag Team Match – The Brothers of Destruction (“The Big Red Machine” Kane & “The Phenom” Undertaker w/ Paul Bearer) vs. Big Trouble (WWF Hardcore Champion The Big Boss Man & The Big Show)

In a Texas Tornado Tag Match, all four men are in the ring at the same time. The contest is won by pinfall or submission - not by escaping the cage. Already hated for being Mr. McMahon’s corporate henchmen, Big Trouble drew more heat than usual from the crowd during their entrance due to their assault on D’Lo Brown moments ago. The rowdy reception added 125 points to their total and made them slight favorites to win this match. It was not to be. In a feat of amazing strength, an irate Mark Henry literally ripped the cage door off it’s hinges, entered the ring and attacked both The Big Boss Man and The Big Show. The Rock then raced in to help lay the smackdown on Big Trouble. McMahon’s henchmen were able to escape the cage and beat a hasty retreat to the back. As with the previous bout, Referee Teddy Long declared the match a No Contest at 11:49 due to the outside interference.

Backstage Segment – “… One Giant Leap for Mankind”

Kevin Kelly interviews Mankind about his upcoming Falls Count Anywhere Match against Triple H. Mankind says this kind of contest is “right in his wheelhouse” and proceeds to whack himself a couple of times in the head with a cookie sheet. He looks at the dented and twisted pan and gives the camera a toothless smile. He then calls himself “a lovable hardcore muppet” and closes the segment by telling Kelly to “Have a nice day !” before heading to the ring.

Match 7

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Falls Count Anywhere Match – Mankind vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley of D-Generation X (w/ “The 9th Wonder of the World” Chyna)

The stipulations of this bout were chosen by our TableTop Sports colleague StevenW, and the winner will receive a Championship Match against the WWF Champion at the Backlash Pay-Per-View. As the name of the contest implies, a pinfall or submission can occur anywhere inside or outside of the building. There are no DQs or Time Limit, and obviously no Count Outs. Both participants are awarded bonus points for their respective Object Modifiers. In this regard, Mankind holds a 75 to 25 edge on Triple H. Mankind was also rewarded an additional 75 points for his pre-match promo. Referee Tim White was assigned the unenviable task of having to officiate this contest and keep up with the action no matter where the battle may lead to. Helmsley’s strategy was to have fellow D-Generation members “strategically placed” throughout the venue. His plan paid immediate dividends when he lured his adversary backstage. Chyna jumped Mankind from behind, pulled him into the Ladies’ Locker Room and ran him head first into a vanity mirror. Mankind staggered out a side door and into the parking garage where X-Pac was lying in wait. He managed to bash Mankind over the head with a giant orange traffic cone before being body slammed onto the hood of Pat Patterson’s Lincoln Town Car. Road Dogg and Billy Gunn then emerged from a WWF production crew truck. The Dogg clobbered Mankind with a TV monitor while Billy hit him with a flood lamp. Triple H made a cover, but Referee Tim White was late in arriving to count the pin. By the time he got there, Mankind was able to kick out. Helmsley finally got his comeuppance once the skirmish entered the boiler room. Mankind opened a valve and blinded Helmsley with hot steam followed by a monkey wrench smash and a Double Armed DDT onto the concrete floor. Once again, White was late in arriving, allowing Triple H to kick out of the subsequent pin attempt. Having endured a tremendous amount of punishment, both men were ripe for the pickins’ as the battle raged backstage. And here is where things take a most bizarre turn. As fate would have it, Mankind seemed to stumble just at the moment when HBK Shawn Michaels was about to clock him with a 2 x 4. The blow ended up striking Helmsley instead. Mankind tossed HBK through a sheet of plywood that was resting atop a couple of saw horses and then made the cover on the KO’d Helmsley. For once, Tim White was in position and counted the pin. Your winner at 21:55 – Mankind !

Backstage Segment – “Guard Dogg”

Michael Cole is anxious to get Hunter Hearst Helmsley’s reaction to the outcome of the Falls Count Anywhere Match with Mankind. When he arrives at D-Generation X’s locker room, he finds Road Dogg standing guard outside. We can hear Shawn Michaels and Triple H shouting at one another from behind the door. Even the normally quiet and stone-faced Chyna is hollaring. Cole wants to know what’s going on in there. The Dogg said that DX is “tending to business” and leaves it at that. Cole presses him for more information and adds that “The fans have a right to know !” Road Dogg says it’s strictly on a “need to know basis and that Mr. & Mrs. John Q. Public don’t need to know !” The Dogg then brings his tag team championship belt to Cole's attention and ends the segment with a crotch chop.

