Downey Games is proud to announce the release of the 2020 Men's ratings for Player of the Game Tennis. AS in past years we have released the base set of 216 players as well as an Enhanced set with over 1900 players rated.
The Enhanced Printed Year Book is available here: Link
In Player of the Game Tennis, each player is individually rated for their service game both first serves and second serves; their complete ability when receiving (again how they handle the opponent's first serve or second serve); ability to hit game winners or game losers in some cases. Other factors, like a player's fitness, whether he is a favorite, ability to handle adversity, major and minor injuries are all included. Did we mention that all of the factors above are broken down by playing surface? All aspects of a tennis match are covered.
Player of the Game is easy to learn and easy to understand. You'll be playing in no time. Each match will unfold in front of your eyes at a brisk pace. A full match in Player of the Game tennis take no longer than 10 minutes. Most matches will be completed in 5 minutes!