Match 8

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WWF Intercontinental Championship Match – Challenger “The Most Dangerous Man in the World” Ken Shamrock (w/ Kendo Stick & Ryan Shamrock) vs. Champion The Rock of The Nation of Domination (w/ “The World’s Strongest Man” Mark Henry)

A wild-eyed Ken Shamrock let the fans know that he was ready for this match by mounting a turnbuckle, pounding on his chest and roaring during Howard Finkel’s introductions. The crowd responded by rewarded the challenger with 50 bonus points. The Rock earned 25 points of his own by rolling on his Technical modifier, but it would be Shamrock who would dominate the bulk of the contest with his scientific prowess. It therefore seemed only fitting and proper that he would win the Intercontinental Title with his Ankle Lock finisher, but his kid sister Ryan had other ideas. Ryan inexplicably entered the ring and bashed Ken from behind with his own Kendo Stick to break up the submission hold prompting Referee Jack Doan to immediately call for the bell. It is hard to fathom Ryan’s actions, given that she has been a constant nuisance to The Rock over the past several weeks. “She’s as fickle as they come !” Jerry “The King” Lawler observed. It’s no secret that Ken Shamrock does not approve of his sister being the valet of former adult film star Val Venis whom he calls “That porno punk!” Jim Ross reiterated to the fans that the Shamrock family is one of the most dysfunctional and unpredictable in wrestling with brother and sister turning on one another at the drop of a hat. It came to no one’s surprise to see Ken chase his sister to the back with the Kendo Stick. Your winner by DQ – Ken Shamrock with The Rock retaining the Intercontinental Championship.

“The Portrait” Rewind Segment

As a lead-in to the WWF Championship Match, we’re shown the history of Mr. McMahon’s now infamous portrait:


We begin with its destruction during a Falls Count Anywhere Match between Blackjack Bradshaw and Blackjack Windham on Smackdown. Next, we see “Stone Cold” Steve Austin hijacking McMahon’s portrait and replacing it with one of his own:


Followed by the Boss declaring that the WWF Championship Match between Gangrel and Austin would be a “Portrait on a Pole” Match in which the winner (and champion) would be the first competitor to retrieve his portrait from atop a pole in one of the corners of the ring. McMahon knows full well that Austin has knee problems and is banking on Gangrel having the edge when it comes to climbing up the turnbuckle to claim the portrait and win both the match and the title. What the Boss didn’t bank on, however, was Chainsaw Charlie being the Special Guest Referee. The segment concludes with footage of Charlie defeating Edge on an edition of Shotgun Saturday Night to earn that distinction.

Match 9

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“Portrait on a Pole” WWF Championship Match – Challenger “The Vampire Warrior” Gangrel of The Brood (w/ Edge & Christian) vs. Champion “Stone Cold” Steve Austin

Special Guest Referee - Chainsaw Charlie


With climbing being required in the contest, Ladder Modifiers are in play for both competitors. As Mr. McMahon planned and anticipated, Gangrel holds a 75 point edge here due to Austin’s bad knees. The Texas Rattlesnake more than made up for the deficit, though, by attacking before the opening bell and inflicting 100 points worth of damage to his challenger. It did not take long for the Chainsaw Charlie Factor to kick in and impact the match. Charlie, who is no stranger to breaking the rules himself, did not admonish Austin for the sneak attack. The Vampire Warrior was at odds with the Guest Referee right from the get-go and constantly bickered with Charlie that he was being slighted in the officiating. His point was emphasized when Charlie ordered both Edge and Christian to return to the back despite the fact that both members of The Brood were, for the most part, behaving themselves on the outside of the ring. The Vampire Warrior’s complaining was, perhaps, most justified at the conclusion of the match as both men climbed the turnbuckle to fetch the portrait. Gangrel climbed from the outside and made it to the top first. As he was reaching for the portrait, he was met by a low blow from Austin who was perched on the second rope inside the ring. Once again, Charlie ignored the infraction. Things went from bad to worse for the challenger when Gangrel fell off the turnbuckle and crotched himself on the top rope before finally crumbling to the canvas. The Rattlesnake labored to reach the top, but managed to yank the portrait off the pole just as Gangrel was stumbling back to his feet. Your winner at 12:26 and still WWF Champion – “Stone Cold” Steve Austin !

In Ring Segment – “To The Victor Go The Spoils”

Austin was celebrating his successful title defense in the ring in his traditional fashion by gulping down a can of beer when “No chance in hell” theme music brought out a rather subdued Mr. McMahon. The Boss made his way down the aisle and into the ring with a mic. He said that he was a big enough man to congratulate Austin on his win and shook his hand. McMahon then asked the Rattlesnake if he was a big enough man to return his portrait to him. “Gladly!” Austin responded and smashed the portrait over McMahon’s head as the fans roared in approval. They cheered even louder when the Boss staggered right into a Stone Cold Stunner and was laid out flat on his back in the ring.

Match 10

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Sharpshooter Match – Owen Hart vs. “The Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels of D-Generation X (w/ Hunter Hearst Helmsley & “The 9th Wonder of the World” Chyna)

The first competitor to get their opponent in the Sharpshooter will be declared the winner. After the blowup in D-Generation X’s locker room following Helmsley’s loss to Mankind in the Falls Count Anywhere Match earlier in the program, everyone was wondering if Triple H would be in HBK’s corner for the Main Event. That question was answered when Helmsley, sporting a large bandage on his forehead, accompanied Michaels to the ring along with Chyna. It appeared that whatever rift there was in the DX camp had been mended as both Triple H and Chyna interfered constantly on Michaels’ behalf in the early going to cost Hart 100 points. HBK also helped his own cause by adding another 25 points by rolling on his Speed Modifier. Despite being a heavy favorite to take the match, Michaels, try as he may, could not get Owen into the Sharpshooter. As the match wore on, the effects of Helmsley’s injuries from his bout with Mankind seemed to be taking a toll on him. Triple H appeared to be woozy and disoriented outside the ring, prompting Chyna to check on him often. Undeterred by his condition, Helmsley interfered once more by reaching into the ring to trip Hart, but ended up inadvertently (?) tripping Michaels instead. HBK stumbled forward right into a rollup that Owen transitioned into the Sharpshooter. Your winner at 16:46 – Owen Hart ! Michaels sat up on his knees and looked over his shoulder at Triple H who was being helped to the back by Chyna. A camera angle detected a slight smile on Helmsley’s face. The program ended with Hart taking the house mic from Howard Finkel and shouting, “That was for you, Bret !” as the fans cheered.
WWF Monday Night RAW Results (Attitude Era Late 90's)


Kohl Center Arena, Madison, WI

Commentators: Jim Ross & Jerry "The King" Lawler


Ring Announcer: Lilian Garcia

Referees: Jack Doan, Earl Hebner, Teddy Long & Tim White

Jim Ross and Jerry “The King” Lawler welcome us to the telecast and beam over the spectacle that was WrestleMania. They recap the results of the matches with an emphasis on the title changes in particular. They finally address what Ross refers to as the “elephant in the room” and speculate on the apparent internal friction within the ranks of D-Generation X.

Jim Ross: “King, everyone wants to know what’s going on with D-Generation X!"

Lawler: “I want to know, too, J. R.!”

Jim Ross: “Mum’s the word thus far in the DX camp, fans. We were hoping to get some answers tonight on RAW, but we’re told that no one from D-Generation X is here!"

Lawler and Ross discuss the alleged riff that developed at WrestleMania between Shawn Michaels and Hunter Hearst Helmsley after both men seemingly cost each other their respective matches on the card.

Jim Ross: “Business has just picked up for DX!”

Match 1

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WWF Hardcore Title Match – Champion Big Boss Man defeated Challenger Bob “Hardcore” Holly (w/ Crash Holly & Molly Holly) by pinfall to retain the belt.

In Hardcore matches, Object Modifiers come into play and The Boss Man held a slight 25 point advantage over Holly in that regard. The champion further boosted his cause by jumping Holly from behind with a sneak attack during Lilian Garcia’s match introductions and inflicting 100 points worth of damage to the challenger. Holly had his moments, but a crowbar shot to the noggin from the former prison guard put the challenger down for the three count at 7:13.

WrestleMania Rewind

Michael Cole narrates a montage of brief highlight clips from the WrestleMania extravaganza. We’re shown -“Marvelous” Marc Mero giving his ex-wife Sable the TKO, followed by Ivory pinning her to become the Ladies Champion …. Blackjack Bradshaw defeating Blackjack Windham in the “Loser Leaves Town” Texas Death Match with Windham flipping off the fans as he departs the ring and the WWF …. The New Age Outlaws winning the tag team titles from the Headbangers … Big Trouble spoiling the Four Corners European Title Match by ambushing D’Lo Brown … Ryan Shamrock turning on her brother Ken in the Intercontinental Title Championship match against The Rock … Mark Henry ripping the door off the steel cage in Big Trouble’s Texas Tornado Tag Team Match against The Brothers of Destruction and The Nation of Domination attacking the Big Show and Big Boss Man …. Shawn Michael’s errant (?) 2x4 smash on Hunter Hearst Helmsley enabling Mankind to win his Falls Count Anywhere Match against Triple H … “Stone Cold” Steve Austin retrieving Mr. McMahon’s portrait to retain the WWF Championship against Gangrel in the Portrait on a Pole Title Match followed by the Texas Rattlesnake smashing it over McMahon’s head and then giving him a Stone Cold Stunner … And finally Triple H accidentally (?) tripping up Shawn Michaels with Owen Hart applying the Sharpshooter to win the Main Event. The segment concludes with Helmsley’s mischievous grin and a plug from Coliseum Home Video to purchase the WrestleMania VHS/DVD .

Match 2

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Christian of The Brood (w/ Edge & “The Vampire Warrior” Gangrel) pinned Scotty 2 Hotty of Too Cool (w/ Grandmaster Sexay) at 8:32.

Christian had to overcome a 200 point deficit after Grandmaster Sexay clobbered him in the forehead with Gangrel’s goblet, but got some timely interference from his Brood stablemate Edge to carry him to victory. When Scotty motioned to the fans that it was time for The Worm (his Chop Drop finisher), Edge reached into the ring and tripped him up. Christian then put Scotty away with his Impaler (Inverted Double Underhook Facebuster) to score the pinfall.

Backstage Segment – Triple H in the House !

A camera catches Hunter Hearst Helmsley and Chyna arriving at the arena. Michael Cole suddenly rushes into the shot and is trying to keep pace with them. Cole is bombarding them with a barrage of questions regarding DX, Shawn Michaels and WrestleMania. Helmsley just ignores him. When Cole persists, Chyna gives him a stiff shove and Cole goes flying like a rag doll. Helmsley and Chyna keep on walking.

Match 3

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Tag Team Match – T & A (Test & Albert w/ Trish Stratus) over Droz (Darren Drozdov) & “Lethal Weapon” Steve Blackman at 8:14.

T & A is a new tag team combination that was formed by Trish Status and they showed their inexperience in their debut tonight. Test and Albert seemed out of kilter and struggled to gel as a cohesive unit. Things looked grim for T & A when Test accidentally flattened his partner with a Running Big Boot to the mush after Drozdov side-stepped his charge, however Trish bailed her team out by spraying Droz in the eyes with mace before he could cover Albert for a pin attempt. Test was able to catch the blinded Drozdov in a School Boy Roll Up to score the winning pinfall. After the bell, Stephanie McMahon raced down to ringside to alert Referee Teddy Long of Trish’s actions. Oblivious to the mischief, the official had no choice but to stand behind his decision.

Announcers’ Table Segment – Developing News

Jim Ross and Jerry “The King” Lawler inform us that Triple H will address the Degeneration-X situation later this evening. They speculate on what he will disclose when the USA Network suddenly begins to experience technical difficulties with their signal. The reception becomes snowy with static, and we see a series of images pop up ….









USA Network quickly cuts away to a commercial

Match 4

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Dan “The Beast” Severn (w/ “Beauty” Terri Runnels) over Vader (w/ Bradshaw) via pinfall at 6:22.

Severn is “all business” both in and out of the ring. The former UFC fighter cut a no-nonsense backstage interview with Michael Cole prior to this contest to add 100 points to his score. The bonus, however, was completely negated by Bradshaw when the big Texan clocked The Beast with his cowbell during the match. All heck broke loose when Tennessee Lee and his tag team of Southern Justice (Dennis Knight & Mark Canterbury) came down to ringside. Lee, who apparently was in negotiations with Barry Windham to have the former Blackjack join his stable, saw his plans go up in smoke when Windham lost his “Loser Leaves Town” Texas Death Match against Bradshaw at WrestleMania. No doubt harboring a grudge for Windham’s untimely departure, Lee ordered his henchmen to attack Bradshaw at ringside. While Referee Tim White was busy trying to restore order, Lee slipped Severn some brass knucks. The Beast immediately laid out Vader with a loaded punch to the jaw. White finally turned his attention back to the match and counted the pin when he found Severn making a cover on his KO’d opponent. Canterbury and Knight continued to put a double-team beat down on Bradshaw until Faarooq raced in from the back to clean house and run off the heels. Ross and Lawler then pondered whether or not Lee was courting Severn to join his stable.

Backstage Segment – “Unhappily Ever After”

“Marvelous” Marc Mero is formulating yet another scheme against his ex-wife Sable. His valet Jacqueline has a disgusted look on her face. She crosses her arms and rolls her eyes at him. “Haven’t you done enough ??” she asks, “You cost her the Ladies Championship, you divorced her, you don’t pay her alimony … what more do you want ??” Mero now turns his wrath on his valet. “Why should I pay her alimony ??” he barks, “She makes more money than I do ! Are you kidding me ? Sable made a fortune on that issue of Playboy Magazine ! She should be paying me alimony ! No, this ain’t over yet, Sweetheart … not by a long shot !” Jacqueline shakes her head and adds, “Yeah, well, I don’t want anything to do with it.” Mero just smiles at her. “You won’t have to ! You’re fired !” Jacqueline looks genuinely stunned. “Excuse me ??” she says. Mero points to the door. “I said that your services are no longer required, Baby, now beat it … and don’t let the door hit you on the way out !” Jacqueline storms out and slams the door behind her.

Match 5

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“Marvelous” Marc Mero (without Jacqueline) pinned Faarooq at 6:34.

Former Nation of Domination leader Faarooq made a big entrance and was well received by the Madison crowd to add 125 points to his total. The veteran from Warner Robins, GA also added another 25 points for a fortuitous roll on his Savvy Modifier. Mero, on the other hand, received 25 points for his Speed Modifier and was clearly the underdog going into the contest. A distraction by Sable didn’t help matters any. Mero’s ex-wife appeared on the Titantron Screen with her attorney during the action to inform him that a judge had granted her a restraining order against him. Faaroooq capitalized on the moment by rolling up the preoccupied Mero from behind for a pin attempt, but Referee Jack Doan, who had been toppled to the canvas moments earlier, was unable to make the count. WWF Ladies Champion Ivory then shocked everyone by racing into the ring and bashing Faarooq in the head with her title belt. Doan shook out the cobwebs and counted the pin to give Marvelous Marc the victory. After the bell, Mero put the boots to Faarooq until Bradshaw ran in and leveled him with The Clothesline From Hell.

Backstage Segment – “Pimpin’ Ain’t Easy !”

A comical situation ensued when The Artist Formerly Known As Goldust, in full drag with his long blonde wig, was admiring himself in a mirror. The Godfather approached from behind and mistook him for one of his “Ho’s”. “Let’s go, girl ! We’re on in a couple of minutes !” Goldust slowly turned around and hissed at him causing the Pimp Daddy to drop his cane and shudder. The Godfather shook his head and mumbled to himself, “That dude needs some serious help.” He then turned to the camera, shrugged his shoulders and added, “Pimpin’ ain’t easy.”

Match 6

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The Artist Formerly Known As Goldust (w/ Luna Vachon) defeated The Godfather (w/ “Ho” Train) by pinfall at 6:06.

The Godfather and his entourage of “Ho’s” continued to have fun with Goldust by dancing to Aerosmith’s “Dude Looks Like A Lady” after Lilian Garcia’s match introductions. Goldust was seething, but the fans were into it and rewarded the Pimp Daddy with a bonus of 100 points for the bout. Goldust would ultimately have the last laugh, however, thanks in large part to interference from his valet Luna Vachon. Luna pulled the Godfather’s foot out from under him as he was attempting to suplex Goldust back into the ring from the apron. Goldust landed on top of the Pimp Daddy and grabbed a handful of tights for good measure to secure the pin.

Backstage Segment – “You Better Recognize !”

Michael Cole interviews D’Lo Brown and Mark Henry of the Nation of Domination regarding their melee with Big Trouble (The Big Boss Man & The Big Show) at WrestleMania. D’Lo discloses that he’ll be out of action for a couple of weeks due to injuries sustained during the conflict. We can see that his ribs are taped up and that he is clearly hurting. Nevertheless, he vows to return once the doctors clear him to wrestle again and adds that he and The Nation will have their revenge. “It all begins tonight, Big Show,” Brown warns, “ … And you better recognize !”

Match 7

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“The Strongest Man In The World” Mark Henry of The Nation of Domination (w/ D’Lo Brown) beat the Big Show of Big Trouble (w/ The Big Boss Man) via DQ at 9:39.

The Nation of Domination enlisted their strongman to exact some revenge on Big Trouble as retribution for their mauling of D’Lo Brown at WrestleMania. The crowd was also looking forward to seeing the Big Show get his comeuppance for his part in the assault and cheered when “We are the Nation of Domination !” boomed over the PA system to announce Henry’s ring entrance. The rabid fan reception added 125 points to The World’s Strongest Man’s score. Henry looked like he had this one in the bag after he flattened his foe with a Running Splash, but the Big Boss Man ran in to break up the subsequent pin attempt and drew the DQ on the Big Show.

In Ring Segment – “Break It Down!”

D-Generation X theme music brings the fans to their feet and Hunter Hearst Helmsley down to the ring in street clothes along with Chyna. After some pyrotechnics and crotch chops, Triple H grabs a mic and away we go –


Helmsley: “Wait for it ……. Wait for it ……… Let’s get ready to ……

Crowd: “Suck it !”

Helmsley: “You know, people keep asking me what went down between Shawn and I at WrestleMania. Well, let me drop some knowledge on you …. DX had a plan going into my Falls Count Anywhere match with Mankind …. Everyone had a role to play ….. Chyna did her job …. X-Pac did his job …. Billy and the Dogg did their jobs …. and Shawn …. Well …. Shawn, you dropped the ball, buddy. You hit me upside the head with a 2x4 …. And the question is …. why ? Was it an accident ? Maybe …. But, I got to thinking to myself …. Shawn Michaels doesn’t make careless mistakes like that …. He’s The Showstopper …. The Icon …. The Main Event ….. Mr. WrestleMania himself ! So again, the question is why ? What would he have to gain by my losing the match ? And then it came to me …. had I won that match, I would get a title shot against Austin at Backlash …. And Shawn, you and I both know that I’m good enough to beat Austin …. And become the World Champion …. And that, plain and simple, is something that Shawn Michaels cannot live with … Maybe we need to add “Mr. Ego” to your long list of nicknames, Shawn ? Sooner or later I’m gonna to get my title shot and I will become the WWF Champion ….and whether you like it or not, you’re going to have deal with it.”

DX music plays again and Helmsley exits the ring with Chyna.

Ross: “Triple H just dropped a bombshell on us all, King !

Lawler: “Wow, J.R. ! Are we looking at the end of D-Generation X ? I mean, where do they go from here ? Well, we know who’s side Chyna is on, but what about the rest of them ? How about X-Pac ? And where do the New Age Outlaws stand ?”

Ross: “That’s a good point, King. We’ve heard Helmsley’s side of the story, but now I want to know what Shawn Michaels think about all of this. Stay tuned, fans !”
Edited by GV on 08/13/2019
Meanwhile, in WCW -



WCW Champion - Goldberg


United States Champion - Diamond Dallas Page


Tag Team Champions - The Outsiders (Scott Hall & "Big Sexy" Kevin Nash)


Television Champion - "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner


Cruiserweight Champion - Juventud Guerrera


Hardcore Champion - Bam Bam Bigelow
WCW Monday Nitro Results (Attitude Era Late 90's)


Georgia Dome, Atlanta, GA

Commentators: “The Professor” Mike Tenay, Tony Schiavone & Bobby "The Brain" Heenan


Ring Announcer: Dave Penzer

Referees: Billy Silverman, Mickie Jay, Scott Dickinson, Randy Anderson & "Shooter" Mark Curtis

Backstage Segment – “The Prodigal Son Returns”

Well, it didn’t take long for Barry Windham to find a job. The former Blackjack, who was unceremoniously ousted from the WWF after being defeated by Bradshaw in a “Loser Leaves Town” Texas Death Match at WrestleMania, has returned to WCW. Eric Bischoff opened the show with a “Welcome Home” party for Windham backstage. Barry went on a rant about his time in the WWF. He said he was embarrassed by the “New Blackjacks” gimmick and felt it was disrespectful to both his father Blackjack Mulligan and Blackjack Lanza. Barry said that he lost all respect for Vince McMahon. He then accused his fellow Texan Bradshaw of drinking McMahon’s “Corporate Kool-Aid” and “selling-out”. Bischoff, who excels at spending Ted Turner’s money, immediately informed Barry that he was doubling his WWF salary. Easy E assured Windham that his talent would be properly utilized. Hmmmm …. I wonder what Bret Hart thinks about that statement? They’re soon joined by Barry’s brother Kendall. “I told you not to go there, bro !” he laughed. “You don’t know the half of it,” Barry answered, “You wouldn’t believe all the backstage politics and back-stabbing that goes on there.“ Barry then shook Bischoff’s hand and said he was happy to be back.

Match 1

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United States Champion Diamond Dallas Page vs. “Lionheart” Chris Jericho in a non-title bout.

DDP cut a great pre-match promo with “Mean” Gene Okerlund backstage to earn himself 100 bonus points for tonight’s opening contest. Page had promised the fans that Jericho would “Feel the Bang !” and made good on his boast by putting him away with the Diamond Cutter at 3:46.

While DDP exited through the crowd, Jericho had a full-blown tantrum in the ring. He went so far as to rip Ring Announcer Dave Penzer’s tux jacket off him and tear it to shreds. When Jericho finally regained his composure, he seemed genuinely remorseful. He apologized profusely to the rattled Penzer and promised that it “would never happen again”. The two men shook hands on it. Jericho then borrowed the house mic to address the crowd. “Please forgive me, folks. That was very poor sportsmanship on my part. I don’t know what came over me,” he lamented. Jericho attributed the fit of rage to his “competitive spirit”. The fans don’t know whether to laugh, cheer or boo. Even Schiavone, Tenay and Heenan are at a loss for words. Jericho then became reflective and quietly reminisced over his young career in WCW. This guy is a piece of work. Maybe Page’s Diamond Cutter jarred a few marbles loose upstairs? Who knows? “I’m turning over a new leaf,” Jericho continued, “I’m a new man. What you people have witnessed here tonight is the dawn of The Age of Jericho. So help me, I will not lose another match in WCW. Mark my words.” Okeee …. Marbles or no marbles, that’s quite enough Jericho for one evening. Let’s move on please.

Match 2

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The Barbarian of The Faces of Fear (w/ Meng & Manager Jimmy Hart) vs. John Nord (w/ “Barely Legal” Barry Darsow)

Bischoff’s WCW roster is littered with former WWF alumni. Case in point – all of the competitors and respective corner men in this contest: The Barbarian, Meng (formerly known as “Haku”, Nord (formerly known as “The Berserker” and Darsow (formerly known as Smash from Demolition), and, of course, “The Mouth of the South” himself, Jimmy Hart. Nord cut a good promo in the ring before the opening bell to add 50 points to his total, and inflicted 100 points worth of damage with a chair shot while Darsow distracted Referee Mickie Jay, but still came up on the short in the end. The Barbarian caught Nord with his “Kick of Fear” (Big Boot) off the ropes to score the winning pinfall at 4:06.

Commercial Break

Matthew Lesko hawks his new book “Free Money for Everybody!”


The Riddler urges us to take advantage of all the government grants and programs that are out there for the taking.

Match 3

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Billy Kidman vs. Psychosis in a cruiserweight contest

Psychosis made a flashy entrance and the fans responded by rewarding him with a 150 point bonus. A negative roll on his Size Modifier further hampered Kidman’s chances. The turning point of the bout came when Kidman flipped out of a Psychosis Powerbomb attempt and planted him into the mat with a Facebuster. Kidman then went up top and finished his stunned opponent off with the Shooting Star Press at 5:56. After the bell, The Outsiders (Scott Hall & “Big Sexy” Kevin Nash) made their way to ringside. We get the Hall toothpick flick of doom and certain annihilation! Hall must own stock in a toothpick company. The n.W.o. then proceeds to lay waste to the two cruiserweights. A Nash Jackknife Powerbomb for Psychosis while Kidman sustains Hall’s Outsider’s Edge. Kidman and Psychosis are both tossed over the top rope and out of the ring. Oh, brother. Da Bad Guy has a mic now and away we go:

Hall: “Hey, yo … it’s time for a survey. How many people came here to see WCW ?”

A few cheers. A smattering of boos. Not much fan reaction at all.

Hall: “Okay, and how many people came here to see the n.W.o.?”

The crowd cheers ! Hall nods.

Hall: “That’s what I thought.”

Hall adds a new wrinkle to his schtick with his next question.

Hall: “And how people want to see the n.W.o. hold every single championship belt in this whole stinkin’ company?”

The crowd cheers louder.

Hall turns to Nash and says “Can we make that happen?”

Nash shines up his tag team championship belt with his forearm and mockingly admires his reflection in the gold. He fusses with his hair a little bit and says, “We can definitely make that happen.”

The crowd cheers again as The Outsiders leave the ring.

Match 4

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Booker T of Harlem Heat (w/ Stevie Ray) vs. Prince Iaukea

Stevie Ray disclosed to “Mean” Gene Okerlund that he was nursing an injury during an interview with Harlem Heat before the contest and said that Booker might be flying solo for a little while. Booker said that he was up for some singles competition until Stevie’s return, and punctuated his comments with his famous “Can you dig it, “Sucka!” catchphrase to earn himself 100 bonus points. Booker went on to dominate Prince Iaukea. Fans were treated to the Spinaroonie and Scissor Kick before Booker finished off his opponent with the Book End (Urinagi) to gain the pinfall at 4:11.

Match 5

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TV Title Match – Challenger Konnan of the n.W.o. (w/ Buff Bagwell & Vincent) vs. defending Champion “Big Poppa Pump” Scott Steiner

Blaring sirens brought out Steiner who then grabbed the house mic from Dave Penzer and bellowed “Holla if ya hear me!” The crowd responded with a loud pop to add 50 points to his total. Big Poppa Pump learned the hard way that whenever you face a member of the n.W.o., you had better bring back up and have eyes in the back of your head. Vincent and Bagwell interfered often to cost Steiner 100 points, but the worst was yet to come. When Konnan became trapped in the Steiner Recliner (Camel Clutch), Scott Hall raced in and bashed the Champ in the head with the TV Title while Vincent distracted Referee Mark Curtis. The official turned around to find Konnan making the cover on the KO’d Steiner and counted the pin at 5:42. Your winner and new TV Champion – Konnan !

An irate Steiner shook out the cobwebs and immediately challenged Konnan to a re-match on next week’s Nitro. Nash answered with a challenge of his own, “All those muscles could be put to better use in the n.W.o., Scottie, if you catch my drift. The fastest way to get your title back is by joining us. Think about it.”

Match 6

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Hardcore Champion Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Wrath (w/ Mortis & Manager James Vandenberg)

WWF rans will no doubt recognize Wrath as Adam Bomb. Since this is not a hardcore match, Bigelow’s title is not on the line. To add a little more intrigue to the contest, Eric Bischoff came out and announced that there would be no count outs. Both competitors are veterans of the ring wars and added 25 points to their scores by rolling on their Savvy Modifiers. Bigelow would go on to victory with his Greetings from Asbury Park finisher (Over The Shoulder Reverse Piledriver), but perhaps the bigger story was what happened after the bell. Wrath and Mortis attacked Bigelow with a double-team beat down. They were then, in turn, attacked by Raven’s Flock whose run-in ignited a wild free-for-all. Any thoughts of a possible Bigelow-Flock alliance were quickly dispelled when Raven laid Bam Bam out with his Evenflow DDT. It would appear that The Flock are more interested in making enemies in WCW rather than friends.

In Ring Segment – Nitro Girls


We’re back from commercial with the Nitro Girls wiggling and jiggling and shaking their collective booty in the ring for your viewing pleasure.

Match 7

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Tag Team Match – “Crippler” Chris Benoit & Steve “Mongo” McMichael of the Four Horsemen vs. Riggs & Saturn of The Flock (w/ Raven, Hammer, Sick Boy & Lodi)

Although the Four Horsemen are faces, they received a rather lukewarm reception from the fickle fans during their entrance which translated into a loss of 50 points. The deficit was cut in half, however, by a roll on their Savvy Modifier. The bad blood from the previous match spilled over into this one when Mortis & Wrath returned to ringside and battled with The Flock outside the ring. Referee Mickie Jay had the unenviable task of trying to singlehandedly maintain order. In the midst of the chaos, McMichael flattened Riggs with the Mongo Spike (Tombstone Piledriver). Raven immediately ran in to break up the subsequent pin but was intercepted by Benoit’s Crippler Crossface. Jay counted the 1-2-3 to give the Horsemen the victory at 8:02. After the bell, Bigelow raced down to the ring for a little of his own payback. He and Benoit combined for simultaneous Diving Head Butts from opposite corners of the ring onto the downed Raven. Saturn was finally able to pull the dazed leader of The Flock from the ring before any further damage could be inflicted.

Match 8

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“The Total Package” Lex Luger vs. “Macho Man” Randy Savage of the n.W.o. (w/ Liz & Hollywood Hogan)

Michael “Let’s Get Ready To Rumble” Buffer did the honors of announcing tonight’s Main Event. Both of these competitors are vying for a shot at Diamond Dallas Page’s United States Title. A victory this evening would catapult the winner to the number one contender’s ranking. Luger helped his own cause with a good in-ring promo to boost his total by 75 points. Savage took exception to his comments, but quickly hid behind Liz when The Total Package confronted him. Luger then caught a slap across the face from Liz for his trouble. The Total Package's chances were further assisted by ducking under a clothesline from an interfering Hollywood Hogan leaving Savage to take the full brunt of the blow instead. Despite losing 100 points for Hogan’s gaffe, Savage remained a slim favorite to take the match. Hogan redeemed himself at the finish by landing his Running Leg Drop while Liz distracted Referee Scott Dickinson. Savage then followed up with his Madness Elbow Drop from the top rope. The back-to-back double finishers were too much for Luger to overcome. Savage scoring the winning pinfall at 12:52. After the bell, Hogan and Savage continued to beat down Luger until Sting raced in with his trusty baseball bat to make the save.
Edited by GV on 08/20/2019
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